Emma - Haywood
(Yet another collab)
Everyone was taken aback when Tyler fired the gun at Daniel, sending the man to the wall. Emma let out at scream, and Tyler took his daughter by the hand, leading her out of the building. Before Emma could run to Daniel, Bex fell back against the wall, sputtering a bloody cough. "Bex!" Emma cried, dropping to her knees. But there was nothing she could do, as Bex passed away only a moment later.
Emma exhaled a heavy, shaky breath. She stood, her knees weak and her eyes already watering. With resolve, she turned to her brother, running to his side. A pool of blood was forming around his chest and he looked up at her. "...Are you okay-" He went into a fit of bloody coughing.
"We've got to get you to Riley, come on!" She observed the same method of help she'd done with Bex, ineffectively supporting his weight. Daniel grew heavier and heavier as his body grew weaker and weaker, and Emma found it increasingly difficult to help him. As they reached the gates of Haywood, Emma cried out for help. It seemed that the attackers were not trying to kill them anymore, as one of them ran to them, throwing his arm around Daniel and taking the majority of his weight from Emma's shoulders. As they supported the body the that was twice their combined size, they went towards the caravan of cars. Upon observing his face, Emma saw that the man helping her was the man who'd tied her up in the first place.
They set Daniel down in the middle of the courtyard, and Emma instantly dropped to her knees. "What do we do?" She pleaded. The man took off his jacket, then tore of his overshirt placing it over Daniel's wound.
"Hold it there we've got to stop the bleeding." He commanded, and she obeyed. Daniel entered a fit of coughing, blood spewing from his mouth.
"Oh God, Daniel..."
"Hey- hey Midge don't look so sad... I'm goin' to see dad..." He said weakly. Emma's eyes were streaming with tears and her eyes were red and puffy. "Look at me...it's going to be fine." Daniel coughed again."
From the main building, everyone began to come out into the courtyard. Abram broke into a run and came to his fellow soldiers side. "You... You take care of her, Abe... I swear I'll haunt you of she gets hurt..." Abram crouched down beside Emma.
"Hey, kid, don't be talkin like that... You're gonna be just fine..." The man said resting a hand on the dying soldier's shoulders. Both men knew it was a lie, but it was told for Emma's sake, not Daniel's. Daniel reached into his shirt and produced a headed metal chain from which his dog tags hung. He unclipped the chain with a pain filled grimace and placed them in Emma's hand.
Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, US Army Special forces, died moments later, his sister crying on his chest. First Sergeant Abram Chamberlin stood over the body of his dead soldier, friend, and brother in arms. Emma let out Heavy sobs, and she felt Arbam wrap his arms around her, pulling into an embrace.
Emma sobbed for Daniel, but she also so be for Katie... For Lauren... For everyone that had died today. Daniel was gone... He was her protector... He'd saved her from the catacombs and he was her last family. Now that he was gone, Emma truly was an orphan.
Sylar looked upon this upon this scene, unsure what to do. He felt the pain that this little girl felt, and he knew exactly what it was like to lose someone you loved. He nodded to the black man, who returned the gesture. He turned towards the scouts, warily glancing at Enrique. "Aoife, bring me four guns from the cars." He ordered, and elaborated. "We can't leave them unarmed."
"What if they attack us when they get stronger?" One of the scouts asked. Sylar shook his head.
"They won't... They're good people." He proclaimed. "And even if they do... We'll have deserved it."