Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood - Emma/AudreyOthers

Daniel pulled doused the rag with a bottle of rubbing alcohol and slowly applied it to the wound in Emma's back. "I don't understand... how did you rip the stitches again?" He gently rubbed over the re-opened wound with the cloth. Emma winced slightly as it began to sting into the small of her back. "I was trying to- ow! Softer!" She objected. Daniel reached to the table and took the stitching needle, slowly working it into the wound. "You couldn't have had Doctor Riley do this?"

"No way, this is like he second time- ah! - I've ripped them and he'd get mad if I told him." She spoke through forced winces. Daniel laughed lightly as she swore, audibly and loud. When Daniel was done, Emma let her shirt fall to her waist and she slid off the table. "Goddam-"

"Hey, watch your mouth." Daniel retorted. He heard the door click open in the hallway and footsteps come audibly towards the kitchen.

"Daniel?" Audrey's voice came urgently.

"In the kitchen!" Audrey appeared moments later, out of breath and holding a slip of paper. "Rob gave me this! He said Anthony gave it to him, but was acting really strange." Daniel took the note and opened it, reading over the contents.

"Robert is currently or has already killed the male raider. His next move is to kill the woman raider. He plans to let the entire colony know that Daniel has failed to kill Tyler and that the child brought into our gates is the monster's daughter. He's going to deceive the people into believing that Daniel has been in contact with Tyler this entire time and that he and all of his supporters have ties with the raiders. He wants everyone to be against Daniel in order to take the title of mayor for himself. He is power-hungry and wont stop until he gets what he wants. Be careful with this information. Not everyone is trustworthy."

"Son of a bi-"

Emma coughed loudly. "Quote, unquote, "Watch your language"."

"Not now, Emma!" Daniel snapped. He bolted up the stairs and came back down with a loaded pistol. "Audrey, get Henry, Rob, and O'Connor, meet me at my truck in fifteen minutes." He went towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Audrey asked quickly.

"To find Anthony!" The man stormed out of the house in search of the soldier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bull - Cell - Robert

A part of him was expecting it, but that didn't make it any less painful. He hadn't wanted to, but he screamed out in pain. He began to curse and swear, but his interrogator was quick to shut him up with a piece of cloth shoved into his mouth. Still, Bull pulled uselessly on his chains, his face going beat red. His eyes were wet with tears.

When the man pulled the cloth away, Bull wanted to yell at him. He wanted to tell this guy to fuck off, that he'd kill him someday. He would boil this man's bones, if he could. But the throbbing pain in his leg kept Bull in check, and all he could do was stare at his interrogator.

As Robert talked, it dawned on Bull that he would die here. Snot had begun to dribble from his nose and Bull sniffed roughly in an attempt to gain some dignity. He was a complete wreck. "What is beneath your feet?" asked the man. Confused, Bull furrowed his brow in response. "What is beneath your feet?!!" he repeated, yelling now. Bull could only shake his head and close his eyes.

"I don't know."
Reggie - New Orleans - Hazel

Reggie listened intently to the girl's questions. She sounded young, or at least she sounded like a woman with a strong voice. He waited patiently for her to return before he answered. "We wish to stay the night because your location is secure. Normally we would avoid staying within the city, but we've found ourselves running short on time. As you've already secured the hotel, we would kindly ask to stay under your roof."

Reggie paused, looking toward the others. "... I promise you that no harm will come to you. We're not on the run from anyone dangerous." Reggie cleared his throat. "And frankly, if we wanted to hurt you, my men could have done that already."
Lauren - Haywood/Infirmary

Her eyes slowly opened. Lauren blinked rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the light above. She felt a dull pain... somewhere on her body. She was numb and her body wouldn't quite move in the way she wanted it to. She tried to lift her head, but she was met only with a splitting headache.

"H... ello...?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Haywood - Curious...

Emma didn't reply when Katie was talking to her. Katie's face fell and she backed away. "Okay... I'll leave you alone..."
Maybe she was too upset to talk right now. Katie left the room quietly, upset at how sad and distant Emma was. Since Bull had been taken away and Lauren was sick Katie didn't really have anyone else. She had thought Emma would be the one she clung to, but now she was feeling bad.
Katie went down the stairs and out the door. No one really noticed her. Maybe she could find something to make Emma feel better.

