I am a girl, but seeing as it doesnt look like there's gonna be all that many guys, I'll go ahead and make a guy.
Name: Addison Gray
Age: 17

Personality: He's not overly talkative, but is fun to be with and has a good sense of humor. He's protective of his friends.
Ability: Addison can highly enhance his senses and motor, giving himself better agility, vision, hearing, and sense of smell. When he increases his vision to the limit, he can move a a speed quicker than most, giving him time to react rapidly. Also, when his eyes are at limit, he sees things in a blue tint.
1. What does the mansion look like? Something like the X-men mansion?
2. Are we assuming that all of our characters are at the mansion Prior to the beginning of IC or are they arriving? And along with both questions, will there be an over-looming plot or just free to do whatever?