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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

All Might had barely finished his grave warning to Joel before a woman came to gather them. He’d still been unconscious when she’d come before, so he hadn’t recognized her as the others had. Her directions were brief and to the point, and soon enough, she led them away towards a massive elevator.

All Might noticed Joel’s skeptical look as he took his daughter’s hand and followed into the elevator with the others. A sliver of doubt formed in him at that. Surely a rugged survivor like Joel could sense something off here, right? Or was the old hero merely jumping at shadows? Perhaps his shock and grief couldn’t be completely dismissed as causes for his anxiety, but there just wasn’t any shaking this deep feeling that something was very wrong here.

Like many of the others, he boarded the elevator in silence, keeping to himself during the whole awkward ride. The entire time was spent questioning himself, whether his ingrained sense of danger had been skewed during the past year of his retirement, or if his worry for Midoriya roaming around as a vigilante still had him paranoid. Was he overreacting? Had he potentially frightened that sweet little girl for nothing?

Then, they arrived. The lot of them stepped out of the elevator and into a massive opulent office. All Might’s attention immediately focused in on the clear owner of such an office, and the instant he made eye contact, he could feel his blood run cold. For a split second, he could have fooled himself into thinking he was staring into the smug face of All for One. All doubt in his mind was wiped away at that, the old hero’s fists clenching at his sides, a pulse of phantom pain throbbing in the massive twisted scar that engulfed the left side of his abdomen. This was not All for One, he knew that, but… Whoever this Lex Luthor was, he had the same smile, the same air of superiority, the same manipulative look in his cold eyes.

Despite being put fully on edge by this man, All Might knew now was not the time to make hasty actions. There was still information to gather, and with any luck Luthor would provide it himself. Besides, there were already plenty of others getting up in the man’s face, posturing and making demands. He opted instead to remain standing at the edge of the room, his posture back to its previous meek slouching. Best to play the weak fool for now until he could gauge the full scope of their situation.

Mentions - @Thatguyinastore
(Open for Interaction)

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yamperzzz
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Yamperzzz Hoarder of Characters / All Ur OCs R Belong 2 Us

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Voss and Sanford's CS

At one point in their ordeal, the dull woman from before returned in a noticeably different outfit as she directed the others from the cage to a lift. There, the man who was only known as “Mister Luthor” would await them all. Voss didn’t seem to worry at all, at least, not at the moment. He lagged behind the group, allowing himself to be one of the last ones to leave. The sea captain also got out of his way to catcall the woman on his way out, too.

Sanford, on the other hand, shoved his way toward the front of the group and thus was one of the first to exit. Though he didn’t interact with much verbally, all his obnoxious pushing aside was definitely getting unwanted attention. He could’ve sworn a handful of the strangers gave him the stink eye or shoved him in return… Or both. Just to spice things up to start.

Regardless, not much happened in the time the two of them were on the elevator, as an unusual silence had taken over the majority of the squad. Very few actually dared to whisper, and the dull woman kept her mouth zipped. Sanford excitedly looked about the elevator interior in wonder in this period of time while Voss simply stared at his feet for a few minutes. When the lift had taken everyone where they needed to be, the duo returned to their original formations, with Voss in the back and Sanford in the front.

The room they entered was far nicer than whatever it was that they were kept in. They were even jealous, in a way. At least, Voss was. Smack-dab in the middle of the room was a large desk, at which a bald man was sitting. He made sure to introduce himself quickly, seeing as he was in a bit of a rush, it seems. He was Lex Luthor, and he waited eagerly for the others to relax enough to listen…

… Good luck, Luthor.

Sanford marched his way toward the man in green, pushing more folks aside and making sure he got close to Luthor’s face. At least, close enough to see the man’s head. He made a variety of silly faces to see what the reflection of Luthor’s head looked like.

“WHOA! I think I can see my future off that, dawg! And I thought Hank’s head couldn’t get any shinier!”

Meanwhile, Voss walked about the room aimlessly. He was mostly taking in the scenery as he waited for Luthor’s desk to become less crowded. Maybe he could find the time to threaten the bald man to take Voss home. He rested a hand on one of his Jakobs holsters while he wandered toward where Kira got himself a drink. The old man didn’t sit down, but he did select a bottle of bourbon from the cabinets to pour into a glass. He sipped on it occasionally while staying somewhat attentive toward Luther. Voss heard Kira talk by himself, and the captain huffed before grumbling something in response.

