Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Pffff" Rob looked around, seriously where was he? on one side there were woods and on another the city. Where to go? He didn't think there would be anything in the woods....but then again. "Gah!" Rob grimaced with pain. His shoulder once again burst into a second of pain. He didn't know what was wrong with it. Oh how wrong this is, I have no idea where I am. Rob took a deep breath and started to stumble to the next row of houses.

"Anything in this house? No.....anything in this house....no" Rob groaned. "Dammit!" his shoulder was really getting painful. "I just had to get in a group...." Rob fell down to the ground, his back to a wall of one of the houses. "Maybe I just let myself die...Of course not in the whole get devoured alive way....just a easier one......" Rob closed his eyes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - waking up

Jess woke with no idea how long she had been asleep. She say up slowly, feeling dizzy and her limbs felt heavy. The door opened and she jumped.
"Woah, easy there mama," a young man said as he came in. "I just came to check on you."
Jess calmed down a little but didn't completely relax. She eyed the stranger warily. He chuckled. "I'm not a walker so you can stop looking at me like I'm about to eat you."
"Men are scarier then walkers," Jess replied.
The guy looked at her curiously, then shook his head. "Anyway, you feeling hungry at all?"
"No," Jess replied, rubbing her stomach soothingly.
"Well, even if you're not, you should still eat, for the kid I mean," he pointed out and held out his hand. "Come on, I'll take you to one of the mess halls."

Jess looked from his hand to him. She got up on her own, ignoring his help. He just laughed. "You're a stubborn one, that's for sure. Follow me."
She followed but stayed off to this side, out of his reach. "Where is Eli?" she asked as they went outside.
"Off somewhere doing something for Levi," was the reply.
He looked over his shoulder at her. "That's right you haven't met Levi yet. He's the mayor here, which is just a nice way of saying he's the boss. Everything he says, goes."

Levi... she hadn't met him yet. The question was, did she want to?
She wanted to leave as soon as she could. She needed to go back for Lynn.
She needed to go back for Floyd.
The mess hall only had a few people in it. Jess sat with the young man nearby but not right beside her. For that she was grateful. She wanted her space. Having strangers too close made her nervous.
The food was rather bland, but filling. She felt a kick and smiled. "Yes I know," she told her baby. rubbing her stomach. "I know, but it's all we've got for right now."
What she didn't like was how people were looking at her. It made her uneasy. Like they knew something she didn't.
People whispered around her and she knew they were talking about her. She kept her gaze down and hunched her shoulders to make herself appear smaller.

Someone touched her back as they walked by. Jess stiffened but didn't look.
"You're pretty mama," a voice in her ear said. "Maybe you have my baby next."
Jess shook violently. "Go away," she whispered.
"Now is that any way to be friendly?" the voice asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.
Gripping her knife Jess turned and stabbed reflexively. It lodged into the man's shoulder. He howled in pain and jerked it out, rearing back to smack her.
"Hey!" the young man who had brought her here said, grabbing her assailant's arm. "Back off, or else Levi will hear about this."
"The bitch stabbed me!" the wounded man snarled and glared at her.
"Well next time don't bother a lady," he replied and pushed him away before looking down at the shaking Jess. "Come on, let's go for a walk," he said and helped her up, walking out while people stared.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Underground - Bull

It seemed Tyler had something special in mind for the girl, as no one would allow Bex to take a look at her. If she had been traveling with Lynn, perhaps Tyler felt the girl needed to be taught a special lesson. The poor thing.

Bex soon ran into Bull, who was finally off guard duty. The pair decided to get something to eat and made their way to the dining hall, though it was hardly a hall and hardly a place for dining. On the menu today were energy bars and canned peaches, to Bex's disappointment. As Bull and Bex sat down to eat their "food", Bex couldn't help but grimace. "This is why we need to retake the damned mall, this shit is disgusting."

Bull grinned, showing off his yellowed teeth. "I dunno," he said, stuffing a handful of peaches into his mouth. "I like it."

Bex shook his head. "Who do we even have out hunting right now? I swear to god, if Tyler put Smith on that again, I'll-"

"Eat your damn peaches, Bex."

Glowering at his friend, Bex began to eat. He bit off a bit of an energy bar and chewed it roughly. The Bull was one of his few friends among the group. Bex tended to only allow his emotions to show toward his friends and that's the way he liked it. The two men ate in silence for a moment, when Bex started eyeing Bull's bandaged arms again. "So, I heard you had a mishap yesterday."

The Bull snorted and waited to finish swallowing his energy bar. "It was some bullshit."

"Ahuh, sure it was."

Bull smiled, though it was clearly sarcastic. "Don't test me now." The giant cleared his throat and laid one of his bandaged arms on the table to show off. "Their was this chick and a kid running away from a bunch of deadheads. They were fuckin' limping, and me an' the boys were sure they'd be easy targets. But the chick, she fires on us and her aim was pretty damn good. Damn near took Ritchy's eye out. I thought I could take her but the fucking kid threw a knife at me. It-"

Bex raised an eyebrow. "Was this kid a ninja?"

The Bull barked with laughter. "He only hit me with the hilt, but it damn near scared the living daylights out of me." The Bull paused at the further amusement on Bex's face. "I know, I know! Embarrassing. Still, the two of them managed to squirm their way into an alley. Billy ran after them, but the dead were on me an' Ritchy something fierce. He got bit , but I managed to walk away with only scratches." He gestured to his bandages. "Damn lucky."

"You always are, you son of a bitch."

"Damn right!" The Bull exclaimed, breaking into laughter that sent his mouthful of peaches flying every which way.

Bex decided to swallow down the last of his peaches before he lost his appetite. When Bull was done laughing, Bex asked, "What happened to Billy?"

Bull shrugged. "Dunno. Probably got bit somewhere. I was the only one to meet back up with Brad. The fucker chewed me out hard, but I'm still standing, at least."

Bex nodded, looking down to realize that he had no desire to eat the rest of the energy bar. He pushed it across the table to Bull. "Here, I'm gonna try and see about that girl again."

Bull took the food happily, licking his lips as he stuffed it into his mouth. "You really must be into the young ones. Just make sure you don't get Tyler upset with you. I could see you doing that, you idiot."

Bex only smiled. He waved off Bull as he got out of his seat and left the hall. Perhaps he couldn't see the girl, but he had an idea of someone who could.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raikage


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oklahoma City
Refuge Camp "Ogden"
6 Months prior
4:50 PM

"Hold them back! Move those trucks against the fence for support! Sergeant get the civilians loaded onto the convoy and ready to go! Private get a detail and grab whatever supplies you can and load it with the civilians we need to move now!"

Surge stood by watching the soldier bark out orders, in the distance the thin wire fence that surrounded the medium size camp in Oklahoma City was being slowly but surely bent down and the massive horde of dead would soon be breaking through the defense. The gun was clutched tightly in Surges hand as blood was dripping down his chin from getting accidentally elbowed when the civilians panicked. Standing on the platform over looking the men and woman, soldiers and civilians alike scrambling, the fear was evident and they had a right to be afraid. Looking back at the fence large supply trucks were being pushed up against the thin metal, for a short time the fence would remain intact but it would not hold, the situation was quickly becoming dire.

"Colonel we need to move now, that fence is not going to hold for too much longer, it pains me to say it but we can't get them all out of here alive. There are too many and now our carrier trucks are keeping the fence up so we have even less space."

Colonel Tobin turned and gave Surge a look that was between anger and understanding of his words, Tobin knew he was right but he could not leave innocent civilians to their death even if that meant sacrificing his own life. It was no big secret that Tobin and Surge did not get along, mainly because unlike Tobin Surge did what needed to be done and said what needed to be said regardless. Tobin was a bit softer then Surge and he was filled with honor and pride a combination that would no doubt lead to his demise.

"What would you have me do Surge? Just leave people to die while we run away! I won't do it no one deserves to die at the hand of these ZED's and I mean no one. We can hold that fence long enough to get everyone out!"

