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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FactionGuerilla
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FactionGuerilla Yeah! Yeah, huh. Hit me in the head again!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Condition: Healthy/Drained
Status: Aggressive
Inventory: Mysterious Watch
Interactions: Penny @Kagebaka, Ciri @TheElenaFisher, Otto @SomeMekBoy, Chosen Hunter @Lazaro1505, A.M.A.Z.O @Crow, GM @Thatguyinastore
Mentions: None

Background Music:

Cole could hear Penny's voice as he clambered out the window, asking the gunmen to let go of the hostages. This, in turn was responded to by a guy screaming to back the hell up- not the kind of distraction Cole had wanted, but one he could work with, as long as bullets weren't flying. Unfortunately, the sickening sound of a sword cleaving through flesh could be heard seconds later, with gunfire following rapidly.

Shit! was the first thought that came to his mind, as he proceeded to rapidly leap from jutting brick to brick in an attempt to get to the scene before anything else happened. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as he could immediately tell when he reached a window peering into the room. An ashen-haired swordswoman had made her way inside, the source of two goons with stumps for hands lying dead on the ground. Spandex man had also rushed inside to spew webs left and right, snagging two others, and a sniper had just ripped open one of the baddies' chests, but there were still a few more goons to go. With Cole still peering into the window, time seemed to stop as he... considered his options.

As much as the hostages matter, we need to get to Superman now. If he gets away, Luthor's gonna have our hide. Taking these goons out manually and getting the hostages out will eat up a lot of our precious time window. I could throw some grenades into the room, blast those crooks out now and get back to the chase without losing too much time. But it'd endanger everyone else in there, including the civilians and my potential teammates...

Time resumed as he immediately knew what choice he was going to make. He grabbed onto the top of the window, swinging in feet-first as he crashed through the glass. As he landed on the floor, time slowed down rapidly for him, his eyes seemingly glowing a bit as he lifted his electrified right arm.

With barely any time to waste, Cole immediately fired off an electrical bolt at a goon in close proximity to some of his other friends. The electricity hit his head, arcing over to every other hostile gunman nearby and shocking them just as effectively whilst Cole could feel a burst of adrenaline from the attack, gaining extra electricity and health regeneration for a split-second- the former extremely important, considering each Precision strike drained him immensely. Regardless, he'd rinse and repeat the electrical headshot chain until all the goons were incapacitated or human toast- though this would unfortunately leave him feeling pretty drained despite the electrical bonuses.

Hence, anyone who looked over at him would notice he was somewhat hunched down. Not that he cared that much about being drained- or of the others potentially endangering the hostages by running in.

"We need to get these hostages out now, before the smoke becomes too much." Unfortunately, though he could probably carry one civilian and just jump off the building, he probably wasn't the best-suited for getting all the hostages out simultaneously. Hopefully one of the others had some kind of power to get that done.

"But first..." Cole would run over to any incapacitated-but-not-dead foe, Arc Restraining them and putting electric "shackles" around their hands and feet to the floor to make sure they didn't get up. After that, he'd run over to one of the webbed gunmen before tearing the gas mask off, glaring at the enemy before raising an electrified fist.

"I want answers, and truthful ones, or I will fry you like a piece of bacon. Who set you up to do this? Are you Superman's lackeys?" He kept his glare at the man, though there was certainly enough room for anyone else to interrogate the shooter.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by QizPizza
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QizPizza Quiz but without the U

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Though his helmet hid his scowl, Maisha was clearly displeased by Ultron’s response, evidenced by his clenched fists and steady hold towards the droid. To call a Mandalorian being without a soul was a great insult, especially coming from such a soulless machine. This passive aggressiveness and sass only made Maisha distrust the droid more. Perhaps it was the way his vocabulizer was programmed, but the tone of the voice was purely malicious, more so than the cruel, spineless officers the Empire employed.

The loathing the Mandalorian held was put on pause for a brief moment as an explosion rocked the building, forcing Maisha to bend at the knees to stabilize himself. Right outside the excessively decorated office’s window, Maisha could see the telltale signs of an explosion several buildings away, with the debris still falling from the sky. Flying right there within view of LexCorp was a man in blue and red… No doubt Superman!

Their target disappeared a few moments later, prompting the ragtag group’s employer to announce the obvious and send the group off to combat the threat. Just their luck. Their target showed up before they even got the whole brief!

Though Maisha would love to get this team more organized, he wasn’t going to let the opportunity of an easy bounty slip if possible.

Maisha followed the others down to the street level to make their way towards the building. All the crowds tempted the Mandalorian to employ his jetboots, but to fight against a flying target, he knew he had to save as much fuel as possible. By the time they reached the building, they couldn’t see any trace of Superman.

Being the father driven by reckless abandon for his daughter, Joel assumed their target was at the top and rushed into the collapsing building, joined by a walking fox and a man in armor more excessive than even Maisha’s. They had the rescue of civilians on their mind, a noble goal, but not the main task. The more cautious spider-themed man announced a slightly more reasonable plan, one that wasn’t that much different from Joel’s but more effective with everyone on the same page.

