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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


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Isana stood from the carcass of the demon, and pulled her blade out with some effort. She stepped back, inspecting the remains of what was a woman... but this woman was now dead, and had no head... Isana's stomach churned as she walked away from the scene. She would've taken the woman back to the village, but that wasn't her job. Her job was to kill the demons.

Isana looked around, searching for the highlighted silhouette that would indicate where and how far the other figure was. However, she could not find the marker anywhere. She hoped that they'd run back to the village for safety... The woods was a dangerous place to be now days, anyway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Orion and Sunōrirī, the road to the village

Orion followed behind Sunōrirī. "My name is Kaji" he lied gracefully. It was a lie he had practiced to perfection since he was a child. Without another word he placed his hands back behind his head in a causal manner and walked silently. The air about this woman was as mysterious as she was and yet so simple and graceful. Orion noticed the absence of sound from her movements and took notice of it quickly. Silent steps were dangerous, He would know growing up in a ninja compound. loud feet were dead feet, these feet were deadly. He watched her movements carefully while maintaining his own ruse as a traveler. His steps were normal, a bit un-even but made noise. Every so often he would glance around, taking in the surroundings, the sites the sounds the smells. As he breathed he let his mind shift, so to speak. He was, for now, no longer Orion, he was Kaji, as he always was at times like this. when the truth required an absolute defense he would hide within himself and watch. As the personality/identity/alias known as Kaji would go to work.

It was a mind trick he learned that allowed for believable lies as well as a split train of thought. Everything Kaji said, he believed to be true, creating a perfect lie. the details, history and even the skills were all intricately fabricated and learned to the point of living them. It was almost like Kaji was a different person than Orion, but still Orion. This way he had an established cover for when they reached the village and people started asking him questions. thankfully this beautiful woman was not as inquisitive as she was enchantingly mysterious.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Orion and Sunōrirī - road to village

Orion/ Kaji nodded once more "appropriate" he examined the woman's swords. Being this close to her meant he could estimate her maximum range. long legs, long arms, long sword..and a short one. She clearly wasn't a normal woman but that didn't matter. So long as those blades remained sheathed kaji didn't care. He shifted his eyes to the road ahead, trying to think of something to say. She obviously wasn't a talker but the awkward silence was making him fidgit with his fingers behind his head. When he couldn't think of anything Casual to say to Sunōrirī he went for the obvious choice. "you must be pretty amazing to travel alone in times like these. You got a story?" no reason to tip toe around the obvious curiosity now was there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


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Alessia smiled at the girl's sudden change in confidence, "A lovely name" she replied as they continued up the dirt path towards the village. Alessia wondered how she would find the girls parent, after all she didn't know who they were, what they looked like or even if this was the right village. The best she could do for now was ask around to see if there weren't people who would recognise her. Apart of her knew she shouldn't be concerning herself with such matters, her mission path as clear as the sun was bright. But then what would they be as a people if they couldn't show compassion for others. How could she call herself a Knight if she wasn't willing to help a little girl in need. She inhaled and exhaled slowly as they approached the town gates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Orion and Sunōrirī- road to village

Kaji registered the hostility in her words that were hidden by her tone. "smell of blood and devils, and walk the road unafraid" she said "i am what i appear to be, "Onna-bugeisha" . Smelling the devils or demons on him wasnt actually surprising. They had a distinct smell, but the only one that flat out stunk was the Oni. What was surprising was that she smelled blood. It had been a few nights since they killed anyone, Even though the scent does linger to those who are very familiar with it. translation, she must be very familiar with the smell of blood.

Kaji smiled "I've came across quite a few devils as you call them, tho i see them more frequently than I did years ago, but anyone who holds a blade should only fear one thing, the blade he holds. Though according to my nose you smell the same as me." He pointed out casually. There was no need to be hostile after all. After all, he never did say what he was in term of occupation. Only that he was traveling off the beaten path. the great thing about being a traveler, is that every traveler has a story to tell and a past behind him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"I'm sure mikos meet a lot of town members." Kiryu stated to himself as he approached the girl with the basket. It was up to him to find this girl's parents, probably. Or at least a place to get her off his back. "Oy. You know this girl?" he asked, pointing to Umiko with his thumb. "I found her naked and crying while hugging that dead fish on the riverside. Thought she might be one of yours."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Ichiko, on one of the many roads headed towards the town

Ichiko paused at the crossroads. Crossroads were magical places, roads carried the qi of men from province to province, from town to town. Many spirits supped quietly upon such energy invisibly or while none were watching. Currently, the crossroads were empty. This was hardly surprising since many spirits cowered from the presence of an Onmyoji. They feared being bound, banished or possibly even killed. An Onmyoji dwelled in the realm of spirits, most protected the world of man from the malevolent. Rarely they protected the world of spirits from man. Some, unfortunately, were as bad as the worst oni.

