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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The fox raises a brow as he looks down the hallway. He stops to set a hand on the walls, as if to feel if they're real. He glances back at Joel with similar hesitance before turning to Sougo and Lilith.

"I don't know about you guys, but I feel like this is as obvious as a trap gets," he states plainly. "Keep your guard up." Grey grips his sword and starts advancing down the hall after Joel, raising his voice to address whoever had spoken. "I don't think you're really planning anything fun here, weird... disembodied voice. What's your name, anyway?"

@Thatguyinastore @Kagebaka @Second2Last
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

For those who had flown and/or crawled up to look in the top floors, they would find that the civilians weren't actually trapped under everything.

Behind the initial patch of rubble that blocked the window's view, Penny would find with her advanced vision that several people were crouched along the room. The reason that they were crouched were that several thugs in gas masks were standing above them, assault rifles in their hands. They paced back and forth, while the civilians sobbed and coughed from the room slowly but surely filling with smoke.

@KageBaka @SomeMekBoy @ratking @Crow
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mav
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Mav The Coolest

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lex Luthor's gaze of displeasure was far less than subtle, for no reason other than the fact that Schezo has become an expert at detecting those. The only major difference between this and the many he's received in his lifetime is that the one delivering it is bald. Nevertheless, it didn't sit well. What could he possibly be upset over this time? It's a simple question!

"If you're incapable of finding him, say that! I couldn't care less about why your technology has proven inadequate."

Whirling around and marching toward the window, the dark mage grunts something under his breath. Whatever it was, it likely wasn't the most flattering thing to say about the one that's gathered them all here.

"He'll find me... Hmph! I welcome the opportunity for a strong man to catch me off guard!"

The moment that left his mouth, he gasped. He didn't mean for it to sound like--


Another gasp. That explosion! It was so... spontaneous and unexpected! In his brief period of surprise, he catches a glimpse of someone flying, and with a red cape as well. That can only be their target. Attire that tacky has to match an equally tacky name, after all.

Not wasting a moment more, he promptly elbows the window before him, stepping back and preparing to leap out. It was then that he saw something else: Cloud. He seemed somewhat hesitant. Was he looking for something? A way to get there, perhaps? There's only one practical way to find out.

"You there, with the strange sword!" Schezo calls out, offering an open hand to Cloud. "If you're looking for a swift way to that building, or any building at this point, take my hand! Either way, you can't just stand there."

@Thatguyinastore @ratKing
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Thatguyinastore
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Thatguyinastore Just a Store Guy

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Oh, it's quite fun, I assure you! Soon, you'll know it to be true..." the voice let out a giggle.

"Joel," the man said in response to Grey as he made his way down the long hallway alongside the others. He was doing his best to ignore the voice... even if it was starting to piss him off. "And yours?"

@Attesa @KageBaka @Second2Last
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Attesa
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Attesa Support Havoc Fox!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Grey. Easy to remember. Just check the fur," he jokes lightheartedly as he continues down the hallway slowly, his eyes scanning for anything that might be out of place. "I don't suppose any of you guys have the power to see through walls or anything?"

The fox sneaks beside Joel, ready to shield himself at a moment's notice. Whoever this voice is, they sure do love to speak in rhyme. If they keep delaying the team like this, they might not be able to reach the survivors in time! Wait- darn, now he's thinking in verses, too. Grey puts an exasperated paw to his head.

@Thatguyinastore @Kagebaka @Second2Last
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Second2Last
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Second2Last You're cringe, debate over.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lilith and Shantae

Welp, so much for sticking to pairs.

Eventually Lilith Shantae and the rest of the group found themselves in a long hallway with a disembodied voice cackling over them, alluring them to cross this path, obviously this was some sort of trap and Grey took note of that. He was right, this does look pretty suspicious, but this gave Shantae an idea, maybe there was some sort of way to set it off. So when no one was aware she grabbed a sardine from her sardine can she carried and threw it across the hall, hoping something would go off.

