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What time to you get home? I'm on spring break and I have nothing to do...
Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Aleck and Lynn

Emma looked over at the woman for a second... she was on her own until she found her friends. And that other girl she was friends with was pregnant. When her aunt Rachel had been pregnant about two years ago, Emma had spent a good majority of her time helping her, and when her cousin Jamie was finally born, she helped take care of him. She wasn't the best help on earth, but she could do the woman some good...

She then looked over at Aleck. He'd helped her; saved her life, twice! But she had to help the pregnant woman. "I-I... Aleck, her friend was pretty well into her pregnancy... she's going to need as much help as she can possibly get... I mean... look, I'll give your stuff back, a-and I'll keep the walkie, so we can keep in touch. Maybe I can find you again, but I feel like I need to help that woman."
Daniel - Auto Garage - Amy

Daniel took a glancing look at the RAF symbol on Amy's shirt, but quickly averted his gaze as to not give the impression that he was looking at her body. He crossed to his bag, picking up the 9mm round he'd ejected from his chamber, and crouched beside his rucksack. He produced the Beretta clip from the back pocket of his soiled, dark jeans, inserting the round into it, and then it into the the pistol. He chambered the the first round and set the gun on the M9 on the table. The man scratched his beard briefly and turned to Amy. "Where were you before you were in New Orleans?"
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amy and Shannon

He contemplated the question for a moment. "Well, there are survivors scattered around, I know that." He pushed the clips on his flak jacket, laying it careful on the table by his kiffiyeh. "Any - uh...bandits I've met... didn't exactly make it out of that fight. But... I have heard some of the mention the name 'Tyler' a few times; probably some can of usurping leader..."

"I've wanted to do some serious scouting, but I couldn't do it by myself. If we can keep those short-rangers charged, maybe you and I could get a better look in the morning. Trust me, heading out at night is not the safest idea..."
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amy and Shannon

I small smile touched his lips. He took the radio, and nodded. "It's my pleasure, Ms. Amelia Rosanna Stephens." He extended a hand to shake. "Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, ex-US Army, ex- Army Rangers Special Ops." He saw it fit that he give her his full title, as she had done the same for him. "You can call me Dan, Daniel, or Danny."
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Shannon & Amelia

"...The two of us, plus one more. He's still out in my truck..." Daniel unwrapped his kiffiyeh scarf and tossed it onto a table adjacent to the closet. "Listen... you're a soldier; that much is obvious; you said you're English, so you're probably from the RAF troops that were sent to help during the initial outbreak, am I right? If I am right, then you know how to handle yourself in combat. And if you are a soldier, you know how to work in a group." He lifted his eyebrows. "See... if the dead aren't the threat than its the living: and now days, it can be difficult to tell which is the monster in the world. We could use someone like you to help us."
Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"I probably would have shot you on the spot, so yes, that is a good thing." Daniel remarked, looking over his supplies in the cabinet. The top shelf was ammunition; a mixture of 4 clips worth of 9mm rounds, one box of 5.56 NATO cartridges(as he'd given the other box to Amelia), and a single case of 12 gauge shotgun shells, which made him suspect that at one time their was a shotgun in the building. The second shelf, which was twice the size of the top, held two full tanks of gas in case he couldn't get to more when he needed it.The bottom shelf held a safe, in which Daniel had found the 12 gauge shells, and a green hose for siphoning gas from cars.

Daniel closed the doors, assured that he made the right decision. Even if he'd made the wrong choice, Amelia had stashed her weapon, and she didn't have enough time to load the M4; meaning she would have to fight him by hand. He judged that his tactical tomahawk would easily deal damage, never mind the fact that he was almost twice her size. He was 6'5, and, last time he weighed, was 205 pounds, and he guessed Amelia was around 5'9 to 5'10, and not even close to 205 pounds. Daniel favored his chances and moved on. "My name is Daniel Crowe, and this is Shannon." He motioned to the woman.
Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"That's much better, ma'am." Daniel lowered the Beretta, sliding the clip from the gun, and pulling back the slide to empty the round in the chamber. He stuffed the magazine in his back pocket and shoved the m9 into his vest holster. Daniel cautiously slid off his rucksack, but pulled the tac-tomahawk from its strap, sliding it into his belt.

"M4 Carbine... I believe..." he went over to a cabinet near the right wall, opening it. He produced a case of 5.56 NATO Rounds. "...that these would fit that gun just fine. And I'd bet that you've got an empty clip; as you're using a Beretta instead of a carbine." He looked back at her. "But I'm gonna need you to unload your weapon for me before I give you these."

Emma Crowe - Train Tracks - Hoedown of Doom Group

Emma looked over to Aleck. "I think they're gone..." She held her knife tightly in her hand. She'd heard a voice... one that sounded mildly familiar... She dismissed the thought and looked over to Aleck. "W-what now...?"
Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon

"Hey now, slow down, we don't want trouble, just wanna know why you're in my home..." He took a few steps back, towards the electricity panel. "I'm just gonna flip on the light switch, so we ain't gotta stand here in the dark." He reached back, found the panel in the dark, and dropped his hand to the third light switch, the house lights. He flipped the switch and the light flickered on, one after another, until the entire garage was lit.

The girl was tall, but still smaller than Daniel. He looked her over for a moment. She had military gear on, and the way she held her pistol demonstrated the discipline of a soldier. However, her accent indicated English; maybe RAF or the BAF. It was then that Daniel saw the M4 on her back. "That's a mighty fine weapon, little lady. If we can talk, maybe you won't have to use it. Hmm?"
Daniel - Auto Garage - Amelia, Shannon, & James

Daniel stepped out of the truck, scanning the area for danger. When none presented itself, he walked towards the side door of the large auto garage. He motioned for Shannon to follow, and continued to the door. He held his M9 leveled as he clicked on the flashlight strapped to his vest, and continued.

Crowe saw the figure the second his flash light hit them. Her came to hand with his pistol, steadying his aim. "Don't move!" He barked.
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