Red Riding Hood
Mood - Panicked
Status - Slightly injured
Interactions/Mentions - @thatguyinastore ,literally everyone else
From her formerly resting position, she was disturbed the moment Lex was cut off. The very second the static began to roar, she automatically knew something 'else' was coming through, leaping to her feet despite the possible lack of space around her. Red stood and listened as this more maniacal voice replaced Lex's own, and the sheer contrast was unbelievable. Whoever was talking to them now had some sort of means to interrupt the communications and use it for themselves... OK, but question one - why? She would not get her answer very quickly, as a bright light surrounded the whole jet, as well as engulfing the people flying outside it. Upon impact, the missile detonated, tearing off the jet's wing and began sending the whole thing - people included - straight down to Earth. Try as she might to escape, Red's scissors nor her spells she attempted to use would not amount to any good. With a troubled smile, she closed her eyes and sighed. "...The end." She quietly spoke before the impact, unconscious along with everybody else then after it.
When she awoke, Red shook herself to her feet and was met with slight pain - no major injuries in sight, but the damage from what could have been lethal was kicking strong and it was gonna be kicking for a while at this rate. That neon green sign she saw after getting up from under the rubble of the jet and a bunch of other stuff under her around her, was sending mixed messages... Joker's Funland... So is that voice they heard related to this? Before she could think much further, she kneeled down before she heard other people awakening and speaking too, responding to Joel through that same troubled smile of hers. 'This really isn't going well, is it?' She thought to herself as she processed the scene.
"Well, somehow alive... not feeling very good, but alive..." She told him, shaking herself again - and as dirt flung off her clothes and the rest of her person, she glanced to everyone else who was still down at the time. With a pause, Red once again focused for a brief moment as a light blue (almost teal) glow suddenly emitted from her - a glow that may seem familiar - and it once more swam through the group, its influence 'infecting' the downed like a plague. They would feel weakness washing away, their injuries from the crash dying, and newfound strength to stand. However, those who already standing (like Red herself) would receive no such feeling. Just trying to get the others to stand, so maybe she's not the only one around - besides Joel - seeing this new land.
And don't even get her started on where the new people came from.