Name: Arco Del' Rio Nezzaron
Age: 476 Years
Race: Draconian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Paladin

Weapon(s): Refined Steel Mace, Blessed Symbol of the Order
Armor: Paladin Knight Armor
Personal Trinkets: Various jewelry relating to the Order. Most have significance to his rank.
Short History: Over four hundred and fifty years is a long time to sum up in a short history, but Arco's most crowning point is his devotion to the Order of the Arconiac Unity. The Order is a very prestigious, religious order serving the only accepted religion for the Draconian race, Arconia's Blessing. To sum up the religion, Arconia is the lone female goddess who gave the Draconian's life. It is said she is not of Draconian race but rather prefers the appearance of a storm elemental. In Arconia's case, which the Order of the Arconiac Unity and Arconia's Blessing, take their primary symbol from, a draconian hand reaching for a lightning bolt.
Arconia's Blessing is seen as the pure and highly respected by almost all of the Draconian race, but there are a few who refuse it. Those that refuse are disowned and casted out by family and friends and the only way to get back is to make a pilgrimage to Acronia's Peak, a tall mountain located near the Draconian home city of Arroseren. This is important because Arco Del Rio Nezzaron was at one time casted out of his community for being a rather rebellious sort at a much younger age. He gambled, accepted prostitutes, and pretty much went against every rule in the Arconian book. He didn't care, however, because he was having the time of his life. He traveled and experienced the world as he served on a mercenary ship in his youth.
Time would go on and around his three hundredth year of life, Arco fell gravely ill and was believed to be dead for awhile. But in truth, Arco was actually being taken by Arconia and asked by the blessed Storm Mother to repent, at least that is what he recalls. He was revived just before being buried and sought Arconia's Peak immediately after rising. Shortly after repentance, he rejoined his clan and soon joined the Order of Arconian Unity, because his claim of speaking with the Great Mother was indisputable.
In his more recent history, Arco was sent to Drakenwald. Mystery had surrounded the forest for far to long and the elders claimed to have visions of great blight that would originate from there. Arco and a few others of his order were sent to investigate, but they all soon lost each other in the thick forest
Other: Rescued a Pixie in Drakenwald Forest and now keeps her close in lieu of his companions.
Name: Zara
Age: Unknown