Surge shook his head at the Colonel, he was foolhardy and took too many risks, the truth was that if they did not start getting the trucks out of the base now the ZED's were going to surround the other side as well. The plain and simple fact was the fence was not the only concern, the concern was the discharge of gun fire drawing every ZED in twenty miles to their location thus trapping them on all sides. But Tobin was not thinking clearly and was concentrating on just what was in front of him and now what would soon be behind him.

"Tobin! I realize that you want to save these people and if it was any other way I would never question that.. but understand that all this commotion is drawing more and more of the ZED's to this location. If we wait any longer then we won't have and escape route either!"

Surge grabbed Tobins arm and turned him around to let him look at the full picture that he needed to see. No doubt Tobin saw the hordes of Zed's making their way to the base and they were coming on all sides now, slowly but surely. Surge saw the look in Tobin's eye's it was a look of defeat and a look that said he finally realized what Surge was trying to say, there was no way to get everyone out, if they tried then their entire exit route would be covered by ZED's in a matter of thirty minutes or less.

"Major prepare for evacuation now! We can't wait any longer, who ever isn't on the trucks in the next five minutes... we have to leave them!"

Tobin hesitated but gave the command as Major Benson gave a simple nod of acknowledgment, however the shrill screams made both Tobin and Surge turn their attention to the far fence to the east. Surge's heart beat spiked as he saw the fence was toppled and the ZED's were now pouring into the camp like a tidal wave, turning to Tobin Surge spoke quickly.

"We have to move quickly Colonel our time is now at zero, get the trucks moving before its too late, I will try to hold them off with whatever men I can find!"

Surge jumped from the platform and hit the dusty ground, the ZED's were now closing the gap towards the trucks with the civilians and there was nothing to stop them. He had to stall them if nothing else.


Turning Surge caught an M16 that Tobin tossed to him, looking at Tobin it was obvious that they may both very well be in their final hours, and the hatred between the two was now gone from either of their eyes. With a simple nod Tobin jumped from the platform and disappeared onto the other side and was barking orders at a quick pace. Surge turned away as he quickly ran off in the opposite direction, the gun fire in the distance quickly became visible as the other soldiers were desperately trying to fight off the horde of ZED's but it was obvious they were close to giving it up all together.

"Olsen, Blake, Simpson form a line now! We have to hold them back, make your shots count!"

The soldiers turned and quickly nodded their heads, the line was formed quickly as Surge took the right end of it, the Zed's were numbering in the hundreds, but the make shift buildings and barricades were making them bottle neck to get through.

"Aim at the opening in the barricade and take them down, short controlled bursts, make sure to cover your butts and back off slowly as they advance! We can't kill them all but we have to hold them for at least a couple minutes!"

There was a chorus of yes sir's as they all raised their rifles and shots began to sound off from down the small line of men, the ZED's in front dropped to the ground tripping the ones behind them. Surge raised his rifle and pulled off a couple precious shots and shot the nearest ZED's in the forehead spraying blood on the ZED's behind them.

"Back up slowly watch your footing!"

The line took a small step back as short controlled bursts kept sounding off, Zed's were dropping right and left tripping the other ZED's behind them, but it was a futile fight, backing away a little more shots kept sounding off as the ZED's kept falling and then being replaced by even more from behind. Soon they would run they would have no choice, and Surge was about to give the order but the scream from their left flank through him off. Turning his head Olson was on the ground a portion of his neck was already gone, tore out by the ZED that obviously surprised him from his right left side.


Surge raised the rifle and shot the ZED dead in the head as its brain matter splattering the tent near by, Surge knew that Olson was dead and there was nothing any of them could do now for him.

"Watch out Sir!"

Surge turned his head towards the voice and saw a ZED reaching to grab him from his right side, Surge instinctively brought the rifle over and slammed the ZED straight in the face with the butt of the weapon. In one fluid motion he turned the rifle and shot it straight in the head wasting his last bullet in the clip. The screams were coming everywhere now as the ZED's broke their line, Surge brought the rifle down again and cracked another ZED in the head knocking it to the ground, tossing the rifle down he pulled out his Beretta's and clicked them. Raising his right one he shot a ZED at point blank range, blood sprayed his outstretched arm as he turned and shot another one down in front of him. Looking on things seemed to slow down as Blake and Simpson were on the ground, their intestine were being eaten as they slowly tried to stop the death that could no longer be avoided. Surge raised his Beretta as he pulled off one shot then a second, the soldiers were instantly dead now from the head shots, the only thing he could do for them now. Surge turned and started to run down the path as the ZED's were advancing on all sides and trying to close him in.

Squeezing the trigger a couple more times Surge brought down the nearest ZED's but there were too many, as hard as it was to fathom it seemed that he had trapped himself in this horde of dead. Coming to a stop his path was blocked ahead already and the ZED's were now closing the circle completely, it was over for Surge now all he could do was fight, there was no escape route he could take. Raising his guns he was intent on making this an end worthy of remembrance however the sudden explosion damn near knocked him off his feet as body parts started flying towards him, Surge covered his face as he saw the opening now in the circle of ZED's.

"Come on Surge move your ass!"

Seeing Tobin Surge realized Tobin had used a grenade on them, there was no time to think about it, Surge bolted as fast as his legs could take him raising his Beretta he took a couple more shots keeping the circle open. Running through them he reached Tobin as they both ran side by side the dead now on their tail. The truck was just ahead of them and it was ready to go, both of them ran their ragged breathing covered by the sound of the moans and groans of so many ZED's. Reaching the truck Surge wrenched open the door and quickly jumped in, turning he reached his hand for Tobin but he was no longer their. Quickly looking around Surge saw Tobin just a short distance away, he was holding his arm, the blood coming between the cracks of his fingers. Surge didn't ask or need to be told to realize Tobin was not coming with them, he had been bitten was infected there was no other conclusion. As Tobin turned and looked at Surge, they locked eye's for a couple minutes, the whole world seemed to freeze as Tobin merely smiled and nodded his head. Turning his head away from Surge he faced the relentless horde before him. Surge closed the door of the truck as it was now in motion, the last thing any of them heard was a loud explosion as the truck went at top speed out of the camp and towards the unknown.

Current Day

Surge - Haywood outskirts

With a click that was barely audible a flame licked up from the small half filled bic lighter, licking the tip of the cigarette the cherry burned in the feigning light of the day, a whiff of smoke filled the air as Surge took a drag off the Marlboro black between his lips. Removing the cigarette from his mouth and between his fingers, he reached down and grabbed the binoculars around his neck and raised them to his eye's to survey the town before him. In the distance there were a couple ZED's roaming around, but nothing he was worrying to much about, his only real concern at this point was if there were other people around. But like many of the towns he had passed through this place too seemed to be barren on the exception of the couple ZED's here and there, six months had passed by, six months and for almost one month of that Surge had been alone, passing from town to town looking for supplies. An a couple of those towns had been home to bandits and marauders, desolate low lifes who in regular society thrived off of stealing and hurting others, and now the same who felt that they could do what they wished. The only difference was that there was no longer nothing to keep you safe from their deeds. Surge has learned that well, all those people from the Camp were now either dead or scattered into the four winds because of it, it seemed that the end of the world was also the start of a new world, one without laws or regulation... just chaos.

Lowering the binoculars Surge took another drag off the cigarette and let the smoke linger in his mouth for a couple moments before letting it leave his lips. This part of the town seemed pretty bare which was to be expected given it was just outside the main town. Letting the binoculars drop Surge stood up and picked up his black pack from the ground and put it over his shoulders, clasping the front straps he secured it and began to move forward, if there was truly anyone around he would soon know.

Ten minutes passed . . .

Surges boots made cracking noises as he walked across the cracked up pavement of the gas station, behind him the two ZED's he had scouted from before were now on the ground with slits in each of their foreheads, there eye's now milky white with true death. Approaching the gas station slowly Surge gripped the Hitachi in his hand hard enough that his knuckled were white, something that had become so normal he rarely noticed it much anymore. The gas station seemed almost untouched on the exception of the missing pumps, nothing left but a hole in ground in that sense, long gone for who only knows how long. Avoiding the holes in the cement Surge came to the front door of the gas station, stepping beside it he reached his hand out and rapped on it hard three times and waited. There was no sound from inside he could hear, slowly he tristed the knob of the door and pushed it open, it creaked slightly as it stopped against the wall behind it. Surge walked in silently letting his foot steps become light and silenced, the gas station was as expected, pretty much in shambles, it was obvious someone had already been here before him. The shelves were knocked over and empty, the register broken into pieces on the floor and anything that could have been scavenged gone, nothing left but the dust. Surge put his hand on the counter and pulled his fingers across the top collecting the dust.