Outside people were wandering around. No one paid any attention to Katie. Normally she would have done something about that, but she didn't like it here. It was better for her to not be noticed. If no one noticed her then no one could stop her or tell her no.
Katie wandered around a fair bit until she approached the fence. It was really high, but Katie was sure she could climb it. Except there was barbed wire at the top. Maybe she couldn't climb it after all.
On the other side of the fence was grass and trees and...
Little yellow flowers were growing just on the other side of the fence! Katie raced over and knelt in front of where a few were growing in a cluster. They were actually weeds, but Katie was too young to tell the difference. To her they were flowers. She reached her little had through the fence and stretched for the flowers. She could just barely reach them. She pressed up against the fence, putting her arm through up to her shoulder, making little grunting noises as she struggled to reach the small yellow flowers.
Jessalyn - House - Outside

Jessalyn took the gun and a cardboard box with dirty clothes went outside. Taking a deep breath, she entered the woods.
It took quite a while to find a decent place to wash. A lot of the water she came across was questionable-looking. It took her around a half hour of wandering around, but still staying close to the house, before she found a spot in the swamp that was away from the trees to prevent an ambush and had clean looking water.
Sitting on a rock, so she could move quicker then if she kneeled, Jess laid the gun beside her and started washing. She had no soap, but even just rinsing them and scrubbing would help with the smell and the stains.

She kept an ear out for any sounds but all she heard were birds. It was rather lonely and she wished Floyd was there with her. She wondered if he was still upset with her. she didn't like it, him being upset, about anything. But she also wished that he would not get upset about things so quickly. She had tried every way she could think of to say what she had to say without offending him and yet she had still done it anyway.
Hopefully one day she'd learn how to speak to him without offending. Hopefully one day they would be able to tell each other anything... and everything... And hopefully, one day, she would be able to express how she felt about him. And hopefully, maybe, just maybe, he would feel the same way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As Rob gave Audrey the note, he gave a nod and headed off. "Wait..." Rob paused for a second, there was something he told himself to do. While he pondered on what that was, he didn't realize where he was going. For a second he was going to turn around, but then he noticed the girl...Katie. She was reaching for something, flowers? Air? Freedom? Whatever it was it probably wasn't good that she was reaching outside of the gate. Rob jogged over to where she was at

"Uh..You can't do that, it's dangerous. Well, I mean....the flowers won't hurt but...well, uh...don't do that!" Rob made a small frowned as he looked down upon her. "I mean....stop" Rob tilted his head as he realized that she might take that the wrong way. "What I mean is...Umm.." He looked around quickly. "What are you trying to do?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Haywood - Rob

Katie looked up quickly at the voice. It was a man. A stranger.
She yelped and scrambled backwards. "Emma?" she called softly, fearfully. But he only asked what she was doing. She swallowed hard. If this had been the underground she would have mouthed off and stuck her tongue out at the man before running to her daddy. But this was not the underground and her daddy wasn't here.

She pointed with a shaky hand to the flowers on the other side of the fence. Well, to the weeds on the other side of the fence.
"Th-those," she said in a small voice. "I w-wanted those for Emma," she explained. "She's sad. I wanted to make her f-feel better."
She hoped she wasn't in trouble. She had no daddy to hide behind if she was.

She had no daddy...
Her daddy was gone...
And that was enough to get the tears flowing. Katie started to cry, little drops falling from her eyes as she wiped at her eyes. "I want my daddy," she cried. "I want my daddy..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rob took a step back as she called for Emma. He looked at Katie and wondered if he shouldn't of walked up to the small girl. As Katie answered why she was reaching for the flowers that rob thought were probably weeds. "Oh oka-" Rob was interrupted by Katie erupting in tears. Rob panicked a little bit, "Uh..ah...Um...Don't cry...This is bad, you shouldn't...uh.. This...is Tyler's daughter, she want's her daddy...well shit

Rob kneeled down and looked at her with a now very panicked look, "I don't know what to say...ah..." Rob looked around and sighed. "It's...okay?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 696969


Member Offline since relaunch

Jackson Cassidy (Just let me know if some group wants me)

Jackson sighed, continuing to walk through the small, burned down town he was in, looking at all the ashes that remained of the town. Black, scrounged-wooden walls stood as the only thing to . He pulled the pack up his back that he found not to long ago at a general store, the banner saying a back to school. Jackson had been wondering forever now, every last person he been finding either some bandits looking for that big hulk to join him, or just kill him, crazy asshole, or some thief looking to rob him. He killed tenfold the amount of men he did before this now, and he would need to find some more goddam baby wipes to keep gutter and his billhook clean from the amount of blood those assholes poured on him and his 'toys.'

