Avatar of Critic Ham
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  • Posts: 18 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Critic Ham 3 yrs ago


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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Jess Tauri

Location - Some dirty alleyway inhabited by a person with a latex fetish Joy.
Mood - Too old for this shit.
Status - Fine as a horse with cancer.

“Eh, ain’t worth the bullets so I just bashed their heads in. There was a third, but ran off like the smart coward he was. Or he’s getting some friends so we should be expecting another fight, just in case. But anyways, ya know where I am?” Jess said. Both of his hands were under his coat, one hand clutching the handle of his kukri. Yet his grip loosened with each passing second as the latex-suited man spoke. If the latex-suited man had planned on attacking him, it would have been before Jess noticed and the longer the two spoke, the more Jess felt confident there would be no hostilities. Nonetheless, the former outlaw maintained a neutral expression and a guarded posture.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ... Bringing in children and then holding them as bargaining chips is a dick move, Mister Dickhead.
Status - ...

A sickening crack boomed across the room when I slammed my fist into Luthor’s desk after everything that has happened. Splinters bounced off my visor and scattered to the floor. Cracks spread across the desk in a spider-web fashion which reached both ends. I tore my fist out of the crater formed by the impact as I scowled. My hand throbbed with an ache at being slammed, but I paid it no heed and to whatever Luthor's reaction was, instead turning around and marched over to where the one named ‘Joel’ was webbed at.

I glanced at one of the few seemingly trying to calm the man down. Only a nod was given to acknowledge his presence, but I grabbed the webbing and ripped it apart. It was not even worth the effort to tear it all out given my strength so it was likely a few strands would be left behind by the time was I done ripping them off if I wasn't interrupted before then.

“... Please forgive the Doom Slayer. He understands your desire to sock Luthor in the face is great, but we are in a disadvantageous position and Luthor now holds Sarah captive. Continued aggression may cause harm to her.” Vega, ever the mediator, tried to calm Joel down with the fact that Sarah could very well be in harm’s way while Joel was still ensnared in the webs.

My scowl deepened. As much as I hate to admit it, Luthor did hold most of the cards. The fact that the alterations seemed to be gone was a point in our favor, but between him commanding the tech that would send us back home and the human guards, we had been put on the back foot. But things would change. Oh how things will change.

@Thatguyinastore @QizPizza
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ..Are you fucking kidding me?.
Status - ...

I gritted my teeth upon hearing Luthor’s refusal in his polite tone. He couldn’t send me back yet because he needed to exploit my abilities for rather dire aid. How he even knew about me didn’t concern me. It wasn’t surprising, after all, when the demons kept records of my crusade against them. So either Luthor stumbled across one of those records or he acquired the knowledge through a method unbeknownst to me. However, regardless of what Luthor claimed, I crossed my arms, an obvious statement that I remained skeptical.

But Vega spoke once again.

“Mister Luthor, we appreciate your willingness to explain the situation we are currently in, but in order for us to begin to trust you, both I and the Doom Marine require more than vague details of the issue you require aid with. Would that also be related in any way to the alterations made to the Slayer’s brain when I ran a scan on his suit? These alterations are concerning as they affect regions associated for vital functions such as breathing and sleeping.”

My posture did not change, but underneath my helmet, I felt the corners of my lip curl upwards. Heh, if Luthor wanted to dance around us by dangling some promise of a ‘reward’ then he could do that all he wanted. Vega and I would challenge him at every turn. And the moment those alterations were reversed, I was done helping Luthor.


My head tilted upwards ever so slightly when Vega sounded as though he was speaking directly into my ears. Must be using the internal speakers this time.

<I am uncertain of the extent of the alterations that have been made. While I have confirmed the aforementioned ones, there may have been ones that were undetected. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to locate and neutralize the source of the signal. I have yet to determine its origin, but I have one of several theories. However, I require more information in order to act upon. I am currently gathering all available data from the network Luthor has granted us access to, but if you could find additional sources, that would be appreciated.>

I did not nod nor was there a change in my posture. Only a grunt of affirmation while Luthor went on explaining things. And while Luthor explained things, pop ups appeared on my visor and walls of texts scrolled down them. I raised an eyebrow as the pop ups appeared and disappeared in mere seconds. Vega was rushing to acquire as much information he could. A few glimpses of the text revealed...

@Thatguyinastore @Chung @darkred
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ...
Status - ...

I shrugged when the blonde man started to say something, but interrupted himself and clapped with some enthusiasm. He claimed he would show me how the ‘best’ does it. Then the man pressed the side of his shades where music started playing and he began to shake to the rhythm of the beat. It was OK in how he danced, even pulling off a split towards the end. The man finished off with a salute. I raised my hands, with seven fingers raised to indicate that I gave his dance moves a seven out of ten. It was certainly better than most, but I have seen much in my fight against Hell and that included some pretty sick dance moves.

