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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Yep, I'm pretty sure that, soon, Jess isn't gonna be the only pregnant character...
Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Brad, Lynn, and Raiders
(Just for future reference, Emma's a 14 year old girl, not a woman :P)

Emma was easily subdued; she never stood much of a chance against the men. She didn't know what she had been thinking; trying to help the woman. She was going to learn her lesson now... She let out a scream as they pinned her down, and he writhed to break free. She was trapped, and she was never going to get out of this one... and she had a feeling that these men weren't friends...
Emma Crowe - Rail Road Tracks - Lynn/Raiders

Emma ran as fast as she could with her limp; but that was not all that impressive. She stopped as she was a ways down the road from the tracks. She watched as the woman opened fire on the bandits and took cover. Dang it, Emma! She yelled at herself. She made sure the revolver was loaded, turned and ran back towards the woman. She was too late as the men swarmed her and knocked her out. She cursed silently and pulled the trigger thrice, firing a sloppily aimed barrage of rounds.

You're an idiot, Emma Jane Crowe! Despite her snarling conscience, she came up close to the men, fired a shot, and pulled her knife from her belt. She felt the walkie slip from her waistband as she lunged towards one of the men.
Myst said
You can post whenever you want. There was just something I want to do with Lynn that involves the bad guy's group. That's all. :)

If you saw IC, you'll see that whatever involves Lynn involves Emma now too xD And soon, possibly Daniel and Shannon
((Sorry to post OOC in IC, but we should wait for myst; her being lynn and all))
Daniel Crowe - Streets of New Orleans - Shannon

Daniel barely gave Shannon enough time to close the door before he started the ignition and basically peeled out of the alley. He kept his eyes on the road enough to navigate; he remembered the way. "Let's she's okay; for both of our sake." If she's hurt, you'll want to run as fast as you can... He'd almost said it, but stopped himself. Was he being selfish? He'd been looking for Emma for almost six months, since the very start of the outbreak, and now he'd finally found her... based on what he received from a fourteen-year-old boy...

He knew that driving at night was stupid, and that letting Shannon come might be a terrible idea. He moved quicker on his own, stealth was his friend when he was alone. Why had he even helped them in the first place? Shut up, Daniel! You're being a brat, now just be glad you have Shannon's help! He silently barked at himself. Why was this so difficult? He'd worked on a team before; he'd executed operations that were reserved for the elite of the US Army. He'd helped them because he was a soldier; because he was supposed to be a warrior for his country, and even in this apocalyptic state of the world, he was still endowed with the task of preserving what little was left of this country.

"You'll want to stay in the truck at first. It might not look good for you to jump out of the truck if they saw your face."
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon

Daniel stepped past her quickly. "That group of bandits you opened fired at? My little sister. I've been looking for her for about six months now and I came within fifty yards of her, Shannon! I have to go back to the railroad tracks." He slid his bag off and into the trunk; hurrying to the driver's side in climbing in. He watched her for a moment; and he thought she might come with him, so he waited a second.
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon, James, Amy

They shot at Emma? Daniel began to breath heavily. He'd been no more than fifty yard from his little sister; six months searching and he'd come within fifty yard? He swore loudly, marching over to the table and retrieving his gun, kiffiyeh, and vest, he retrieved another clip's worth of ammo from his stock and pocked them. Daniel clipped his vest on and shouldered his backpack, just as Shannon returned, he pushed past her and went towards his truck.
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - James, Amelia, and Shannon

"Uh...back alley?" He offered. "Just be careful that walkers don't get the jump on you." He'd never thought about having one here. He'd always attended to that sort of business while he was out scavenging. He turned to James, look down at him. "Oh...James, I- uh...wanted to ask you... Since you've been here, have you seen a brown haired girl; about 5 and a half feet, your age? She kind of... resembles me..."
Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Lynn and Aleck

Emma watched Aleck walk away for a moment, and pocketed the rounds. She reached under her soccer jersey and produced unhooked the walkie from her waistband. "Thank you, Aleck, for everything. Good luck." She turned away and walked towards the woman. "Like I said, my name is Emma. I want to help you; I've got some experience with babies and I think I can help you friend."
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