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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Elniss was embarrassed that Barden appeared surprised at her tongue, and that she could not identify the Blackwood frame of the bow. She knew next to nothing of her home regions, only the land of her former Lord and the vast mountain range that neighbor it. She shifted uncomfortably and threw the majority of her weight onto her good leg.

"I am sorry... I was brought up as a slave to a Lord of human blood, therefore I do not possess the graceful tongue of a common Elf." She motioned quickly to his bow. "Nor am I educated in the workmanship of my kin, so no I'm afraid I hadn't noticed its origin."
((Sorry if my posts aren't top notch right now, but I'm actually writing these on my phone untini get home tomorrow))

Elniss slid her right leg from the branch lowered enough to seize the limb with her hands. She used her arms to slowly lower herself to the ground next to Barden. She contemplated his question for a moment. "My blood draws from the rivers of Blackwood, but my upbringing was in the east." With that she took a step forward only momentarily forgetting her hindered leg when she released a curse in her own tongue. "Pardon my lips, Master Barden." She addressed and her cheeks burned a dull sheepish red. She didn't know she blushed in front of this man but it came without effort.
Elniss watched the edge of the forest and assumed momentary position as sentinel. She listened to the footsteps off the others as they returned to the clearing she could pick out Lazarus among the approaching voices. She turned on the thick branch to look at the people in the clearing.

Her eyes set on a woman, and her lip peeled in disgust; a high elf. By the divines, few things curled her snarl more than the sight of a high elf. She supposed it came with her woodland blood. Presently she saw Barden approach the tree which she was perched in. She listened as the man spoke.

She nodded when he finished. "I am Elniss, daughter of Grae. Trust me, you owe me nothing."
Thanks Ever, you didn't have to, as I was about to bring her back, but that suffices
Elniss only registered the warning a few moments after it came. "Dredges!" The simple word sent chills down her spine as Barden's echoed in the building. No, no, no, it couldn't be! Elniss turned away from Lazarus and bottled into her room, her foot faltering slightly and giving heed to the injury. She snatched up her bow and slid her quiver onto her back, exiting back out to the hallway.

The woman hurried to the window at the end of the hallway, forcing open. She witnessed as Barden vaulted the clearings's fence and dashed into the woods. She's slowly calmed and let her Elvish blood take control as her vision increased perceptiveness. Her gaze perused the trees until she spotted Barden again, and she watched as a dredge pounced at him. He battled fiercely and quickly, more so than any human she'd seen.

Elniss turned and hurried down the stairwell and through the lower part of the inn. She dashed past a man- no... A man with a dog's head? Bah! The exhaustion was playing with her eyes. As she exited the inn she saw a dwarf man climb the fence and join Barden in battle.

The Elf hurried in a broken run that barely sufficed with her injury. She rehearsed what she new about dredges. The were undead... They only preyed upon the weak... But why had they chosen the take prey on an inn full of warriors? She concluded that if seen, she would be considered weak by the beasts; she was small and not very strong and she was injured. She pushed the thoughts aside and haggardly climbed over the fence. She could hear Barden off in the distance, but her attention returned as she spotted a dredge racing towards her.

Elniss fired an arrow when the dredge was merely yards away and let the demonic hound fall dead. She speedily recovered her arrow and looked upon another group of creatures coming her way. She resorted to turn and climb up a tree. The woman's eyes fell upon a creature dashing towards Barden. She couldn't know if he saw it, but she took true aim and releases at the beast.
Just letting you know, but I'm feeling too sick and ill probably be inactive for a day or two.
Guys I'm really sorry about my lack of posts lately. Currently I'm in DC and I'm very sick. I give Atom my permission to control the Crowe siblings until I'm better or I get back to Nashville(whichever comes first)
Daniel waited until all three of them got situated, then shifted to drive. "Rollin out..." He muttered quietly. He kept on for about five minutes, getting a good distance away from the auto garage, and then pulled to the side of the street. "I'm very sorry for this, my friend." He didn't look back, but only stared ahead. "I didn't want to do this in front of the kid, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Daniel unlocked the doors with the key panel on the side of the door. "I'd tell you it wasn't personal but it kind of is."
evershadow said
Nice posts. I'm wrecked, having watched the match and LOTR: Return of the King, it is now almost half 1 in the morning and I am about to hit they hay.Happy hunting!

Did you drink to much? XD I left when Arsenal was up 4-2, but I didn't see the rest.
Elniss glanced over the man; bestowing him with the gift of being analyzed by a female. He was large, outsizing
her by a fair median. She noted that he was muscular, however, she then noted the she was not. Her cheeks burned a dull red, and she came to the definite conclusion that he would down her in a fight with ease. She rapidly glanced between the man and Lazarus. The elder was kind, wise, and a respectable greybeard, but this stranger seemed intimidating and dangerous.

The question then arose in her mind; how had a man of unmistakable human-upbringing(Seeing that he'd greeted her with the term "She-elf") managed to grip his hands around a bow of Elvish make. Her thoughts snapped to the present, and she nodded. Why would this man be a threat? Elniss decided that she would help him. "I... I do believe that I have string... F-from Elvish fletchers of course." She muttered timidly. Silently she reprimanded herself for being so weakly spoken. She turned and went into her room, heavily aware of the limp that oppressed her right leg.

Elniss strode to the chair and picked up the quiver. There were only ten arrows in it, but that was what she normally toted. She slid her hands in past the arrows, careful to avoid the jagged edges of the tips. She felt around until her fingers caressed the fine length of cord. She removed it from the quiver and set the arrows beside their bow. "I-I assume you a familiar with the stringing of a bow, no?"
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