Maisha followed the reasonable plan and switched on his jetboots to ascend the massive building with the assistance of his grappling hook. It was a rhythm of hook and boost up the side of the collapsing building that Maisha was quite familiar with. Though it wasn’t as fast as using a jetpack, this method of travel had the advantage of being more maneuverable at a moment’s notice. He followed the spider man up to where the building was destroyed and dangled against the window as he assessed the situation.

Though the smoke and rubble filled the room, Maisha’s macrobinocular visor let him see right through the fog of war. After all, it was designed for this exact purpose. While the cyborg redhead announced the situation for the world to hear, Maisha took his own inventory of the scene. A number of masked men with rifles were holding a group of people hostage...though whether those below were truly hostages could not be determined for certain. This was all too suspicious; a hostage situation following an attack from Superman with the hostage-takers being perfectly fine and calm? There must be more to than meets the eye.

Before any plan could be made, that redhead produced several flying swords to cut a hole into the building. Though not ideal, it was still an entry point and Maisha leapt through and walked through the smoke without an issue. His helmet’s filters and life support system kept him nice and comfortable while he operated in flaming environments, and guess where he was right now.

Drawing out his carbine, Maisha began to take aim, just as the redhead announced herself and requested the freedom of the hostages. This would be really helpful if she let her team know what she was doing beforehand!

The next couple of moments played out rather swiftly, with a white-haired woman teleporting in and slicing through several men like bread, the spider man using his webs to restrain two, and an unseen sniper blasting a hole in another. Time for Maisha’s entrance.

Maisha exposed himself with a primed incendiary grenade in his hand and rolled forward a few feet to let it detonate just in front of him. He and the area around him were showered with blue burning gel, but he didn’t flinch as he began to open fire on the hostage-takers.

The Mandalorian slowly advanced, highlighted only by the incendiary gel on his armor and the fluorescent paint that glowed a piercing cyan through the smoke. Short, rapid bursts of yellow blaster bolts screamed through the air and a cluster of smaller fires flew outwards from the advancing Mandalorian, followed by a concentrated burst of blue flames. All the while, his screams were distorted by his filters into an eerily approximation of a human voice, “Tracyn hettir’an! Hettir, HETTIR...HETTIR DRALSHY’A!!! Nau’ur te’ca!” (The fire burns all! Burn, BURN...BURN BRIGHTER!!! Light up the night!)

Maisha focused his blaster fire on two men who were a bit too close together while a small salvo of micromissiles darted towards another two men. For all the remaining men with rifles, Maisha let loose a burst of plasma from his gauntlet, not for any particular damage, but only for the psychological effect of a sudden fiery wall. His style was to mess with their heads as much as possible by creating the image of a burning demon ceaselessly advancing.

By the time all the hostiles were either restrained or killed, the fire on Maisha had gone out and left a thick layer of ash on his armor. He approached the rifleman restrained with electricity just as the man with the buzzcut asked some interesting questions with an electrified fist.

Maisha couldn’t help but join in, whipping out his vibro-axe and swung it around like a toy before blasting the head a few times with a little plasma fire. The Mandalorian knelt down and pointed the axe at the restrained man, “Nice to meet you. Name’s Maisha Arbintz and the armor needs no introduction. Would you be so kind as to answer our questions? If you don’t want to, that’s completely fine. A superheated kal will cauterize any cuts I make, so you won’t bleed to death any time soon. As an added bonus, I’ve heard that being cauterized really hurts. Want to help me find out if that’s true? Tayli’bac? (Understand? [Aggressive connotation])”

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Obviously with Penny talking to the masked men, it alerted them to her presence which wasn’t good for the hostages. Especially those that would be taken and used as shields but once her eyes caught sight of them aiming at Penny and their fingers on the triggers about to pull them, it was her cue. Blinking out of cover, she sliced the man’s hands off first and turned her attention to the other masked man holding a hostage, slicing his hands off as well after using another Blink. This freed the two being held but now they were focused on firing at her which she Blinked right behind a different set of cover away from the hostages as to not put them in danger as well as give her some cover.

It was then that others started to join in, the man in the costume that was spider themed was the first to join the fight which drew some of the men’s attention away from her. Peeking out of the cover to plan who’ll get her next use of Blink and also be relieved of their hands, purple light came from nearby and then a man dressed like some sort of soldier or a wanderer walked out of it. Good thing that there would be one less masked man to take care of thanks to the new arrival considering the hole in the man’s chest.

Another would join in, this time another man in armor opening fire and setting fire to the masked men before she spotted electricity being shot out at the men, her head turning to see one more man, a bald one at that. Judging by that electrical bolt, he had electricity powers and seeing as how he was drained, he needed his energy back. If he used electricity to fight, did he need to make contact with electricity? Maybe but right now, they needed to deal with getting the hostages out and to have a talk with the masked men.