Lilith watched the whole thing in confutation and asked her what that was about. "What the hell, do you just casually carry sardines with you wherever you go?" Shantae looked over and rebutted. "Hey, I tend to get hungry while I go off on my adventures!"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by davefromdiscord
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davefromdiscord I LE CONSULTANT

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kira would find that a blonde woman was in the fire escape, rushing out with what seemed to have been a purse strapped to her shoulder. Had Joel, Grey, or Sougo been here, they'd have recognized her as the woman they'd saved from the rubble earlier. She stopped in her tracks when facing Kira, appearing nervous, though also confused.

"Umm... sir? Can you please move?" She asked, before hurriedly trying to shove past him. This area remained largely untouched by the fire, but that could easily change at any moment.


Yoshikage Kira

And yet, even as the fires of hell raged around him, still the fates found a way to shine a little light into Yoshikage Kira's life.

She had, quite literally, walked right into him. Kira almost couldn't believe his fortune, although he took a moment to ponder his options. This was the perfect cover for a little self-indulgence, and Kira was a firm believer in treating himself every once in a while - the stresses of the day often took their toll in full, and he deserved to have a load removed from his aching shoulders, didn't he? And she was just, so... drab. Most of her, that was.

Yoshikage Kira's decision was made the moment her hands met his chest.

Stepping back and blocking the doorway with his imposing height, Kira let out a smooth, low chuckle and shrugged his shoulders, blocking the woman's path like a basketball player guarding his net. "Well, now, what's all the hurry for? There's hardly any reason to rush. Wouldn't you care to make introductions?" Like a viper striking at prey, Kira's hand shot outward, grasping the woman's wrist and forcing her arm upward so that he could get a better look at the parts God blessed her with up close. Oh, she was beautiful. Scarlet nail polish that ran like blood, cracked in places - cleanliness was next to godliness, but Yoshikage Kira was never one to complain, he could always touch it up on his own terms later - pale complexion that the sun almost shone through altogether like worn paper, veins running up the backside of her supple skin and fading into her perfectly shaped fingers, each of them a host unto themselves, just aching for Kira's touch and so much more...

"You know, it's rather rude to put your hands on a stranger like that. You're lucky I like them a little... fiery." Kira's chest heaved as he spoke, his vice-grip on the woman's arm tightening like a bear trap by the second, sweat visibly beading on his brow, unsure of whether it stemmed from the fire. "Let's get introduced then, shall we? My name is... Yoshikage Kira. You don't need to tell me yours, sweetheart - you just let me do all the work..." he practically growled, less to the unfortunate woman in his clutches and more to himself.

And then, he yanked on her arm, dragging her outside and pinning her against the wall next to the dumpsters, both of his hands wound firmly around her throat.

Mere minutes later, Yoshikage Kira emerged from behind the fire escape, jacket tattered by dust and soot and coughing as if his life depended on it. Taking care not to arouse too much attention, Kira slipped back into the crowd, sweeping the excess soot from his jacket and ensuring that his new playmate's seat wasn't a tad too bumpy - she was fresh, and still a little warm, although the pocket of his jacket was firmly buttoned; he couldn't have her making a nuisance of herself so soon after they'd met. Not a trace of blood, either - Killer Queen had seen to that well enough.

Kira did not speak up - the less questions he was asked, the better. Instead, he watched and waited, awaiting the moment to slip his skills in with the pack as if nothing had ever transpired.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Zi-O Wizard Armor--

"Woah, a ghost!" Sougo yelped, seeing Lilith follow the group. "You must be with us then...You almost scared me there." He sighed, advancing through the building until...

"Well that's not right. Did we make a wrong turn somewhere?" Sougo asked as they reached what seems to be a luxurious looking hall, completely different from what would be the very place that Superman had destroyed. What is this?

As he pondered this, a manic laughter erupted out of nowhere, echoing through this lone, long hallway. This voice was rather scratchy, almost insane. Regardless, it explained that they're somewhere else entirely.


Sougo materiliazed what seems to be a sword with a clockhand as its main motif. It has a large guard which seems to resemble a gun's hammer with a large slot as big as one of the watches in Sougo's belt.

"Everyone, be careful." Sougo says, advancing slowly after Joel. "Somehow, I've got a bad feeling about this."


