Daniel and Sylar - Haywood
Sylar looked warily at Enrique, shaking his head. "I don't really care if he gets his daughter back, but it's obvious that these people aren't as bad as this dude made them out to be. You saw the girl, she looked fine, even healthy. They weren't holding her captive, they were sheltering her. She kept shoutin' for that Emma girl that we've got tied up! She wasn't being harmed!"
"I'll bet that if we came and ask nicely, daddy day care would get'a get his girl back." Sylar shook his head, slightly loosening his grip on Amanda. The man's eyes were tired from this weeks events. He'd shot too many people this week.
"Ah, I dunno about that..." He said with an impish look in his eyes. Sylar's brow creased and he glanced at the man stand in the courtyard.
"What's your name?"
"Daniel." He said with an angered look in his eyes. Sylar reminded himself not to tick this dude off... He probably would have paid to see this dude take on Enrique and Sylar wasn't sure who would win.
"Well, Daniel, would you have shot at us if we came here politely?" Daniel shook his head. "All Tyler wants is his daughter-"
"I'm afraid I can't do that without objection." Daniel interjected. He eyed Tyler with hateful eyes. "This man was a murderer. He kidnapped women and used them to 'breed a new generation' in this world. And worst of all, he did something to my sister that turned her into something else." He broke into a light laugh, his grin returning to his face.
"That was me..." He muttered.
"Shut up!" Sylar barked. He turned to Daniel. "Are you telling us the truth? Cause my scouts and I are about to turn on our own based on what you say next."
Emma - Outside Haywood
As Emma saw Bex enter the room, she was slightly hopeful. That hope was confirmed when Bex fired a shot and put Cain on the floor. Never had Emma been so happy to see this man than when he came to rescue her. She didn't care about the fact that she was barely clothed, still in her bed clothes, she was just happy to see Bex alive and well. Had he been there all along? Had he been with Tyler? This man had been her friend in the catacombs and he was still her friend now.
When Bex removed the bindings and the gag, Emma threw her arms around him. Bex coughed harshly over her shoulder, and let out a pained grunt. Bex looked at his stomach and Emma followed his eyes. He'd been shot. He quickly reassured her the everything would be all right. She looked him in the eyes, her hair matted to her head with sweat, and she nodded. The girl stood up and put her small body under his shoulder, doing her best to help him stand. It was then that door swung open and a gun was pointed towards Emma and her savior. Emma's heart stopped and her face went pale. Hex smiled at her. "Hey, it's been a while, sweetheart."
"Sorry Becky boy, but I'm gonna need to take her off your hands. You okay.. Ya look like you're fadin'." Hex grinned devilishly. While Hex stared straight at Bex, Emma lunged forward and delivered a heavy kick to his groin. She reached to Bex's hand and took the gun from him and quickly fired a shot into Hex's chest.
Breathing heavily, Emma returned to Bex's side and walked out with him, not bothering to put a bullet in Hex's head.