Ciri turned her head to look at Penny. “Get the hostages out for us since you’re faster, and quick.” Walking over to one of the restrained men, she put a foot on his chest and pointed her sword at his neck, the tip touching under his chin. “I’d suggest you answer their questions if your friends don’t wish to cooperate. Unless you wish to earn a few scars?
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Paper94


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Spike Spiegel

Almost on cue, as soon as Luther finished explaining who this "Superman" person was, the bounty hunter steadied himself as a massive blast rocked the building they were standing on. And, before he knew it, Spike was running to the end of a hallway along with Joel, Grey and the rest of the Strike Team, his 941 drawn and at shoulder level. Soon, though, he would let his pistol fall to his side as he listened to the figure at the end of the table. Though Spike's face betrayed suspicion, he ultimately sat down and raised the cup in front of him to his lips with a shrug, though not before letting out a small snort and a comment of,

"Yeah, well, if this does go south.. Not the first time I've been poisoned. Bottoms up... Oh, and if you've got a variable-zoom sniper rifle hanging around, preferably with 7.62 cal, could ya toss that my way? Hoping it'll help with our.. uh.. caped crusader up there."

@Thatguyinastore @KageBaka @Attesa @davefromdiscord @Crow @Second2Last @TheElenaFisher
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

The bullet struck one of the thugs square in the chest, causing him to drop his gun and fall to the ground with a pained grunt. Yeah, he was dead.

Meanwhile, those blazing guns were indeed grabbed from two of the other thugs thanks to Amazo's nifty new power. However, the men did not surrender despite that. It seemed like whatever they were getting paid was worth it, because they both rushed forward in an attempt to take out Amazo head on!

But ultimately, that rush was short-lived. Because mere moments later, Cole fired off his electric-based chain attack. The electricity seamlessly shot through the heads of the remaining thugs - each one freezing in place with grit teeth as their brains were given respective doses of electroshock therapy. The two charging thugs took the brunt of it, and were the first to immediately fall to the ground, unconscious from their temporarily fried brains.

The third and final guard was where things hit different, though.

This one wasn't knocked out, but he did fall to the ground in a similar fashion. In the time he spent trying to recover from the attack through pained breaths and grunts, Cole had chained him to the ground, effectively leaving him at the group's mercy. "S-Superman!?" The man shouted, sounding more confused (but also terrified) than anything. "Wh-what the hell're you talkin' about!? We don't work for Superman!"

Just in the other half of the room (which was conveniently segmented off by a large slab of rubble), Maisha had been doing his own fair share of crime stopping. Of course, these thugs stood no chance against his mighty flames, and pretty soon the sound of horrified screams and the putrid stench of melting flesh could be detected from the other side of that rubble. Once Maisha came out on the other side, though, the already horrified thug practically shit his pants.

"G-get the fuck away from me, man!" the thug shouted as he wriggled and writhed within his restraints, desperately trying to move away from the Mandalorian. Of course, this was to no avail ultimately as Ciri stepped on him, holding him in place. Even after he heard them out and very clearly saw their weapons, he didn't relent, "I ain't tellin' you shit!"

Even though he had a gas mask on, the fact that he was horrified was pretty obvious from the sounds he was making alone.

@QizPizza @FactionGuerilla @MorgueofCrowz @Lazaro1505 @KageBaka @TheElenaFisher @SomeMekBoy @Crow
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Oh, uh...Thanks." Sougo nodded upon hearing the perpretator's compliments. Although his comrades were adamant that they wouldn't play along, something tells him that they shouldn't anger this guy. Who knows what he'd done to those men? Those seemingly statue like men in bunny masks, all sitting there like dolls. Unmoving, staring at each other rather lifelessly. It's...Quite eerie.

Something about this feels familiar to the young Time King. A white rabbit, and a tea party...All that's missing is the Hatter, and this would be referencing Alice in Wonderland!

Still, Sougo lifted the tea and brought it onto his mask--where the lips would be. When he was taken from his world, Sougo...Hasn't had dinner yet, so he's understandably parched.

"Just one sip." Sougo mumbled, bringing the rim onto his mask. Surprisingly, he can still drink things through his suit. "Oh, right. Do you know about Superman? The one who kinda, sorta demolished this building?" He asked, thinking he might as well get some information about their target.

--Penny Polendina--

Penny's distraction worked...Sort of. While she did get the attention of the thugs, she did inadvertedly put some of them in danger, being placed in direct, point-blank gunpoint. Before Penny could try to negotiate to them, her comrades moved in for her in a rather...Brutal manner. Those men who placed some of the hostages in gunpoint got their hands sliced off, while the others were electrocuted by what Penny could only describe as something akin to a Semblance.

Regardless, Penny would soon move in to the hostages, asking them one simple question. "Are you alright? Can you stand?" She asked each and everyone of the hostages as the others interrogated about their supposed involvement with Superman. Although, surely enough, it seems that this hostage situation didn't involve the caped tyrant. Once all of the hostages were accounted for, she would prepare to fly them a bit down and dropped onto the red clad spider's safety net.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Grey's response was at least enough to make Joel lower his cup. The man - although he was one of few words - did smile a bit in response to him before giving a single, firm nod.

