"Long Night Ahead"
It didn't matter what you were doing. It didn't matter where you were. All that mattered is that whatever it was - whether you were on the verge of certain death, or enjoying a long rest after a hard day of work - you weren't there anymore.
It started with a slight, buzzing pain in the back of your neck. The kind of pain that feels like a bee sting... only without the annoying spot that often accompanies it. Maybe you tried rubbing it? Or maybe you just let it be. But whatever you did - it didn't matter. That sharp pain only grew stronger and more apparent within a very short amount of time. Eventually, it had crept from the back of your neck and into your head. And from there? Well, from there it was only a matter of time before you felt your brain functions shut down one by one.
First you lost feeling in your arms.
Then your torso.
And then finally, your legs.
And as you collapsed to the floor, the last thing you remembered hearing was a faint buzzing sound in your ear... before you were inevitably out cold.
You awoke to a rather... dull setting. Whether or not it was worse or better than your original home was up to the eyes of the beholder. The point was clear, though - you definitely weren't home anymore.
The room itself was rather large. It had to be, after all, so that way it could hold this many people. So many people were here... it was hard to count them all. But they all looked to be just as confused as you were. The room itself was rather empty, though. Almost... barren? It wasn't entirely white - more so a boring shade of dull grey.
It took your eyes a moment to adjust, but once they did... it became all too clear what was happening.
You were trapped. And how did you notice this fact? Well, surrounding you all was a large, see-through glass cage. The glass expanded far overhead, making it large enough to contain each and every one of you with no issue whatsoever. Even the bigger ones with the more fancy weapons. Above the cage was a platform, with a railing standing overhead. And on top of said railing stood a woman, who stared down at you all with an emotionless expression.

"Mister Luthor will call you up to see him shortly," the woman stated, her voice as flat as her appearance. In her hand appeared to be a clipboard of sorts. Were they running tests? "Please remain calm until then."
With that, she turned to leave... only to be stopped by a scraping noise at the back of the cage. Should you turn to maybe find said noise in question, it would become very clear what it was soon enough. It had been the scraping of a bat along the ground. A bad covered head to toe in barbed wire. And the man holding said bat was a tall one - with broad shoulders, a beard, and a leather getup that could put motorcycle fetishists to shame.

"Now ain't this somethin'?" the man asked as the bat was promptly slung over his shoulder. He looked past the other people in the cage - right into the eyes of the lady on the outside. He licked at the inside of his cheek before turning and gesturing outward to the denizens around him. He seemed to be sizing the rest of you up. "I mean - the rest of these assholes look particularly weak as SHIT-" those words were accompanied by a small dip of the knees, before he continued. "But you managed to fit me and my gargantuan, beach ball sized NUTS in here, and I respect that. So!" The bat was given a good spin, before its business end was dropped to the floor beside him. "I'm willin' to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that you don't know who I am, or what I can-HRRRRRRGGGG!!!"
The man's monologue was cut off by the sound of a sharp scream escaping his lungs, as he fell to the ground with his hand on his head. Almost collapsed, really. The woman's expression didn't change all the while while he spazzed out.
"It would be wise for the rest of you to use this man as an example. Do not threaten us. Mister Luthor will see you shortly."
And with that, she left the room, and whatever was impairing the bearded one's brain was cut off. He was left there, breathing and gagging heavily as a pool of drool spilled over and onto the ground.

"Fuckin' jackass....' A much older, more disheveled looking man muttered from the corner of the cage, before shaking his head and turning away from the sight.
With that, you were all left to your own devices... for now, at least.
Maybe now would be a good time to get to know each other?
Cast List
@midle1998 as Captain Falcon (F-Zero)
@teapartybs as Tosai Furesawa (NEO: The World Ends With You) and Sarah Miller (The Last of Us)
@Lazaro1505 as Dismas the Highwayman (Darkest Dungeon) and Natal (DnD OC)
@Thatguyinastore as Negan Smith (The Walking Dead) and Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
@Cloaked as Ralsei (DELTARUNE) and Beowulf (Skullgirls)
@StaidFoal as Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
@Jeff Jones as Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
@Critic Ham as Doomguy (DOOM)
@Kagebaka as Sougo Tokiwa (Kamen Rider Zi-O) and Penny Polendina (RWBY)
@Chung as Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem) and Jeff the Killer (Jeff the Killer)
@TheElenaFisher as Ciri (The Witcher 3) and Tess (The Last of Us)
@Lovers Arcana as Valentine (Skullgirls)
@ratKing as Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
@BoltBeam as Red Riding Hood (Mary Skelter Nightmares)
@TheRealMonaMona as Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
@darkred as Thomas Sinclair (Killzone: Shadowfall)
@Lmpkio as Gojira Nautica (Godzilla (Alt Universe))
@Spooky Birb as Dris Mocitch (DND OC)
@Yamperzzz as Voss Boris Eierkuchen (Tembo OC)
@duskkyy as Super Mario (Super Mario Bros.)
@QizPizza as Elissa Tähtinen (OC) and Maisha Arbintz (Star Wars OC)
@Smoking Peanut as Baldwin, the Leper (Darkest Dungeon)
@Edyfum0 as Ben Birdland/Bigband (Skullgirls)
@ProfSpacecakes as Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia)