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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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datadogie said
I'm going to be away for a few days, so if anyone wants to control my character a bit, it's fine. Just don't kill him.

I'll take over james if you trust me enough xD
Raikage said
Could anyone tell me the time frame in which the outbreak has been in existence for?

About 6 months now
Atomyk said
If you're still unsure, you could possibly make a raider or make a character to join up with Daniel's group.
Yeah... and we can have even more people that Daniel can ignore
Greatest Idea Evar :O :3
Daniel Crowe - Railroad Tracks - Shannon and Aleck

Snapping his neck is definitely how Daniel would kill him if it came down to it. He couldn't figure it out, but something about this guy cringed every muscle in his body... Then Daniel decided what it was that bothered him. The kid was looked a few years younger than Shannon; but couldn't be over eighteen. He felt sorry for this guy... that he was so young and yet he was tracking down a group of murderers and rapists. Six months ago, that would have been something for the NOPD to handle, not some kid that could barely grow facial hair yet. Daniel didn't doubt that he could overpower this kid, but to many he would be seen as a deadly force. Had Emma gone through these changes too?

To Daniel; this new world was just a complication. His fellow soldiers would agree; it was just like being in the middle of a firefight, only 24/7. For Daniel, the only new thing that even slightly intimidated him was the fact that the dead had risen. What about all the men that he'd killed in war. Until his third year of service in the Army, Daniel had counted the number of men he'd put down with his M16. He'd gotten to sixty-three; which at the time horrified him. However, on one tour in Afghanistan his squad had been captured by a group of Al-Qaeda insurgents. After their second week in captivity, the US had sent a rescue team to retrieve them. During that tour he'd killed at least twenty-six men; and he quit counting. Daniel was no stranger to carnage...

But these were kids! These were people that used to be law-abiding, tax-paying citizens... They'd turned into soldiers themselves, but they'd had to fight for themselves in the worst way. No state-of-the-art military training, no top of the line weaponry; just a few weapons and a horde of re-animated corpses...

But even so; what supposed act of genius could this kid possibly have in mind? Daniel saw that he was capable of taking care of himself; but he acted like he was a military strategist... Daniel sighed, giving in. "Alright. I'm listening."
Emma - Raider Base/Unknown - Brad/Raiders

Emma dreamed a lot when she was asleep, and this time was no exception. She was sitting at her house, the one before the outbreak. She was lying in her bed, wearing what she normally slept in; a tank top and a pair of running shorts. A knock resounded on her door, and her attention diverted to it. "Come in..." It was her older brother, Daniel. He'd come home for a week from the army base. She'd seen him come in last night, but she was half-asleep. Her face spread into a grin, and he stuck himself inside the room.

"Morning, loser." She greeted playfully. She saw that he had something in his right hand, a dark wooden box. Daniel laughed quietly and sat down at the end of her bed beside her feet.

"Same to you, shorty." Daniel handed her the box.

"Sorry that we're not all 6'5 and 205 pounds of pure muscle." She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, taking the box from him. "Let's see..." She flipped the lid and observed the contents. Inside was a long knife with a wooden handle and silver metal blade. It was sheathed in a rough leather case that was made to loop in to a belt. "That's... a really sharp knife, dude..." She laughed and looked back over at her brother. He was staring distantly over out of her window. "Daniel..." She tapped him on the shoulder. His head swiveled, and he looked at her with dead eyes... He was a walker.

Emma woke to a sharp searing pain in her cheek, the sudden jolt of it bringing tears to her eyes. She found that her eyes were already wet, the tears only added more her silent crying. "You're comin' with me!" A man barked, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her along. She couldn't resist, as her hands were tightly bound behind her back. She stumbled and the pain of her injured leg awoke again. She choked on her own breath as she fought to pull away from the man; but he was much larger and stronger than she.

"No, no, no..." She muttered helplessly. Where were they going? What was going to happen to her? Torture? Rape? She couldn't decide which was worse as the man dragged her roughly along.
Daniel - Railroad Tracks - Shannon and Aleck

Daniel almost laughed; this kid could lead him to Emma? How could he track someone that left no footprints, and Daniel doubted he had a blood hound that could track her scent. He looked the kid over; sizing him up... and absently planning on how to kill him. He was well armed; the sig sauer rifle would definitely be a problem. Daniel's eyes dropping to the kid's legs, where two .357 pythons were holstered and most definitely fully loaded. If he could put a round in his arm, the armor would protect him, but undoubtedly phase him long enough for Daniel to either put a round in his head or move in to fight him hand-to-hand.

He brought his thoughts back to the present and focused on what the kid had said. "And...how exactly can you lead us to her?"
Daniel Crowe - Train Tracks - Shannon and Aleck
When Shannon removed her hand, Daniel almost felt disappointed. He'd received it as a gesture, but he didn't know how she'd administered it. Daniel was almost tempted to return the gesture and put his hand on her arm. He touched her arm, letting her know he would protect if it came down to it.

"I'd ask you the same thing!" He rose his gun head level, ready to shoot. "She's my sister..." He took a bold step forward, keeping his eyes on the sig sauer rifle. Had he killed a cop for that rifle? "Buddy, I swear if you did anything to her, you're going to wish I shot you in the head."
Daniel Crowe - Train Tracks - Shannon

Daniel shakily showed her the engraving of the knife hilt. "I-It's her knife... I gave it to her last summer when I was off duty and came home for her birthday..." He dropped his hand back to his side; and pointed out the jumbled prints on the tracks. "R-right...right there. There's a new group of tracks..." He moved frantically to the other side of the railroad. "Three sets of tracks; three shooters... Emma and her two friends. But the other pairs of tracks are to organized to be the walkers..." He pointed out the jumbled prints again. "Shannon, someone else was here... someone was here..."
Daniel Crowe - Railroad Tracks - Shannon

Daniel pulled to a halt at the tracks, shifting the car into park and extinguishing the ignition. He anxiously jumped from the cab of the truck and held his gun alert. He looked around; no one was there; the tracks were deserted. His clenched a hard fist and tightly squeezed the grip of his pistol. He breathed in, "Emma?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. No answer. "Emma!" He called again. She was gone... "Goddam-" his words caught in his throat as he choked out a sob. Then he noticed it; the knife and the piece of cloth.. he stalked over and picked up the knife. He flipped the hilt over; it was engraved. E.J. Crowe. Emma Jane Crowe...

He looked around the tracks; up at the dead walkers; and then up the road. Daniel jogged up the hill, observed the walkers. They'd all been shot; possibly by Emma and company. He went down back down to the tracks and looked at the gravel... Their were several more pairs of tracks; and their had only been three of them... It could have been walkers, but no, walkers were sluggish; these tracks were coordinated. He looked on the other side of the tracks, from where they'd been shooting; indeed there were three sets of footprints in the gravel... but there were only three of them... Daniel was sure of it; someone else had been there...
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