But whilst I was ranking the Shade Dude’s dance moves, Vega spoke with the dark-skinned man named Sinclair.

“Doomguy is not his chosen, but was instead nicknamed this by the Armored Response Coalition and resistance forces during an invasion of Earth by a species of intelligent beings most civilizations would refer to as demons. In fact, I am unaware of Doomguy’s actual name and thus all of his names are more titles. Doomguy is just one of several.”

I cracked a grin upon hearing the name Doomguy. It was a less intimidating name and one I preferred amongst the names given to me. Doom Slayer, badass as it was, was given by the Demons. Doom Marine was a title that made little sense. I was no longer a marine and adding the word doom made it sound like I was destined for a terrible fate. So Doomguy became my impromptu name when I had to interact with others.

But before anyone could respond, a woman entered through some entrance on the ground floor. I returned her disappointed gaze that washed over the entire group with a glare. However, she gave no indication she was unnerved by it and instead pressed a button on a remote.

“Mister Luthor will see you now.”

The door slid open and I rounded my shoulders. I ignored the reactions of the others, instead stomping out of the cage with the intent on meeting this Luthor to demand my release. Every second spent here meant the Demons capitalized on my disappearance. Each minute meant a life was lost for no reason other than the demons’ simple desire to kill. And an entire hour meant an entire world may have been consumed and sent careening into the depths of Hell, nothing more than another conquest. It would be forgotten, its people assimilated, and any hope of recovery forever lost.

Time could not be wasted. The only issue was the damned alterations made to my brain that prevented me from using my usual methods. If I had to hear Luthor out first then so be it.

The group and I entered a fancy office via an elevator. I glanced about the room to see it luxuriously furnished with baubles and trinkets. Their value was worthless to me, but if Luthor was willing to display them so prominently then perhaps it held some value to him. Nonetheless, I kept my hands balled up, fingers digging into the gloves of my armor to vent my frustration. As much as I wanted to wreck his stuff, it would only earn me the same treatment as Motor-mouth suffered.

So instead, I glared at the man sitting across the room. His bald head shone when the sun’s rays reflected off the bare skin. He maintained a neutral, though serious, expression upon seeing us all. His posture was relaxed, no doubt because he thought himself safe, and interlocked his fingers together.

“Greetings. I am Lex Luthor. Please, make yourselves comfortable. We have a lot to go over.” The now named Luthor spoke in a calm tone that made my stomach twist itself into a knot. It was the exact same tone used by the petty Lords of Hell whenever one deigned to speak to me. Always promises of either my agonizing deaths or offers of lordship. All died by my hands regardless. So I stormed over to Luthor’s desk and brought myself to full height to stare him down.

“Greetings, I am Vega, assistant A.I. embedded within this suit to assist the man named Doomguy. Please excuse his behavior. He is not pleased at being extracted from his home dimension without his consent and so I politely request you return both of us back as there is an ongoing invasion that needs to be dealt with.”

@Thatguyinastore @Chung @darkred
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Jess Tauri

Location - Some dirty alleyway inhabited by a person with a latex fetish Joy.
Mood - Too old for this shit.
Status - Fine as a horse with cancer.

Jess’ head snapped up when he heard the thud of feet. His hand, already halfway into the thug leader’s pocket, withdrew itself like lightning and slid under his coat. The former outlaw clenched his teeth upon seeing a person in a black and red skin-tight latex outfit that emphasized their groin. Fuck, this must be some vigilante the gov had yet to stomp on. Even if it’d been nearly a century ago, vigilantes could be more vicious than even the cruelest cop in his experience with them. He needed to play this cool or he could face an actual fight.

So he drew up to his full height and quirked an eyebrow at how short the person actually was. Jess himself was an average 7’11” by his species standards so this guy was petite. Hell, the person didn’t even reach his shoulders, but Jess still clasped the handle of his kukri. Size, after all, mattered for shite in many cases. Even the smallest of children could slide a dagger between his ribs and leave him bleeding out like a pig.

But maybe he could turn this around? The person did ask if there was a problem here and Jess wouldn’t be lying since it’s already been resolved…

So Jess glanced at the two thugs lying on the ground and still knocked out cold. A trickle of blood steamed down their heads where he smacked them. Nothing too serious from the outside, but just in case, they should be thrown at the local healthcare workers.

“Lil issue between me and some unkindly folk. Already been resolved. Just, uh, they could use an ambulance.” Jess gestured at the two thugs.” But mind telling me where I am, partner? Just sorta, randomly popped up ere.”

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ...
Status - ...

Was it me or were there far more people popping out of the woodworks? But I did not spare a glance at the new faces, instead focusing on checking my weapons and equipment to steady my mind. I didn’t care beyond the odd curiosity and the tension already growing between some of the people. Motor-mouth had gotten after some rat-person-thing clad in a cloak for his bat yet like the new faces, I didn’t concern myself with it. Unless it involved me directly, people could beat each other up. Their problem, their issues. Not mine.