"Well that's just rude!" the figure exclaimed in more of a pout than anything resembling outright anger. "Really, I think you should drink your tea! It'd certainly fix that sour attitude!" he then pivoted slightly to face Spike. "No weapons at the table, I'm afraid! After all, this isn't some unruly raid!"

And then Sougo consumed the tea, and the figure let out a sharp laugh.

"Oh ho ho hooo! Now's not the time to worry about Superman! After all, you've just fallen for my wonderful plan-"


The sound of Lilith destroying one of his precious tea cups was enough to quite literally make everything in the room fall silent. That is, until Ben went and poured out his tea... as well as ate one of his precious cups. It had been the cup Joel was holding, too. And all the man really did for now was sit there confused, arm still held up as if he were holding the cup.

"Well, then!"

Contrary to how it may have seen, the figure was not angry at all. The thugs all turned to you as he excitedly jumped on the table, revealing that he was in fact rather short. Slowly, he began to make his way across the table, carefully stepping over all the intricately placed food and utensils as he did so.

"I tried to do this the easy way, but you've left me no choice!"

He leaned forward and revealed his face to you all. A disheveled man with long strands of unkept, unwashed hair. And one who had bags under his eyes deeper than the ocean itself. And all the while, he smiled a grin so disgustingly crooked that it could have even broke the most sturdiest of mirrors. But perhaps the oddest thing of all was his outfit. He seemed to have taken the appearance of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland... for those of you who'd read the story, at least.

For everyone else, he just seemed like some short gross guy in a stupid hat.

"Soon enough, I'll be the one to rejoice..."

And then everything went dark.

...for about thirty seconds, that is.

You awoke next on what very clearly seemed to be some kind of giant stopwatch. It was spinning out of control and falling down rapidly through the air. Joel seemed just as confused as the rest of you... and he also struggled to keep his balance. "Wh-what the hell...?"

He was interrupted by the sudden interjection of the Hatter's manic laughter.

"You're mine! You're allll mine! Mine mine mine mine MINE!"

As he said this, the men wearing rabbit masks would appear out of thin air in a red cloud of mist. They didn't say anything, though, instead choosing to just attack the members of the group.

And Sougo would feel compelled to do the same, after drinking that delicious tea...

In fact, he'd find it almost impossible to resist.

@KageBaka @Crow @Paper94 @Attesa @Second2Last @davefromdiscord @TheElenaFisher
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Got me there..." Negan replied dryly as he sucked in a breath through his teeth. He watched, then, as Voss continued to plunder the various bodies. He narrowed his eyes and hummed all the while. Really, Negan found the whole practice just... weird. Did this guy even have any use for anything he did find?

Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask, he supposed. Not like he had anything better to do... why not indulge this man with some chit chat?

"And what exactly do you plan to do with the shit you uh..." Negan stepped forward and formed air quotes with his hands. " 'Haul' ?"

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Uh oh. Maybe Sougo shouldn't have given in to his thirst. Hearing something about a plan, Sougo placed the cup down just as the ghost girl destroyed one of them. Just then, the figure hopped onto the table, revealing himself to be a short man, cosplaying as the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. In a blink of an eye, everything went dark.

Until it wasn't.

The group found themselves in what seems to be a giant stopwatch.

"What the...?" Sougo gasped as he glanced around, wondering where exactly are they when the rabbit masks appeared once more. Sougo took out another watch, a green and yellow one, with what seems to be a red bird-like mask on its face, bearing large green eyes. As Sougo was about to don one of his armors, he felt something...Knock at him. Pushing him to turn and face his comrades. A gentle and subtle voice, telling him to attack--and betray them.


And so, the grandfather clock chimed as a different kind of armor manifested onto Zi-O--this one, comprised out of 3 differently colored animals. Latching onto Sougo as if some kind of megazord, the green giant grasshopper formed the legs, the yellow tiger formed the torso, giving Sougo a yellow claw, and the hawk as the visor. Pink letters spelling out the word 'OZU' on its visor.

Falling silent, Sougo raised his claw arm, lunging towards Grey as he swung his claw!
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Whoever this Joker was that the kid in the green jacket was referring to, they weren’t dealing with him that was for sure. Eventually they reached a door, Tess giving Joel a nod before he opened the door to reveal a room in darkness, which was not a red flag at [i]all[/]. Luckily both her and Joel had flashlights once the doors shut, trapping them inside, Joel being the first to turn his flashlight on to reveal what looked to be tablecloth.

Wait, tablecloth?

Before she could turn her flashlight on, the lights came on which made her shield her eyes with her wrist which she put down once her vision adjusted to be met with… well it wasn’t friendly, that was for sure. It looked like a normal tea party if a normal tea party had guys on each side of the table with bunny masks on with a guy at the far end with what looked kind of like a big top hat. If this was somehow the afterlife, which was doubtful, she was pretty sure they were in hell or at least a really weird part of heaven.

