Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Tsk..." Matt lowered the book he was reading, a sharp smirk that had he had been unable to remove for the last few hours was on his face. "Well...I don't know how exactly you know this, but..." Matt walked towards her. "You aren't really important anymore, like you said...You apparently can't say anything. Which is good, plus...No one would believe you probably. Too much proof" Matt looked at her with amusement. "Plus, you'll be phased out of the council...along with anyone else who wasn't stupid enough to believe this bullshit. People like you...But they like me more...Problems of the public. Also, I have the support of everyone else...this is a shame for you surely." Matt looked around for a second.

"Poor Reggie am I right? He was a good man, in a way. Stopped the mutiny attempt. Sadly I was.....Well, I don't frankly remember. And to be Honest...Thomas is like Reggie...Except a bit more to my....liking" Matt wondered if it was worth killing her at this moment. There was no need, and She wasn't annoying. Plus, She didn't seem to be be bluffing, and Matt certainly wasn't. "You know, we had the same Ideals...Well....somewhat, but...I guess. It was just the fact I could do it....ah well, I guess...This is it then. Bye..."


It happened too fast for Rob, But....perhaps it wasn't surprising. Things were always going so wrong lately. and...Rob...Well, He passed out. He didn't know why, but all he saw was the fact that he was on the ground. And he could hear people shouting, and screaming. "The fuck?" Rob staggered up. He seemed to be in a room. He...was....doing something. Rob was so confused, well....he was more confused when he realized there was a woman seemingly giving birth in the room...he was more confused. "The fuck?"

It was at that moment that Rob realized why he passed out, he was bleeding...rather badly. But, this was not the time to say anything. But...something else was missing. Rob, rather quietly over the woman. That was...strange, but his heart plummeted when he saw him. "No..."
Well, it wasn't really a surprise that Tyler was alive, but...what he saw was a bit fucked up. Katie was crying herself next to...well, Lauren's...rather, wounded body. Rob sighed, but...Well shit. He didn't know what the fuck was going on. Well he had the jist, but in all likely hood he probably couldn't do that much. He could try not to die, that was a good start. And, most likely try to stop Katie from falling into's Tyler's hands. But, right now she...Katie seemed to be busy.

Of course, His vision started to blur. "No....."

Aoife-Haywood-Many people

Aoife had begrudging went to attack this other gang group, While Reggie had some misguided views, he was a good man. And It felt weird How Reggie died. She didn't...want to believe the fact that Reggie was behind the Mutiny....it made no sense, but everyone seemed to suck it up. she didn't exactly trust Thomas. But, seemingly as everyone else seemed to do...She had no choice.

But, this had truly shown...something. Thomas was apparently called Tyler, and he seemed to know some people in this....bandit group. But, this wasn't even a bandit group. They seemed, quite defenseless. They just seemed to be innocent people. "This is wrong...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Haywood


A shot went off, putting an end to all the shouting. The woman named Shannon yelped out in pain and dropped the gun she'd grabbed. "The fuck is wrong with you?!" Rudy yelled, spinning around to face the shooter, Bex. Bex stared back, looking surprised at his own actions. He then took a deep breath and aimed his gun toward Shannon's middle.

"Go," he said. "Go! Go in the damn house!"

Rudy cursed and grabbed Shannon. She squirmed in his arms. "No!" she cried "You don't understand! I can't-- I can't let them down again!" Rudy grunted and pulled her forcefully, dragging her back to the house. They passed by Katie, who was still on the ground. Tyler couldn't let this farce continue for much longer.

"Rudy wasn't the man we thought he was," was all Tyler could say to Enrique. He then raised his eyes toward the house. "Okay!" he yelled. "One of my people will be taking my daughter back! If there is a single shot fired upon them, then my hostage will be killed!" He turned to Bex and pointed toward Katie, hoping the man wasn't starting to regret being here. Bex responded by nodding dumbly and putting his rifle away. Slowly, he crossed the line of cars and made his way toward Katie. He reached out his hand to her.