Was it truly possible that this is how the human race was to end? At the end of all things the human race eradicated by not just a disease but by the same people the day before they were having breakfast with? For so long the United States Government had predicted a chemical attack on the states, could this be the results of a chemical attack? These thoughts always seemed to cross Surge's mind now an days, not knowing if this was something that could have been prevented, but all together just thoughts that he would never truly know the truth too. All that was left is dust and thoughts and thats the end game of the human race it would seem, the ZED's they were the harbingers of it all. Looking up Surge saw a door that no doubt lead to a back office, walking over to it he casually put his hand on the knob and turned it, there was a metal grinding click, the lock had been busted, slowly opening the door his nose was hit with a nauseating smell. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out and LED flash light and clicked it on pointing it into the room. The site was one that he had seen more then once now but more or less was always still a sad site to see in the end. In the room was three bodies, one a man, one a woman, and one a child, a family.

Surge walked into the room fully, the three lay side by side on the floor, the empty bottles that once had pills were sitting upturned on the desk near the bodies. Surge sighed slightly as the sight even to him gave him a few pings of pain in his heart. He often wondered what went through the minds of the people who took their own lives, if they felt fear, or relief, or regret, the very thing they thought before they slowly passed on, the last thing they wanted, their dreams and the shattered world that ripped them away. There was a beauty in the passing and a sadness in the death, Surge just turned his head away and walked back outside the room closing the door, they were at peace and he would let them remain at peace together side by side. Exiting the gas station the wind blew hard against Surges body making his hair fly up, maybe there was no more reason to keep surviving and he should just let himself die. Surge knew that he would not take his own life, he couldn't do it however it did cross his mind every now and again that in the end is the pain really worth it now, to live in a world that is broken, is there truly anything worth living for anymore? He did not know the answers to these questions and chances were he never would, not until he was dieing, but none the less he would continue on, not because he had to but because he felt that there had to be some reason he lived while so many others died. Turning his back on the gas station he started walking up the barren deserted roads towards Haywood and whatever else might lay in his path.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Found

The day was not over, for it had just seem to begun. The New Orleans' sun graced the redneck's toned arm muscles, activating his tiny sweat glands, perspiration oozing through his sores. It seemed like an excess drought flooded his entire anatomy, but Floyd was merely overreacting. He'd been walking for hours on end, not finding a single indication that anyone had gone in the direction he was going. There were no tracks, there were no marks of burned rubber.......nothing. He traveled in an endless maze, heading somewhere, but ending up nowhere. His mind was set on finding Jessalyn, he had failed her once, he would not do it again. But it all seemed hopeless. He struggled through the hardship of survival, facing walkers in his condition. He had not eaten since their departure, burning calories like the nicotine of a cigarette. He had many thoughts of giving up, setting camp and finding a way to hunt for food, but his conscious didn't grant him such blessing. It forced his legs to continue walking, putting aside his wound and focusing on finding the girl. Before, he did not want any attachment with her, but after experiencing the effects of being alone in this new world, aside from his past, Floyd finally came to his senses. He concluded that his life would be taken if he had nobody to help him keep it. For so long he'd been alone that that little event with Jessalyn, the talk in the woods, changed his perspective. Though in that incident Floyd was not graceful of having her around, - instead he pushed her away - after walking hours in solitary, the Lone Ranger finally decided to abandon his sobriquet.

But even with his never ending attempts, the journey before him did not seem to aid him in his task. After so long, he knew he was heading in the wrong direction, but could not stop because he wasn't one-hundred percent assured. Through those long hours, Floyd had put down about three or four walkers, not many, but enough to worsen the status of his wound. In a few hours, a cut like that would not completely close, if not at all. His bandanna was still wrapped around it, completely soaked in sweat and blood. He limped as he walked, forcing himself through the aching pain. It had gone numb just a couple of minutes before he started seeing cabins and small homes along the forest side. Most of the doors along there were all wide open. The windows were shattered and the glass lay on the empty porches. If Jessalyn was in one of them, the doors would of obviously been closed. So he kept moving, keeping his near-shut eyes as open as he possibly could. He felt that if he clenched them close for even a second, he'd miss her. The blood down his chin had finally dried up, allowing him to easily wipe it off with the collar of his tank. He still had a stream of red running down the side of his face though, but that didn't bother him any.

Soon enough, a shadow could be seen in the distance. Floyd couldn't make anything of it because of the barricading heat waves on the road. Seconds after catching that first shadow, three or four more decided to form around it. Without keen eyesight, one would not be able to see the shadow in the first place. That's when the peaceful sound of the New Orleans' breeze and swamps came to halt. The Prairie Warblers stopped their chirping as crows roamed the overhead sky, filling it with their black taint. It was indicated through mother nature and the innocent those shadows were not neighborly. With that in mind, Floyd used whatever strength he stored to rush into the tawny woods. His olive-green tank provided him extra protection through camouflage. He threw himself on the grass and dirt, falling victim to the descending leaves, getting covered like a sprinkled doughnut. Floyd waited there silently and motionless, praying to JC that whatever entity he had seen, did not return their gaze. If whoever was out there were to see him, he was most definitely outnumbered. From where he lay, he still had visual of those shadows. He could see their movements perfectly, they wouldn't get the jump on him. But suddenly, the entire situation changed.

The shadows started to jog up the road, the one in front pointing towards Floyd's general location. Floyd could then hear them starting to speak, but could not make anything of their words. It was most definitely English, but still incomprehensible. As they got closer, Floyd started to crawl backwards, still not certain if it was he they saw. Then, their sentences were understandable when they reached about twenty feet from Floyd. "He's in there gents! In them woods! Get em'!" the leader of the group said. The two beside him started first as the head honcho stayed behind. Another man appeared from nowhere, so that made a total of four armed rugged men. With knowing their intentions, Floyd stood and started rushing through the woods at a decent pace. But his handicap didn't allow him to run as fast as he possibly could. As he ran, his boots broke tree branches underneath them, causing a cracking sound every step he took. He turned his head to see two of the men following him at a distance. One of them suddenly started to shoot, missing his target by a couple feet. They were catching up to Floyd, because they were running faster than him. In attempt to lose them, Floyd turned left and hid in some bushes blocked off by a giant tree. The two men then stood before the bush, looking around as they spoke to each other.

"Where the hell did he go? Dammit, this always happens when Smith is leading the group. Tyler's gonna be pissed if we don't come back with something" one of the men told the other. The other one just nodded in agreement, sweat running down both their faces. "C'mon, lets keep going, he couldn't of gotten far."

After the two armed men were way out of reach and sight, Floyd came out of the large bush, using the tree to regain his balance. Since his knees were locked up for a while, it was hard to get back up. He looked in the direction of the men, then turned to walk in the opposite, but was met by the stock of a rifle. It was jammed into the side of his head hard enough to knock him unconscious. "We caught our self quite a trophy here didn't we Smith?!" the armed man called out. Smith, the man in charge at the time, just laughed hysterically. Floyd's eyes then completely shut as his entire being went black.
Eli - The Road

It had been about thirty minutes of travel so far and everything outside the van windows was still the same. The trees seemed the same height, the grass was equally cut even though there was nobody to maintain it. The clouds in the sky seemed symmetrical, but they were obviously not the same. Eli's eyes were playing tricks on him, presenting him with false hope. He was locked in the darkness of a van heading to meet up with Haywood's benefactor. For some many years he'd been the pawn of a man who thought himself a king. In the process of doing business, he lost the person he loved the most - his wife.