“Hmph. No use in delayin’ the inevitable, I ‘spose…”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"I want to start by welcoming you all to LexCorp," Luthor's first words were this - before he addressed anyone else. His eyes seemed to flicker between everyone in the room for a moment, and yet despite that, his posture remained totally absolute. "And... apologies for the rough transition. It was only a precautionary measure, I assure you." Luthor then turned, though, his gaze fully settling on Ultron. "And that includes shutting you out of our network. You should have full access now, should you wish to learn anything else."

He turned, then, as Kira spoke up. "Indeed." Lex nodded curtly in response. Shantae's approach of asking the same question but in a more "outward" manner caused the businessman to simply close his eyes, and then raise a hand in response. Once she'd quieted down, he sighed through his nose, and then opened his eyes again, "Simply put, I require your aid. My unorthodox methods aside, I-"

And then, the giant rat began to not-so-subtly steal all the fruit from his desk. Luthor fell silent as he watched the rude display, and all the while, his brows furrowed in obvious annoyance. He waited until Dris finished their little session, at which point he shook his head with a sigh, before returning his attention to the group. He listened, then, as Doomguy's assistant spoke up. This was not met with annoyance, unlike the actions of the rat. Just... stoicism.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that. Yet." Luthor paused as he reclined back in his seat a bit, relaxing. "You see- there is an ongoing issue of which I require aid. It's rather dire - which is why I've listed the outside help." He then paused, and allowed The Hunter to ask her set of questions. He waited until she was finished to speak again, "You were all selected based off of your individual abilities and skills. Not just your combat experience."

In response to Spike, though, Lex seemed to finally crack the faintest hint of a smile.

"It's... something akin to a bounty, yes," he raised a hand again, though this one not to signify silence. "And I can assure you - this will very much be worth your time." he then glanced in Fret's direction. The raised hand balled into a fit - save for the single finger that was pointed at him. "Break anything, and you pay for it."

His smile was gone in an instant, though, when Sanford decided to speak up. He didn't say anything, but the look he gave him said it all.

@cadesmith @davefromdiscord @ProfSpacecakes @Spooky Birb @RirisStride1 @Critic Ham @Paper94 @Lazaro1505 @duskkyy @SomeMekBoy @Kagebaka @Second2Last @Yamperzzz @ClownTown @Chung @TheRealMonaMona
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Otto would find that, right oustide the office's doors, several guards were stationed outside. They didn't seem immediately hostile - but they all did have guns at the ready. Assault rifles, to be exact. They weren't about to storm in or anything - but they were very clearly prepared to come in and take everyone out, should anything go wrong.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Sougo Tokiwa || Penny Polendina--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore@cadesmith@ClownTown

So they're here to take care of something for him? Seems...Strange to drag away a group of powered misfits just for a hit. Although it might be worrisome enough that maybe Sougo should hear him out--that's what a King would do, I think.

"Um..." Sougo raised his hand, as if to ask a question. "What exactly do you want us to take care of, exactly?" Sougo asks, "If you have to gather this many for just one 'bounty', it sounds like it'll be extremely dangerous. Not that anything isn't, really..." He wanted to know why they were gathered. Listening in from the others, it seems they were meticulously selected only by combat standards, but by other standards as well. This made him glance at Fret--who had sat beside him. At first glance, Tousai Furesawa seems like an ordinary, popular kid. Stylish hair, piercings, trendy clothes...It's hard to imagine that he'll be a part of the combat standard.

Then again, his personality suggests otherwise. While amiable and friendly, Tousai's hardheaded--much like a friend of him, Geiz...Tousai already saw one of his weapons, the Faizphone X, when he saved him from getting hit by The Delinquent. Even then, Sougo believed that it's still far too early to show off his actual gear. Meaning, it's still too early to pry on what Tousai can do, exactly.

Penny, meanwhile, overheard that a fellow robot had attempted to make a connection to this area's network, which, Penny didn't even know it had. She couldn't connect to any of Atlas' networks before, nor can she seem to contact anyone she knows. Still, Penny herself can't exactly view anything other than messages and video files. Surfing the Internet is a new concept to her.