"Please," Tyler heard him say. "Let me just take you to your father."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Haywood - Bex

Katie looked up at the voice. She knew him. He was one of her daddy's men. A man from back in the underground.
She gazed up at him, her wide blue eyes filled with tears and sadness. She hiccupped a few times.
She looked back at Lauren's body. Leaning down, she hugged her one last time. "I'm sorry," she told the woman.

Looking back up, she wiped her good arm over her face, smearing blood in the process. She raised her arms up to Bex, not wanting or really being able to walk. At this point she didn't care anymore what was going on. She just wanted to be held by someone she trusted, someone who would tell her everything would be okay.
Bex would take her to her daddy.
Then everything would be okay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood

Daniel was astounded when Lauren bolted out of the building, drawing a gun. Where had she gotten a gun? He turned his rifle towards the men as Lauren ran out screaming. It all happened quickly. Lauren went down, earning a scream from Katie. "No!" He shouted. He brought his rifle up, but Shannon tore from Katie's side, closing the gap between her and Tyler's men. What on god's green earth was she doing? "Shannon!" He barked, but she ignored him. She looked at one of the men, and said, "Danny..." Daniel's eyebrows creased, since when he she ever called him Danny?

It was then that the man responded. "Shannon..." Daniel realized that Shannon hadn't been talking to him, she'd been talking to Tyler's man; she knew him. This day was getting stranger and stranger by the second. In a quick move, Shannon reached for a gun on the ground, but a shot rang out and Shannon cried out in pain. Daniel swore and busted out of the door, into the yard and drew his rifle towards the bandits. Shannon wasn't hurt too bad, as she recovered quickly. The man whom she'd reffered to as "Danny" quickly jumped to her aid, pulling her into the house. He thanked whatever God was watching over her, and returned his attention to tyler.

Tyler announced that he would retrieve his daughter without intervention, or he'd kill Emma. Daniel was helpless to do anything, so he just watched as the man went up to Katie and picked her up, carrying her back to her father. Daniel swore silently. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't fight back or Tyler would kill Emma, and he couldn't just let this monster take that little back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Haywood

He sighed in relief as he took the girl into his arms. He wasn't sure if this was the right thing to do, but he couldn't deny that Katie was rightfully Tyler's. Perhaps Katie would calm Tyler down and stop all this nonsense, but Bex knew that was unlikely. Tyler had become a bad man no matter what his intentions were. Bex had to admit he was probably a bad man himself at this point.

His eyes lingered on Lauren's dead body as he lifted Katie off her feet. He so desperately wished that things could have gone differently. Lauren had been good to him-- A friend. She hadn't deserved this. All she had wanted was a little girl to truly live. Why did it have to be like this?

Bex looked over at Daniel and stared at him warily. "Emma will be returned to you safely," Bex said. "I promise." He began to walk back to the line of cars when one of the scouts suddenly popped their head up from behind a vehicle. He aimed his gun in Tyler's direction and Bex froze in place. The man shot, but it went wide and missed Tyler easily.

"Thomas fucked us over!" he yelled. "These aren't bandits! This is all wrong!" More scouts began to yell and some began to argue. Further shots went off and Bex scrambled to get low. He slid in front of one of the vehicles, Katie still in his arms. He couldn't see what exactly was happening, but it was clear that the scouts were turning on each other. Bex could hear Tyler ineffectually yelling over the din of shouting trying to rally them back to his side. Some of the scouts yelled in his favor, but it was clear no one had much idea what they were doing any longer.

"I-I-" Bex tried to speak calmingly to Katie, but his mind had begun racing to process everything that was happening. He let out a strained breath and spoke into the girl's ear, "We're going to get to safety and we're going to save my friend, Emma." He then turned to Daniel amidst the chaos and nodded to the man. Bex couldn't quite talk to the man over the shouting, but Bex desperately wished he understood.

Still crouched low, Bex rushed around the vehicle, pushing through a couple of the scouts along the way. He hoped that no one would shoot him while he held a little girl, but-- "Bex!" someone cried, and Bex felt a bullet strike near his feet. He cursed out loud and straightened up in order to sprint to Haywood's gates.