It happened three months after the finalized creation of Haywood, which was actually nameless until the incident. Survivors from all around the area started to populate the complex. Rooms were going as fast as walkers inhabited New Orleans. But as Haywood continued to increase in personas, materials declined quickly. The supply of food was quickly fading, not even Mr. Levi's armada could hunt fast enough to resupply. Medicine and clothing were also distributed faster than they could be replenished. It was chaos in Haywood as people fought for rations. Mr. Levi of course stopped these materialistic feuds as quickly as they started, but this continued for yet another month. Then it all changed when Mr. Levi met a man named Tyler during a hunting mission. According to Mr. Levi, Tyler and his group had enough supplies to last them years. But the man's views and beliefs differed from Mr. Levi's. The two were completely different, yet they knew how to run a business. They set up a contract with each other in order to help Haywood get supplies from Tyler. Tyler would supply Haywood with necessities, as long as Haywood provides Tyler and his society with women. At first, Mr. Levi hesitated to the underlined degree of the pact, but he feared the death of his creation. He was a power-hungry man in search of a nation he alone could govern. Before the virus spread, it was said that Mr. Levi was a politician. Nobody can vouch for that information though. Anyhow, the contract was set up and in advance, Tyler gave Mr. Levi food, medicine, water, clothing, etc. But in return, he waited to be presented with two women of high caliber. Tyler said that he wishes to repopulate the world or something like that. That vision is very obscure, it doesn't make much sense. But it didn't seem that Mr. Levi cared what the women were used for, he would sacrifice as many of them as he possibly could in order to continue his reign. Haywood was said to be a democracy, but it was more of a monarchy where one person held supreme power over all.

Eli was close to Bruce because he saw Haywood as a haven. He did everything he could to further its progress, just like Bruce. They became close because Eli actually saved the man's life once from a hoard of walkers during a scouting mission. Bruce named him number two because of their mutual trust. Eli didn't find out of the contract Bruce had with Tyler until he figured it out. Week by week young women started to disappear, taken by Mr. Bruce himself by pairs. Eli questioned this incident and brought it up with Mr. Levi. The mayor hesitated to give explanation, but since he trusted Eli, he decided it was time to share the truth. Eli was also a businessman, but could not enforce such trade relations with anybody. He questioned the actions of his Mayor, having a hard time to accept it. In due time though, he understood Mr. Levi's reasoning for carrying out such malevolence. He and his wife had everything they needed because of Mr. Levi's ultimate decision of sacrificing life. It was most definitely wrong, but in this new world, one must do everything in their power to survive, it was the new law of the land.

About six months into Haywood, young women used for trade were beginning to be scarce. Haywood's population persisted of men, the elderly, and children under fifteen years of age. Tyler was very picky when he obtained his women. He inspected them like if it were a vehicle, making sure nothing was wrong with it at all. But as women became scarce, Mr. Levi had no choice but to give away the eldest female children. From what Eli remembers, Bruce had traded about five or six girls ranging from twelve to fifteen. It was a horrific sight for a man who would soon be a father. Eli's wife at the time was pregnant, she was three months into motherhood. The man known as Tyler visited during that third month. He came to scout the remaining women of Haywood, trying to see what he could take in order to continue their monthly trade consistency. And ironically, Tyler had his eyes set on Eli's wife. She was already with child, which would give even greater purpose to Tyler's vision. She was already set to provide the world with yet another human being. It was the perfect woman for Tyler. But of course, Eli fought this arrangement. He was not going to allow his wife to be abducted by such a demonic being.

That day, Eli was called into the administration office by Bruce Levi. The mayor instructed Eli that he shall allow his wife to be taken. Eli became furious by this and punched Bruce in the face, telling him off and going against his will. With complete calmness, Bruce returned to tell him why he should allow his wife to go with Tyler. He explained that Haywood was no longer getting the necessary materials to continue running and that without this trade, they would have no way of surviving another six months. He told him that Tyler agreed to pay them double the usual for the pregnant woman, that he had more use for them because of their fertility. This trade would give the people of Haywood, which were about thirty at the moment, in addition to the armed guards, and would allow them haven for future months. For those who don't know, Bruce Levi was a great motivational speaker during his era, his words could conform to the listener, making them understand the topics of which he spoke of. He could change ones views within minutes into his speeches, it was an incredible skill. That is why all the people of Haywood respect him, because he knows how to make them believe he is right. But Eli did not fall for such wordplay. He forced himself to reject Bruce's decision, fighting against him verbally to stop the trade of his wife. With the jerk of his wrist, armed men had entered the office and escorted Eli into the cells. He was forced into complete isolation and darkness for weeks, allowing him to understand why Bruce did what he did. When one is alone for more than three weeks, he starts to think, to develop new ways of seeing things. People say that the apocalypse changes people, Eli says that people cause change. But in that time, he learned to accept what had happened and also changed as a person. He understood that survival didn't belong to those who cared for others, but for those who only cared for themselves and their own personal status. Though he cared for his wife, her sacrifice was the basis of his own survival. For his sacrifice, Bruce named their haven after Elijah. The town of Haywood

Bruce - Monarch

A soldier entered the office, knocking at Bruce's door gently. Of course, he was allowed in and started to speak with respect. "Mr. Levi, there was yet another incident in the mess hall. The woman attacked one of our men, stabbing him in the arm. From what I was informed, it was he who started to verbally abuse the girl, forcing her hand."

"Is that all soldier?" Mr. Levi asked.

"Yes sir" the soldier answered, arms tightly by his side. Bruce wrote something down on a sheet a paper before him. The soldier was hoping it had nothing to do with him, which it didn't. "What was the soldiers pass number?" Bruce added. "Pass number 3351 sir. His name is Antonio Ward" the soldier answered. Bruce nodded pleasingly, writing down everything the soldier had informed him. He then stood up, walked around his desk, and patted the soldier's shoulder. "Thank you soldier. Now, call everyone forth for a town meeting. I will be giving a speech in the center of Haywood in neutral zone. Make sure everyone is there, keep a count of all the people that attend. Make sure the numbers equal these" Bruce commanded, handing the soldier another piece of paper with all the tenant's names. He then walked out of his office and headed for the buildings exit-entrance doors, ready to go into town.

"Where is Antonio Ward now?" he asked the soldier. "He is in the infirmary sir, having the doctor attend his wound." With a nod, Bruce now walked through town heading for the infirmary. It was a short walk due to it being right across the administration office in neutral zone. Neutral zone was the region of Haywood where all tenants were allowed. The private sector of town was where only those with passes were authorized. If a tenant entered the private sector with malice intention, then he/she would be given a warning by the guards to return to neutral zone. If that certain tenant did not listen, then probable force of action would be employed.

After Bruce reached the infirmary, he had a talk with Antonio Ward about what happened. He said it was fine and that he shouldn't do it again, to prevent any further incident with the girl. From Antonio's point of view, he had been forgiven by the mayor. But after Bruce exited the infirmary building, two armed men entered and dragged Ward out and towards the cell located outside of Haywood gates. Some may have called it overreacting, but this girl was basically priceless at this time. Eli is the man that would deal with Tyler and make a perfect trade. Before he left, Bruce had informed Eli that he wanted triple the usual for this girl. She was young and in perfect condition. Her complexion was clear and white and had vibrant colored hair.

As the soldier called forth all the people of Haywood, Bruce slowly walked towards the center of the complex. He watched people exit their rooms and walk in his direction with a smile. He couldn't help but smile back, feeling how truly powerful he was, having all these people's lives on the palm of his hand. They were nearly uninformed puppets, waiting to be controlled by his strings. He stood on a podium, behind him, a statue of Andrew Jackson on a horse, holding his hat highly in praise. He took that statue from central New Orleans, forced his men to waste their day to obtain such a treasure and symbol. And now, he stood before it like a god, facing his people head on with his hands held high. Now he waited for everyone to appear, it was the time of revelation. It was time for unity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jessalyn - Haywood - Center of Town

Jess enjoyed the walk. The young man seemed like he might have been a politican before the outbreak. He was very good at either evading her questions all together or answering them without really answering them.
He was just leading her back to her room when they got the news that Levi was having them all get togther for an announcement of some kind.