Penny stands beside the couch as she listens in to what was essentially a briefing, wondering the reason for her abduction.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lazaro1505
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Lazaro1505 Birb-With-Gun

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The Chosen Hunter

After a couple of seconds squatting around, awaiting a oh so glorious answer from none other than their ‘captor’, the Chosen went ahead to listen to a couple of sentences being thrown around the room by a few others, although, he did chuckle mentally to himself about the comment relating to the ‘elephant of the room’, or in this case, Luthor’s bald head. He especially poke fun at this very fact earlier within his own head as well, and well, you couldn’t blame him. As if Luthor needed some sort of shield to protect himself from everyone in this room, he could very well just point his head forward and reflect all the attacks heading towards him back at their sender.

Now, enough jokes, a… ‘sufficient’ enough answer had arrived, and well, not one the one he wanted. Other than some minor details such as the company this man works for being ‘LexCorp’, the transition from here to the glass cage (to which, he still felt as if this man was using a stick to poke the very agitated animals in the same room and have them fight against each other. Hey, still entertainment for him) and to here inside this very room. If using some sort of device to temporarily paralyze them was considered ‘rough’ and a ‘precautionary measure’. Hmm, maybe he can press more information about that. Although, the bounty part definitely caught his attention. They were claiming another trophy for this man…? Heh, he definitely came to the right person then.

For once, the Hunter responded with “I see, and yet, you still went ahead and grabbed some folk who is otherwise could be called ‘above average’ at best, and yet, expect them to work on the same efficiency as the stronger individuals now. I suppose you do have some sort of plan regarding the use of all our abilities considering that doesn’t seem to be the specific criteria you are looking for. But, I have one more question-” the Chosen stopped a bit in his sentence, before moving his right hand to directly the back of his neck (even though his hood hid said neck), and tapped it as to explain his point, before saying out loud “-What is it exactly that you used to ‘tranq’ us with. Must have been one hell of a device, considering the very fact that Mr. Big Balls over there received some sort of ‘shock therapy’ to his head now, so, it wouldn’t be much to guess that you also have stuck us all with the same thing now. Let me guess, one of your ‘precaution methods’, or do you do this to everyone you meet up with? And don’t let me get started on how you managed to find us in the first place The Hunter finished, his face being rather blank as of the moment, and one that seems to be more… was it focused?

But, he did stand up to his full height, stretching somewhat as the cracking of his ligments and bones could be heard. Yet again, a smile creeped onto his face, as the ‘man’ finished with “Although, if it’s a bounty you are looking to be claimed, you have come to the right individual. Dhar-ll Vallino, Chosen Hunter of the Elders, at your ‘service’ the Chosen said, before squatting back down to half height as to continue the ‘conversation’. He did mentally note the words coming out from Sougo, something relating to the ‘dangerous bounty’. Heh, if it bleeds, he can kill it… after all, there was little that escaped his clutches more than once, and the only person who managed to do so multiple times was none other than that Commander. But soon, the Commander will get what’s coming to them, and he’ll make sure he will be the one who claims his rightful prize.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jeff Jones
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Jeff Jones

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Date was unamused by the guy saying he was giving off assumptions, then going off to say that it wasn't him that was trapped, but rather them trapped with him. Date was quick to respond "Ok then, if this is just an invitation then why don't you just make your way through the glass? Shouldn't be too hard, right?" Although before he could get a response out of Sephiroth, the lady showed up again and told them all how this luthor guy was ready to see them. Finally, date was getting sick of waiting in this cage with all these other random people. As he followed behind the lady, he eyed her for a bit then nodded to himself, alright maybe she was a 6. He looked annoyed for a second while in the elevator as a certain something reprimanded him for not being focused on the current situation, then they got to the top. It was a nice-looking office, the man named Lex Luthor in question sat in an office chair, telling them to get comfortable.

Date allowed the others to ask their questions and move to their positions, listening to Lex Luthor respond to them all, smirking a bit at the comment made by Samford but immediately going back to a straight face as someone else would ring off again in his head. Afterwards, he approached the desk himself, looking to the bald man "So just to get this right, for safety you made us all feel a spot of pain in the back of our heads, trapped us in a cage so you could keep us held there for a bit, now want us to do a job for you? Yeah, sounds really like a good thing for us, especially-" he was cut off as one of his eyes seemed to look around on its own.

then after a bit, it popped out into a small bear-like figure, landing on Lex's desk, looking to him "Excuse me, Mr Luthor. I'm sorry if my sudden coming out startles you, but I wanted to speak to you directly rather than through Date. I don't mean to be rude, but what will happen to those that don't want to help with the 'bounty'. As well, what about where we are from, if something important is needed to get back to for some of these people?" the eye looked to Lex, waiting for a response while Date closed the now empty eye and shot a glare to the bear, then looked to Lex himself.