Jack had been looking for anyone, any at least looking friendly people so he wouldn't be alone. He hated the isolation, the calm winds with the sheathe of Gutter banging against his side, and the sound of his scrunching footsteps the only noises he had been hearing for mostly when he traveled. Hell he much rather be killing Zed, or getting in a gunfight, even though he was goddam awful with a gun. At least than their was some form of communication, that they want to kill you. The Jackal stopped suddenly, narrowing his eyebrows as he heard the sound of moaning coming from the tree line. 'Guess baby wipes will come later,' He thought to himself as his hand slowly moved inside his jacket towards Gutter's hilt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bomberman101


Member Offline since relaunch

Nicolas - The Pub

Nicolas looks at Hazel, specifically her eyes,"Th-thank you..." He says in a weary, tired voice. Alfredo sounded good, but Nicolas really wanted something to drink.
Quickly he makes his way to the kitchen, only to find some men in there. He wonders who they were but decides to pay them no mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Haywood - Rob

Katie peered at the man through her tears. "Nothing is okay," she told him. "They took Bull away. Lauren is still hurt. And my daddy... I don't know what happened to him. If he didn't go away like mommy did, then why isn't he here? I want him here," she said. "I want my daddy to cuddle me and say everything is good again."
She wrapped her little arms around herself. "And now Emma is sad too. Everyone is sad or mad. I don't understand."

She looked at towards the flowers again. "I want to pick flowers for Emma, to make her happy again. I don't want everyone to keep being sad and mad."
Some guards went walking by and Katie scrambled behind Rob's leg to hide from their view. She didn't trust any person who had a gun. People with guns were bad. People with guns had taken her daddy away from her.
But she would probably need a gun if she wanted to go and find her daddy...

The guards passed by and Katie wondered absently where they got their guns from before looking back at the man. "Are you going to be mean like that other man? Because if you are I will hate you," she said, folding her arms. "But if you aren't, then I won't hate you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique - New Orleans/Near The Pub - Ben/Simon/Rudy/Nicolas

Enrique sat back away from the rest of the men carefully watching them, he kept his hands on his pistol as they watched the man across the street. Enrique stood from his seat and approached the window, he took a position against the left side of it and looked out at the guy near the hotel, he looked at his companions.

"Why not just end him now," Enrique said with no emotion in his voice, he stared out the window at the man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert - Cell - Bull

The raider's words echoed repeatedly through Robert's clouded mind. Images from the past - the past even before the outbreak. Once again the man started to play with the crowbar as he walked side to side as though he were about to say something.

"Those words are far too familiar to me. Allow me to share.." Robert started, laying his back on a nearby wall as he stared at the crowbar in his hands. He looked rather happy at this moment, as though his story brought great memories to him. "I was once a soldier in our armed forces. A general actually. About six years before the outbreak, I was sent to Afghanistan with several of my most trusted men. Within weeks of arriving, our base was ambushed and bombarded. Twenty plus men died that day, but that wasn't the worst of our situation. Both my squad and I were abducted from the base and sent into catacombs. Catacombs just like those of Tyler's. We were punished daily, pushed to our limits. They treated us like animals, attempting to get intel on the United States military force. But of course, they failed. My squad was trained by me, the best. None of them spoke. I had even lost track of how many months we lay in that underground." Suddenly, that smile had faded from his face. His facial features also turned dark, as his eyes red like blood.

