Emma - Raider Base/Unknown - Brad/Raiders
Emma dreamed a lot when she was asleep, and this time was no exception. She was sitting at her house, the one before the outbreak. She was lying in her bed, wearing what she normally slept in; a tank top and a pair of running shorts. A knock resounded on her door, and her attention diverted to it. "Come in..." It was her older brother, Daniel. He'd come home for a week from the army base. She'd seen him come in last night, but she was half-asleep. Her face spread into a grin, and he stuck himself inside the room.
"Morning, loser." She greeted playfully. She saw that he had something in his right hand, a dark wooden box. Daniel laughed quietly and sat down at the end of her bed beside her feet.
"Same to you, shorty." Daniel handed her the box.
"Sorry that we're not all 6'5 and 205 pounds of pure muscle." She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of her bed, taking the box from him. "Let's see..." She flipped the lid and observed the contents. Inside was a long knife with a wooden handle and silver metal blade. It was sheathed in a rough leather case that was made to loop in to a belt. "That's... a really sharp knife, dude..." She laughed and looked back over at her brother. He was staring distantly over out of her window. "Daniel..." She tapped him on the shoulder. His head swiveled, and he looked at her with dead eyes... He was a walker.
Emma woke to a sharp searing pain in her cheek, the sudden jolt of it bringing tears to her eyes. She found that her eyes were already wet, the tears only added more her silent crying. "You're comin' with me!" A man barked, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her along. She couldn't resist, as her hands were tightly bound behind her back. She stumbled and the pain of her injured leg awoke again. She choked on her own breath as she fought to pull away from the man; but he was much larger and stronger than she.
"No, no, no..." She muttered helplessly. Where were they going? What was going to happen to her? Torture? Rape? She couldn't decide which was worse as the man dragged her roughly along.