Interacting: @Thatguyinastore@TheRealMonaMona

Trevor was enjoying waking up and getting ready for the day of travel him and Sypha were going to get through on their mission to help others, but then he felt the pain in the back of his head. He brushed it off for now, must have been drinking to much the night before right? But then it got worse and worst, before he collapsed he quickly turned and looked around, someone had to be causing this right? But he couldn't stand for long as he looked and looked but eventually collapsed, falling into unconsciousness with the last thought in his mind being Sypha's safety. He held onto that thought for the last moment he could, then nothing...

When waking up he rubbed the back of his head with his eyes closed. What the hell could that have been? Some magician pulling a trick on him, maybe some sort of vampire magic? But as he opened his eyes and looked around, he noticed all the others. There were all sorts of creatures, not even just people, some made of metal, others reminded him of animals, even some night creatures. However, before he could even process anything, some odd woman had called for their attention and to meet some Luthor fellow. He glanced around to everyone else, no one else seemed too confused or panicked, so he decided to keep to himself and calm as well. Slowly picking himself off the ground, glad to have his cloak on him, he followed along behind the others, trying to keep to the back of the group, giving a confused glance to the interior of the elevator before stepping inside of it himself. However, when the contraption closed and started...vibrating, he glanced around at the motionless walls. Odd, must be some weird magician trick or possibly machinery that was doing all of this, he gave a glance around to see if anyone else was in awe, horror, or equal confusion as himself, but it didn't really seem like it so he continued to keep to himself. Then, when exiting the elevator, he made sure to find some way to allow the majority of the group forwards again so he could stick to the back, looking around at some weirdly decorated room with many things he couldn't name off of the top of his head, let alone relate to something similar. But ahead of them seemed to be the man in charge, so he waited for the others to speak, glancing at Spike, then he cleared his throat as to have Lex look to him and he spoke "Well, while I'm sure that some others are completely happy to immediately help with something they were suddenly thrown into, I agree with the man on the fact that this should be worth my time as well. Especially since I was in the middle of something extremely important."

Interacting: @Thatguyinastore@Paper94 (Not directly but he's being referred to)
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BoltBeam
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BoltBeam Freedom Purifies

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Red Riding Hood

Mood - Wary
Status - Healthy
Interactions/Mentions - @Thatguyinastore

The hours passed, but nobody and nothing else did. No deaths (yet) somehow - as thankful as she could be for this, Red seemed a little anxious when that woman from earlier returned - staring over everyone before a door in the glass cage slowly slid open, letting people flow out. Red Riding Hood opted to be one of the last to leave so she could keep an eye on everyone from the back of the group, though she couldn't really see much 'from' that angle all the way back there. The tight space of the elevator and the cold, deathly silence wasn't very welcoming at all - but... Red couldn't help but shake in her skin as she and everyone else ascended slowly within this elevator. Higher into the sky, far above the ground and even further away from the people left behind, if there are any others literally below them at all. The arrival to this clean, expensive office did seem to gain Red's attention, though - as she stepped out of the elevator to look around. "Ooh, this is... really nice! Smooth, simple... looks like a bit of luxury to me, though..." She mused aloud to herself as she turned to face the sun which had now shone down upon her and the rest of the group... before turning her attention to the sudden 'other' voice in the office, who was not among the group, but rather seated at a desk in the office and leaning over it - hovering his eyes over them all as he spoke in a smooth yet still serious tone of voice.

"Huh, so you're the guy we were told about. Makes sense." Red comically spoke - aloud to herself once more. At the notion to get comfortable by the man in the office, Red practically leapt on that chance and within seconds she dropped herself backwards onto the furniture - lying back and putting her feet up, but trying not to get in anyone's way if anyone else was already there and/or nearby. Needless to say - relaxing is a go! Though she was aware they would be here a while, what Red is most concerned about, is... "Alright, so - tell it to us straight. Some kind of dire situation, you said - like a bounty? Clearly you may not even need all of us for this one job depending on what it even is! Do you mind telling us exactly what you're getting us all into here?" She voiced to Lex - though his explanations seemed to catch her attention even more. So, somehow, he gained information on everyone here and selectively brought them here somehow, before putting them all in this glass cage... and wants some kind of dirty work doing? Though Red didn't look too impressed as she made this conclusion herself, it's not like she had a way out any time soon.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Chung
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Chung Scuffed Characters Galore

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Duke Nukem

“Stealth? We’ll probably need it somewhere in the future. So, if you watch my back. I’ll watch yours.” I told Sinclair.


