Daniel Crowe - Auto Garage - Amelia and Shannon
"I probably would have shot you on the spot, so yes, that is a good thing." Daniel remarked, looking over his supplies in the cabinet. The top shelf was ammunition; a mixture of 4 clips worth of 9mm rounds, one box of 5.56 NATO cartridges(as he'd given the other box to Amelia), and a single case of 12 gauge shotgun shells, which made him suspect that at one time their was a shotgun in the building. The second shelf, which was twice the size of the top, held two full tanks of gas in case he couldn't get to more when he needed it.The bottom shelf held a safe, in which Daniel had found the 12 gauge shells, and a green hose for siphoning gas from cars.
Daniel closed the doors, assured that he made the right decision. Even if he'd made the wrong choice, Amelia had stashed her weapon, and she didn't have enough time to load the M4; meaning she would have to fight him by hand. He judged that his tactical tomahawk would easily deal damage, never mind the fact that he was almost twice her size. He was 6'5, and, last time he weighed, was 205 pounds, and he guessed Amelia was around 5'9 to 5'10, and not even close to 205 pounds. Daniel favored his chances and moved on. "My name is Daniel Crowe, and this is Shannon." He motioned to the woman.