Condition: Healthy/Drained
Status: Aggressive
Inventory: Mysterious Watch
Interactions: Penny @Kagebaka, Ciri @TheElenaFisher, Otto @SomeMekBoy, Chosen Hunter @Lazaro1505, A.M.A.Z.O @Crow, GM @Thatguyinastore
Mentions: None
Background Music:
Cole could hear Penny's voice as he clambered out the window, asking the gunmen to let go of the hostages. This, in turn was responded to by a guy screaming to back the hell up- not the kind of distraction Cole had wanted, but one he could work with, as long as bullets weren't flying. Unfortunately, the sickening sound of a sword cleaving through flesh could be heard seconds later, with gunfire following rapidly.
Shit! was the first thought that came to his mind, as he proceeded to rapidly leap from jutting brick to brick in an attempt to get to the scene before anything else happened. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as he could immediately tell when he reached a window peering into the room. An ashen-haired swordswoman had made her way inside, the source of two goons with stumps for hands lying dead on the ground. Spandex man had also rushed inside to spew webs left and right, snagging two others, and a sniper had just ripped open one of the baddies' chests, but there were still a few more goons to go. With Cole still peering into the window, time seemed to stop as he... considered his options.

As much as the hostages matter, we need to get to Superman now. If he gets away, Luthor's gonna have our hide. Taking these goons out manually and getting the hostages out will eat up a lot of our precious time window. I could throw some grenades into the room, blast those crooks out now and get back to the chase without losing too much time. But it'd endanger everyone else in there, including the civilians and my potential teammates...
Time resumed as he immediately knew what choice he was going to make. He grabbed onto the top of the window, swinging in feet-first as he crashed through the glass. As he landed on the floor, time slowed down rapidly for him, his eyes seemingly glowing a bit as he lifted his electrified right arm.
With barely any time to waste, Cole immediately fired off an electrical bolt at a goon in close proximity to some of his other friends. The electricity hit his head, arcing over to every other hostile gunman nearby and shocking them just as effectively whilst Cole could feel a burst of adrenaline from the attack, gaining extra electricity and health regeneration for a split-second- the former extremely important, considering each Precision strike drained him immensely. Regardless, he'd rinse and repeat the electrical headshot chain until all the goons were incapacitated or human toast- though this would unfortunately leave him feeling pretty drained despite the electrical bonuses.
Hence, anyone who looked over at him would notice he was somewhat hunched down. Not that he cared that much about being drained- or of the others potentially endangering the hostages by running in.
"We need to get these hostages out now, before the smoke becomes too much." Unfortunately, though he could probably carry one civilian and just jump off the building, he probably wasn't the best-suited for getting all the hostages out simultaneously. Hopefully one of the others had some kind of power to get that done.
"But first..." Cole would run over to any incapacitated-but-not-dead foe, Arc Restraining them and putting electric "shackles" around their hands and feet to the floor to make sure they didn't get up. After that, he'd run over to one of the webbed gunmen before tearing the gas mask off, glaring at the enemy before raising an electrified fist.
"I want answers, and truthful ones, or I will fry you like a piece of bacon. Who set you up to do this? Are you Superman's lackeys?" He kept his glare at the man, though there was certainly enough room for anyone else to interrogate the shooter.