"It's not a regular thing," the young man told her. "Something must have happened or is about to change."
Jess was worried, her stomach got into knots. "Can I just go lay down?" she asked, hoping she could skip it.
He shook his head. "Unfortunately announcements mean everyone has to come. I'll try to get you a chair though," he said kindly and led her towards the center of town.
There were no seats so he had her hold on to his arm for support. There were more people here then she'd thought at first. And what she saw only heightened her worry.
There were no women between the ages of 12 and 40. Men and boys everywhere, but no young women or teenage girls and very few children. She didn't like it at all. But questioning her guide about it was useless. It was one of the questions he wouldn't answer.
She was looking around, wondering when she could get some water to drink when she heard a man start speaking.

The voice...
It couldn't be...
Jess slowly looked up... and froze, her eyes wide with terror.
It was him. There was no way she could ever forget that voice, that face, those eyes...

Levi, the leader of these people, was the man who had gotten her pregnant...

Jess wanted to run. She wanted to scream. But she couldn't do anything. All of the blood left her face and for a moment she was afraid she was going to faint.
"Hey," the young man said, taking her arms gently. "You feeling okay?"
Jess couldn't even answer him. Her vision had gone blurry. She felt hot and cold at the same time. Everything was a blur and voices became a hum in her ears.
The next thing she knew she was sitting on the ground with the doctor's face close to hers, looking into her eyes.
"She's suffering from some kind of shock, and her rapid breathing and tears indicates a panic attack."
Rapid breathing? Tears? Jess hadn't even been aware of either.
"... away from the crowd... cool and quiet... dark... possibly a sedative..." words floated around her. She struggled to make sense of it all.

She had to get away. She had to get away from here. Had to escape.
He was the leader of this place...
There were no women... no babies...
He was going to do something to her... kill her... kill her baby...
Had to get away...

"Get away to where?" a voice asked her. A voice? The doctor.
"Get away from him..." she murmured, her eyes wide and voice trembling with fear. "Don't let him... he'll... my baby... don't let him..."
"When did all of this start?" the doctor asked the young man beside her.
"When Levi started to talk. She just started shaking and things got worse from there."
The doctor looked at her thoughtfully, then towards Levi. 'I wonder....' he thought and shook his head. Whatever the case, they needed to get her to calm down before she did any damage to herself or the child.
"Miss? Look at me alright? I need you to try and calm down. This elvated state or distress could harm the baby."
Jess had to focus hard, but she got the gist of what he was saying. For her baby's sake she had to calm down. But with the sound of his voice she couldn't.

"Please," she begged in a whisper. "Please, let me go. Let me out of here. Don't let him hurt me."
"Who? Who is going to hurt you?" the doctor asked.
"Him," Jess whispered and pointed at Levi.
The doctor frowned. It seemed his suspiscions were confirmed. "Help me get her back to her room," he told the young man.
Things weren't much better once they reached her room. Jess still shook, still had that wide-eyed terrified look of a scared kitten.
"Please I'm begging you, let me leave. Just open the gate and let me leave."
"We can't do that," the doctor insisted. "You wouldn't last five mintues on your own."
"I won't last half that long once he realizes who I am," Jess insisted.
"And just who are you?" the doctor asked.
"I am the woman he forced to have sex in return for safety," she said bitterly. "I am the woman he abandoned after he got me pregnant."
"The baby is Levi's?"
"Yes," she answered. "Now please, let me go."
The doctor patted her shoulder in sympathy. "I'm truly sorry, but I can't." He said and turned to the door. "I will return soon and check on you. You have my word nothing will harm you or your baby. I swear on my own life."

Jess watched him leave, watching her hope leave along with it. She heard a key turn in the lock.
She covered her stomach with her hands, trying not to cry. "We'll be alright..." she promised her baby. "We'll be alright... Lynn and Floyd will come for us... we'll be alright..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bruce Levi - You did this to yourself

The speech had already begun when everyone gathered at the center of the town. It started off with his personal introduction, Bruce once again telling them who he was before the virus spread, before everything turned to shit. He told them about his politician life as mayor of Mississippi, how he'd have to make decisions that changed peoples life for the better. Bruce told them about bringing that same skill into Haywood, how he still makes live-changing decisions to help the people prosper and remain in sanctuary. He speech continued into more important matters, such as new rules set for Haywood. "From now on, we will be working an additional hour. This means that everyone's curfew will increase an hour. It used to be at eight pm, it will now be at nine pm. This will allow us all to increase our water supply, having people work in the wells for an extra hour, we will increase our crop production, again, allowing our farmers and planters work for yet another hour. Our hunting crew will also be taking an extra shift, helping bring in more food and supplying our rations so we can distribute properly and with efficiency."

That's when a small ruckus started in the audience. Bruce continued to speak to the people, but his eyes lay on noise that sprouted out of the bunch. At first he couldn't make out who it was, who was speaking to each other, but then, he found them. There were three, "...........and we will continue to to protect the gates, so we remain safe," and they were louder than they thought. People started to look at them, trying to shush them in order to hear their mayor speak. In result, the girl was taken away by the doctor and some young man. It was obviously the doctor because of his wardrobe. The girl was pregnant of course, so she was distinguished even quicker than the doctor. As the speech continued, two soldiers approached the side of the podium. They stared at Mr. Levi as if waiting for his command, knowing what they were supposed to do. In the middle of his speech, the turned to the soldiers - as he still spoke - and nodded in allowance.

The two soldiers then left Bruce's side and walked around the crowd normally, not pulling any sort of attention to themselves. They caught the room the doctor took the girl and waited patiently outside of it. They couldn't hear what they were saying because Bruce was speaking above all noise. The man had lungs of steel and the voice of a great legend. Anyhow, the two soldiers waited outside until the doctor came back out and locked the door behind him. As a surprise, on of the soldiers took the doctors arm as the other escorted him aside from the crowd. "You're goin against policy doctor. That's too bad." The soldiers then disappeared with the doctor, nobody saw the incident because they all had their attention towards their leader.

Bruce could see the soldiers escort the doctor out, but he did not see them with the boy. As he continued to gather the the crowd in unity, he looked for the young man. It took him a while, but he found him. Then the unexpected happened, Bruce stepped away from his podium, "........and I will continue doing everything in my power to protect all of you.....," and walked into the crowd. "I will protect you" he said, putting his hand on the shoulder of a random tenant. "I will protect you as well" he said to an old lady, revealing his white teeth with a smile. He did this to a couple of the pedestrians, old people, children, old men, grown men. Then he reached the young lad who helped the doctor and the girl. Everyone gave way to their Mayor, allowing him to get around fairly and easily. Bruce then placed his hand on the young man's shoulder, staring directly into his eyes. "I will protect you. I will protect the young men of Haywood, helping them flourish in this new world." He then poked the lad's chest. "You will be nourished into a man. You will raise children and have a family. You will be just like us" he finished, his pupils slightly dilated. His eyes were red and his hand patted the lad's cheek. He then forward to reach the boy's ear, whispering into it, "You did this to yourself." Then he walked away with a smile, waving to all his people and exiting the gates of Haywood in a vehicle. The people cheered as he drove away, then resumed their daily duties. They spoke to themselves about working harder and ideas on how to further the prosperity. They never doubted Levi, not even with his lack of presence in the town. He'd been supplying them with sanctuary for about nine months, maybe more.

Aside from the town, outside the Haywood gates, the doctor now sat, all tied up, on a chair. He was in the a small deserted building called the cell block. This is where people that went against their Mayor's word were 'tried fairly'. The doctor had his hands and feet tied by a strong rope. He had a beam of light shining directly on him, as if he was in an investigation room. But on the rear corner was the body of large man, naked and completely covered in blood. His skull was bashed into his face, his entire body crippled by a bat. The body wasn't discomposed, so he hand't turned into a walker, he was killed a human. On his torso, he had been engraved with the tip of a blade. He was even cleaned up so that the engraved words were distinguishable. The name of their town "HAYWOOD" was cut into his flesh. It was a disgusting view, but it was the effect of treachery. Soon enough, the door to the building opened, and from the entrance came forth the Mayor, Bruce Levi.