"We had been held in separate cells. We didn't even know who was still breathing and who was no longer. But for some odd reason, they decided to let us regroup in a certain room. All my five brothers were tied and kneeling beside me as terrorist held us at gunpoint. They asked us questions in their language, but we failed to understand. Therefore, they got a translator. The terrorist spoke to him, then he spoke to us. First thing he asked was if we were all under the 34th unit. He was right, but none of us responded. We were all hit with the back of their rifles. Next question: Where was the 35th unit stationed? Again, nobody spoke a word. And once again, we were struck. They continued and continued to interrogate us all. But nobody spoke. Not a single word. It seemed like days, but it was mere hours this interrogation. Then one of them seemed to snap when he pulled the trigger on Alphonso. One of my brothers killed in cold blood like he was a mere manikin. The terrorist then started to fight one another - verbally of course. The translator apologized for killing our friend, but none of us cared for such apology. We were all prepared to die for our country - for our nation. The translator proceeded to tell us that that was not the way they did business. But this was not business. He said he'd allow us one more opportunity to live. That we had to answer one more question and if answered correctly, he'd let us go. I watched him go up to Charles. 'What is beneath your feet?' he questioned my brother. Charles turned to me and to the rest of us. He returned to the translator. 'I don't know' he stated. A shot then rang as the bullet pierced straight through his skull. His body fell motionless. Then the pistol reached Joshua. 'What is beneath your feet?' was the question yet again. Joshua spit in the man's face before being shot. 'Wrong answer' the translator stated. Carlos and Stanley also failed to answer the question correctly. Both died instantaneously. The gun was then in contact with my own forehead. I lay on my knees helpless. 'There is only one answer' the translator said. Then he asked me the question - 'What is beneath your feet?'. I looked to my brothers. I could see their tainted eyes flow with water towards the ponds of blood beneath them. So I returned to the translator. He pushed the gun deeper into my head. 'What is beneath your feet?!' he yelled at me. So before I let him kill me, I responded: Sacred ground, watered with the tears of blood" Robert said, leaving the wall and heading up to Bull as he dropped the crowbar and pulled out his pistol, cocking it.

"Their catacombs were then infiltrated by Marines. I was saved. But though I was not shot in the skull that day, though I was not killed by terrorist hands, I did indeed die that day. I lost all I cared about. Every single one of my brothers fell right before my eyes. All because I failed to protect them, because I was too weak to act accordingly. So now I search for a way to get stronger. A way to become powerful enough to prevent further mass murder. And it's people like you who stand in my way" he said, placing the pistol on the man's forehead. "So I shall treat you the way I was treated. Right now you understand what it means to be weak don't you? That's exactly what I felt. And you, that child, that blasted woman, Tyler, and all your raiders make me feel just like I did years ago. It is because of you that I lost all that power I had so long worked to gain."

"Beneath your feet is sacred ground, watered with the tears of blood. Remember that in the afterlife."

The echo of the ear-splitting "BANG" sprang out. Then it felt silent along with all other nuisances.

It was still bright so the broken branches were still visible. Each little leaf on the ground was a pathway to his destination. It pissed him off how easily the path was to follow, even idiots could do it. Every time he bent down to catch a closer look at the prints, his side irritated a little. Though it was a closed wound, it was still in the healing process. Every step, every physical movement would cause that wound more damage than good. It wasn't like his movements were exercises to strengthen that wound, it was merely putting it through stress.

Anyhow, it had been about five minutes since he left, merely anything and he was already near his target. He couldn't believe the reason behind the sudden departure, but he tried to hurry and make sure everything was alright. The humidity of Louisiana was terrible, it made Floyd sweat like a hog. This weather made it even worse for his condition, but he wasn't about to turn back now.

Suddenly an open range came forth, causing the path to fade. It was hard to track down anything in an open range, but he no longer needed to. He had eyes on his target and walked towards it cautiously before speaking. "What were ya thinkin?" he called out to the person before him. Jess sat on a rather large stone as she washed the clothing before her. "Why would ya come out here alone huh? Am I the only sane one around here" he asked without awaiting a response. He walked towards the woman and took the gun that was next to her. "And this? This ins't a toy Jess! You've never even used one of these before have ya?!" he continued as though he was her father. He wasn't trying to lecture her, but it was coming off that way. He then put the gun on the back of his belt and covered it with his tank top. "Let's go" he said, taking her by the arm as he dragged her towards him. He turned to each side to make sure there wasn't anyone or anything around before returning down the path he'd come down.

He was quiet as he went back, not a word from his lips. He didn't even turn to see if she was following him after he let go of her. He didn't understand why she would go through such extremes just to wash some clothing. Didn't she understand she was pregnant, that child should come before anything in her mind. It kinda did in Floyd's. He didn't want anything to happen to it, nor to Jess. Like him to her, they were all he had as well. At this point, he's learned to cope with Jess and her child. He learned to somewhat care for them - in his own way of course. He may be hard on her from time to time, but it was just because he cared.