The blonde woman's long tresses rolled down over one shoulder and she twirled the parasol she held in her small hands. She was wrapped in a susohiki kimono, the crimson fabric carefully detailed with golden flowers. Kneeling, one long slender leg slipping out from beneath the kimono's skirt she reached into a small bag and upended it, casting several long lacquered sticks to the dust. Green eyes examined the pattern the sticks made and after several moments she gathered up the sticks. The sticks had told her where she was next needed.

Setting herself on the indicated road she placed one sandaled foot before the other, two finger's width tall wooden struts keeping her bare feet from the dust of the road. She was curious as to where fortune was leading her this time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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(If you've no objections, Assallya, I've been looking for a place to start him. If you object, let me know and I'll edit.)

Kichirou, Road to the Village, Near Ichiko

Considering what was roaiming about the area, the road was surprisingly quiet. No conflicts disturbed the beaten path, no noise nor howl to break the peaceful silence. Only the road, the sky, and the wind. The nomad preferred it that way. The man moved down the road at a steady pace, the speed of someone who hd a destination in mind, but no particular rush to get there. Either he'd make it in time to be of use, or he wouldn't.

And if the latter... Perhaps he'd arrive in time to administer justice.

The traveler wasn't a particularly intimidating individual. His clothes were of decent make, but nothing particularly fancy. A bag was slung over his shoulder, what looked like a board shoved in the bottom to ensure that it had a flat surface inside. A walking stick beat a regular pattern against the ground while he walked, the only silence in the still air. He seemed perfectly ordinary, in fact, his leisurely pace seemed almost lazy. The only hint of anything unusual was the barely visible bulge of paired blaes at his side, mostly disguised by his clothes.

"Well, Kage, I think we might almost be there." He said softly, his words directed toards the bag on his shoulder. A quiet yawn floated back in response, as if the feline didn't really care. He could see a crossroad ahead, and... Seemed someone was there. They knelt down, straightened a few moments later and went to continue on.

His thoughts floated back to the rumors and tales that had drawn him here; Word was that demons roamed in this part of the land, and that there was a village caught in the middle of it. Maybe this woman knew something, or could direct him to someone who did.

"Pardon me, miss!" He said, raising his voice just loudly enough to be heard. "You wouldn't happen to be headed to the next village, would you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Ayame - road near the river - strangers

When someone called to her Ayame whirled around, ready to throw the basket if needed. She saw a man, a woman and a child. He was asking her about the child.
Ayame studied the girl, but she was unfamiliar to her.
"I've never seen her before," she admitted and stepped forward cautiously. She knelt to look at the child in the eyes, studying her. She didn't know where this child had come from, but she seemed harmless enough. She brushed her hair back away from her face and gave her a smile. "Come, my village is near here. We'll get you a bath, some proper clothes and some food."
Standing, she held out her hand to the little girl and addressed the other two there. "You are welcome to come as well, but I must warn you, this place is cursed. We are under attack by demons. If you stay, it is at your own risk."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"I'm ou-" Kiryu started to say, only to be cut off by a loud rumbling noise. The girl was being taken away for food, and even a bath. No doubt he could get something too. He's gone all the way for the girl, after all. Also, she still had his only shirt.

The ronin decided to follow close after the miko. Demons or no, he had no intention of starving to death or freezing to death in the rain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

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Umiko with Ayame, Kiryu, Vosswald, and Alessia outside the village

A bath? Food? Clothes? As a fish, Umiko never found the necessity for the first and last items. The middle item, however, she was unsure of. At least until her stomach grumbled. Her look of bravery turned into a look of pain, as if she really needed to use the restroom. Umiko's face scrunched up toward Ayame before slowly returning back to its normal state. Umiko examined Ayame as if she were an alien from another planet, looking at her clothes, hair, and eyes as well as getting her scent. She looked and smelled different from the others Umiko had met so far. Of course, the three she had met before were also fairly strange. Umiko never understood humans, but it seemed that she'd have to learn about them and their strange culture soon enough.