Yeah it was most likely hell with the creepy rabbits. The guy spoke up, the voice matching the one they had been hearing, speaking about a frabjous day which if she wasn’t mistaken from her time in school from before the outbreak when she read a few pages of it (okay well she was most likely forced to, she didn’t make much sense of anything from that book), it kind of sounded something out of Alice in Wonderland. Someone must really have an obsession with that book if this was who she thought this was considering the book and the tea party and the rabbits.

When he told them to sit down, there really wasn’t much they could do since they were walking into unknown territory. “Not like we got a choice.” She glanced at the fox boy and followed Joel, sitting down in the seat next to him, holstering her pistol for the time being but keeping her hand hovering over it slightly. At the mention of a special recipe being used, she glanced at the cup in front of her and then back at the man. ”Special recipe” was never a good sign, whether it was eating someone’s cooking in an outbreak or really a good sign at all and taking a glance at Joel, while it was a stupid idea to drink tea from some psycho, they really had no choice. “Listen, I don’t think we’re in a good position to be-“ The sound of something breaking caused her to be interrupted, making her sigh a bit.

…yeah he was probably going to have a freak out considering the little ghost girl made the tea cup Joel was holding fly out of his hands and into the wall, breaking it. That combined with the kid in the green jacket pouring his out was enough to make the guy jump up onto the table but he didn’t seem angry. Saved her from drinking the tea or eating anything at least so she had to thank them for that. Noticing the guys in rabbit masks looking at all of them made her hand grab the gun and at the first sight of them getting up, she would be ready to pull out her pistol and open fire.

The man’s full appearance became clear and it seemed he was very much in love with Alice in Wonderland because he looked pretty much how the Mad Hatter did. Before she could say or do anything, everything went dark for a few seconds before waking up where everyone else woke up: on the giant stopwatch. Trying to stand still which considering the fact that it was falling fast seemed kind of hard, she looked around to see the men that were sitting around the table appear which prompted her to take out her pistol. “Shit, Joel, everyone! Be careful!

Her telling everyone to be careful would be especially be true seeing as the only one in their group that drank the tea began to go after the wolf boy.

When one of them came towards her, she did her best to aim at both of his kneecaps and shot at them, knowing that if she could at least take out their kneecaps, they wouldn’t be much of a problem.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ClownTown
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ClownTown Professional Clown

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


It seemed as though a fair compromise was achieved, though it looked as though any further wrapping up would have to wait. A building near Lex own was attacked within moments after Lex gave his warning of Superman's abilities and hostilities, though his weakness was what interested the murderbot most. It appeared as though there was plenty of chaos and organic organic panic.
It was only a short flight to get a better look at the situation unfolding. "I turn my back for five seconds..." He made what was akin to a sigh considering he lacked lungs.
It wasn't the worst situation in the world though, while he'd not gotten a proper beat on Superman, he had found an appropriate facility in a place called Gotham, for drone construction. He didn't have enough time as it stood to evolve himself but he'd made five drones in the short time before getting locked out. They were flying on overdrive to get to him ASAP. He'd use his additional hands to accompany him to the top and aid the wounded if not find more.
It didn't take long before he saw specks on the horizon, it didn't take long for his creations to rendezvous around him. He'd like it if there were double the number, but they'd do for now. As soon as all were accounted for, three immediately split off. While two stayed behind to accompany him, he'd already heard plenty of gunfire echoing up from above, the robots jetted upwards until they entered what was previously a hostage scenario.
The heavy robotic clank would clue in to his approach, though now with the addition of two separate landings. A red glow piercing through the smoke with two smaller blue ones. He didn't elaborate but Otto would likely know what he'd done given he had his own Ultron, and the Mandalorian would have been correct on his initial assumption, though two drones was hardly an army.
Looking around it seemed as though the group had sufficiently subdued or slaughtered their foes. Perhaps he'd not given the group enough credit in their lethality. "Sorry I'm late, but I take it Superman wasn't here?" His tone in part sounded rhetorical but also curious as he and his drones approached closer, minding the bodies littered around. But he also saw the majority of the group was swarming a surviving assailant like fire ants. His knowledge did imply torture was less effective than bribery or reward, so he'd capitalize on that. "Well sure you could shoot him in the knees, chop off his limbs and cauterize the wounds, break his fingers leaving him a cripple unable to even use a phone, fry his nervous system so that all he feels for the rest of his life is an endless barrage of pain-" He continued to go down a list of torture each if not all the group could provide, emphasizing on leaving him alive but horribly maimed in ways the masked man would never recover. "Or he could answer a few questions and live a few say... Million dollars richer."

@FactionGuerilla @QizPizza @SomeMekBoy @TheElenaFisher @Crow @Kagebaka @Lazaro1505 @Thatguyinastore

The drones that split off flew down to attend to the wounded. Seeing the scrawnier hero and medieval diplomat were already at the safe zone with wounded civilians. This would be Ultron's first time healing people but he already knew what he could do without actively having materials on. Unlike Ultron these drones didn't appear nearly as malicious as their optics were a simple cyan without him taking control. They quickly landed, two already observing the wounded, while the third approached Herschel and All Might.
"I told you that wouldn't be a problem." The expressionless drone's lights turned red as Ultron spoke through it to Herschel, seemingly referring to his initial offer. "I can cauterize and sterilize wounds with heat and set any dislocations that might have occurred, though without proper tools I'm rather limited." The peacekeeper stated with his attention to Herschel and All Might.