"I'm sorry, Katie. I'm so sorry, we just needed to get out of there!" They needed to get to Emma, and then Bex would figure this all out. Lauren would have wanted the girls to get to safety. That's all Bex could think about as he sprinted past the gates and toward the building where Emma was being held.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sylar - Haywood
(So...uh... this is Llama posting, but I accidently forgot to sign out of my sister's account before I posted... oops.)

It was all Sylar could do to not jump up and down and cheer bex on when he took of into a sprint with Thom- with Tyler's daughter. Tyler had played them, he'd tricked them into thinking that these people were bandits. No, they only even had one gun. Hansel, who for some reason found it fit to leave the building that they'd taken the little girl too, fired at Bex. Sylar didn't hesitate in drawing his crossbow, and firing a bolt into Hansel's thigh. The man dropped to the ground with a cry of pain. Sylar dropped his crossbow and tore his pistol from it's holster and aimed it at Tyler. Some of the scouts, which included Cody and Luke, followed his example and turned their weapons on Tyler.

"Thoma- Tyler played us! This is all a load of crap! These people aren't even armed. Gigantor over there is the only one that's got a gun and he's not gonna shoot us 'cause we kidnapped his sister!" Sylar jerked his head towards the tall, muscular, and slightly intimidating man with the rifle. "Tell me, are you a bunch'a bandits?" He asked the man.

"No. We just got through an attack before you people came! We've got a pregnant girl and another girl with medical needs! We're not raiders!"

Murmurs broke out among the scouts when the man mentioned a pregnant girl. Sylar raised an eyebrow. "See? C'mon people, he's got a sick girl and a pregnant one. What would you think if we stood Elliot up and shot him?" The man's eyebrows creased. "Huh?!" He barked, causing Amanda, who stood beside him, to jump in fright. "The one we should be drawin' on is this "Thomas" Tyler guy." He looked around to a few of the scouts. "If any'a you respected Reggie at all, then you'll trust me when I say that he put me in a position of authority for a reason. Trust me, people. We got played by this piece'a trash!" He scowled hatefully at Tyler, jabbing his pistol towards the man's chest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Haywood

He pulled her into the house and let her go next to the stairwell. He began looking over her, his eyes wide with worry. "Fuck... Fuck! Where'd he shoot you? Are you okay?" Shannon slowly nodded and showed him the gash of skin now missing from her forearm. Danny shook his head. "Okay, no... Fuck. Bandages, do you have bandages?" When Shannon didn't speak up right away, Danny kicked his foot into the stairwell angrily. "What the fuck were you thinking?! You almost died! I mean, I thought you were dead, but--!"

She stood up and grabbed his shoulder with her good arm. It was a bit frustrating to be thinking of one of her arms as "good" again. "Don't. Just... Stop. You come out of nowhere and, and drag me away? Like I'm some stupid... stupid doll or something?"

"Doll? What are you-- What the hell are you talking about? You were about to be killed! Shannon, I--" He froze, shaking his head. "Is this even happening?" he asked. "I don't even know what Thomas was fucking thinking, and then you show up..."

Her grip on his shoulder tightened. "He's a bad man. He kidnapped women and he killed and he stole and..."

Danny brushed off her hand and rolled his eyes. "Okay, holy shit. Hold up." He let out a shaky breath and ran a hand through his hair. "Don't tell me that right now. It's too much to take in all at once."

She paused and looked down at her arm. "I'll... clean this up," she said. He furrowed his brow and looked at her like he was offended. She was going to tell him to get in hiding with the others when the gunfire started outside.

"Goddamn, what now!?" Danny exclaimed as he jumped up the stairs two at a time. She mentally put her injury aside as she quickly followed him. They both huddled at one of the upstairs windows to catch what was happening. The scouts were quickly dividing themselves in two, some against Tyler and some for him. Shannon watched as Danny brought a hand to his face. "What have I done?" he asked seemingly to no one. "I made him the leader and look what's fucking happened."