And make myself comfortable I did, landing on the sofa as I looked at Luthor. To be honest, I’m not complaining much. Home has been boring without the alien bastards. Looks like they finally learned their lesson. But that means I would be out of a job. That wouldn’t be so bad since I had enough money to fund several small armies, but the real problem here is the boredom that comes with success.

“Work has been slow back home and I’m getting rusty." I stated. “As long as I get to kick ass, I’m on your side, got that?”

@darkred @Critic Ham @Thatguyinastore
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Critic Ham
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Critic Ham

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Doom Slayer

Location - Some place that isn't hell
Mood - ..Are you fucking kidding me?.
Status - ...

I gritted my teeth upon hearing Luthor’s refusal in his polite tone. He couldn’t send me back yet because he needed to exploit my abilities for rather dire aid. How he even knew about me didn’t concern me. It wasn’t surprising, after all, when the demons kept records of my crusade against them. So either Luthor stumbled across one of those records or he acquired the knowledge through a method unbeknownst to me. However, regardless of what Luthor claimed, I crossed my arms, an obvious statement that I remained skeptical.

But Vega spoke once again.

“Mister Luthor, we appreciate your willingness to explain the situation we are currently in, but in order for us to begin to trust you, both I and the Doom Marine require more than vague details of the issue you require aid with. Would that also be related in any way to the alterations made to the Slayer’s brain when I ran a scan on his suit? These alterations are concerning as they affect regions associated for vital functions such as breathing and sleeping.”

My posture did not change, but underneath my helmet, I felt the corners of my lip curl upwards. Heh, if Luthor wanted to dance around us by dangling some promise of a ‘reward’ then he could do that all he wanted. Vega and I would challenge him at every turn. And the moment those alterations were reversed, I was done helping Luthor.


My head tilted upwards ever so slightly when Vega sounded as though he was speaking directly into my ears. Must be using the internal speakers this time.

<I am uncertain of the extent of the alterations that have been made. While I have confirmed the aforementioned ones, there may have been ones that were undetected. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to locate and neutralize the source of the signal. I have yet to determine its origin, but I have one of several theories. However, I require more information in order to act upon. I am currently gathering all available data from the network Luthor has granted us access to, but if you could find additional sources, that would be appreciated.>

I did not nod nor was there a change in my posture. Only a grunt of affirmation while Luthor went on explaining things. And while Luthor explained things, pop ups appeared on my visor and walls of texts scrolled down them. I raised an eyebrow as the pop ups appeared and disappeared in mere seconds. Vega was rushing to acquire as much information he could. A few glimpses of the text revealed...

@Thatguyinastore @Chung @darkred
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Midle1998
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Midle1998 The Imposter God

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Captain Falcon turned his attention to the new arrival. A bald man in nicely pressed suit. The pilot gasp as he was now in front of one of the most iconic men in history. "Before we get started at though, I just wanna let you know" Takes Lex's hand and shakes it vigorously "It is an honor to finally get to meet you! And may I say, You are as every bit as handsome as you look in books and shows, man! And you're eyebrows!" Captain Falcon scoffs "Those eyebrows? On fleek! And you're standing! Yo, that's great, man! How's it feel? Liberating, I bet! I bet it sucked having to take care of business if you know what I mean. My heart went out to you in that regard." Captain Falcon pats Lex on the shoulder witha laugh "Hey! Hey, could you do me a favor? Like a small favor? Hm?" He asks with an impish smile "Read my mind! Go on, read it! Tell me what I'm thinking!" The pilot asks with child-like anticipation

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If the name ‘LexCorp’ didn’t set off alarm bells in Otto’s head, the guards with rifles at low ready certainly did. The more things change…

However, there was a more pressing issue: Otto’s pride had just been slighted by a mere mercenary.

