All Might
Toshinori Yagi
And, just like that, the time for talk had come to an abrupt end as fire began to rain down from above. All Might’s first instinct was to protect the civilians in the path of the flamethrower, but said task was already well in hand, Hershel’s shields protecting most of the injured at the camp. In the chaos that followed, it became quite clear that what they needed in this moment wasn’t a strategist, or someone to dig the truth out of Lex Luthor’s web of lies.
What they needed was a hero.

Shifting back into his formidable muscle form, All Might watched for a tense moment at all that was going on in the air above. The fight was an absolute clusterfuck with everyone firing off weapons and abilities with no rhyme or reason, just a desire to bring Firefly down without much thought to possible friendly fire. He grit his teeth in frustration as he watched, knowing he couldn’t jump into the fray without making matters even more disordered and chaotic. Not yet, at least. Not until he could find an opening.
Then, he saw it. After sustaining heavy damage to his jet pack, Firefly panicked and threw down as many of his bombs as he could. All Might had barely pulled back a fist before he spotted the hero clad in red and blue, Spider-Man, skillfully capture the bombs in his webs before tossing the bundle into the air, likely fully aware he couldn’t get out of the blast radius in time. Likely acting to save innocent lives before he even had time to think of his own. It was an admirable show of sacrifice, but perhaps another hero could help him avoid paying that ultimate price for his bravery.
”Texas Smash!!”

With that warcry-like call, All Might aimed a punch into the air with such insane force that the air pressure alone would impact like a freight train. That force was directed at the cluster of bombs, launching the deadly bundle higher into the air to where it wouldn’t cause any injury or damage when it inevitably exploded however many seconds later.
But that wasn’t all. Such a punch would serve to dramatically lower the atmospheric pressure in the area, dark clouds rapidly forming in the previously clear skies, thunder rumbling through the battle-torn streets. And then, approximately ten seconds after the detonation, it began to rain.
”You’ll be facing me now, villain!” the legendary hero announced as he crouched down low, potential energy building rapidly in powerful legs. When the switch was flipped from potential to kinetic, All Might was launched up into the air as fast as any bullet, the loud boom of the shattered sound barrier trailing in his wake as he aimed another devastating punch squarely at Firefly’s head.
Interactions - @RirisStride1 @Thatguyinastore @SomeMekBoy @whoever else is fighting