Shannon couldn't think of anything to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique watched as some of the scouts behind him raised their weapons aiming at Tyler and Bex, one was aimed at him but he wasn't paying attention. Enrique reached down and unfastened his axe from his belt, he slid his hand through the laniard and griped the bottom of the axe in his right hand, he switched his pistol to his left. When a shot rang out he sprang to action, he leaped over a car trunk and came up behind enemy lines, he spotted the boy he had trained on the rifle rang and raised his axe, the boy wasn't even holding his gun, it laid beside him on the ground. Enrique gave him a nod and rushed towards one of the scouts, the one who first spoke. He raised his pistol and shot him in the leg, he fell and Enrique buried his axe in his neck, he took a second swing and cut the mans head clean off. He rushed at another one and dropped him with a few shots to the chest, he let out a battle cry, he caught his glimpse in a mirror and noticed he was coated in blood, he looked towards Bex and Katie and saw them inside Haywood, it was better than being in the gunfire. He rushed forward and one of the scouts shot him in the shoulder, in the moment he wasn't deterred by it it only fueled him. He slammed the axels pommel down on the mans head feeling it go in a bit, then he brought the axe down directly into his skull.

"C'mon!" He shouted cutting down more scouts, "C'mon!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((Messed up, re doing))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sylar - Haywood

Sylar saw that Enrique had moved, so he kept an eye on him. Sylar was alarmed when he downed one of the young boys with his axe. Sylar began to raised his pistol towards Enrique, but Amanda tried to draw on him. Before she could, grabbed her wrist, twisted the gun out of her hand and threw his arm around her neck, shielding himself from Enrique. When Enrique slowed down enough, Sylar aimed his gun at the man- BANG! A lot shot sounded from the Haywood man's rifle, piercing Enrique's leg. Good knights, that was a good shot.

Sylar saw Hex aiming at him with his gun, but he shoved the point of the gun to Amanda's chin. "Get back, Hex!" He barked. He glanced over at Aoife, who trained her assault rifle on Hex.

Sylar swore in his head... If they made it back to Oupost, he would have a lot of explaining to do to Myriah...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Haywood

None of this mattered anymore. It was all about Katie. Everything had been for Katie's sake! Tyler imagined squeezing Sylar's neck until his head popped for getting in the way. He imagined sticking a knife until Bex's back until the man was unrecognisable. He imagined killing these people in so many different ways that he could just explode...!

But he kept his cool. He stared back at Sylar, his expression a mask of concern. He was about to plead his case, to wring his heart out to these people about just wanting to be with his daughter, but Enrique saved him the performance. The man went Rambo as the scouts fully cemented their divide and began attacking each other. Tyler jumped forward and shoved whoever was in his way aside so he could make a break for it. None of these people mattered anymore! Not Rudy, not Enrique, not anyone but Katie! He didn't care who fired on him, for he would shrug off every bullet that came his way until Katie was finally in his arms.



Bex - Outside Haywood - Katie/Emma

In the hall outside, Bex stopped and placed Katie on the ground. He patted the little girl on the head and tried to mask the fact that his breathing was shallow and strained. "Stay here. Please, please stay right here and don't move." He gave the girl a small smile before leaving her. He readied his rifle and aimed it cautiously forward as he walked down the hall. Emma was just around the corner and it was likely Cain had stuck around to watch her. Perhaps Cain could see reason like Sylar, but Bex had no time to explain anything. He would have to shoot first, no matter what.

He entered the room and found Cain standing over Emma, his pistol pointed at the door. The man looked nervous, probably having heard the gun fire. He went to open his mouth, probably to ask what Bex was doing, but Bex cut him short with a bullet. The man fell backward as if pushed and crumpled against the wall. His blood ran down the crappy yellow wallpaper.