"What the hell is this Levi? Why am I here huh? For helping a young girl, the girl you told me to keep safe?"

"You see doctor, I understand where you are coming from, but see........I only instructed you to aid her when she was sick. But that's not the reason you are here. You left during my speech, which is actually going against one of Haywood's rules. As stated before, everyone is to meet when I give speech. That's the rule doct-"

"Oh c'mon Levi! Tell me the damn truth, why am I here?! You already killed another man, look! What are you? You sure aren't the man you say you are. As a tenant at Haywood, I had no idea what a monster you are! Nobody knows the truth do they? But do you think I'm stupid or something? I know what you do to all the girls that come into our little town, you give them away to some......some......benefactor or someth-" he was then punched directly on the side of the jaw, causing blood to pour from his mouth.

Bruce then licked his lips with disbelief. A mere tenant was speaking to him like he was nothing. "What the hell do you know doctor? Huh? I've given all those people everything they desire, so who cares how I get it. I do everything to keep them safe, wouldn't you?" he asked sarcastically, already knowing the answer. He then threw yet another fist into the man's stomach. "So my suspicions about you were right. You know what's going on and now you're trying to get this girl out aren't you? But see, if you do that, then Haywood doesn't get to eat for three more months. You're not only sacrificing your own life, YOUR SACRIFICING EVERYONE'S!" he yelled, running his already bloody fist across the man's face yet again. Already the doctor looked like one of the walkers, his face completely filled with blood, yet he still held breath. The doc coughed a couple of times, spitting out blood onto the rough ground. The soldier waited by the door, watching their Mayor take action. They had no words, just kept silent and watched patiently. In their eyes, he was doing the right thing.

Bruce then ripped the doctors shirt open. He could see his chest, hairy like a beast. "You've failed us doctor. You've failed all of Haywood with your treachery. Now you will forever hold image in your heart!" Bruce then took a knife from his belt and started to cut letters into the man's chest. Blood squirted as the man screamed louder than a pregnant woman giving birth. "COVER HIS MOUTH!!" Bruce commanded the soldiers, who moved quickly and did just that. The doctor continued to yell, but his screams were silent. His tears were shedding like his blood, running down his face fusing with the red. "You've failed all your friends doctor! You've failed Tommy, Jim, Mrs. Marietta, James, you failed that young man who helped you with the girl!" Bruce said, finishing the carving of the word 'Haywood' into the man's chest. If he did not die from the loss of blood, he would soon die from what was next.

The doctor's head bobbed to each side of his shoulder like a potato sack. Bruce had sprayed blood all over his face, his fist, his arms, his clothes, it was basically everywhere. "It is too bad this happened Doctor, we really needed you back there. If only you'd of just spoken to me, maybe things would of been different."

"I'm not.......*cough*.....the one....who failed. I-it-....was you who failed" the doctor struggled to say, his one good eye looking directly at Bruce. "That girl.....sh-she....bares......*gasping for air*.....your chi- *CRUSH!*

Suddenly, his entire skull collapsed inside itself as a hammer was bashed into his brain. Blood was gruesomely everywhere, all over the ground, all over his clothes, all over everything. After putting down the hammer and the blade, the soldiers handed their mayor a change of clothes. He started to change right there and then. Behind him was a bottle of water that he used to clean his hands and face, wiping away all the blood with a towel afterwards. "Remove his clothes and bring both of these back to town after hours. Make sure everyone is in their rooms, then, hang these two on the entrance gates, there is no room for traitors here in Haywood. Anyone who disobeys will be engraved with their sins." And with that, Bruce mounted his vehicle and returned to Haywood. It was still daylight, so the other soldiers could not return yet, not until nighttime.

During that time, the soldiers guarding the Haywood entrance noticed a man in the outskirts of their complex. They pointed their weapons at him as they opened the gates slightly. "State your name and put down your weapons!" one of the guards commanded, stepping out of Haywood, followed by three other men. They started to proceed towards him, surrounding the man, noticing the weapons he held. Those were most likely government issued weapons. "We are not allowed to let you in until a full body cavity search. Then we will proceed by asking you questions, but that will be done inside. Right now, state your name and hand over all your weapons. If you fail to do so, we will use necessary force!" the soldier finished. (this was said to Surge)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rob- Somewhere/Haywood

Rob kept walking, that what he had to do. He could see something in the distance. "Wait...." What? is that what I think it is? Rob eyes squinted. He could see buildings but...something was off. Rob started to get closer, was that....guards?
"That doesn't make sense...why would there be guards-.....Unless, there...were, people, a...community?"

Rob- a month ago

"Checkmate" Rob grimaced as he realized his mistake "Aww man, you can't be kidding me, I thought I had you there" Rob took his king and spun it in his fingers. "So that's....5-4 to you?" Rob gave a small smirk.
"Well, yes. I am the Chess champion of the world! They shall name me Apoco!" Rob's friend raised his arm in victory. Before getting up and, well at least what rob thought he was doing. A victory dance.
"Okay, Owen. That doesn't prove anything, and what's with the name Apoco?" Rob asked as he quietly put the chess pieces into a small case."I mean, That sounds like a wrestler or something"
Owen grinned, "Apoco, Cause I be the king of the...Well you know" Owen gave a awkward stare before shrugging. "Plus, Can I not just be the king of something, I mean...You kick the hell out of me in a fight." Owen remarked as he took the small case and put it in his back pack.
"That is true...I would kick the crap out of you" Rob and Owen gave a quick laugh as they finished up there game.

Present Day

Rob closed his eyes and breathed deeply. So, this was interesting. But would he just leave it at that and walk away or try to....Well Rob didn't know what to "try"
I just can't risk it, what if they are murderers or bandits? What then? would he just die, because he thought they would just accept him? He wouldn't let him self die!
Rob got up, had a deep sigh and started to walk away, only to trip and snap a twig or something, either way. It made a lot of noise.

Rob- One month ago

"You know Owen, Me and my brother use to own a café. At the very beginning it was just us two so I made him be the waiter, heh. He was good at it as well. Hell, we were getting popular before the outbreak. 'Dara's Café' We use to call it...pretty sweet"
Owen scratched his neck as he and rob were searching a house, of course. Like everything around here, there was nothing there. "Is your brother...Still....alive? or is he gone?" Owen asked awkwardly as he saw down.
"He's alive.....maybe. Crap, I don't know. We got separated a bit after the outbreak. I spent my first three months trying to find him. Now I'm just trying to survive, and hoping that one day we'll cross paths. Hopefully in a good way as well...Man, I wonder, I wonder what happened to the rest of the world. Like Europe? How they doing, I wonder how Ireland are doing. I mean, C'mon! Just as Dublin were finally winning you know!?" Rob frowned as he took a bite of his recently found chocolate bar.
Owen patted rob on the shoulder, "Rob...You gotta promise me, You have to find your brother, not many have the chance that their a family member might still be alive....Okay?"
Rob looked into Owen's eyes. "....I'll....Try"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tyler and Lynn - Underground - A cell

He laughed at Lynn's words and said, "Yeah, a cockroach that would survive anything to complete its goal." and walked over to his 'tools' and grabbed a taser and waved at her and he said, "You were always strong at being in pain but you'll tell me about Jessalyn and where is she. You were always the good looking one but you ran away from me, but you must be punished for running away.". He pressed the taser against her arm and fired it, he heard her screams for help and said, "Once more, where is she at and I want to know now." he slapped her face and walked to his 'tools' and looked over it. He waited for answers to come out of her mouth, but he knew that she wouldn't answer no matter what happens to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shannon, Daniel & Amelia - Back to the Garage - Polyester & James ~Collab Post~

“You should have said yes, Daniel.”

Shannon opened the passenger side door and hopped into the truck. She put her arm over the back of the seat and looked across at Daniel. “But I’m glad you decided to go back. I’m way too exhausted.” She looked toward Polyester who hopped into the back seat and smiled. “Soon, you’ll meet the other two.”