He jinxed it, didn't he?

--Penny Polendina--
Interaction: @Thatguyinastore@Crow@SomeMekBoy

"...!" Penny gasped upon inspecting the situation through her infrared vision--it seems that there's a hostage situation at the same time as Superman's attack! There seems to be some gas seeping in where she detected these signatures. It was then that Amazo offered his services. "There seems to be a hostage situation occurring in this building." She turned to what seems to be a featureless humanoid robot, whom she thought she saw turn into a copy of herself before it smoothened itself out. Like clay being rolled back into a ball after it molded into something...That's a thought for another time. "We must free them posthaste!" She said, flying in front of the blocked window. From her back sprouted blades that seem to float. To the keen eye, there seems to be tiny strings attached to them, connecting the swords to its user.

The swords formed tiny groups as which beams of green Dust shot out, carving a hole large enough for the hostages to run through. The swords then shot towards the sides of the hole before pulling her arms back, pulling the wall off of the building, allowing the smoke the seep out and hopefully, no longer affect the hostages.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheRealMonaMona
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TheRealMonaMona Literal God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sephiroth didn't care about anything that was going on. Simply turning into a bundle of feathers and re-appearing shortly after if any 'danger' somehow managed to make its way towards him. Infact, Sephiroth just smirked while watching everybody go out on their own. .. The fools. All of them. All were worms under the Chosen Ones feet. But of course, one caught his interest, it was a no-brainer that he would follow Cloud.. but he also wanted to make sure Cloud knew he wasn't going to help at all unless he truly needed to. Why this was not his battle, he was just a spectator! Why should a spectator get involved? He had no reason to, so he just wouldn't. Simple as that.

"Fight your own battles, Cloud. Show me what your power can do."

Sephiroth just smirked, starting to fly on his one wing. He showed little to no interest in the entire situation, why, it was almost like he was already bored of it all. The Greatest Hero of All Time had dealt with much worse than this, effortlessly defeating dragons, impaling a gigantic snake on a wooden stake.. there was not much that could really surprise him. The worst part might as well be his silence..

Sephiroth talked a lot. That was a no brainer, or at least, to Cloud it was. Infact in his current state, he would speak to nobody but Cloud. As nobody else peaked his interest or deserved to be noticed. Which explained his general silence, infact, he only reacted with facial expressions when not speaking with Cloud, but that was irrelevant for now.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by XeroUltra
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Bardock had little else to say once he'd adressed his intent to join the strike team. The Saiyan just wasn't the talkative type, unlike some and considering the circumstances, there's really only one thing he's interested in now. Getting a good scrap in against their target, Superman. Thankfully, it seemed like he wouldnt have to wait much longer. The explosion that rung out didnt phase him all that much, though it did catch a glance from him at least, how could it not? Finally, some damn action. On his way out of the building he made sure to set his tail back around his waist. As if he'd just leave it out in the open for anyone to grab onto. What kind of idiot would allow that to happen? Hmm, Probably best to leave that question be. Especially since he could probably think of an answer that might be too true for it's own good.

He didn't need a scouter to tell him were to go, what with the people running away from the destruction like most sensible people would. Oh well, the thing was just a piece of junk at this point, and he'd probably break it on accident by pushing it too far. Though, it did also make things slightly more annoying for the Saiyan. He wasn't quite able to sense Ki, nor had he been given the time to figure it out since breaking free. That, combined with a lack of scouter meant...he'd have to go looking the good old fashion way, great. It put a scowl on his face, finding it more or less a waste of time, but he couldn't just level the building to draw him out.

For one, his 'Teammates' were inside, let alone any civilians that might still be in there. Sure, he was a Saiyan, but he also wasn't working of Frieza anymore, nor was that a part of the objective. Guess He'll just head for the top and see if he can find anyone startig up there. It's better than just running in like everyone else did. Nor did he really plan on taking anyone with him, despite Otto's orders for people that could easily scale the building to do so. If anyone wanted to follow him, that's fine, but he's not going to well, carry them.

