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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Is it going to be tonight? O_O
Atomyk said
Anyone interested in running into Shannon and James? They're just walking along for now.

I would... but again... Emma is currently trying to ignore the hand on her butt until riprofsuls gets back....
Lol I would post put Aleck is still carrying Emma with his hand on her butt...
[b]Emma - Railroad tracks/Aleck's Holdup - Aleck[\b]

Emma made no objection to the stranger; he'd saved her life after all. She decided that she hadn't seen people down the tracks and she'd been seeing things. That was the first time she'd been so close to being bit. She felt sick, her legs would have probably given out if she'd been walking. She managed a quiet, "Thank you..." and let herself embrace the shaken daze. She ignored the intimidation that the man radiated, the awkward placing of his hands, and hoped he was friendly.
((Sorry it's short, but there's not much I could do at this point))
I was happy that someone finally posted and I was like "Maybe someone's gonna help me :D" but then it was a completely different place xD
Emma - Railroad Tracks - Towards Jessalyn, Jack, and Tom

Emma's legs were sore and she began to feel the burden of her rucksack on her aching shoulders. She felt the wound on her arm throb, reminding her that it would be her companion for a while. Suddenly it occurred to her: What if, when she found other survivors, they thought the wound was a bite? Would they shoot her? Emma felt reluctant to move towards the idea of the people she was hoping to come in contact with... No, they couldn't possibly be that ignorant. She would tell them the truth; she gashed her arm while climbing a chain fence. Well let's hope that they believe me...She dropped onto the metal rinds of the tracks and sat down, sliding off her rucksack. She looked in and observed the contents.

She had a knife, a bottle of water, some aspirin, a roll of duct tape, and a diminishing bandage roll. Emma removed the bandage roll and the knife, zipping the bag again. She wearily brought her arm to her chest, unwrapping the bandage. She grimaced with a slightly audible "Ah!", discarding the bandage and throwing it to the side. Emma placed the end of the roll over the wound and wrapped it until the cut was completely covered and severed the end loose with her knife. After securing the bandage, she replaced the roll in the bag and stood, keep her knife in her left hand. Though she was right handed, the gash made the process of raising her arm painful.

She continued to walk for about five minutes, then stopped as she heard a commotion on her right, away from the tracks. She looked over toward the chain-link fence, at a small, drab concrete building. It was in disrepair and the fence had a large gap in front of the building. She slowly took a step forward, clenching her knife in her hand. She moved closer, making her way to, and then through the gap in the fence. It was large, easy for someone three times her size to get through. She moved toward the door, inexpertly wielding her knife. Before she stepped in she saw it; a walker. He was about six feet tall, and fall large in size. Just one walker... I'm alright...However, two more emerged into view to join the first. She couldn't help the loud cry the pierced her lips, as she doubled backwards, running towards the tracks. Emma slipped and almost fall on the gravel. The walkers were close behind. The two weren't as close, but they trailed right behind their buddy. She put on a burst of speed, drawing upon all of her stamina.

To her left, another walker came from a building just ahead of her. She passed it, the infected's hand grazing her shoulder. In front of her, she could barely make out three figures. Loosing her focus, she slipped, her foot hooking onto one of the rungs of the tracks. Another cry escaped her lips as she felt a sharp pain in her ankle. The newly joining walker was close. She looked towards the three figures and yelled at the top of her lungs. "Help!"
I'm currently writing my second post xD It's kinda on the lengthy side
((I'm a newcomer, so I do apologize if I don't do something right))
Emma - Railroad Tracks

Emma kept a weary eye on her surroundings, watching carefully for danger. She hurried her steps as she traversed the railroad tracks. Emma had heard gunshots; she was sure of it. Gunshots meant people, and people meant the possibility of medicine. The gash on her arm stung annoyingly, and something told her that a walker bite wasn't the only infection she would need to worry about if she didn't get it treated. The girl briefly glanced at the bloodstained bandage that was wrapped over the sleeve of her jacket. The sun beaded on her face, so she pulled the thin hood of the green army jacket over her hair. She continued walking towards the origin of the shots; she needed help badly.
So... I'm a late bloomer.... but what can I say? I lurv the walking dead xD

Appearance : (I'm afraid I can't really find a picture that matches, so I hope a good description will suffice) She has curly, Brown hair, brown eyes, she's rather thin, but not like annorexic. She's 5'2, and she has moderately pale skin
Name : Emma Crowe
Age : 14
Skill : (are you good at medicine? cooking? electronics? hunting? marksman?) She was formerly a gymnast and she had a hobby of doing things like parkour.
Weapon (up three): (anything you can realistically have) Just a combat knife from her older brother, but she can easily outrun the walkers/zombies(Whatever you preffer to reffer to them as)
Personality : (good and bad points) Emma is very compassionate and she is quick to forgive. She can be stubborn, and she is almost too-trusting
Brief Bio : (we are not going to know much about each other at first so only a brief history, such as what they were doing before the outbreak, is fine)
Prior to the outbreak, Emma was a very much into gymnastics and free running. Her mother died four years before the outbreak, and her dead went with the first wave of Walkers. Not being very good at moving on, she often feels hopeless and helpless against the world. She believes that since the apocalyptic world could take someone as strong as her dad, she feels very doubtful about her chances of survival.
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