Emma - Railroad Tracks - Towards Jessalyn, Jack, and Tom
Emma's legs were sore and she began to feel the burden of her rucksack on her aching shoulders. She felt the wound on her arm throb, reminding her that it would be her companion for a while. Suddenly it occurred to her: What if, when she found other survivors, they thought the wound was a bite? Would they shoot her? Emma felt reluctant to move towards the idea of the people she was hoping to come in contact with... No, they couldn't possibly be that ignorant. She would tell them the truth; she gashed her arm while climbing a chain fence. Well let's hope that they believe me...She dropped onto the metal rinds of the tracks and sat down, sliding off her rucksack. She looked in and observed the contents.
She had a knife, a bottle of water, some aspirin, a roll of duct tape, and a diminishing bandage roll. Emma removed the bandage roll and the knife, zipping the bag again. She wearily brought her arm to her chest, unwrapping the bandage. She grimaced with a slightly audible "Ah!", discarding the bandage and throwing it to the side. Emma placed the end of the roll over the wound and wrapped it until the cut was completely covered and severed the end loose with her knife. After securing the bandage, she replaced the roll in the bag and stood, keep her knife in her left hand. Though she was right handed, the gash made the process of raising her arm painful.
She continued to walk for about five minutes, then stopped as she heard a commotion on her right, away from the tracks. She looked over toward the chain-link fence, at a small, drab concrete building. It was in disrepair and the fence had a large gap in front of the building. She slowly took a step forward, clenching her knife in her hand. She moved closer, making her way to, and then through the gap in the fence. It was large, easy for someone three times her size to get through. She moved toward the door, inexpertly wielding her knife. Before she stepped in she saw it; a walker. He was about six feet tall, and fall large in size. Just one walker... I'm alright...However, two more emerged into view to join the first. She couldn't help the loud cry the pierced her lips, as she doubled backwards, running towards the tracks. Emma slipped and almost fall on the gravel. The walkers were close behind. The two weren't as close, but they trailed right behind their buddy. She put on a burst of speed, drawing upon all of her stamina.
To her left, another walker came from a building just ahead of her. She passed it, the infected's hand grazing her shoulder. In front of her, she could barely make out three figures. Loosing her focus, she slipped, her foot hooking onto one of the rungs of the tracks. Another cry escaped her lips as she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. The newly joining walker was close. She looked towards the three figures and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Help!"