Staring blankly at Ayame, Umiko nodded and followed the girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Ayame - outside the village - Umiko, Kiryu, Vosswald, Alessia

Ayame smiled at the child. She reached over and took hold of her hand, not minding what the child smelled like. "My name is Ayame," she told her. "I'd like to know yours. Do you remember anything?" she asked her as they walked towards the village.
Ayame held the girl's hand firmly enough to give the child security but loosely enough so she didn't feel trapped. She could pull away if she wished.
"My grandfather is the village healer," she explained mostly to the child but partially to the others. "We have food and lodging prepared for the warriors we summoned here to help us."

A hastily erected wooden fence surrounded the village. As Ayame approached the gate opened. The people gathered to stare at the strangers and whisper. Ayame ignored them and led the girl and the others to her home. Her grandfather was not there, no doubt attending a counsel meeting of some kind or perhaps visiting a patient.
She led the child into the house and looked back at the others. "You better go present yourselves to the village elders. Introduce yourselves and state your business here. I will take care of her," she added, indicating the child.

Inside the house Ayame filled a tub with water from some storage jars. She sat it near the fire to warm. "Get in," she told her. "Soak for a bit. Take your time. I will make you some food."
She turned her back to give the child some privacy and started making a simple meal of rice and vegetables.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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Kiryu - Ayame's House - Ayame, Umiko, Vosswald, Alessia

Kiryu let out a long sigh before turning away, defeated. The girl was no doubt set on them going to do... whatever it was. The elders of the village must have been desperate about something if they were hiring warriors. The ronin felt they received few swordsmen here, judging from the whispers. But that desperation meant it'd be easy to haggle a meal in exchange for some bodyguard work. It'd been a while since he'd done much of anything, for that matter.
"I'm off then" he gave a short wave before sauntering off, shirtless, towards the center of town.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TotenRuhm


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Vosswald - Village/Ayame's House - Kiryu, Alessia

Although not entirely sure what exactly has been said Vosswald was certain that this has been taken care of. He assumed that the young woman belonged to the girl's family. Maybe she was her sister.

Having nothing better to do he decided to to keep following the shirtless man towards the center of the village. Maybe something interesting would happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alessia - Ayame's House - Ayame, Umiko, Vosswald, Kiryu

Alessia had followed silently as Ayame spoke and took the Umiko under her wing. The place looked to be a nice little town built into a nice little location, so when Ayame spoke of a curse, Alessia couldn't help but knit her brows with concern. She'd been to a place which was 'cursed' before, only to find a group of bandits was dragging people off and robbing them before killing them. Alessia looked to Ayame and bowed her head, "Thank you miss Ayame, that is very kind of you" she replied with a smile before taking a knee to see Umiko better. "This young lady will take care of you while I take care of a few things, I'll be back to check on you soon" she reassured before standing back up, looking to Ayame. "My name is Alessia, it's a pleasure to meet you miss Ayame" she said before taking a step back, "I shall meet with these elders and see to my business before I'll return" she said before she turned, following after the shirtless man who she'd met earlier along with the barbarian looking gentlemen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Orion/kaji and Sunōrirī- nearing the village

The pause before Sunōrirī's answer concerned kaji momentarily. It was several minutes before she responded, allowing him to assume she just wasnt going to answer. He looked around but never over his shoulder. The horizon was quiet and as far as he could see, bare. By the time she responded he had almost forgot the question. It was something about her smelling like him. At the mention of a bath he couldnt keep his mind from briefly imagining... things but he pushed the thoughts aside quickly.

"this close to town there should be some sort of look out or watchman" Kaji noted, referencing the fact that there wasnt any. A strange yet dangerous observation. An unguarded village wasn't safe. He lowered his arms to be nearer to his blade for the sake of caution. He could smell smoke, as well as water. He listened intently but heard no motion of people along the road. He only heard the sounds of nature
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