"I'm heading up to the very top! If you can, you're welcome to follow me, but don't get in the way. I'm looking for a fight. Bardock barked his plan back at anyone who remained outside on the bottom floor, not that he thought anyone would listen, before getting ready to head up to the top of the building. Not really stoping for anyone or anything. Without another word, the saiyan begun his ascent to the very top of the building, the Roof. Already straying from the groups like a degenerate. Damn it, Bardock.

@Thatguyinastore|@Anyone else who can and wishes to follow him

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by davefromdiscord
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davefromdiscord I LE CONSULTANT

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As those who rushed into the building itself began to clear the various rooms out, they would find that progressively, things began to clear up more and more. The building was a lot longer than it looked, with a multitude of doors that Joel and the others were pushing through. With each passing room, the rubble seemed to begin clearing itself up more and more. The rooms progressively became nicer to look at as well. The fires were all gone, and the panicked civilians weren't anywhere in sight.

Eventually, the group reached one long, seemingly endless hallway. Joel stopped in place and began to look around, clearly confused by... whatever was going on.

"H'oookay..." Joel muttered to himself, before glancing back to the others. "Dunno about you guys, but this does not seem like a destroyed buildin' to me."

And then, before anyone could get a response in, manic laughter could be heard.


"You're not in THAT place anymore! No no, it was such a bore, such a bore!"

Joel's grip on his gun tightened as he turned around, holding it out and aiming for wherever the voice came from. "Yeah? Well why don't ya tell us where the fuck we are, then!?" he shouted angrily. The voice only laughed again.

"Oh, why don't you come forth and see? I'm sure it'll fill you all with such glee..."

Grunting, Joel looked back to the others, before hesitantly beginning to make his way down the hall.

@Second2Last @Attesa @KageBaka

Yoshikage Kira

Eerily silent, Yoshikage Kira had come up behind the group, clearing his throat to make his presence known and jogging slightly to catch up to them. While he desired nothing less than to spend more time in their company, it was as airtight an alibi as any, and with three people to corroborate it, his hands would likely remain clean for the time being.

That being said, it appeared Kira had more pressing matters to dedicate thought to at the moment. Just as his compatriots did, Kira narrowed his eyes and turned toward the back end of the hallway, presumably finding it in condition as pristine as the infinity that stretched onward in front of the group. Clenching a fist and closing ranks with the rest of the group, Kira remained silent, merely watching on and waiting, Killer Queen waiting in the wings to dispatch the mewling freak show madman whose voice now rang in his ears like nails on a chalkboard.

And as Joel began the trek down the hallway, Yoshikage Kira had no choice but to follow him.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by FactionGuerilla
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FactionGuerilla Yeah! Yeah, huh. Hit me in the head again!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Condition: Healthy
Status: Concerned
Inventory: Mysterious Watch
Interactions: Cloud @ratKing, Hershel @RirisStride1, Schezo @Mav, Penny @Kagebaka, A.M.A.Z.O @Crow
Mentions: Lex Luthor @Thatguyinastore, Sephiroth @TheRealMonaMona, Otto @SomeMekBoy

When Cloud cast a bolt of lightning on Cole, the electricity was promptly absorbed. In fact, it made him feel a little bit more charged- compensating for the fact he'd used up some electricity on his Shockwave earlier. The Demon of Empire City's expression shifted from contemplation to a small smirk on his own face, complementing Cloud's own grin.

"Yeah. That answers my question well enough. If you've got any bigger bolts than that at your disposal, I think we can get along just fine." So he had more than that giant sword on his back; someone wielding more electricity could very well synergize with him, although he wasn't sure how he could help Cloud out in return.

Not that he'd get to contemplate that; the rumbling threw him off his feet, as did Lex's shouts that their target was outside blasting up a building. Right as Luthor was screaming at the others to take care of Superman, Cole had already opened up a nearby window, climbing out before dropping straight down.

And yet, for anyone who was remotely concerned about Cole, the unmistakable Electric Man looked completely fine when the others got outside; better than fine, actually, considering he was running amok and helping seriously-wounded civilians who were incapacitated, using his Pulse Heal ability accordingly.