@RirisStride1 @ProfSpacecakes
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

All Might knew what he was saying would probably come across as incredibly naïve to someone who hadn’t spent years in the shoes of a hero. However, the reaction he got was so annoyed and dismissive — so utterly out of character for the man based on his behavior so far — that it caused him to look over towards Hershel with an utterly bewildered expression. As soon as he caught that incongruent look on the Duke’s face, complete with a sly little wink, his confusion eased. The retired hero caught the meaning right away, a smile spreading across his lips.

”Ah, of course! It’d be a shame if these poor folks survived all this only to die from infection later,” he replied, undoing the clasp of his watch and handing it over to the cleric. He didn’t know what sort of bag that was, but given the other sort of things he had on him, he was sure it held some special features that would block out the signals.

Before he could continue on with the earlier subject, what seemed to be three(?) copies of Ultron landed at the first aid station. He was confused at first, but when one of them shifted from blue optics to red and spoke as Ultron, he figured he understood. He recalled them speaking about production facilities and drones, so these were probably the very drones that were mentioned. That also meant they didn’t have one of those LexCorp watches on, which was handy.

”We’d really appreciate the help, thank you,” he replied with a friendly smile, going back to wrapping wounds as he continued speaking. ”I assume you’re pretty good at multitasking, being an AI. I don’t suppose you’ve been mining this world’s internet for information on Superman? If so, I’d like to know if you found anything that may have been a video or a firsthand account of what happened just before or the moment of his apparent heel turn. I have my suspicions that Lex Luthor is using us more than he initially let on. The fact that he not only knew about Superman’s weakness to this Kryptonite element, but has admitted to using it against him so often before that he’s run out of his supply of it — it’s all very suspicious.”

“That aside, I have my suspicions that Superman may not be in his right mind, whether he’s being controlled or something else. If you can find any hints of what’s so drastically changed his personality, it could be useful. We may even be able to end this without having to take his life.”

Interactions - @RirisStride1 @ClownTown

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BoltBeam
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BoltBeam Freedom Purifies

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Red Riding Hood

Mood - Serious
Status - Healthy
Interactions/Mentions - @thatguyinastore, @Crow, @KageBaka, @FactionGuerilla, @TheElenaFisher, @SomeMekBoy, @Yamperzzz, @ClownTown, @Lazaro1505

When Red identified the crying towards the top floor, she wasted no time in turning towards that direction and running there. What met her was a small handful of a few people formerly in Lex's office, having seemingly cornered and beaten down a few thugs - interrogating them for answers. To put it simply, Red was concerned - confused, and a little freaked out. When she was looking for injured civilians, thugs were not what she was expecting at all. But if Superman is now evil after his implied turn and running rampant, nobody is really punishing them or hunting them down, right? "...Not what I had in mind. At all." She blurted aloud to nobody in particular, shaking her head and briefly burying herself in her hood to try and briefly hide the sight altogether. If she was right, it seems the group was on board with trying to squeeze answers out of these thugs, using pain and potentially death as a punishment of sorts if they don't comply... Not something Red smiled upon. With her expectations dashed and with a grim mood replacing the one which had just perished upon her arrival, she dug her scissors into the ground and returned her hood to its original position.

"I have no idea how much I missed, but either they know as little as we do or they're just too stubborn to bother confessing anything at all. If they please, they can just lie down and die that way, weak and worthless." She said in an audibly downed, bleak tone - yet one filled to the brim with seriousness as the glanced to the third thug in question, who was currently beneath a boot from Ciri, fearing for his dear life after being scared off by Maisha - both of whom Red does not quite know (but again, she thinks she recognises the former)! Stepping a little closer, she raised her scissors over her shoulder and looked down to the remaining thug, with a wide, malicious smile - though she dared not to act just yet as she instead observed his position - his condition. Terrified, weak, and injured - riddled with fear and his mask hiding his feelings by concealing his face. "As much as your fear has my attention, I get the feeling you're too stubborn to give up. How it's gonna end is you either leave without your pride, or without your life - or maybe you'll just lose both depending on how cooperative you are! ...Not like you have much of a choice in the situation you're in, huh?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Chosen Hunter

Heh, well, it looks like the job here was practically over. Watching over from his piece of cover, a random wall of a cubicle, the blue skinned man watched as the remainder of the two got a shocking experience from the man who just jumped into the room, and set them within restraints, perfect for a little interrogation now. Other notable things was the smell of burnt flesh coming from the air, as a armored man came over, threatening to ‘give this man a makeover’ with a axe that looks like it should be in a museum instead. As well as the woman who looked like she belonged in a museum, especially with that gear and set-up she is wearing. And finally, a red glowing robot coming in with similar looking blue glowing ones, far more ‘human’ looking than every other MEC he has seen before, although, that isn’t saying much with the lack of skin adding more to its look.

