Daniel Crowe - Streets of New Orleans - Shannon
Daniel barely gave Shannon enough time to close the door before he started the ignition and basically peeled out of the alley. He kept his eyes on the road enough to navigate; he remembered the way. "Let's she's okay; for both of our sake." If she's hurt, you'll want to run as fast as you can... He'd almost said it, but stopped himself. Was he being selfish? He'd been looking for Emma for almost six months, since the very start of the outbreak, and now he'd finally found her... based on what he received from a fourteen-year-old boy...
He knew that driving at night was stupid, and that letting Shannon come might be a terrible idea. He moved quicker on his own, stealth was his friend when he was alone. Why had he even helped them in the first place? Shut up, Daniel! You're being a brat, now just be glad you have Shannon's help! He silently barked at himself. Why was this so difficult? He'd worked on a team before; he'd executed operations that were reserved for the elite of the US Army. He'd helped them because he was a soldier; because he was supposed to be a warrior for his country, and even in this apocalyptic state of the world, he was still endowed with the task of preserving what little was left of this country.
"You'll want to stay in the truck at first. It might not look good for you to jump out of the truck if they saw your face."