"Ain't nobody takin this seriously anymore" Floyd murmured to himself as he reached the entrance of the home and opened the door for Jess, waiting for the girl to go into their little haven.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - House - Floyd

Jess was quite happy, sitting there washing clothes. It was actually very peaceful. You could almost forget that the world had gone to hell. Here, in the swamp, it seemed untouched.

But the peace did not last long. Jess jumped nearly a foot when Floyd came stomping in, shattering the peace with his yelling. She opened her mouth to speak, but he wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise. Then he was dragging her to her feet and stomping off, just assuming she would follow.
That was it. Jess had reached her limit. She had tried being nice. She had tried being polite. Now, it was time to be serious.

When the got back to the house, Jess reached over and slammed the door shut without going in.
"I am going to say this out here and away from Abram. I don't expect you to appreciate me preserving your manly pride in front of him, but I am doing it anyway because I genuinely do respect you. Now you isten," she said, putting her finger into his chest and one hand on her hip. "Every time I have spoken to you I have been respectful and polite. I have bent over backwards to preserve your feelings and to not offend you. Now I think you should at least show me the same courtesy. I am tired of feeling like a stray dog you picked up on the side of the road and have to take care of out of guilt. I want you to care for me as a woman, not a charity case."

She removed her finger from his chest and crossed her arms. Frowning and telling off a man taller then you was not easy, but she managed it.
"I appreciate all that you do for me, how much you have done. I appreciate you not leaving me behind. You are the first real man I have ever met. But I want to be able to talk to you without fearing that I am going to offend you and have you stomping away to pout. No more talking to me like I'm a five year old and no more treating me like I can't think for myself. I went to wash the clothes because I didn't want to bother you. I was trying to not be a burden, I was trying to be considerate of you. And no I have not used a gun before but I have seen more then my fair share of shooting to figure it out."

Angry tears formed in her eyes and she looked away. "Since we've met I'm not sure if you've ever seen me as a woman and not a little girl. I'm not as young as you think I am or as naive. Life has seen to that. I don't know what I have to do to make you start seeing me as a woman. I certainly see you as a man."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rudy - Near The Pub - Enrique

Rudy lowered his binoculars and gave Enrique a sidelong look. He saw Ben on the other side of the man adopt a sudden look of bewilderment and Rudy found himself rolling his eyes. "We don't kill random people," he said. "Unless we can be sure they're a threat to us." His gaze lingered on Enrique. If the man kept that kind of talk up, he'd be finding himself in a load of trouble. It'd be too bad, as Rudy didn't mind the other two that much.

"He's gone now," Simon said from behind them. "Threat or not, he's Luke's problem now."

Rudy nodded and looked back across the street. He focused on the hotel's windows, trying to find a weak point amongst them. However, it seemed the girl that lived there had done a rather thorough job on them. Biters would have a damn hard time assaulting the place.

Ben suddenly spoke up, grabbing Rudy's attention. "Hey... Look over there!" Rudy looked toward where Ben was pointing, ready to admonish him for speaking so loudly. However, the words died on his throat when he saw the group of armed men.

"Jesus Christ, look at them all," Simon said.

There was about ten of them, all heavily armed. Rudy imagined a gang to look like some biker group typically, but this group looked anything but. They all looked rather young, sporting clean-shaven faces and short military cut hair. In addition to their weapons, some of them wore heavy backpacks. By Rudy's estimation, they looked like a bunch of college kids out on a hunting trip. "But what are they hunting...?" he asked out loud. He watched the men approach the hotel and saw a few of them speak to each other, pointing at the entrance. They then motioned to the back of the hotel, and Rudy realized what they were up to. "They were tracking whoever went into the hotel."

"Looks like it," Simon said. "... Ben, new guy, get down for god's sake."

Rudy pulled out his radio. "Rudy speaking. There's a group of nine guys looking to attack the hotel. They've all got guns, mostly rifles." Despite Reggie's teaching, Rudy could never quite understand how to identify guns. The different kinds and different bullets, it was beyond his ability to learn. It was a miracle Rudy could even maintain one.

"Stay where you are and don't get seen," Reggie said over the radio.