“Yeah well I think he’s eighteen and possibly too optimistic.” Daniel climbed into the driver’s side of the cab and turned on the ignition. He pulled around and turned away from the kid, heading back up the street towards the crossroads. He turned back left and continued towards the autogarage. “Glove compartment; in the back. There’s a map of the city. Get it out and find where the street and the railroad meet.”

Shannon nodded and opened the glove compartment. She frowned as she fished through and found the map a few moments later. “Okay, so, uh…” Her eyes scanned the map, reminding Shannon that she really didn’t know New Orleans much at all. “Could you pass me a light?” she asked, her frown deepening. Daniel took one hand off the wheel to pass Shannon a flashlight. She mumbled a thanks and resumed looking at the map. After a few minutes of silence, she said, “Mmhm, I think I got it. Do you want me to show you now or later?”

Daniel searched for a minute, checking his pockets. He then reached down to the door compartment and placed his hand and a black pen, offering it to Shannon. “Circle it.”

“Will do.” She took the pen and circled the location on the map. She continued looking at the map for a few more moments before she found the auto garage. Or at least, until she thought she found it. “Man, James won’t like what we have to tell him.”

“Pardon?” Daniel asked briefly. “What would James have to dislike?”

“Well… Your sister-”


Shannon paused, unsure if she should even continue. “Yes, Emma. I guess I really did shoot at her. I’m sorry, again. And well, now … she’s been taken apparently.” She looked down at her hands which she was wringing in her lap. “I’ll help you, no matter what.”

“Shannon, you don’t owe me anything. I would have the same thing had it been she and I. You feared for yours and James’ lives, and you took measures to protect yourself.” He said plainly as he pulled up to the garage.

“No, you wouldn’t have.” She balled her hands into fists, the knuckles whitening. “You don’t know me. We just met.” She looked over at him now, tears forming in her eyes. “I’m all irrational and honestly so stupid sometimes. I’m trying so hard to change because of all this bullshit but I can’t help being emotional. I fired on an innocent girl and I don’t care what you say, Daniel, I can’t forgive myself right now.” After a moment of silence, Shannon wiped at her eyes with her sleeve. “I’m sorry. Come meet James and Amy, Poly’.” With that, Shannon exited the vehicle.

Amelia was never very good with children, she hadn’t any of her own and she had no siblings which had any children. However, she’d managed to pass the time by letting James take a closer look at her M4 which she’d taken the clip from so he could look it over safely. At times the conversation would run a little stale, but with the topic of how they’d both survived they both managed to keep a light conversation going. Amelia looked up as she heard a car pull up outside the garage, motioning for James to return the M4 which she loaded before making her way towards the door. “Stay inside James, I’m going to take a look and make sure it’s people we know” she said before opening the door, peering around the corner. Shannon popped into Amelia’s view, followed by Polyester and Daniel. Shannon gave the other woman a small wave before motioning for her to head back inside.

Amelia gave a small nod as a greeting towards Shannon, offering a small smile as she walked towards her. She looked back inside and gave James an ‘all clear’ gesture with her free hand before slinging her M4 onto her back. When Amelia saw the new guy, she started to worry about the amount of resources they had to spare. At this rate they’d need to go looking for more. Without a word she followed in behind Daniel, moving over to the table where her armour lay before leaning against it, folding her arms across her chest as she looked towards Shannon and then Daniel. She was about to ask a question when Shannon spoke up.

Once everyone was inside, Shannon started up introductions. She told Amelia and James that Polyester would be with them from now on. When everyone at least knew everyone else’s name, Shannon turned to Daniel. “So, about Daniel’s sister Emma...”

“I did not find Emma… We found a kid on the tracks but I think he’s too confident. He said he could find Emma for me and lead me to her. I said no, and now we’re here…” He then added, “and so is Polyester.”

“The kid said that she’d been taken by a group of armed men,” Shannon added. She let that information soak in for a moment. “I want to help Daniel rescue her.” She looked at everyone else in turn. “I want us all to help.”

Amelia listened intently to the information that the two gave. She didn’t know these people very well, nor did she know the new arrivals. But she had partnered herself with these people and so she knew she would invest herself into this as best she could. “I’m in” she said simply, “But I assume there will be a plan that doesn’t involve us assaulting where she is held and likely being shot” she said before correcting her posture to sit a little more comfortable, leaning against the table. “We’ll need a map, and as much details as we can get our hands on”

“Of course,” Shannon said. “I’m glad you’re already thinking ahead.” She gave a smile toward Daniel. “But I think we should probably rest for the night. I think we’re all pretty exhausted.”

“I’ll take first watch, you guys sleep.” Daniel removed his Keffiyeh and vest and set them on the table.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Morning

Shannon's eyes blinked open. She mumbled to herself softly before realizing she was back in the real world. Her dreams had been mostly nonsense; A stream of people and locations running through her mind. She tried to roll over but found her arm pinned under something. She panicked momentarily and grabbed at what was pinning. Her fist found a handful of clothing, and Shannon realized it was just James laying on top of her arm. She knuckled the sleep out of her eyes with her free hand and gently nudged James, who rolled over obediently. Shannon smiled and sat up, allowing herself to let out a large yawn.

"Hrm... Daniel?" She looked over to find Daniel still sleeping. She stared at the man for a few moments, examining him intently. He certainly looked a lot smaller on the ground, and his eyes were for once closed instead of studying their surroundings intently. He looked peaceful, which was far different than she remembered how Danny slept. He had always scowled in his sleep, and sometimes strangely grinned. She wasn't sure if Danny had ever had pleasant dreams.

Shannon got up and stretched her legs, alternating bending them at the knee. She then rolled her shoulders in an attempt to work all the kinks out. She never worked them all out. After all this, Shannon went to Amelia, who had last watch. "How'd you sleep?" she asked. It was such a normal question. Shannon felt it was always nice waking up with other people. She recalled parties with her friends, where everyone would sleep over and binge on pancakes in the morning. It was just too bad they didn't have pancakes today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Auto Garage - Morning

Daniel stirred to the sound of voices. He'd slept away from the others, off by the mechanic's shelf. He felt the fabric of his bedroll and blanket against his bare back and chest. He lifted his head from his rucksack which he'd used as a pillow. The man rose, shrugging off his blanket and slowly standing up. He reached down and picked up his discarded white shirt from the garage floor and slid it back over himself.

He turned to face Amelia and Shannon after rolling up his bedroll and blanket. His raw voice was fresh and deep, but his throat tingled when he opened his mouth and spoke. "Mornin', Ladies."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia - Auto Garage - Morning

It had been a quiet morning, save for the noises from the very real monsters that bumped in the night. She'd done a few patrols of the building to keep herself awake and alert, checking in case any walkers had strayed close to the garage. But alas there were none, and so Amelia had returned to sitting on a chair with her carbine resting against her leg. When Shannon awoke and found her she offered her a small smile, "Well, thank you" she replied in her thick London accent. Amy had her armour back on now as well as her glasses just in case something had happened and she needed to be ready, but there was also another reason. She peered over as Daniel spoke, "Good morning" she replied before she stood and stretched her back, picking up the carbine and tossing it over onto her back. "Well, based on how many people we have here now. I can estimate we'll run out of food and drink in a week with very strict rationing. So I suggest we go see what we can find" she said, looking between Shannon and Daniel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lynn - Underground - Tyler

Lynn screamed at the taser fired into her. "Damn it Tyler," she said through gritted teeth. "I don't know how the hell you know about Jess, but what makes you think I'd tell you about her. You have enough breeding stock. Leave her alone. That kid has been through enough without you putting her in the ninth circle of hell. And you wonder why I ran away? It's because you are a damn psycho path!"