Spider-Man hard pivoted towards the arrived rifleman. “Do consider that you do not know any of us before you judge us as only above average. While I cannot attest to many in this room, but I can assure you I am more than capable.”

Now, to the problem at hand.

Otto walked up to the desk, slipping between members if needed, and took a seat if he could find it. If not, he stood with his arms folded behind his back. “Mr. Luthor, I would also like to know how you tranquilized me, what that entails, and what you would have us do for you. Don’t worry about any danger, I assure you that I can keep the more violent of us all at bay so there will be nothing to worry about in regards to, say, calling in any guard force that may be outside of the door.”

The last part was punctuated by a loose gesture to the door that said guards were stacked up on, but was only said so that Lex could hear Otto, because Otto knew better than to rile the crowd. Of course, the fact he knew was a card in Octavius’ hand that he anticipated Luthor would not want to let him play.

“I would also like to speak with you privately when our immediate business is done. I believe I have a few things you would want me to share with you.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Oh, it's very dangerous, indeed," Lex responded to Sougo with a slow nod. He'd opened his mouth to explain it further, only for The Hunter to hit him with a whole heap of questions. The businessman rolled his eyes at this, before sighing, "We used a device which emits a sound at a certain frequency. Said frequency is known to cease all motor functions in one brain for the duration that it's played." he then turned and glanced at Date. "You're alive, aren't you? Nothing we did caused permanent damage, I assure you."

Lex then watched as the bear thing hopped on his desk. His expression remained rather stoic all the while, and he even addressed it as if it were an actual person. "That's simple." Lex took a moment to adjust his posture, so he could better face the bear. "If you don't help me, then you won't be able to return home." As more and more people spoke up, Lex simply raised another hand, signaling for them to stop talking. "I understand that you may be concerned with the finer details of this, best rest assured of one thing. Time across the Multiverse is relative. Five weeks could only be one hour in another universe - or even five minutes. So, more than likely, you won't be missing whatever show you were watching."

In truth, Lex didn't particularly care for what these people were doing before they were taken. But that wasn't exactly a fact that he was trying to hide. He didn't verbally reply to Otto, either, but what he did do was nod slowly. He understood the importance of subtlety above all else - and, like Otto Octavius, the business man understood not having any prying eyes or ears on whatever this was.

Lex couldn't help but smile as Captain Falcon showered him in his childlike praise and adoration, however. He took his hand as any businessman would, his shake nice and firm. "Well, I'm always happy to meet a fan." he chuckled... only to blink in confusion when asked to read his mind. "...what?"

From there, the questions amounted to specifics of what they were needed for. Assuming all other inquiries had been answered, Lex did indeed begin to give them what they wanted. This started with him standing up from his office chair, and slowly beginning to pace around the room. His posture was straight as a board, and his hands were cupped entirely behind his back. He eventually stopped at a long, outstretched table. He stared down it, looking toward the center in particular. It was then that the lights in the room began to dim slowly - and before long, everything had gone dark. Well, save for the bit of sun that seeped its way through the window, of course.

Before long, a holographic image of sorts shot out from the table. What it displayed was the map of a large city - or more accurately, a 4D Model.

"This is Metropolis, the city of which you're currently located," Lex explained, his voice calm as ever. "It's a grand city - one that I personally helped build into what it is today." he stated that last fact rather proudly, even smugly adjusting his tie all the while. This moment of self-indulgence was short-lived, however, as his smile soon turned to a frown. "But... unfortunately, there have been some... issues, lately." As he said this, the holograph shifted to an image...

"This is Superman," Lex explained to the others. He maintained his calm voice as he spoke... yet, oddly enough, there was some hint of buried malice underneath it all. "For years, he has been Metropolis' sole protector. He's an alien from the planet Krypton... sent here by a cruel twist of fate." Lex scoffed a bit, before shaking his head. The video changed again, only the was to a more... unflattering image of the supposed hero.

Videos of Superman flying right through buildings and collapsing them began to play. If he wasn't doing that, he was outright attacking civilians. Horrific images of him using what looked like laser vision to burn innocent people alive began to play, as well as him punching holes right through people's stomachs and chests. Lex grimaced at the sight, almost stifling the urge to vomit as he turned away. With this, the lights turned back on, and the image faded. The businessman seemed to need a moment to regain his composure, before slowly turning back to the group.