Letting out a breath that he hadn't realised he had been holding in, Bex dropped his rifle to the ground. He ran over to Emma and proceeded to remove the gag from her mouth. "I'm not making this mistake again," he said. "This time I'm getting you out. This time..." He coughed, blood running down his chin. Then he coughed again and he brought a hand to his stomach. When he moved it to his face to examine it, it was bloody. In his fervor, he hadn't realised that Cain had managed to get a shot off. He began shaking his head, tears forming around his eyes. "No, it's okay. I'll get you out. I'll get you out."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alex Clark - Haywood - Jessalyn/Audrey/Riley

Alex backed off surprised when a wounded man strumpled out of the room, and made hiw ay towards the center of the community. Everyone in the room was still busy helping the woman, and if they didn't feel the need to stop him... why should he? As more gunfire broke out and angry voices rang over the area he tried catching up with what was happening. He turned bleak when he realized that mutiny had broken out amongst the scouts, many like him seeing that this was nothing more than a raid. Leaning outside of the window he wondered why people were calling Thomas Tyler, untill he realized that only the locals seemed to be doing so. This wasn't just a raid against harmless people... This was nothing more than a personal vendetta for Thom... Tyler!

Suddenly the situation reached a boiling point and a lot of gunfire broke out along with lots of screaming, and from his position he could see Enrique go batshit crazy and slash down rebellious scouts one after another. "Oh shit... Oh fucking shit." He murmured as he backed off from the window, and wondered what the fuck he should do. He turned towards the two women and the man inside the room and gave them a troubled look. "You aren't bandits are you? Some of us have realized that, and now a gunfight broke out between those sticking with the plan and those-" He explained, finally 'calm' enough again to speak in coherent sentences, duering which his British accent became noticable again, untill he heard loud footsteps at the door. The door burst open, two scouts struggling against eachother, one armed with a rifle, the other with large kitchen knife. He drew his rifle on both of them, yelling them to stop, but they ignored him, and before he realized what was going on, the knife stuck out of one man's eye, protruding like a flagpole out of the ground, and the pistol spat bullets at him.

He didn't remember much of what happened during the chaotic few moments after that, but he found himself on the ground, bleeding from his side, trying to keep the knife from his throat as the other man used all of his strenght and weight to push it down. Adrenaline made time slow down as he desperately fought the piece of steel slowly descending upon his throat. If only he could grab his own knife... No, the man didn't give him enough time to do that, and as he thought of a way to struggle free, the man bit in his fingers, hard enough to draw blood, making him scream out loud as the knife fell closer to his skin again. As the man kept biting deeper and deeper he squirmed in pain, and with a sudden jerk he managed to push the knife sidewards as he gave up pushing it upwards, letting the knife just about pin his left arm in the wooden floorboards, but that brief moment of surprise in the other man's face gave him enough time to stab his thumb in the eye of the guy, releasing him from his precarious position. He drew his own knife and ... he stabbed. He stabbed the man again and again, and noticed how sickeningly easy his knife punctured his chest time over time. Once the man stopped moving, he crawled away from the dead body, untill he found himself sitting against the walls, bleeding from his left upper arm, and hand, right side, next to two mutilated corpses, blood all over the place.

Sadly for him, his problems weren't over yet. After a few minutes, the second corpse, the one he had killed himself, started moving again. It made some guttural noises as it scrambled to its feet and made its way to Alex again, now clearly unhindered by the deep stabbing wounds in its chest.

"Bloody hell."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique was approaching Sylar then he saw the girl from the range, Amanda, Enrique gritted his teeth and resumed a slower approach. Then he felt a bullet strike his leg, he fell to a knee and steadied himself oath an axe, he looked down at his leg and saw a fairly sized bullet wound. It definitely hadn't gone through, he saw no exit wound on the other side, he looked up at Sylar with a blood fury in his eyes.

"Escuchen mama bicho," Enrique swore in Spanish, "Let her go or I'll have your fucking head in a bag."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aoife was being careful not to let anyone move. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Aoife shouted at Enrique, only glancing at him. As he more or less had her gun pointed at hex. "Do you just follow blindly like a fucking idiot!?" She couldn't even look at him right. He was covered in blood, Blood of the outpost. "Your disgusting!...along with all of you who still follow along with that monster!"