Jessalyn - Haywood - breaking out

Jess was still trying to get her breathing back to normal when her door unlocked and opened. It was the young man who had helped her before. But his expression worried her. "What's wrong?"
"Something has happened. Something bad," he said, pulling her to her feet. "We've got to get out of here."
"What do you mean? What's happened?"
"I saw them take the doc somewhere and he hasn't come back. I've suspected for a while that something was going on, people disappear too often. We both need to get out of here."
"But how?" she asked. "The gate is guarded."
"I've got a plan. It's risky, but it might work."
A large truck full of garbage bags pulled up to the gate. The guards stopped it and looked at the young man driving. "What's going on?"
"Doing a garbage run," the man answered. "It's piling up back there."
The guards looked at each other. "We need to have a look."
"Sure, go ahead," he said.
The guards went to the back and opened the bed of the truck. They started poking at the bags.
"Hey, these don't feel like garbage," one of them said and tore one open. It was full of stuffing from a mattress. They tore open another and found a pillow in it. Another held clothes and cans of food. "There's something else here!" the other shouted as he moved a bag and saw someone's foot. "Jesus, it's the pregnant girl!"
"What the hell is-" they started to ask but trailed off when they saw the truck was empty, the driver working the gate open. "Hey!" they shouted. "Stop or we'll fire!"
The young man squeezed through the small opening he had made and ran. The guards shot at him but missed as he dodged. One bullet struck his shoulder but he kept running until he disappeared into the trees.
"Damn it!" the guard exclaimed.

Jess wanted to cry. The young man hadn't really expected this to work. He had used her as a distraction in order to get away himself. He had never intended to help her after all. Just another man who had lied to her and used her.
The guards pulled her roughly from the truck bed and marched her at gun point to a room that had nothing in it. When they shut the door and locked it she realized it was a cell of some kind.
Jess sat in the corner and cradled her stomach. "We tried," she whispered. "He left us here... but we tried..."
She didn't know what was going to happen to her now. It terrified her to think that he might be on his way here. He would be livid she was sure. She had tried to escape and because of her someone else had escaped.

What had happened to the doctor? Had he been locked up too? She remembered his empathy and gentleness in taking care of her. She prayed he was alright.
All she could do was sit and wait.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tyler and Lynn - Underground

"I need her to make more kids to follow in my plans and since she already has one.. you get the picture. That's why I can't leave her alone, she is somewhere and I need to know now God dammit!" he then laughed at Lynn's last words and then he responded, "I'm a psychopath!". He then tased her again and laughed, but stopped and said, "You'll be going to the arena, have fun." as he said that, he tased her again until she passes out. He walked away from her and call and walked over to Bex, Tyler didn't know him well, but he trusted him to do the job. He stopped Bex and said, "I got an important job with you and.. where the fuck is Bull and the others?" and shouted as loud as he can, "Bull, Jimmy, Joe, and Ash, get your fucking asses over here now!" and waited until the others rushed to Tyler.

Brad and Emma - Underground

He looked at Emma and said, "Give me one reason why I should let you go? Besides, you're a teenager bullshit." and made such no guards was looking. He then waited for an answer to come out of the young teen's mouth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - Daniel & Amelia

Shannon glanced momentarily toward Daniel as he bent down to grab his shirt. When she found herself ogling his shirtless body, Shannon rolled her eyes and quickly looked back toward Amelia. She swallowed down what felt like a lump in her throat and said, "Good morning, Daniel."

To Amelia, Shannon nodded. "Yeah, and once we've saved Emma, there will be even more of us." She made it sound hopeful. "I'll wake up Poly and tell him to watch over James." She walked over to the sleeping man and shook him awake. She smiled at him before explaining the situation. Then, she went to the tool desk to grab her back pack and gun. As she grabbed the items, Shannon paused and frowned at herself, realizing she hadn't had her clothes washed in a while now. They were beyond dirty, her green over shirt covered in muck and blood. Her jeans and the rest of the clothes in her pack were just as bad. It depressed Shannon far more than she figured it should, as there was a whole lot more to worry about than dirty clothing. Still, she remembered taking pride in what she would wear once upon a time. She had always been so meticulous in planning out her outfits, making sure everything always complimented each other. Both Danny and Monica had given her grief over her behavior, but the aspiring fashion designer had to take pride in something. Maybe if the world hadn't gone to hell, she'd still be poking at her art book...

"... Could we also look into getting cleaned up a bit?" she asked, walking back over to Daniel and Amelia.
Bex- Near the Cells Underground - Tyler & Bull/Joe/Jimmy/Ash

Bex was stopped short by the man himself, Tyler, walking out of the cells. Bex stood at attention to hear what Tyler had to say. When Tyler told him he'd be getting an important job, Bex crossed his arms and thought, Good, it better be the fucking mall.

Tyler called out for the others, letting the tunnels carry his voice to them. After a few moments, they shuffled in one after another. Bull was in front, his bushy beard still messy with peach juice. Bex grimaced at the man. Tyler had gathered a nice collection of degenerates for this mission. "What's going on?" Bull asked. A slight look of concern passed over his face and he looked in Bex's direction. It seemed he was worried that Bex had gotten himself in trouble after all.

Joe stepped forward. "Hey, is this about the new girl, boss? The teenage one? Do you think we could get a little look at her?"

"Maybe even a little taste," Jimmy added. The two men snickered and exchanged stupid little fist bumps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Chapter: Waking up

James Feryana - Auto Garage - Shannon, Daniel, Amelia & Polyester

A loud groan was heard in the auto garage, but it wasn't a walker. It was actually James waking up, and hearing people speak. I don't wanna get up, he thinks to himself. Why can't I just lie here forever, sleeping away the fears outside?
In the end, he opened his eyes, rubbed them for a second, and looked at the party assembling itself to do something. He caught Shannon talking about cleaning up or something around those lines. James raised himself up and into a sitting position, looking at the group.
"Are you guys going somewhere?" He asked, yawning the second after he had asked the question. Presuming that the three talking to eachother were the three going to leave, James glanced at Poly, and then he looked at Shannon with a look that said, Are you really going to leave me with someone I don't really know? He would honestly prefer to be left with Shannon, since he knew her better than the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bobby Barrows
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Bobby Barrows The Scholar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Polyester - Auto Garage - Shannon, Daniel, Amelia & James Feryana

"From what I heard, were going to go attack some raiders. I think we need to do some planning before we charge into that camp. We have no idea how many of the raiders are there." The raiders were able to attack the group of people without difficulty. One of the people that was kidnapped happened to be at the church earlier when the raiders attack and they escaped, only to be kidnapped at the train tracks. He saw 3 raiders, one of which he killed, and there were at least 4 more at the tracks. That left a minimum of 6 raiders, but there only 5 in the group he was with, however there was almost certainly more of them at the base or out scouting. At any rate, even if they manage to succeed in the rescue mission, there would be numerous walkers around the area to the the inevitable firefight. Perhaps they could use the walkers to their advantage and use them to provide a distraction so they can get to the prisoners and escape, perhaps even unnoticed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Auto Garage - James/Polyester/Daniel/Amelia

Shannon turned around, dividing a look between Polyester and James. She furrowed her brow at the look on the teenager's face. "James..." She crouched down next to sitting boy. "You'll be fine here. We shouldn't be gone too long." She looked back at Daniel and Amelia. "It's best we finish up as soon as possible so we can start planning, you know?"

Giving Polyester a smile, Shannon stood up. "Don't worry, we'll all talk about it after." She fished the map Daniel had given her yesterday out of her backpack and placed it on the desk behind Amelia. "Have any ideas? I think I saw a mall somewhere in the area a few days ago." She poured over the map, her finger moving across the paper. "It was too intimidating then, but you guys are such bad asses, we could probably check it out." Looking over her shoulder, Shannon grinned at Amelia and Daniel.

"Daniel, you sure you're fully awake yet?" she asked amusedly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amelia - Auto Garage - James/Polyester/Daniel/Shannon

Amelia nodded towards Shannon, "We can sort that when we get back" she said in response to her comment about getting cleaned up. The days moved faster now, and with Daniels sister held by people they couldn't trust it was imperative they didn't waste a day. She moved up beside Shannon as she took out a map and began reading it, once again nodding in agreement as Shannon spoke, "She's right we can discuss the infiltration after we stack our resources, besides some medical equipment would be a must if one of us get's hurt" she continued, giving a small smile with a roll of her eyes at Shannon's small quip about them being bad asses. "So a mall? could be valuable. Are you sure it's thinned enough for us to get through?" she asked, referring to how dense the walker population was in that area.
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