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I'll just state this, because I don't like getting into an argument. Amelia and Daniel are both trained soldiers; and both have very well trained reflexes. Addressing the possibility of Enrique killing Amy, he's drawn his axe; which tactical axes are not like tomahawks. They are meant to be thrown. Even if he'd drawn his pistol, Daniel is the closest to the door, so he would've had to engage hand-to-hand with Daniel which could have gone any way. Had the scenario commenced where Amy had been closest to the back door, and even if he'd taken her rifle; The m4 carbine is not capable of fully automatic fire, but only semi-auto and a 3 round controlled burst. There is no possible way to determine how things would've turned out in the end.

Sometimes we have to get over the fact that are characters can't be 24/7 bad dudes. Though they may be awesome, they're not captain america, nor are they Alex Mason. Lets try not to bring arguments into OOC. If you'd like to continue this discussion with me, feel free to PM me.
Daniel - Garage - Enrique and the OG gang

Daniel's pistol was aimed at the man's skull, and he stepped forward. "Had you drawn upon your pistol I probably would have shot you dead on the spot. I've killed people before, and I could send you to the next life with the pull of a trigger and I'd sleep like a baby." Daniel's eyes set firm on the man. He was well muscled, and looked like he'd put up a good fight. "And Also, I'd speak more respectfully to a woman with a rifle, buddy."

"Now imagine yourself in my position; minding our business when a man busted through our back door. As you see, I have both women and a child in this room, ergo you would think I would be hostile towards someone who has most likely has combat experience." He slowly pulled the barrel of his gun to the floor. "Unfortunately the fact that there is a child in this room also means that I won't down a living person before he strikes. I do hope you can wrap your mind around the gravity of your intrusion from our perspectives."

Emma - Raider Base - Bex the Swaggster

Emma's ears barely registered his voice; but she looked up in surprise when he spoke. "So, who's Daniel?" She contemplated her answer. She could lie... but what would the point of it be? It almost seemed as if he was just barely sympathetic. She had the suspicious feeling that if he had been sympathetic, he would be the only one that she received such things from. "He's someone you don't want to meet in a fight..."
Isana stood from the carcass of the demon, and pulled her blade out with some effort. She stepped back, inspecting the remains of what was a woman... but this woman was now dead, and had no head... Isana's stomach churned as she walked away from the scene. She would've taken the woman back to the village, but that wasn't her job. Her job was to kill the demons.

Isana looked around, searching for the highlighted silhouette that would indicate where and how far the other figure was. However, she could not find the marker anywhere. She hoped that they'd run back to the village for safety... The woods was a dangerous place to be now days, anyway.
xcalx1dw said
It's funny because really there's only three posts

He nodded and proceeded into the mansion. He walked directly into the kitchen, where two kids and a woman stood. Addison noted that he was taller than everyone else... Albeit, that came naturally, as he was right at six foot, five. "Uh...Hello..."
Ah I love the weekends so...
Isana woke to the sound of a high scream. She jumped to her feet from her sitting position against the tall trees of the forest. What was that?[i] She peered around the area, scanning for movement. She turned to the on which she was leaning, rearing back and taking a quick dash at the trunk. She placed her boot on the bark, reaching up and seizing another branch. She barely felt the wood through her gloves, and heaved herself atop the branch.

Isana quickly crouched on the branch and closed her eyes, focusing intently. She opened her eyes again to see the heavy blue tint of her vision when she increased it drastically. Her sentinel eyes scanned the forest, looking for the source of the scream. She pinned her eyes on a set of figures, maybe a half miles away. She focused even harder and the picture became even clearer. [i]Demon!
She could see the gnarled outline of the monster at the river bed, dragging what looked like a body. She forced her eyes to remember the target, and as she moved, her mind absently tracked its movements. When she returned her gaze to the area, she saw what looked to be another human, hiding from the demon. She surged her muscles and launched forward, climbing the treeways towards the river bank. The distance decreased steadily, and when she was nearly above the demon, she whipped her sword from the sheath on her back, and leaped down to strike the creature.
Addie laughed briefly. What were the odds. "I guess so." He glanced inside and saw people gathering near the kitchen. "Well, uh, I suppose we should go inside and meet our new housemates..."
CallaLily180 said
Akira smiled and her arm was covered in flames. "It was pretty hard to get this on but I managed." She put her arm down and the flames went away. "Which room are you in?"

"I'm in 8, you?" He asked. He'd been contacted the other day by this Jennifer woman and she'd informed him that he would be residing on room eight on the fourth floor.
I am so sorry for my spam posts. I just thought that it wasn't letting post so I ended up saying the same thing like three times...
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