“That’s what I am: just a traveler. Imagine it: no tax, no bills, no boss. Just the open sky.”
Name:The Doctor, AKA The Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who, Bringer of Darkness, Destroyer of Worlds, Time’s Champion, John Smith, Theta Sigma, Time Lord Victorious, etc.
Age:903 years old!
Main Thread or Sandbox:Sandbox!
Starting Location (SANDBOX ONLY):Wedgwood Museum, Gotham Academy, Gotham City.
Personality:The Doctor is a rather eccentric fellow, seeming to bounce from place to place in a jovial, joking manner that almost always entertains his companions. He always seems to have a quip or insight into a situation, and how helpful that insight can be varies based on the situation at hand. However, this erratic, jokey side of the Doctor only covers one half of his personality. The other half represents his forgotten days in a devastating, long-forgotten war known as the Time War, as he can suddenly switch to a scarily serious, and sometimes even vengeful or furious person at the drop of a hat. He despises any type of bullet-based weaponry, completely refusing to use guns unless he is ordered to by someone he trusts or is forced to do so to survive. His best strategy when forced into a conflict is to either run away and regroup, or outsmart and deceive his opponent with the simple power of words and his surroundings.
Equipment:The Time Lord possesses a few smaller items of interest, such as a Sonic Screwdriver that can open virtually any locked door or item that is not made of wood, overload electronics, scan lifeforms and inanimate objects, and many other tasks. One of the only tasks it cannot perform is unlocking a deadlocked item, such as sealed waste barrels. He also owns a piece of Psychic Paper that he can have any sort of text appear on, according to what he wants others around him to see. For example, if he wanted to provide identification proving that he was a police officer, he would pull out his Psychic Paper and think that he had an officers’ ID, which would subsequently appear on the paper. The only people who can see through the paper are those who have had intense mental training, or have specifically trained to combat the effects of the paper.
(Both the Psychic Paper and Sonic Screwdriver are pictured below.)

Additionally, the Doctor’s most distinct feature and “companion” is his time machine, the Time and Relative Dimensions in Space, or TARDIS. This is a time machine that initially looks quite quaint on the outside, only appearing as a simple 1960’s British Police Box, but when you step inside that box, everything changes. An entire room containing a center console, a surrounding platform, and a rotor mechanism in the middle of the console stands inside of this box, along with a pool, a library next to that pool, many, many bedrooms, a fully-operational tavern, a staircase that leads to the Doctor’s personal wardrobe, and a strange corridor that contains hundreds of silver-clad plaques. Below is a picture of the central room in the TARDIS, containing the center console and rotor mechanism that moves with time itself.
Attributes:The Doctor is not, in fact, human, despite his role as protector of the Earth. He is an alien from beyond our Solar System, hailing from the bygone planet Gallifrey. As such, he has two hearts as opposed to the human standard, and can still function with one, though he is much, much weaker in this state. The Doctor also understands virtually any language in the galaxy, including most writing systems, as well as an intellect that far surpasses any human, being able to deduce almost any problem or situation in seconds. Though, he can easily become sidetracked by rather innocuous things, even when the task at hand is quite serious.
Additionally, if he takes enough damage to be considered fatal, his body will automatically enter a state of regeneration, altering everything about him from his face and personality, to possibly even his gender. However, this "second wind" can easily be overridden by overloading the Doctor's regenerating body with enough energy, or pumping enough damage into it. While it does take quite a bit of effort to do, the Time Lord's regeneration can be bypassed, leading to his permanent death.
Biography:The Doctor has lived many lives before this Tenth incarnation, going through over a dozen friends and companions along the way. He has witnessed the collapse of stars, the death march of countless civilizations, and even participated in a war that he has tried his hardest to forget. The Time War was easily the most scarring event of the Doctor's eons-long life, leading to the death of thousands of innocents. It was a war waged between his race of the Time Lords, and the horrifically authoritarian and textbook definition of "evil" in the universe, the Daleks. Encased in tank-like metal armor, the Daleks cared not whether they were slaughtering man, woman or child. And to finally stop the War, or so he says today, the Doctor had to sacrifice something more dear to him than anything. His homeworld of Gallifrey.
Now trying his best to put those days behind him, the Doctor pursues his endless quest to finally map every star and planet in the known universe, hopefully with a few laughs provided by his companions along the way. After all, the Time Lord is nothing without his friends, no matter where he may be.
Other:The Doctor, no matter where or when he is, will always hate guns. Doesn't matter if they're firing bullets or lasers, he hates them equally. Thank the Time War for that. He's also never really been a fan of cats. If asked, he wouldn't really be able to provide much in the way of an explanation besides.. facts.