The Hunter could only let off a small chuckle, as he walked out of his cover, standing back to his full height of 9’2’, the blue skinned Chosen slowly clapping as he walked towards what was basically a swarm of ants surrounding a crippled animal, waiting to tear it all into pieces for the information they want, other than the robot, who seemed as if money would get the man to speak now. It was a hilarious sight to see now. May as well show them why interrogation should just be thrown out of the window when the Professionals get involved.

Only giving a small grin towards his ‘allies’, the Chosen said “Not afraid of taking some lives… I like that. Makes the job all the more easier when we aren’t prancing around, knocking ‘every’ single person out we come across. Although, we gotta make do with what we have, I suppose. And I’m the plus-side, we got a prime candidate ready for some interrogation. the Chosen finally stopped clapping, as he covered the last couple of feet needed to reach the very unorganized ‘interrogation’ in front of him. Nearby crouching down to the masked man’s level, he could only glance at Ciri’s sword, before moving his right hand to gently nudge it out of his way.

“As much as you wanna go about, ready to rip this man apart looking for some information like beasts, or in the MEC’s case, influence them with money, I have a far easier solution to this problem. Just let me work my magic… and you’ll be seeing how I don’t even need to say a word to get the information I want. the Chosen finished, before turning to face the gas-masked man once more. With his right hand still raises, it then began to glow in a eerie purple foggy glow, before the Hunter quickly grasped onto the side of the man’s head, and well, things certainly started to go well, as he began to interrogate the man. The Chosen’s eyes were to glow purple, as well as the gas-masked man’s (which wasn’t as bright due to the lenses of the gas-mask dimming the glow) own eyes, as the Hunter pry deep into the man’s own head, siphoning useful and relevant information needed to them, without ever having the need to cut Mr. Pinky finger off. Although, this wasn’t a completely ‘harmless’ action either, as while it did no harm to the man’s physical state, it felt as if the man’s own brain was set on fire, and there would certainly be some screaming involved when something like that is involved, but mostly, no harm was done in the process.

@Crow @KageBaka @FactionGuerilla @TheElenaFisher @SomeMekBoy @Thatguyinastore @Yamperzzz @ClownTown @BoltBeam
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith and Shantae

Location: Mad Hatter's Arena

And a bad idea it was, the moment that Lilith threw Joel's tea cup across the room was when The Hatter had enough of everyone's shenanigans, so he decided to take matters into his own hand and deal with this the hard way. Everything went black for a while after that until they woke up to find themselves standing on a giant stopwatch, endlessly falling through the air. Joel and Shantae seemed to be pretty confused about this whole scenario with Shantae following up to Joel's equal puzzlement
"Wha-What's going on!?" She said in a frightful manner. But this ordeal wasn't going to get any better as The Hatter and his henchman suddenly appeared, along with Sougo, who was under the control of the crazy hat guy from drinking that tea. Maybe Lilith decision wasn't completely off board.

So now the battle has officially begun with the bunny mask henchman and Sougo going on the attack, Lilith attacked the henchman using some of her spirit spikes and Shantae would notice that Sougo was about to attack Grey with his claw, thinking quickly she did one of her signature dances and turned herself in an elephant to charge after the armored individual.

@KageBaka @Thatguyinastore @Crow @Paper94 @Attesa @davefromdiscord @TheElenaFisher
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by MorgueofCrowz
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MorgueofCrowz LET'S ROCK!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Kurumi Amano


That was the sound Nahobino heard when waking up. An explosion occurred, and their long, luscious lashes fluttered with haste, wildly awake and aghast. Where.. were they? This wasn’t Da’at, this wasn’t the Netherworld—

But there was no time for that. The details of the predicament could come later. For now, they had to usher themselves out of such a perilous situation before they were caught in the crossfire. With an unsteady footing, Nahobino paused for a moment, fingers, eyes and luscious locks glowing alongside them. So did their galaxy-colored, futuristic, tailored jumpsuit. And seemingly appearing out of nowhere from nothing but the depths of the fusion’s mind, manifested the Egyptian God of chaos and evil himself—Seth. A streamlined, pitch black dragon materialized from a luminous, crystallized blue light, dwarfing Nahobino and almost two large houses.

Young man. I am detecting several moving presences atop that building. It would be wise to investigate.

Silently, Nahobino nodded at Aogami’s advice and mounted the dragon and pulled on his reins, flapping them softly to alert the dark dragon to bound for the skies. With no words at all, Seth had already known what to do, as if in sync with its companion and master. With an abrasive gust of wind that shook the foundation of several buildings, the winged demon careened for the skies of poetic blue, sun-warmed, prickly yet free. They were carried above by warm updrafts. The fusion’s collective heart beat hard—they could hear the wicked screams of others echoing in their ears, so they had to get up there and quick!