"Hold still now." Though his voice was still gruff, the concern was more than audible in his tone; only the audible sound of an entire floor collapsing caused him to pause, glancing over to the others who were now catching up. Seeing (and hearing, through his phone- which apparently was now linked to his watch) "Hershel" begin relief aid, the Conduit promptly pointed the injured people he'd healed over to the camp site as soon as they were getting up and able to walk.

"Head over there, a medic will do a more thorough job." Once the general mass of people had dispersed, he noticed Cloud visibly balking... and two other people loitering nearby. The teleporter, and the winged psychopath. Surprisingly, the former was actually offering to help Cloud out, whilst the latter was (unsurprisingly) doing nothing but sitting around, telling the other spiky-haired guy to pick his own fight or something like that.

"We need to stop Superman and minimize the casualties. You two go find Superman, I'm going to get as many people as I can out of that building!" And though it looked like he was still pissed-off as always, Cole shot Schezo a grateful look- almost like an apology for being an ass earlier- before running off. It was at this point that he spotted the others flying or climbing up rapidly; although Cole could certainly parkour, he wasn't remotely as quick as someone like the flying redhead girl, or the spandex leader. He needed to move quick- and that was when he spotted a very long wire protruding from the exterior of the building- spanning the height of a couple stories, at least.

Maybe if I juice that up, I can get a bit more height... Use it like a power line. With this thought in mind, Cole immediately zapped the metal wire repeatedly, waiting until it thoroughly coursed with electricity, before leaping up and...

..."Grinding" on the vertical rail, letting go at the top to gain significant air! The jump was more than enough to get him up to Penny's level as she investigated the coughing sounds. When he grabbed onto a window ledge and peered in to see Penny and Luthor's robot thing mentioning hostages inside. This was enough to prompt him to open the window and clamber inside, immediately coughing a storm at the thick smoke. Using an Electrical Pulse to try and "sense" bioelectricity through the walls, he rapidly confirmed what Penny had mentioned; there were people inside, but some of them seemed to be purposefully towering over others. He turned to the redhead girl to say something, but she was already starting to cut out a hole.

"Wait, we need to-" Before he could stop her, Penny had already torn the hole out of the building. Cole cursed as he ducked out of sight from the hole; unlike Penny, he could only sense the people's general locations and not which ones were hostile (yet, at least). He needed a better line of sight, preferably away from the hostage-takers' view at first, yet with an easy shot that wouldn't threaten the civilians.

"Damn it! Make sure they don't start shooting anyone. When I make my move, follow suit and take any of the goons I don't see out." Whether or not Penny cared that Cole was bossing her around didn't matter; he already clambered out the window he entered within moments. With the potential risk that the hostage-takers would just start shooting looming over his head, Cole leapt from footing to footing on the side of the building, parkouring over to one of the other windows that'd give him a better look at the hostage holders- preferably a line of sight where he could see all of them at once. Otherwise, he just hoped Penny- and the robot, and anyone else- would be smart enough not to scare the gunmen into beginning a massacre. They were losing precious time on finding Superman as it was; they couldn't afford to waste both time and lives simultaneously.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crow
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"Hey, spooky! What're you, some kind of Joker?" Ben's new form said, electricity sparking in his plug-like fingers, "the only smile here will be yours - upside down!"

@Second2Last @Attesa @Kagebaka @davefromdiscord @Thatguyinastore
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Yamperzzz
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Yamperzzz Hoarder of Characters / All Ur OCs R Belong 2 Us

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Voss and Sanford's CS

Voss took note of Luthor's confirmations involving the watch. It certainly gave him a few devilish ideas. Unfortunately - or fortunately, for his team - he was unable to act on it as an explosion ripped through one of the nearby buildings, launching debris high into the air and back down where they would threaten the lives of the civilians below. Superman has arrived, and the newcomers were given little opportunity to dawdle as Luthor's henchmen swiftly escorted them out of the LexCorp tower and onto the streets. Whether anybody wanted to or not, they all found themselves right there on the scene of the still ongoing disaster. It was now their objective to rescue any nearby victims from thugs now populating the structure while attempting to intercept Superman before he flew away. All before the entire building would be set to collapse...