Rudy crouched down and looked toward Enrique. "I know you're itching to fucking get in there, but don't blow your load on us man, all right?"
Bex - The Pub - Hazel/Nicolas

Bex heard Reggie's voice over the radio. "Hazel," he said, his voice loud and authoritative. "There's a group of armed men surrounding your location. I promise you that this is a surprise to me as well. My men will do their best to protect you."

Bex stood up quickly. "Are all the windows upstairs boarded up? Is there a place where we can get a vantage point?"

Luke had stood up as well. He stole a glance toward the guy who Hazel had just let in, suspicion obvious on his face. "How about the roof?" he asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique - Near The Pub - Rudy

Enrique smirked as he watched the armed men walk down the street, he knew these types by how they were dressed and how they carried themselves, they were trained and trained hard. He heard the other man speak and glanced over at him while peeking out the window just enough not to be seen, Enrique pulled back the slide on his pistol readying it.

"My name is Enrique," He said grimly looking at the man speaking, "I dont expect you to enjoy my means of going about life but in my experience if someone is going towards your objective and its not one of yours you obtain said person or make sure they arent a future complication. Now give me that damn radio."

Enrique grabbed the radio out of the mans hands and spoke into it, "Bex listen up, you've got 9 guys heading into that hotel with you, some have what look to be automatic rifles, they are well groomed possibly ex military either be quite or get ready for some real hell to come your way brother."

Enrique tossed the radio to the man and peeked back out the window, "If we attack now the crew inside the hotel can give us an overlapping fire pattern and we can take a good portion of these bastards out before they know whats hit 'em."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - House - Jess

The redneck's eyes widened as the pregnant girl slammed the door before him. His hand had lost the grip of the handle and watched as the door lay shut. He was definitely not expecting Jess to act this way. He couldn't help but question her anger, question what exactly made her snap. He'd been treating her this way all along, to him it was a normal thing, but he figured that Jess didn't think that way.

As she spoke, he just stared and listened. He didn't show any emotion in his face, not guilt, not anger, not happiness, nothing. His eyes were as squinted as always, his lips looking thin. He had crossed his arms as he continued to listen. But though he physically felt neutral, inside he was feeling all kinds of ways. Inside he did feel guilt, anger, irritation. He felt every negative emotion a human possessed. When her finger came in contact with his torso, he himself snapped, but only in his head.

Even through that cloud of emotions, Floyd made out one that made sense. He now understood he had done her wrong all along. She was right, she wasn't a child, she wasn't someone who always needed protection at all times. Jess is with child, but she was not helpless. With her words that instant, Floyd understood that she herself understood the world now. When they first met, she was a bit naive. Floyd didn't notice that Jess left that behind a while ago. He continued to treat her the same way that he had back when they first met. He wasn't used to change, because for him - and for him alone - nothing had changed. He still felt as though there really wasn't anybody who understood this new world like he does. Since he's living he same life he had been before the outbreak, he felt that he was already prepared for all of this. In addition, he didn't think Jess would ever be ready, but he was awfully wrong.

All he wanted to do was protect her. Not because she was a burden to him, not because he saw her as a child - though he treated her like one at times -, but because he cared. Though he showed it in an odd way, he truly cared for her and her child, even though it wasn't his. She was the only exception to one of the rules of the code he lived under. His code stated that there weren't any good people in this world nor the one before. But to him, Jess was good people. She was actually a great person. She cared, she showed compassion, comfort, sympathy. She had all the traits of a good person, and to be completely honest, Floyd sometimes felt a little jealous that he himself wasn't and couldn't show those same emotions.

This entire time he's tried to show those emotions, but it was obvious at this time that he failed. He's been wanting to provide her with everything that he'd never been given. Nobody was ever there for Floyd. Nobody was ever there to ground him when he did something bad, nobody was ever there when he achieved something. Nobody was ever there for him at all. Maybe if he had somebody that protected him, maybe if he had somebody at all during his childhood, he'd of never turned out the dick he was today. Floyd understands that he has anger issues. He understands that he can sometimes come off more aggressive than he probably intended, but there has been nobody in his life that has told him that he shouldn't act that way. Not until now that is.

What Jess basically said was that she was tired of the way he was treating her. Not the way he was protecting her, not the way he was providing for her, but the way he showed compassion. She was tired of the way he dealt with things, tired of his actions and negative emotions. She wanted him to show compassion in other ways, something Floyd didn't really know what to do, but had to find a way. He wanted to change, but was struggling to do so. He never wanted to anger her or make her sad or whatever, he just wants to protect her.

