(So sorry if too long, I tried to make it brief! I'm used to advance roleplays, so yeah...)

Name: Jackson "The Jackal" Cassidy
Age: 27
Skills: Jackson was a very dangerous street fighter, having never lost a fight, and killed four men throughout his street fighting career leaving very few people to fight him in hand to hand. Also from four years in a life sentence before the "Zed", (as he calls them), came he learned how to make shivs, shanks, and other melee weapons while keep them under maintenance to keep the blades from dulling. From previous knife fights both in his street fighting career and in prison, he's also deadly with a blade in his hands, and fast with it.
Weapons: Lawnmower Blade

His pride and joy, having made this out of the old broken down lawnmower back at the old prison, this little lady he named, "Gutter", was the very thing that got him past both guards, crazy prisoners, and Zed alike to get out of that hellhole. He keeps it under high maintenance along with having it hidden in it's homemade sheathe.
S&W Model 29 Revolver


Personality: Jackson is about as blunt as a metal war hammer made out of a metal baseball bat, and crowbar, and has a large temper like one. He doesn't like lying, only to people who he spots out as shady characters, and is always direct to the point. He enjoys taunting and mocking others, seeing if they would give him a fight. At one point he was held at gun point and he taunted the man into getting close enough to Gutter. Jackson loves fighting, and doesn't mind killing if it means ridding the world of some people like the ones he grew up with. When fighting, he often laughs out of psychotic glee earning his title of, "The Jackal". Despite his blunt, aggressive attitude, he is not a bandit, never killing anyone without reason, nor is he evil. He knows justice and if he sees a woman or child in danger, both his soft spot, he goes out of his way to make sure they live, even if it means his life.
Bio: Jackson grew up in the rough city of Detroit, his mother a hard working police officer, while never knowing his real father. The oldest of three, Jackson made sure to help his mother provide for them, knowing at the age of 15 Jackson had a height of 6'3 above his age strength into street fighting. When he went to the Pitt, a small little arena in Detroit, they couldn't tell he was just a mere teenager, and put him up against the local gang in Jackson's neighborhood, pretty much just four rich boys wanting to be "tough". In just five minutes, Jackson had broken one's nose, shattered a jaw, broke two sets of arms, squash a knee cap, gave all four concussions, and numerous amount of cuts and bruises. He quickly rose to the top and gained a reputation for fighting, enough to make him walk on the streets of Detroit by himself, he found joy in the fights. He loved the thrill, the pumping adrenaline, and the sound of broken bones during the fight, It caused him so much glee that often he would laugh manically, earning his nickname of "The Jackal." At the age of 22 Jackson killed four men. He won a match against one fighter and the manager wouldn't pay up, calling upon his bodyguards to make sure he was protected. Enraged Jackson picked up a lead pipe beside his feet, and charged at them. He busted opened their heads, and impaled the pipe into the Manager's stomach, than collected his money and ran. Not four weeks later after he went into hiding, he was caught and arrested by his own mother. His family shunned him, and he was sent to prison for life by attempt of murder and four separate cases of first degree murder (I think). In prison he learned how to make weapons, pick locks, and knife fight after joining an inside black gang. He quickly rose to be the most feared in the prison. On the day that the Zed came to the prison the guards opened up the prisoners cells and told them to evac. However as they did so, they used them all for bait. Jackson quickly saw this, and made a run for the exit, taking Gutter with him. Along the way he took a revolver from one of the dead guard's and shot, and gutted any thing standing in his way, undead or living. Four other guys followed him, making it to the garage where he stole a bus and left them. He kept driving til he ran out of gas. He's constantly on the move, trying to travel with a small group of three or four if he can, and trying to find a secure place.