"I hope that you can see why this situation is-"


From the back of the room, Joel Miller (who'd remained particularly silent up until now), had finally let go of his daughter's hand. He'd done so entirely to shove past everyone else present and sock Lex right in the jaw. And Joel had one hell of a punch too - enough to send Lex falling off his feet and onto the ground. In an instant, the guards that Otto had seen trained outside the door stormed in, and all of them trained their guns on Joel - who had his grip tightly wrapped around Lex's collar.

"You pulled my daughter into this shit! My DAUGHTER!" Joel screamed, tears forming in his eyes. Many of the guards seemed ready to shower Joel in bullets right then and there, but Lex had just managed to turn to them.

"Stand... down..." Lex just barely managed to grunt through grit teeth. The guards reluctantly did so. Whatever trust they had in Lex, it was strong enough to allow him to be put in clear danger like this. Joel, however, didn't back down. His breathing was heavy, and the look on his face was one of pure, unfiltered rage. His fist was held high above Lex's face, ready to strike down at any second.

And all the while? Negan chuckled from the back.

"Oh... my..." he laughed dryly. "This is shapin' up to be one hell of a Goddamn fight..."

@Midle1998 @BoltBeam @SomeMekBoy @KageBaka @Jeff Jones @Chung @davefromdiscord @cadesmith @Lazaro1505 @ProfSpacecakes @Critic Ham @ClownTown @RirisStride1 @Paper94 @TheRealMonaMona @Second2Last
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Ultimately, Doomguy would find that no alterations had been made whatsoever. Whatever ones had been made were seemingly just temporary.

@Critic Ham
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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However, Otto was not so concerned with Lex’s orders.

Thwip, thwip, thwip. The first ball of synthetic web impacted Joel’s hand, carrying enough force to knock him off of Lex. The second went to Joel’s shoulders to bind him to the floor. The third finally sought to secure his legs as well. It wasn’t a full cocoon, but the best the former doctor of physics could do.

Once that was done, regardless of effect, Otto stood up. “Now, unless all of you would want to be tied up for the next couple of hours instead of heading home, all of you should act like mature, sensible adults. None of us want to be here, but that will be resolved at a later date.”

To be quite honest, Otto didn’t hear Luthor order his guards to stand down. His instincts told him to prevent the fight, and he gave into them. It was an odd feeling, that. Usually he thought with his brain rather than his reflexes. Perhaps that was what Parker had: while he could have never matched Otto in raw wits, Otto could have overlooked the obvious.

He should do that more often.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Joel had fallen off of Lex with a loud grunt, his arms and legs being tied to the floor by Otto's sticky web. He struggled in his binds, not even listening to the Man-Spider as he did so. All he did was continue to look up at Lex with pure rage.

And Lex himself, meanwhile, stood back up to his feet and brushed himself off. "Thank you," the man said to Otto with a nod. He sighed, then, and made a sweeping gesture with his hand. The soldiers all proceeded to leave the room at that point, and the door closed behind them. Lex, meanwhile, had sat back in his chair, before looking at the group.

"Now..." he said as he pulled himself closer. "Are there any further questions?"

@Midle1998 @BoltBeam @SomeMekBoy @KageBaka @Jeff Jones @Chung @davefromdiscord @cadesmith @Lazaro1505 @ProfSpacecakes @Critic Ham @ClownTown @RirisStride1 @Paper94 @TheRealMonaMona @Second2Last @Yamperzzz
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BoltBeam
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BoltBeam Freedom Purifies

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Red Riding Hood

Mood - Wary
Status - Healthy
Interactions/Mentions - @Thatguyinastore

As Lex explained the situation, complete with the models and visuals, there were a fair few answers here. If they help him with this issue, they get to go home - and the place they are in is Metropolis. The problem however, is the protector - Superman - who has seemingly taken a turn. One moment he was flying through the sky, the next he was hosing down civilians left and right with laser vision and punching through them with a single closed fist. To put it simply, Red was worried - fearful even. "Wait, so-! Do you want us to investigate this, or fight him? But if you say he's the protector of this place, I feel like something's wrong here..." She thought aloud to herself. "Even still, he protects this place, right? We can't afford to literally kill him if that's what you want us to do, because the locals will still need help at some point..." She thought aloud, questioning Lex's methods before he even said what to do at all - it's a simple conclusion, but she's not 100% about what he even wants! And yet, she doesn't like the idea of doing someone's dirty work again. She might not be correct, but it's an educated guess.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith and Shantae

Lilith scanned the room as she waited for Lex Luthor to give an answer, mostly just taking in the scenery of the city scape out the window. That was until she took one look at the buff, blonde hair, indoor sunglasses wearing man himself Duke Nukem. She was already aware of him back in the room everyone was in but she couldn't really get over his nature. The guy looked like he already prepared himself for this specific situation, if the vest with bullets strapped on was an indication, so there was at least someone who was well ready to, as he would put it, kick some ass. Duke wasn't even the only one to give off that idea for her as The Doom Slayer also looked to be ready to rip someone's head off.

