Interactions: @Thatguyinastore, @KageBaka, @Crow, @FactionGuerilla, @SomeMekBoy, @QizPizza, @Lazaro1505, @ClownTown@MorgueofCrowz, @XeroUltra, @BoltBeam, @Jeff Jones, @Flamenami, @Yamperzzz
Interactions: @Thatguyinastore, @KageBaka, @Crow, @FactionGuerilla, @SomeMekBoy, @QizPizza, @Lazaro1505, @ClownTown@MorgueofCrowz, @XeroUltra, @BoltBeam, @Jeff Jones, @Flamenami, @Yamperzzz
Ignoring the sweetheart comment and the… smirking sound, she listened to Combustible tell them all he knew about Firefly, including the part where he worked for him. Worked being the keyword as he got locked in the closet for having standards which if he somehow didn’t leave over that, she’d have to wonder what he was thinking with that decision. The man made entirely of metal chimed in, eventually mentioning one specific name that made her eyes widen a little bit, that being the name of Combustible’s true employer:
Oswald Cobblepot. Otherwise known as The Penguin, a man who she had met briefly during the time where she helped save the multiverse. Though the time that she did meet him, he was killed after a fight on the planet of Remnant but even though their meeting was brief, she knew that he was someone to not be taken lightly, especially with an alias such as The Penguin.
If he works for him, was this a different Cobblepot? That was most likely the case considering the way he went out and the choice of words whenever he was brought up indicated that he was alive.
The topic of Luthor and Superman’s relationship was brought up and from the sounds of it, they weren’t friends really so what was their relationship exactly. “So they were acquaintances then? Or enemies?” The man in the costume gave a half-threat of some sort to Combustible which got him to talk a bit more, explaining why he was on this job in the first place. Anyone who worked for someone higher up on the criminal ladder would understandably take a job that paid more than usual but that would be the case for anyone really.
A ding from the nearby elevator caused her to quickly take her sword out and ready it before the doors opened up to reveal a red headed girl who from the looks of it didn’t seem like she meant harm. It begged the question of how she ended up here and if she was here the entire time. “Were you in this building the entire time?” She looked back at Combustible and shook her head, the question on why Luthor and Superman weren’t on good terms being answered.
“Schemes? What kind of nefarious schemes was he trying to carry out? That is if you have any knowledge on them.” She wasn’t expecting a clear cut answer, he was more knowledgeable when it came to another city, not this one. Another person entered the room, this one being a man covered in blood and other things. “No, we’re getting answers just by talking and sometimes by threats believe it or not.”
It wasn’t long before things went sideways as an explosion nearby caused the foundation of the building to shake, causing Ciri to stumble and almost fall down. Once she recovered, she looked out the hole in the building to see cars exploding one by one followed by someone laughing maniacally. Screams could be heard from below following the fire that was being sprayed down below before a man flew in and picked up Combustible, causing her to ready her sword. There was really no doubt in her mind this had to be Firefly, what with the fire obsession and the fact he was currently flying,
Really it wasn’t hard to assume that was him, especially with what he was saying to Combustible.
Firefly went over to the hole and proceeded to drop him which made her grip on her sword tighten. “Bastard!” He turned around and seeing his weapon begin to spark, she looked for the nearest cover that looked to not be very flammable and would Blink behind it as soon as he started to shoot out fire. Before she could even plan her next move, others began throwing both objects and people at him, the man in the costume holding onto his back. The combined efforts of everyone knocked him to the ground which she ran out of cover and over to the hole to see him on the ground before he got back up and attempted to get the man on his back off of it. But there was now a problem: he was now focused on trying to destroy the building she and the others were currently in.
Honestly she should’ve stayed behind cover but too late.
Moving out of the way of the bombs, she quickly got up right after they went off and jumped out of the building through the hole towards him before she could get hit by anything falling, Blinking to close the distance and get close enough to where she would grab onto him, using another Blink which was a short Blink to get behind him and grabbed onto his back. Holding onto him, she aimed for the thrusters and attempted to stab at one of them in an attempt to stop him from flying as well as he currently was.

Interactions: @Thatguyinastore, @Attesa, @KageBaka, @Second2Last, @davefromdiscord, @Crow, @Paper94, @Starmaker, @Jeff Jones
Interactions: @Thatguyinastore, @Attesa, @KageBaka, @Second2Last, @davefromdiscord, @Crow, @Paper94, @Starmaker, @Jeff Jones
…And the door was locked. Normally that’d be enough to stop them considering that it didn’t seem like it would budge from Joel’s attempts but they had others that had powers or equipment that could help. The first person that stepped up to get the door to open or knock it down was the kid in the green jacket who turned into something called Diamondhead and with his size and that name, she’d expect him to bust the door down.
But that wasn’t the case as one of his fingers turned into a key and started to try to unlock it. This definitely caught her off guard but she got over it when the guy in the blue jumpsuit walked over to the door and punched the door after fire covered his entire arm, causing it to break it in half right after she heard it unlock. Either way, at least they could get out now but before that, a noise came from where Hatter was, causing her to quickly take her gun out and spin around to see that it wasn’t him that was making the noise.
No… it was something else.
The original noise didn’t really matter as small explosions came from all over his body and thankfully she wasn’t close enough that she’d get hit from any of his body parts. When it was over, he wasn’t there, not even any drop of blood was left. Understandably she was shocked by this but they couldn’t stand around any longer, especially with why they ran into the building in the first place. “Alright, we gotta get out of here before anything else happens.” WIth the others agreeing, she followed everyone out the room and soon enough, the building.
Once outside, she was expecting a few of the others to be standing there, waiting after saving others or healing the injured. What she wasn’t expecting were cars being on fire and fire being sprayed down from the sky, the screams from those on fire which she tried to shut out as best she could, coming from a guy with a flamethrower. Right as Joel ran for cover, she ran for cover as well near Joel, her gun still in her hand. Of course the ghost girl went to attack the guy but she looked at the others that stayed there. “Okay, I think once we have a clear shot of him with no one else in the way, aiming for the jetpack’s our best bet. He won’t get far on foot.”
And then the guy fell to the ground after getting things as well as people thrown at him but it didn’t stay that way for long. Once she saw an opening and no one was in the way, she’d aim and shoot for the jetpack on his back. Tess just hoped that the others would distract him after she fired so she wouldn’t get fire shot at her or bombs thrown at her.