Therefore, once she turned away from him, once she no longer faced him, he opened the door yet again. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired of losing people that's all" he said before entering the house, the door closing after him. But right before it closed: "I'm tryin to change."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sylar and Meghan - Vicinity of the Pub - Haywood Scouts/Tyler(Thomas)/Luke/Reggie/Etc.

Sylar looked down on the street below, observing the large group of well-armed survivors that went towards the hotel. "Meghan, gimme your rifle." Meghan crept over, sliding the Remington 700 from her shoulder and thrusting it towards him. They'd received the weapon from the outpost armory for their hunting trips, one of the ways that the community received food. Normally, they would have a vehicle, but they'd left the truck several miles back in the woods when they'd first spotted the group and decided to trail them. Sylar took the wooden-framed rifle and peered down the on-kilter scope.

Sylar's breath caught when he caught sight of the hotel windows. He could just see through the boards enough to make out a face. "You're kidding me..." In the window of the hotel, Sylar made out the face of Luke, hiding from the group. He could also see the face of two other men and a young woman. "Meghan, gimme the radio!"

"What's wrong?" Meghan took her rucksack off and slid it to the ground, fishing out the emergency radio and found the channel that outpost kept all radios on; frequency 4. Sylar looked back down momentarily, if look was there, so were Reggie and Simon...

"Luke and Reggie are down there." He grabbed the radio and pushed to talk. "Luke, Reggie, do you two read me? It's Sylar and Meghan. Yeah, surprise, we're here too. I think you've already figured out that there's large group right outside you." Sylar could feel sweat running down his neck. "Meghan and I have been tracking these guys for several hours, we started well before sundown." Sylar glanced around the night sky. "They don't have a huge surplus of ammo but they're still well armed... I'm on the roof two buildings across from you guys in the hotel. I think we all know that they won't be friendly if they find you... Is there anyway we can help from the roof?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - House - Floyd

Jess blew out her breath when he went inside the house. She refused to feel guilty and regret what she had said. It had needed to be said. She did regret snapping and poking her finger into his chest, but you could only push a pregnant lady so far before hormones got involved.
Sighing deeply, she went sat in a chair on the porch. Floyd needed space right now she was sure. He probably didn't want to see her for a while. And she was still a little irritated at him.

Honestly for a big manly man like him he really wasn't very observant. She had done everything she could to show him how she felt about him, she had even came right out and admitted it moments ago. What more did he need? A song and dance? Connect the dots?
Men were frustrating. Either they couldn't keep their hands off or wouldn't put their hands on. They were dense too. When she had said she wanted him to think of her as a woman, she had meant that in a romantic sense. But she was sure he hadn't taken it that way. He'd probably start treating her like an old lady now, or maybe a sister.
She didn't want to be his sister damn it! She wanted to be...

It was hopeless. Why didn't she just give up? It didn't seem like Floyd was even capable of having feelings for anyone. At least not the kind of feelings she held for him, that she longed for him to have for her. Maybe it was because she was pregnant? That seemed to throw men off, scare them.
What if one day a woman who was not pregnant came along? Someone tall and curvy and gorgeous with pouty lips and big boobs would take Floyd away from her.
Jess looked down at her body, studying it. Other then her swollen belly, it wasn't that bad. Her breasts were average, not large but not small. Her hips curved softly. She had always been slightly pudgy, but not overweight. Her legs were long and her ankles slim. Her hands were average but her fingers were long. She had taken piano lessons as a child because of her long fingers. Her eyes were hazel, a mixture of brown, green and grey. Her ears were small and dainty looking. Her nose was decent, with a dusting of freckles across it that turned dark if she spent too much time in the sun.
Not bad, but not a beauty queen. Not plain, but not a cover model.
She was the poster child for 'average'.

She placed her hands on her stomach, feeling her baby moving inside of her. It felt like he was stretching. He was restless, ready to get out probably.
"Not yet little one," she said with a gentle smile. "You still have a few more months."
It was surprising to think about. In around 3 months or so, she was going to be a mother. And whether Floyd liked it or not he was going to be a father, at least in spirit.

