Name - Liam Cassidy
Alias - Sacrifice
Age - 21 (September 5, 2001)
Mentor – Cyborg (I’m open to Flash if needed though)
Status – Full-time
Personality - Sincere, Hesitant, Envious
Experience - Very little. He only recently got accepted into the program and given his niche abilities he honestly doesn’t know what to expect for his future with the titans.
Powers - The ability to heighten / enhance the powers of his allies at the cost of a physical sacrifice. Example: Liam watches as his ally struggles to maintain the forcefield that stands as the only thing protecting civilians from falling rubble. He takes a deep breath and snaps his finger, activating his ability to amplify the powers of others. This gives his teammate just enough juice to hold the forcefield until the civilians are safe. Liam also possesses a heightened healing ability that teeters on the edge of being superhuman.
Weaknesses - Liam’s primary ability requires physical harm to be done to him in order to work. Yes he heals a bit faster than the normal human, but otherwise he is just a man. One who lacks the training or metahuman capabilities to feel like anything other than a burden to his teammates.
Until recent years, Liam was just an average guy. Anxiety ridden, medicated for the chemical imbalances in his brain, and just trying to scrape by. That changed when his father drove him across the state to drop him off at college. About 45 miles from campus they suffered a car accident that caused their vehicle to roll over a dozen times.
Liam regained consciousness to find himself hanging upside down in the vehicle with smoke filling the air around him. His arm was trapped and the seatbelt was the only thing keeping him in place. He saw his father desperately trying to force the door open to get to him, but it was clear that the door was bent in place. Liam tried to force his arm free but was met with nothing but a stabbing hot pain.
What he didn’t notice at first was that when he tried to pull his arm free and the pain erupted within him, the air around him distorted and the smoke cleared in a line directly between him and his father. As this happened something surged within his father and he was able to pry the door out just a little bit further than before. Liam did the only thing he could think of in that moment and used his free hand to unbuckle his seatbelt. This caused the entire weight of Liam’s body to pull against his restrained arm. The pain was immense, but his arm stayed in place. With every second that Liam hung there the pain he felt pulsed through his body and the line of distorted air and smoke between him and his father grew more noticeable. Eventually, he took notice.
Moment after moment his pain surged a bolstering strength within his father that was beyond a man filled with adrenaline. They could feel and see this palpable connection of energy passing between them. His father grew stronger and stronger until finally he pried the door from its frame and was able to free his son. At that moment, Liam and his father realized that he wasn’t so average after all.
Notes - (I will add notes to the CS at a later time if I get accepted. I’m having to rush due to a zoom meeting before the deadline -_-)
The pitter patter of rain on the car’s windows had a calming effect on Liam as his finger hovered over the call button on his phone. It wasn’t enough to ease the storm in his mind completely, but at least it was
something to talk the edge off. The last few months of his life had been an absolute rollercoaster of emotions. Really you could say the last three years, but especially these recent months had pushed his Lexapro dosage to its breaking point. He hesitantly let his finger hit the button. Two long rings later a voice answered.
“Hey son, I was worried you weren’t going to be able to call before your flight. Everything good?” The voice was caring but cautious in tone.
“Yeah...I uh...I pulled in about ten minutes ago. It’s pouring rain here. Of course I didn’t bring an umbrella.” Liam let out a forced laugh before a few second pause that felt like minutes. “Can I ask you something? I don’t want you to judge me, but I feel like I have to say it.”
“Of course son…You can always ask me.”
“Does that mean you won’t?”
“Won’t what?”
“Judge me.” There was another pause. This one longer before his father replied.
“I’m not going to judge you son. Why would I? I am so proud of you.”
“Are you only proud of me because of this Titan Academy stuff? Because I’m joining it?”
“Of course that makes me proud. Is that so bad?”
“No…it’s not bad, dad, I just wonder what would happen if I didn’t go. If I didn’t join. I feel driving away right now and forgetting this whole thing but I know that it would disappoint you.” Liam’s voice cracked as the final words left his mouth. Another pause.
“Son, you can’t run from this. Look, when I was in the war there were many times I was afraid, but….” Before his father could finish Liam cut him off.
“I am not YOU dad. I’m not a soldier in a war or a fucking super hero. I’m fucked up and I have been for a long time. I wasn’t able to keep my shit together enough to stay in college. What makes you think I can be useful to them? I’m nothing but a liability.”
“I don’t believe that for a second and neither do you. What you can do is absolutely what a hero does. The very nature of your ability is all about helping others. You can be as much of a hero as any one of the Justice League or the Titans or…” Liam cuts him off again.
“But what if I don’t want to be a hero, dad? What if I just want a chance to fucking live? It was your dream to be a big bad war hero and a badass. That’s not my dream. I don’t even know who I want to be.”
“See that’s where you’re not seeing things clearly Liam. This is the greatest opportunity you’ll ever have to figure out who you are. Please…don’t waste this.”
“I just want to make you proud. I want you to be proud of ME…not what I can do or who you think I am...me.”
am proud of you son. No matter what. But I’m begging you. Don’t make a mistake that’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life. Do the right thing. Promise me.” There was a final pause between replies here. Much longer than before. Eventually, Liam answered.
“Okay. I promise. For you dad. I’ll give it everything I have. But...I have to go. The plane’s about to leave.” After the thought was finished Liam ended the call before his father could reply. No goodbyes...no thank you...It was time to go to work.