"Oh....shit" Rob looked around. He couldn't exactly see much, just a blur of colors. "Focus for god sake" Rob mumbled to himself as he took out his gun. "Right...Gotta.....I dunno, Do something" Rob looked up as Tyler was sprinting. In the direction that Katie was taken. By a stranger, or something. He didn't know, it was fucking confusing Okay!? But, He should kill Tyler...Or something. That sounded like a good idea.He could stop this, Tyler was leading this....He could do this. "No......Come back" He muttered once again as he started to run, rather clumsily. But running, to the direction Tyler was going. Somehow, not being seen and killed.

"Die..." Rob started to shoot at Tyler. "I'm going to kill you!"

Kill Tyler....Kill....tyler, then...Save...Everyone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique let out coarse breaths and sat there, he looked over at Aoife screaming at him, he made out some of what she said. She screamed at him for following Thomas without question, Enrique grew frustrated. He couldn't handle all the opinions, all the possibilities, the chance that Thomas wasn't who he said he was infuriated him.

"I owe him my life," Enrique shouted, "He could have left me, I could have been a corpse."

He looked up into Amanda's eyes, trying to be reassuring. He knew why he followed Thomas, not only because of his debt but because Enrique was a soldier. Following was his one true talent, that and killing. He looked at Aoife then watched Sylar carefully, if his finger twitched Amanda was dead. Enrique watched carefully looking at anyone with a gun.

"Thomas just wants his daughter, he's entitled to look after his daughter." Enrique said breathing heavily, he wasn't sure what was going to happen to him but he didn't mind killing a few more people if it meant it would be over.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Camp - Next Morning

Looking left and right the deemed victim could not make anything out of his situation. The green colored fiber tent had become a symbol of his inprisonment. To his right was a rather large shelf of supplies. There wasn't much, but what was there was rather impressive. It was high quality medicine such as Costicosteroids, Azithromycin and other medicine of that caliber. But as he turned to his right, he noticed a living being, sitting, sleeping.

She sat in a chair next to his general location. Looking towards his own hands, he noticed them tied to the tents pole. He thought himself a prisoner, once again locked in a cell - just like before. In addition to his mental fatigue, he also felt physical pain - mainly in the back of the head. He proceeded by attempting to cut himself loose, pulling away from the zip tie. Only noise he was making came from the shifting tent that staggered right and left as he attempted to escape.

From time to time he would turn to the woman sitting by him, probably the one who was supposed to keep an eye on him. But he then started to think - why had they treated the wound on his head? All he remembered was running his ass off away from the walkers in the woods. He remembers trying to follow the car's trace then having to pull away when he got surrounded.

But there wasn't time to second think this person's good nature. He had to get the hell out of the darn place, so continued to struggle with his hands. "C'mon pussy, you've gotten out of worst than this" he murmured to himself quietly as he grunted his way away from the zip ties. He then pulled himself towards the tent's pole and used his teeth in attempt to cut himself loose, once again a failed attempt.

"Dammit" he grunted once more, twisting and turning, trying to tighten the zip tie so much it'd snap. But then it happened. His quiet escape attempt had turned into a loud crash. While twisting, his foot ran into the medicine shelf, sending pills and bandages crashing into the tents surface. There was no point in being ninja-like so the redneck snapped. "Let me go!! Get these damn things off me!!" He yelled intensely with his growling tone.

At the sound of these yells, everyone in the camp seemed to awaken. First one out if their tent was Hank, running towards the green medical tent. He ran quickly, without a shirt nor boots. He wielding his axe as he crossed the campfire calling out for Imogen who was on watch. "Come on" he waved at the woman as he approached the medical tent cautiosly. He had no idea Heather had stayed inside once he busted through the unzipped entrance.

At the side of an armed person, the redneck kept his mouth shut, but snarled at his capturer. Seeing that the man remained tied up, Hank raised his hands in peace. "Just calm down alright, we're not going to hurt you" he stated, putting his axe down on the ground. He then turned to DeSean and whoever else had joined him to put their guns down. Hank turned to Hearher noticing she hadn't been hurt in any way, then returned to the redneck. "My name is Hank, this is DeSean, Heather, and Imogen. We found yo-" he introduced, cut off by the captive. "Get me out of these damn cuffs!"