The sun was burning hot. Jess wiped her forehead and stood, heading for the door. A little nap sounded good to her.
She entered the house but didn't see Floyd or Abram. She wondered where they had gotten to before heading up the stairs. It was slow going because she felt incredibly tired all of the sudden. Reaching the main room, she yawned widely. Changing out of her sweaty clothes, she pulled on one of the men's shirts from the closet and a pair of sleep shorts because they had an elastic waistband and fit well.
Climbing into the bed, she cuddled under the covers and tried to relax.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Rob sighed as she started talking. She had a good reason to be sad, her world was okay and then everything was taken away from her. Not to mention Laura is injured....and....Bull. Rob looked at Katie with a rather strange face. Crap.

Rob looked around as she scrambled behind him, as he realized why he gave a small chuckle. When she asked if he was a badman rob gave a small smirk. "I don't think so, I like to think I'm a good, if even nice." Rob looked around once again and stood up. "Now, look about those flowers you want, I have a few you see. Since it gets rather boring. And I know which spots to find them. Their rather nice. If you want..We can take a few and give them to Emma, if you think that will make her more happy?"


Matt knew that they come back from their trip..But Matt decided that he need to have a....talk with someone first. This was very important, a talk that could do many things, so as Matt hummed a small song and put the gun back where he hid it. He wondered around, he needed to find this person.

And eventually he did, with a small smirk he knocked on the door. so she would know he was there, "Hello Myriah"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Exit

Though she didn't catch sight of him, Floyd saw Jess walk across the hallway. He heard the creaking stairs as she slowly walked up it. He was in the living room, which was the reason she hadn't seen him at the time. He was staring across the kitchen until he lost sight of her. But as he turned, he saw the soldier siting in the chair behind him. He understood that Jess had made an executive decision for once and allowed the man to stay with them.

Floyd still didn't like the idea of a stranger living with them for the time being, but he no longer felt he had word in the group. At that moment, he didn't even want to have anything to say to anybody, but unfortunately he did. He faced the man with his arms crossed along his torso, his body leaning backwards a little. He then reached over to where he had left his knife and placed it in the small sheath on his belt. He proceeded by getting his jacket from the chair opposite to Abram, putting it on and adjusting it.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit" he started, sitting down to fix the laces of his boots. After getting back up he put the pistol Abram had given him on the tabletop near the man. He still had those squinting eyes he always bore, which seemed devilish or even dark. But in reality, those eyes have just seen so much shit they nearly turned into it. But even through those clouded eyes, he could still see. He could see the people before him, he could see who they were, who they though they were, and who they wanted to be. But at this moment of weakness, he allowed himself to see one thing in Abram: reliability.

"Keep her safe" he instructed Abram before heading for the door. He opened the darn thing and stepped out. At that time it was still sunny and would be perfect for hunting. It was time for him to clear his mind as he did what he does best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - House - Abram

Jess tossed and turned, but couldn't relax enough to nap. She was too worried. Worried about Floyd. What they had wasn't exactly a fight, but it hadn't ended very well either. With the way his personality was would he be angry for a while, or at least standoff-ish? She wasn't going to apologize for saying what she felt, but she didn't want things to be awkward between them.
What was she supposed to do? She had no idea how a man's brain worked, how they thought or reacted to things, what got their attention, how to say things so they would understand.

Jessalyn sat up and sighed. She wasn't going to get any sleep, so she might as well get up.
She went back down the stairs. The kitchen was empty, but she could see Abram in the living room. She bit her lip. He was a man. Would he be able to help her with the 'Floyd Situation'?
It was worth a try.

Gathering her courage, she went into the living room and sat in a chair opposite him.
"Abram? May I ask you a few questions? I really need some advice and... well... please don't be offended, but other then Floyd you are the only man I know. I know this is going to sound strange but..." more lip biting. "Could you tell me how a man thinks?"
She realized this probably needed a little more explination.
"You see... I wasn't completely honest with you. I'm sorry. Floyd and I are not... well... together... he is not the father of my baby, but that is another story. Anyway, he treats me like a child. I know I'm in my late teens, but I am not a child. I... really like Floyd... A lot... I might even be falling in love with him. I'm not sure. But the point is I don't know what to do. I want him to treat me like a woman, not a child. As a man, how does a woman get your attention? What is it about a woman that makes you notice her in... that way?" she said, stammering quite a bit. "I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense, but I'm not experienced with this so I'm not sure how to put things."
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