As for Shantae, she didn't take too kindly to The Chosen Hunter throwing out the word stripper and use it to describe her, sure she did give off a more alluring vibe, she'd except someone to point that out, but that was too far for her. So she reacted on instinct. "Excuse me!?" Shantae was about to continue but Lilith also notice this and stop her before things would get nasty. "Sh-Shantae, please don't escalate this, just ignore it. That's what I...well, try to do anyway." Shantae looked at her and back to The Hunter again before hesitantly agreeing to step off, not without still being annoyed about the whole ordeal though. She was pretty riled up about it but Lilith was right, arguing over each other wasn't going to get anyone anywhere.

Lex Luthor answered Shantae's question by saying that everyone was selected based of their abilities and powers, and that he needed their aid against a bounty. Lilith paused for a bit, she didn't consider herself to be much of a useful person, especially compared to everyone else. "I'm uh...well...I'm not sure if I would be able to help out, why did you bring me specifically?" It's apparent that she didn't want any part in this but there's no going back now that she's here.

Meanwhile Shantae pondered on the thought of the people here being chosen based of their feats and got her thinking, how do they know this. "Wait, you said you chose us based on out skills right? How do you know about all of our individual strengths?"

Interactions: @Thatguyinastore @Lazaro1505 Mentions: @Chung @Critic Ham

(This was before store's next major post)
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Spooky Birb
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Spooky Birb

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Upon... hearing... the mention of cheese... Dris huffed, looking up at this... this... WHOEVER this was! Who was he!? What kind of... man-thing even... They opened their mouth to speak but...

No. No no. They had gotten into enough quarrels for today, and didn't... really want to start another. So, they simply bore their teeth at the strange human, and shoved another apple in their pocket, leaving the fruit bowl completely empty.

However, they did stick close to the man-thing, beginning to grow... curious. Even if... there were OTHER things going on the room, things Dris didn't even CARE for. All they cared about now was... whatever... whatever this man-thing was... At least for the moment.

Mentions: @Lazaro1505 @Thatguyinastore OPEN FOR INTERACTION
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by cadesmith
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cadesmith twinker bell

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tosai “Fret” Furesawa
Fret’s healthy, but HOLY SHIT, the local DILF just tried to punch the guy that could bring them home, that and the dumbass Fret is not happy. He's tired of being nice, he'd like to go apeshit.

The “break it, buy it” rule is a thing here, noted. Fret wasn’t even sure if he had the yen to pay for anything, but he put on a sheepish smile nonetheless and nodded towards Lex’s remark.

Though, this many people for one issue? That… that seemed very suspicious. Not only that, but Luthor’s claim on how the device caused no permanent damage. What’d the lady do to Negan then? Something more was done, right?

Before Fret spoke up, Lex made his point that he wouldn’t bring them home if they didn’t help. “Woah, woah, woah- WHAT! That’s comple-” And then, he was cut off by the videos. This… this sure was a sight! So much for a “Super” man, huh. Tosai grimaced at the content, and as things ended, he tried to open his mouth to speak once more… before once again, he was interrupted. Thanks, multiverse! He stood up as Joel socked the shit out of the businessman, thinking on intervening before he mentioned that his kid was involved… his kid?! Yeah, still complete bullshit in the Player’s eyes.

Now that there was an opening to ask something, he then spoke his piece; “Why’d you bring KIDS? And why can’t you just bring us home if we’re not up for this? It’s absolute bullshit!” While his voice cracked quite a bit, his tone was clear - Fret was not happy! He pointed a thumb at himself, brows furrowed still. “I’m not worrying my family or friends again over bull like this, man.” As he waited for Lex's answer, he focused and tried to scan the man, just to make sure he wasn't spouting anything different from his thoughts.

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