Emma - Cell - Bex the OG
"Why do you give a sh-" She stopped herself and dropped head low... He almost looked sympathetic. "N-not too much..." She shifted herself and again felt the ropes shifting on her wrists. The sleeve on her right arm had been pushed up and Emma could feel the threads bearing into her skin.
Her scalp still stung from when the man that this guard called Brad had yanked her hair. She felt the pain in her leg from where'd she'd injured it on the train tracks. She wished Aleck would come and carry her to safety... She wanted to be saved by someone... If only Daniel knew where she was... Then a pang racked her chests, faltering her breathing. Where was Daniel? If anyone could save her, it was him... She pictured him in her head.
Daniel; enormous and muscular, smart and ingenious, and a bona fide action hero... her brother... He'd come and put a bullet in this Tyler guy's brain... "Come on, Daniel..." She muttered to herself, but most likely loud enough for the guard to hear.