Emma - Haywood
Emma, Abram and Rob had searched all over for Katie, however Daniel had stayed behind because he'd apparently wanted to talk to Lauren. She's been worried when she'd left, because Daniel looked furious, even though no one had done anything to him.
Emma came upon the last room she hadn't searched: the laundry room. She reached for the knob, but found it was locked. She knocked lightly and called softly. "Katie?" When no answer came, she repeated it again. The girl pressed her ear to the door, listening carefully. She heard the slightest of shuffling in the room, and confirmed that Katie was indeed in there.
Emma lowered herself to the wall beside the door, trying to speak loud enough so that Katie could hear. "Katie? Can you listen to me while I tell a story?" She asked. Even still, the little girl didn't respond. "I know how you're feeling, Katie... I know you miss your daddy too." She waited a beat and then continued. "I know how that feels. I miss my daddy too; every day. When the monsters came, I was really, really scared, but my daddy was there and her kept me safe, so I wasn't afraid anymore."
"We were doing really good, and we were safe in a house... I loved him and he loved me more than I knew. Until one day, the monsters tricked us and my daddy got sick, too..." Emma felt a small, fugitive tear slide down her cheek as she recounted the story. "When he got sick, I was on my own, I felt scared, I felt trapped... I had to run everyday and sometimes I felt like I didn't want to run anymore. Then I met a bunch of men... they took me to a place where the monsters couldn't get in... but I was still scared... And one of the men; he was mean, and did some very mean things to me and made me feel even more scared. Your daddy was there too. He was mad at that man, and he said that that man would be in big trouble for being mean to me."
"One day... the monsters got in and a lot more people got sick, Katie... I didn't know where your daddy went, but Daniel found me and I was so happy again. I thought he was dead, but he was still alive, and he was big and strong so he kept me safe from the monsters..." Emma said. "Katie, we want to keep you safe too- and Lauren. If- When we find your daddy, we can keep him safe and he can help keep you safe, too..."
"So... Katie, please come out and let us keep you safe." She felt her voice crack as more tears slid down her face. "Please come out, baby."
Daniel - Haywood
Daniel sat on the couch across from Lauren, his legs crossed and an angered look in his eyes. He stared at the woman, examining her facial expressions. He couldn't figure her out; her face was a mixture of emotions. Grief... Defiance... Dogedness... she wasn't like any other civilian woman that Daniel had ever met. "I don't understand. You were brought here within an inch of your life; Doctor Riley used precious medical supplies and medicines to keep you alive. We fed you and Katie, and I tried my best to help Bull out. He was good man, it was easy to say. When I learned of Robert Dalton's plan to kill him, I did my best to save him, but it simply wasn't possible. Instead, I resorted to protecting you and Katie. My men died today, protecting the people of Haywood, which now includes you and Katie." He adjusted his arms, crossing them over his chest. "And- And what I don't understand is... we did all this, and you pay us back with spite, by trying turn Katie against us, by trying to ditch us, and by attacking Shannon. Why?
He focused his eyes on hers. "That comes too close to putting my family in danger. You do that, and we've got a serious problem. Heck, one of my dearest friends died for you, and you repay us like this; I think we already have a problem."
"But I think all problems are solvable. And I'd like to solve that little conundrum that we've got here. Help us by letting us help you. Give us a chance. You might've spent time with the raiders and you might see the worst in people, but these people are good people." The man shifted in his seat. "I killed men before all this started and the number probably doubled when it did. I might not be a good man or a good person... but these people are good people. The people that died today - the people that burned today..." He leaned forward, almost shouting his next words. "THEY were good people!"
"Give us a chance, Lauren."