He could only frown at Berrit's response to his shock
"Hey, I'm one of those 'brought not because of combat experience' kind of people, so I'm just a little out of my element right now, so maybe just some leeway being given would be nice."He then simply listened along as the others continued to talk about their teams, about to speak up before Aiba told him she already had it handled, too which he then kept to himself, at least he would of if the building nearby didn't seem to just explode.

With a look of shock, he quickly moved to the windows to see the event occur, taken aback by the sight of the building in ruins and the faint figure of superman floating there. Without lex's screaming, Date was already on the move, a determined look on his face as he quickly moved out of the building. At the bottom of the collapsed building itself, he stared up to the top, but seeing Joel run in he quickly spoke aloud without thinking
"Aiba, grab blueprints of the building, we can use it to cross-reference what we see inside and what's still standing." He followed after Joel the moment he had them, seeing the two had helped some rubble off of a lady, afterward heading in deeper. He followed behind them silently as they started to come across more and more cleaner rooms, no fires anywhere, and also the chaos seemed to have been completely silenced. At least until a voice seemed to ring out throughout the building.
Date had reached for his own gun as he watched Joel take out his, making sure he was at the ready as well, looking like a simple revolver in his hands as he looked around for the source of the voice. Then, Joel seemed to slowly start moving inwards, to which others followed and so did Date himself. Entering a room, the door shut behind them, to which since Joel had a flashlight, Date went with his light and squinted at the scene in the room, yet continued to keep quiet. However, at the man and the weird fox person actually sitting he could only look surprised at them, he himself staying standing as he stared at the figure at the end of the table. That man might have been part of causing this...he was the problem here, so they should deal with him, but the two of them are talking? No...he should just be dealt with now...like being shot. Yes, he should be shot, like righ-.
"Date, I can't allow the use of the Evolver yet, he hasn't done anything hostile"He shook the thoughts from his head, that was a weird train of thought and Aiba was saying he couldn't anyway, so he simply observed.
Some people seemed to be willing to actually
Drink this guy's random stuff? Geez, and that cat person chick thought he was going to be trouble. After the weirdly dressed man actually took a drink of the liquid, the man seemed to hop on the table, walk over, and then...everything went dark, too actually being on a giant stopwatch with rabbit masked thugs falling and trying to attack them? Date quickly took a defensive position, finding a spot to protect himself as he waited for the thugs to approach them. Then, the man who actually drank the tea seemed to transform, and attacked the fox dude! Quickly, he turned to move towards him, but then Grey called out about how he could take care of Sougo for now, to which date hesitated a bit but then nodded. He ran for the closest thug, gun being put away as he focused on hand-to-hand combat, more so looking to incapacitate the thugs rather than kill them, even with the sound of Joel and Tess's guns going off. Then, hearing the girls shouting about the masks controlling them, Date switched up his strategy a bit, fighting off masked invaders while also ripping off the hats they were wearing. It seemed to start working, as they went from fighting thugs to confused citizens, he'd have to thank that scantily dressed girl for the idea of doing it.
@Starmaker@Thatguyinastore@Attesa along with the rest of the mad hatter control gang

Trevor simply pour himself more to drink from, listening to others join teams as he simply enjoyed himself at least until the chaos nearby began, causing his face to sour as he, unfortunately, put down the drink. Seeing out the window at the...odd city, he looked to the burning building, and hearing the bald man yell at them to run out and deal with it, he did just that. Moving out with the rest of the others, he could only follow Neagen's thinking of not wanting to completely just rush in there as Joel and others had. However, looking around at the situation as citizens were making their way out and injured were being dealt with, he realized his talents, unfortunately, didn't reach helping people. So with some thought, he moved around the building trying to find a way up, finding a door into the building that was on the opposite side near what could be assumed waste and such was dumped. What an odd structure, either way with little care of what was around him, he quickly threw the door open, and ran into the building, looking to the set of stairs. Upon entering it and looking up, he realized...man, that was a fucking lot of stairs. With a heavy sigh, he started to run up them...and continued to run...and run...
Before anyone could actually reach the closet, the door to the fire escape could be heard to be kicked open, as trevor stepped in with morning star and sword in hand, looking around to see...the situation having been handled, as well the roof seemed to have. Looking a bit confused, he could only awkwardly scratch the back of his head
"Whoops...looks like I might have burst in a little too late. Sorry" After realizing that most of the people seemed to be dealt with, dead, or not there, he held his hands to his legs, bending over as he breathed a bit heavily. He muttered under each breath
"Fucking...stairs...so many"Interacting: Mostly just top floor gang in general, making an epic entrance