While some members split off to accomplish different goals, Sanford remained on ground zero with Voss as they contemplated their next move. Sanford happened to be next to the Chosen Hunter when he gave his little schpiel and was quick to approach the Hunter to offer his services. Withdrawing his hook, Sanford spoke to him as he pointed his disembodied hand toward the scene to help visualize his own plan.

"Oh, oh! Me, me! Lemme get on this! I just need to get high enough to make scaling on my hook by myself practical." He began to gesture with his hook in a circular motion. "I'll wrangle up anyone I see and lower them onto any safe spots I see, friend or foe. I imagine we'll need to beat one of those thugs for an explanation. As for the big man himself: if I see him swooping by, I'll throw my hook at him and hold on like he's a bucking bull! Aheha!"

In contrast to the grunt's eagerness to assist, Voss was pacing further away, slinking past the numerous civilians and casualties on the streets yet making no effort to help. The sea captain instead took a trip to stay as far away from the rapidly collapsing building as possible. Where few of the newcomers lingered, Voss selfishly began to loot whatever victims' belongings had on themselves and were unable to defend themselves from Voss. Whether they would happen to be alive or dead, Voss sought an opening. He had no interest in remaining in the immediate danger zone, or here in general. Better make this trip worth it, he reckoned. He began to proceed toward his first target, whoever they may be, with a Jakobs in hand.

"They better 'ave somthin' good..."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheElenaFisher
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by ProfSpacecakes
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ProfSpacecakes Purveyor of Cringe

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

All Might

Toshinori Yagi

Chaos erupted before All Might had the chance to respond to either Joel or Ultron, a nearby building practically exploding into flames just down the street. He looked over just in time to see the tail ends of a red cape flutter by, it’s owner clearly flying away from the disaster. All Might couldn’t help but clench his jaw in clear anger. What kind of hero would ever dream of causing such terror and destruction?

Once on the ground, an all too familiar scene unfolded, rubble strewn about the once-peaceful city street, the sounds of distant cries for help and screams of pain echoing in his ears. It was an almost impossible task to hold himself back from jumping headlong into that building, but he knew it would mean he’d have less time against the main threat if he went ham on the rescue effort the way he used to. No, he wasn’t the headliner here, he was the pinch hitter. He had to save as much of his stamina as he could for when they faced Superman head on.

That didn’t mean he was completely useless, of course. First aid in disaster zones was the sort of skill heroes in his world had to be thoroughly trained in and kept up to date on, or else they risked losing their hero license. All Might had always taken such training very seriously, to the point that he could easily be considered a combat medic if he wanted to, and that seemed to come in handy now. He made quick work of leading those that had jumped into Otto’s safety net towards the first aid camp, using his muscle form in brief bursts to carry those who had broken legs or otherwise couldn’t make it on their own.

Once most of those who were immobile had been brought back, he set to work on the task of triage, treating those with life-threatening injuries first. He would mostly make sure that major bleeds were at least staunched by thick gauze pads, giving the victims more time to be properly treated by Hershel or whatever paramedics could show up through the ruined street. Once the worst were attended to, All Might was kept busy treating things like burns, setting and binding broken bones, and stitching up lacerations as best he could, leaving the more complicated cases for the cleric to handle with his superior abilities in that field.

”Hey, listen — er, sorry, I don’t think I ever caught your name,” All Might began once he’d found a good enough pace to talk while treating the injured, directing his conversation towards Hershel nearby. ”This probably isn’t the best time to bring this up, but I never got a chance to talk to everyone without Lex Luthor looming over our shoulders.”

All Might’s eyes darted down briefly towards the watch on his wrist, the one Lex had put on each of them. They’d been told they were communication devices, but the retired hero was sure that wasn’t all. There was no doubt in his mind that Mr. Luthor was using them, tracking each of their locations and possibly listening in for any hint of dissent or double crossing. He would have preferred to have this conversation somewhere that he could utilize the audio jammer built into his phone, but he knew better than to expect the ideal situation for such things, so he’d just have to live with the likely eavesdropping.