"Shhhh. Just calm down, keep quiet, I'm sure you know what it's like out there. Make too much noise and they come like ants. Let's just......just be civilized. Have a.....conversation. Now I'm going to cut you loose, you're not gonna do anything stupid are you?" Hank questioned the redneck.

"I don't think that's a good idea Hank, we don't kno-" DeSean couldn't finish.

"Are you?" Hank asked again, urged to get an answer before he cut the guy loose. "No" the guy responded. Hank then slowly reached over the man - who felt uneasy having the hunter that close to him - and cut the zip tie. The first thing the guy did was massage his wrist as he sat up in comfort. Hank backed away slightly and allowed the redneck to stand. "Now, I've told you my name and that of our groups, I reckon you have one too?"

The redneck hesitated a little, turning from face to face. He studied them and their body language, truly not labeling them hostile, but still uneasy. "........Floyd....." He responded in a whisper.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel and Sylar - Haywood

Sylar looked warily at Enrique, shaking his head. "I don't really care if he gets his daughter back, but it's obvious that these people aren't as bad as this dude made them out to be. You saw the girl, she looked fine, even healthy. They weren't holding her captive, they were sheltering her. She kept shoutin' for that Emma girl that we've got tied up! She wasn't being harmed!"

"I'll bet that if we came and ask nicely, daddy day care would get'a get his girl back." Sylar shook his head, slightly loosening his grip on Amanda. The man's eyes were tired from this weeks events. He'd shot too many people this week.

"Ah, I dunno about that..." He said with an impish look in his eyes. Sylar's brow creased and he glanced at the man stand in the courtyard.

"What's your name?"

"Daniel." He said with an angered look in his eyes. Sylar reminded himself not to tick this dude off... He probably would have paid to see this dude take on Enrique and Sylar wasn't sure who would win.

"Well, Daniel, would you have shot at us if we came here politely?" Daniel shook his head. "All Tyler wants is his daughter-"

"I'm afraid I can't do that without objection." Daniel interjected. He eyed Tyler with hateful eyes. "This man was a murderer. He kidnapped women and used them to 'breed a new generation' in this world. And worst of all, he did something to my sister that turned her into something else." He broke into a light laugh, his grin returning to his face.

"That was me..." He muttered.

"Shut up!" Sylar barked. He turned to Daniel. "Are you telling us the truth? Cause my scouts and I are about to turn on our own based on what you say next."


Emma - Outside Haywood

As Emma saw Bex enter the room, she was slightly hopeful. That hope was confirmed when Bex fired a shot and put Cain on the floor. Never had Emma been so happy to see this man than when he came to rescue her. She didn't care about the fact that she was barely clothed, still in her bed clothes, she was just happy to see Bex alive and well. Had he been there all along? Had he been with Tyler? This man had been her friend in the catacombs and he was still her friend now.

When Bex removed the bindings and the gag, Emma threw her arms around him. Bex coughed harshly over her shoulder, and let out a pained grunt. Bex looked at his stomach and Emma followed his eyes. He'd been shot. He quickly reassured her the everything would be all right. She looked him in the eyes, her hair matted to her head with sweat, and she nodded. The girl stood up and put her small body under his shoulder, doing her best to help him stand. It was then that door swung open and a gun was pointed towards Emma and her savior. Emma's heart stopped and her face went pale. Hex smiled at her. "Hey, it's been a while, sweetheart."

"Sorry Becky boy, but I'm gonna need to take her off your hands. You okay.. Ya look like you're fadin'." Hex grinned devilishly. While Hex stared straight at Bex, Emma lunged forward and delivered a heavy kick to his groin. She reached to Bex's hand and took the gun from him and quickly fired a shot into Hex's chest.

Breathing heavily, Emma returned to Bex's side and walked out with him, not bothering to put a bullet in Hex's head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Outside Haywood

He shivered at the sight of Hex's dying body. The man got what he deserved, but it didn't change the fact that none of this was right. Bex couldn't shake the fact that his inaction had caused all of this misery to begin with. He had refrained from shooting Tyler back in the catacombs for some vague chance that the man would be different from then on, but that had been little more than the thoughts of a coward.

