Elniss glanced over the man; bestowing him with the gift of being analyzed by a female. He was large, outsizing
her by a fair median. She noted that he was muscular, however, she then noted the she was not. Her cheeks burned a dull red, and she came to the definite conclusion that he would down her in a fight with ease. She rapidly glanced between the man and Lazarus. The elder was kind, wise, and a respectable greybeard, but this stranger seemed intimidating and dangerous.
The question then arose in her mind; how had a man of unmistakable human-upbringing(Seeing that he'd greeted her with the term "She-elf") managed to grip his hands around a bow of Elvish make. Her thoughts snapped to the present, and she nodded. Why would this man be a threat? Elniss decided that she would help him. "I... I do believe that I have string... F-from Elvish fletchers of course." She muttered timidly. Silently she reprimanded herself for being so weakly spoken. She turned and went into her room, heavily aware of the limp that oppressed her right leg.
Elniss strode to the chair and picked up the quiver. There were only ten arrows in it, but that was what she normally toted. She slid her hands in past the arrows, careful to avoid the jagged edges of the tips. She felt around until her fingers caressed the fine length of cord. She removed it from the quiver and set the arrows beside their bow. "I-I assume you a familiar with the stringing of a bow, no?"