“Stranger, who are you anyways?”

I cracked open my super shotgun to inspect for any changes or damage to it. The question I heard wasn’t directed at me, or so I thought. After a few seconds of silence, I glanced up to see a man with dark skin giving me a stare. My head tilted to the side as my mind began drifting back to the shotgun. However, a monotone, though polite voice, spoke through my external speakers.

“Greetings. The one you are speaking to is referred to as ‘Doomguy’ and I am the assistant A.I. named Vega. Doomguy seems incapable of speech which leaves me to respond.”

I cracked a grin when Vega claimed I was basically mute. Nah, it was more like I preferred to stay silent most of the time. Eons of fighting in Hell left my vocal cords in disuse so it strained my muscles to actually speak. So I would leave the talking to Vega and returned my focus back towards inspecting my shotgun.

"Heh! Alright, killer. Hope you still have stamina after this."

I quirked an eyebrow upon hearing the blonde man. Huh, I thought he walked off after the misunderstanding. But I nonetheless placed my shotgun onto my back. The magnetic lags clasped onto the weapons with an audible click as I cracked my knuckles. Cheery dooting of a trumpet began playing through my external speaking. But it brought a tear to my eye despite its upbeat tone. After all, the song was composed by a friendly Revenant who only wanted to play music, but was torn apart by some Baron. So, I'll win this one for you, the Revenant whose musical talent was wasted on petty conquest. Thus. I began shuffling about with my hips gripped on my hips as I moved ensync with the beat of the music.

[Ignore the non-Doomguy armor, couldn't find a good gif.]

@darkred @Chung

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ...Daisy’s ok.
Status - ...

I maintained my glare as the man who dared threatened Daisy rose from his kneeling position. He cracked his neck and I revved my chainsaw once more, ready for a fight. However, instead of launching a punch, he instead walked away whilst giving me a cocky grin. I slammed off my chainsaw at that. No need to waste fuel if there wasn’t going to be a fight. Besides, he wasn’t a demon and thus held no value to me. However, the blonde man did issue a challenge…

“Calm down, killer. We’ll dance later after I break us out of here-”

There was only one appropriate response to that. I pulled back one hand and with all of my might thrusted out to give…

It was a promise that we’ll have a dance competition after we get out. I didn’t wait for the guy’s reaction, however, opting to instead scoop up the still heaving Daisy into my arms and cradled her against my chest. Her eyes were still wide with what I can only presume to be flashbacks to her death. It pained me that I couldn't do anything beyond give comfort. Yeah, the blonde man did seem to cause it, but how was he supposed to know? Besides, if anything, it allowed me to learn that letting others pet Daisy was perhaps not the best of ideas.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Nulled, reserved for another character
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ...Do not. Touch. The bun.
Status - ...

Daisy squeaked in confusion when the large man knelt before her. She froze up when the man began petting her. For a moment, panic gripped her. Her small body trembled as her death stabbed into her mind. At how that final, cowardly Baron seized her by the neck and dug its claws into her before darkness took her. Daisy squealed in alarm, her claws emerging from the fluff of her paws.

However, before Daisy could slash the man’s face off, the looming and murderous aura of Doomguy dominated the air behind Duke. The former marine glared through his visor, promising death lest the blonde-haired man back away. Now. Doomguy revved his chainsaw to empathize the point.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ... Someone’s gonna get ripped and torn
Status - ...

I stopped dancing the moment Vega returned with the readings and the cheery, heavy metal music composed of chainsaws and the screaming of demons stopped when I read it. No alterations had been made to my suit. However, the scans show that regions of my brain associated with movement, breathing, and sleep had been modified. Vega was already theorizing that some sort of signal had altered my brain, but it seemed any trace had been wiped clean.

My teeth grinded against each other after finishing reading. So simply ripping and tearing was out of the question. I raked my brain for any ideas. The gears in my head turning to produce a plan suitable to this new… situation I found myself in. It’s been years since I’ve found myself stumped. The closest had been when I found Daisy miraculously revived with a note thanking me for all the hard work I have done. Who was unknown and how they got into the Fortress of Doom concerned me, but I let the mystery go after making it wasn’t some trap.

But that was something I could deal with while the current situation I found myself in was not. At a moment’s notice I could drop dead and the demons of Hell would run free to conquer more worlds in their cruel march to dominance. Someone, somewhere would eventually rise to oppose them, but how many worlds would be scoured before then? Thus I made it my objective to restore my brain and tear apart whatever technology or arcane method that was used to alter it.

Meanwhile, Daisy hopped towards some muscular dude with blonde hair and began sniffing around him whilst Doomguy was considering how best to deal with his situation.

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