The dragon let out a roar upon the Proto-Fiend’s inner command as they rose to the top, descending with a
as the dragon’s talons landed through the building with seemingly zero damage, breaking the entire top off with its size alone.

Well, what a way to debut for little Nahobino, eh?

Interactions — @QizPizza @FactionGuerilla @MorgueofCrowz @Lazaro1505 @KageBaka @TheElenaFisher @SomeMekBoy @Crow @thatguyinastore
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Well, that's just great.

So, after Grey, Lilith, and Shantae started objecting to the Hatter's demands, he took them all to this... weird arena made out of some... giant falling clock? None of this feels real to Grey- not entirely, anyway. It's like a really vivid dream. Backing up as he sees the men in masks appear out of thin air and begin to attack, he skeptically raises his sword...

Only to nearly get clawed directly in the face by Sougo. His instincts kick in at the last second, and the fox narrowly dodges the claw by an inch. Alarmed, he dashes away from Sougo, leaving behind a trail of afterimages as he does so.

"What the...? Hey, what was that for?!" Grey shouts at him incredulously, only for his eyes to light up as realization hits. The Hatter had wanted them to drink the tea. Sougo was the only one of them to actually listen to that request. That can't be a coincidence, can it? "Hold on a sec! I'm not who you want to fight!" he shouts at his mind-controlled ally. "The tea's messing with you!"

Grey glances back at the others. It's a real good thing Joel didn't end up complying. He's got a newfound respect for Lilith and Shantae for speaking up, that's for sure. "Guys! I think bug-eyes is being controlled by the tea somehow! Maybe the other ones are being controlled, too! I'll deal with him. Focus on taking down the other ones!" The fox turns back to Sougo. "Look. I don't want to hurt you."

@Thatguyinastore @Kagebaka @Second2Last @davefromdiscord @Crow @TheElenaFisher
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Yamperzzz
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Yamperzzz Hoarder of Characters / All Ur OCs R Belong 2 Us

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Voss' CS

As Voss resumed his looting, Negan struck up a conversation with him. The sea captain hadn’t bothered to look back at the man since he first questioned him. For the most part, Voss hoped that if he ignored him long enough, the other man would take off and Voss would once again be left to his own accord. When that didn’t work, the older man shook his head and sighed. At least Negan wasn’t immediately berating him for robbing the defenseless… as of yet.

“... Well…ye’d never ken huat ye might find...” He retrieves a set of keys and tosses it just as his hands touch it. “... Maybe if ye find somethin’ nice, like an’ heirloom… ye can use it fer blackmail - if they’s got family…” He then pulls out a wallet, briefly scans through its contents, and chucks behind him at Negan’s feet. Whatever was in it, it had no value to Voss. “... If nay… I always like t’ pitch it at rivals, watch ‘em fight over it an’ loot whoever’s down…” He scoffed, but stopped once he begins collecting an unimpressive sum of coins. He frowns.

“... ‘Course,” he continued. ”Ye could always jest sell it. Which I might end up doin’. The last place I wanna be is ‘ere savin’ some nobodies from a man I donay give a shite fer… Maybe tear this watch off an’ buy a ticket t’ elsewhere… Oi, ye think this watch might be worth somethin’?” Voss finally turns back toward Negan to pull on the watch Luthor gifted everybody. To do this, he places his Jakobs on the ground, for the time being. The watch was wrapped around his wrist tight, but the stubborn old man was adamant that it was something that could be removed easily.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

The thug stared up in horror as Ultron and his two drones suddenly flew in. The sharp, distinct metal clank was enough to make him start quivering in fear all on his own. Ultron's subsequent vivid description, however, made him start whimpering like a dog. "N-no... no please!" he cried out... only to then relent as the murderbot made an offer. A very enticing offer - one that he'd be insane to refuse. "Y-you can do that...?"

Red's subsequent threat only made him shake more in his pathetically vulnerable position. The Chosen then proceeded to mention working his magic on him... which made the thug curious. He was about to question it, but then the GIANT FUCKING DRAGON CLAW ripped right through the roof. A ton of debris fell onto the group after that - including the hostages and the thug. However, thanks to Penny's efforts of search and rescue, the former got out just fine.


But as for the thug himself? Well, the shock of that as well as a very large, almost shirtless man falling from the roof and onto the ground beside him and almost crushing his head? Yeah, all of that basically made him just outright pass out from shock. That, and the debris that probably at least sorta covered the majority of the group at this point, was probably an issue now.


Well! At least the Chosen got the information that they needed by siphoning info from his head. Of course, the man was unconscious by this point from the sheer shock of everything else, so no screaming could be heard. But in terms of info, what he would find was that he really didn't know anything about Superman. Not a single thing! But what he did know was that he was working for someone by the name of... Firefly?

Who was Firefly?

@MorgueofCrowz @QizPizza @SomeMekBoy @TheElenaFisher @Lazaro1505 @KageBaka @Crow @FactionGuerilla @ClownTown @Yamperzzz @BoltBeam @XeroUltra
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

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