Of course, just as things seemed to be making some headway, what seemed to be the main event had to rear it's head and get in the way. Wonderful timing. Bardock put his guard up once Firefly had initially made his appearence, just incase he'd had anything else planned for them once he'd made it up to them. The explosion heard before his arrival was slightly concerning after all, nor did he feel like falling through what was now essentially the roof again, god forbid multiple floors. Thankfully, he didn't seem to be aiming to do that just yet--rather he was getting rid of their current lead. Shit. As Mr Combustible's body hit the floor, Bardock's expression went from a scowl to one that was much more annoyed. Just as they were about to find out huh? Really. Well, at least people didn't seem to waste too much time on starting to try wailing on the maniac, what with the fact that anyone that was intereted in him seemed to be trying to bring him down, instead of jumping ship.
Granted, things were off to a good enough start. Though, speaking of jumping ship. Seemed like Firefly did indeed have plans for those that were up top. Huh, wait a second those are bombs- The saiayn threw his arms up in suprise, getting ready to back off and try recover from the exact thing he was dredding, when A.M.A.Z.O made his move to get rid of the bombs. looks like he wasn't going to get blown up just yet, sweet. "Good work." Bardock gave what might as well have been his thanks once they were taking care off, before watching A.M.A.Z.O leap off to begin his own attack. As the fight continued, Bardock decided it was probably about time he joined it. Didn't want to give the Pyromaniac another chance to try taking them out after all. Better time than never anyways, seemed like that jetpack of his wouldn't be able to take too much more. With Firefly focused more on the ground, Bardock took the oppertunity to lunge towards him. His fist Leaving a slight trail of yellow Ki as he flew forwards, aiming to plant his fist in the man's face, what else would he do?