Looks like she was right, All Might came from a different version of her world. But aside from the infection not being present from where he was from, just how different
were their worlds? The only thing different was the mention of some sort of Hero Commission, not existing in her, Joel, and Sarah’s world, not having heard of it before or during the apocalypse. “
Hero Commission?”
When he described the buzzing he felt, she remembered when she was laying on the ground, fading out of consciousness. The buzzing she felt then… it was how he described it. If the both of them felt it, there was a chance the others felt it too. His description about how they were in one place one minute and the next they woke up here also matched her experience.
Now what they needed to figure out since those pieces lined up was what purpose they had for them. “
I’m guessing this Luthor guy that woman mentioned might have the answers. The way she talked about him, it sounded like she was working for him so he’s gotta be the one that sent us here.” All Might’s comment towards Sarah made her look at her and nod in agreement. “
He’s right kid, stick by your dad and we’ll get through this just fine.”
And just like that, the woman came back.
A costume change wasn’t the only news as she opened the cage, saying that her employer would like to meet them. Guess it was time to meet the guy that most likely brought them there, at least that’s what Tess’ mind was thinking. “
Lead the way, Joel.” The woman followed Joel and Sarah, reaching an elevator that they all went into. There weren't any worries about the elevator dropping or breaking down, she very much doubted that considering everything was fine like before the infection turned the whole world upside down.
Still… an elevator that actually
worked and with no worries that it’d break. Probably the best part about being pulled from death and ending up… wherever the hell they were.
When they reached their destination, she looked around the office as they all stepped out of the elevator, seeing the man the woman talked about at the desk. “
Pretty fancy place you got here.” Even if they weren’t back in the apocalypse where sometimes the people were more dangerous, she was still wary of others and this man was no different. Yeah he was the reason she was alive now but he had to have a reason why he’d take away her ability to finally know peace.
Maybe it had to do with the fact that he was a businessman considering he introduced himself as Lex Luthor and the place they were in was called LexCorp according to him. He needed their help, specifically something similar to a bounty he said. Her and Joel, they didn’t do that kinda work, they were smugglers, not bounty hunters.
Of course it could also be the fact that there were armed guards in the room but she was used to seeing those, seeing people on the other end of them. Hell she was used to
being on the other end of their rifles…
Onto why he called them there, he used technology but it was nothing like what she had seen before the outbreak. They would’ve gotten close to having those if life went on as normal. He began to explain they were in a city, one he helped create, and from the looks of the city it looked like where all the rich people lived. Metropolis definitely didn’t look like her kind of place to live so she didn’t have any more thoughts on it.
Her eyes widened when he explained that it’s protector was an alien going by the title “Superman” followed by what they showed him doing next. The guy was suppose to be some sort of protector, right?
So what the hell made him start destroying buildings and killing civilians? “
Oh fuck…”
Her shock didn’t last as Joel pulled her out of it, making his way to Luthor and punching him in the face, causing the guards to raise their guns at him “
Joel!” Running over to the man, she reached out to touch his shoulder but then spider webs hit his hand and looking in the direction they came from led to the source: some guy in a spider costume. Instinctively her hand flew to her pistol which was in her holster. “
Let him go.”
Her head turned back to Luthor. “
Yeah, I do: what makes you think me and my friend and his daughter can do anything about that guy? I doubt regular bullets can hurt him and in case you haven’t noticed, she’s a kid.” That last part, she glanced towards Sarah before looking back at him, noticing his hand go to a button as his focus was on two other people and hearing Joel call out Sarah;s name, her hand pulled out her gun and aimed it at Luthor. “
What the hell did you do to her?! Where is she?!”
just just her back thanks to him and now he’d take her away? All with no emotions on his face. His answer, while it was what he probably wanted Joel to hear, didn’t sit well with her. “
Bullshit. I’m not believing you until you show us where she is.” And in Sarah’s place she heard a different voice which made her look to see some girl in odd clothes where Sarah once was.
If whatever he did was some sort of magic trick, this was one fucked up magic show from what she was seeing.
Her eyes went to All Might who went from someone with pretty much no muscle and looking sickly to… well, completely fine with the added bonus of muscles. Of course a few other people joined in and then her along those asking where Sarah was were given an answer with an image of where she was, it being enough to make her lower her gun and put it away. From the looks of it, she was fine and without the threat of infected in this world. she’d stay fine.
Back to why they were here in the first place, normal bullets weren’t going to hurt Superman according to him which considering he was an alien, she figured. “
So what? Do we need special bullets for him?” As for the watches she had just noticed were on her wrist, he explained that they could switch locations with anyone that had the watches that weren’t in their group, implying there were others here torn from their world.
If she and Joel ever needed an out, that sounded like their best bet. Seeing as how she died back home and not to mention it was hell back there, she had her doubts about going back. But if she denied his offer, a virus wouldn’t be the ones killing people here: someone she refused to help stop would.
There was only one choice, even if she had to... even if she had to go back to her world and finally die. “
...I’ll do it. I’ll help. But first, let my friend go so me and him can talk, spider boy.”
If she was going to join any of the teams that were suggested to them, she’d rather have Joel’s input first. Besides, they were partners and they worked better together so it only made sense they’d go to the same team together after getting on the same page.