"Wait," he said, stopping Emma. He was finding it hard to speak, so he pointed down the hall. "Can't leave Katie." He swallowed hoarsely and made his way down the hall with Emma's help. They turned the corner to find the little girl sitting against the wall, her head buried in her knees. "Have to get away from all of this. Both of you."

As Bex reached forward to take Katie's arm, a man's voice erupted from further down the hall. "Don't touch her," it commanded. The coward in Bex winced and he stopped inches away from Katie. He looked up to find Tyler at the end of the hall, his gun pointed at Bex.

"Everyone's stopping by," Bex said slightly deliriously. His vision was already starting to blur. It felt almost familiar, strangely like he had taken a few two many beers.

Tyler took a few steps forward and Bex got a better look at him. The man's face was fixed into a menacing glare, but tears were forming around his eyes. "I know what you think of me," he said. "Bex, I'm not a monster. I just wanted things to go back to normal. We're all just a bunch of awful ungrateful people still stuck in the old world. I'm no different, but I thought... I thought a new generation would--" The man shook his head. "No!" His voice now had an edge to it, his anger clearly rising. "That's over now. It's all over. I wanted to kill you as I ran here, but now I see you're just a mess. You look like Brad, before I killed him. I didn't want to kill him, and I don't want to kill you now either. Besides, I guess you don't have much longer anyway."

Bex licked his lips and tried to keep focus. Tyler was speaking a lot, too much for Bex to mull over. "I just want my daughter," Tyler continued. "Then we'll leave together and never come back. We'll get out of this godforsaken city."

Bex closed his eyes and fell into a crouch. He tried to look up at Tyler, but his head was drooping beyond his control. "But, Lauren," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just, what Lauren wanted..." Bex's tears began to run down his face and drip on to the floor. "Emma, I'm sorry."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Enrique tried to grasp the situation, he kept thinking it over. He tried to understand this, that his best friend and savior was a list and that he had mislead him all this time. Enrique thought about all the evil things he had done in the name of peace, he thought back to Samantha, the scouts he had just slaughtered, the hell he had wrought on Thomas's... Tyler's behalf. He fell to his hands and felt blood being lost, he tried to recuperate and couldn't cope. He slammed his fists on the ground and felt a tear leave his eye out of frustration, he felt like throwing up.

"It can't be," Enrique said lightly just enough for some to hear, "I can't believe this shit, fuck! How fucking could that bastard!? I killed for that son of a bitch! I am going to kill him, I am going to gut that evil fuck and let the corpses feast on him."

Enrique tossed his axe forward towards Sylar, he slowly stood his pistol still on the ground. With his leg injury he leaned against a nearby car for support, he pushed himself up and lifted his wounded leg.

"If you grant me my life," Enrique said grunting, "I promise I won't stop fighting till Thom... Tyler is dead. I don't even know how to put into words my anger at this point. Let me help kill that fuck."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood

Daniel glanced at the man who looked like the second in command, the one who was on his side. He needed to find Emma. He needed to get her to safety. "Where did you take my sister." The man directed him to a building just outside the gates. Before he could get out of the gates, the man told him to wait. He shoved the woman in his grip towards the wounded Puerto Rican man, and picked up his crossbow. He extended his arm towards Daniel and offered him the pistol. Daniel shouldered Abrams rifle and took the pistol, nodding in thanks.

Daniel ran to the building kicking the door to the first floor inward. He checked the bare foyer for threats and then continued to the hallway. He could hear Tyler's voice upstairs and he followed it. Daniel silently crept up the staircase and turned quickly into the hall to find Emma, Tyler, Katie and the older man who'd promised to rescue Katie, all standing at odds of each other. The old man looked like he was wounded, as Emma supported him and helped him stand. He stepped forward, drawing Tyler's attention. He couldn't get a good shot, so Daniel tried to maneuver himself to a better angle. He could end this right here, right now... If only his finger wasn't hesitating to pull the trigger.
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