”None of this feels right to me. There’s no way I can imagine a hero completely turning his back on his principles and ethics out of the blue like this, and I don’t trust that Jeff Bezos lookalike to tell us the full story. I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the real Superman, and he knows it. It’s probably not some imposter; I’m pretty sure it’s the real deal physically, at least, but… I can’t help but feel that maybe he’s being controlled, or he’s been brainwashed, or something.”

Interactions - @RirisStride1

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BoltBeam
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BoltBeam Freedom Purifies

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Red Riding Hood

Mood - Panicked
Status - Healthy
Interactions/Mentions - @RirisStride1, @thatguyinastore

Upon hearing the adventurer's response, Red nodded to him and flashed a smile of her own alongside a thumbs up. "You got it! Good luck with all that! Seems like you've got your work cut out for you!" After she spoke, Red wordlessly resigned herself to lounging around once more, though she made a mental note that this same adventurer is to be leading the tactical team - you know, the team she put herself into? Red was still trying to comprehend the courage and confidence needed to even dare to do this in the first place. But hey, it seems to be working so far! However, his last words were a little harder to swallow - on the virtue of being easier said than done. Working with people isn't new at all, but Red is just stood there like - how the heck does he expect me to do that? Not like she has any choice regardless - if she didn't cooperate with the others (and in turn, Lex), nobody in this office that doesn't belong in it will be going home.

Then, during the middle of Lex's speech, explosions were heard outside. As she turned her head to face that direction, it did not take her long at all to realise that Superman himself was right there, with his red cape flickering like a wildfire. He has indeed been going on a rampage recently - destroying buildings and slaughtering innocents, some protector he is now, huh? Though Superman could not be found nearby as everyone ran out of the office per Lex's sudden urgency, the smell of smoke and the sounds of painfully loud crying and fear rang out and drilled their way into Red's ears, something she didn't seem to appreciate - at all. This was a nightmare. Within seconds, she hears Hershel's voice once more, turning her eyes to her watch on her wrist - which she only just knew was there! With all the injured around, it is an idea to go and find them, isn't it? "Sir yes sir!" She comically responded in the same manner before suddenly taking off, on the search for any injured or lost civilians, with her scissors held tightly in her hands and with a noticeable state of urgency as she tried to chase the signs and sounds she heard.

The smoke can wait, that's probably where the hazard himself is.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kagebaka
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Kagebaka The Potato God

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

--Penny Polendina--

"Salutations, gentlemen!" Penny greeted right after hearing the gruff sounding superior's orders. She floated towards the ledge, and touched down on it with a slow grace. Penny hoped to gain the attention of the masked thugs--a distraction, as Cole would've put it, and make sure they don't hurt anyone. "Would you be kind enough to let these people go?" She asked, motioning to the hostages with a somewhat kind and warm smile. Which would seem scary, considering she was the one who carved the hole in the wall.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SomeMekBoy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With a nod to Penny, Otto leapt into the breach behind her. His computerized lenses adapted to the dark swiftly, pinpointing where the assailants were. When she began chatting with them, he dropped low and rolled to the front as he sprayed webs in order to staple them to the walls. This was not a time for talk, this was a time for action.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ratKing
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ratKing King Rat

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cloud Strife

Everyone was already rushing to help, everything seemed to be chaos. Not surprising that Sephiroth said "fuck you, you're on your own pal," and just left. A major annoyance, but it's not like they would ever work together anyways. The moment they worked together hell would freeze over. Though lucky for Cloud he was offered a ride, one he can't refuse. The Mercenary took Shezos hand in an instant and pointed up to the roof of a tall building with a frown.

"Get me up there, I think I can get to him from there. If not he will find me just fine."

Cloud was going to get Supermans attention and use it to draw him out of hiding. He may look small, but the merc could pack a punch that could even stagger Sephiroth. All he needed was to stagger Superman and it was all over. If he got flung off the building? It'll be fine, worse comes to worse Sephiroth saves his ass and scolds him or something. That or they play a game of super powered ping pong with Cloud as the poor ball, but he doubted it would come to that.

"I could probably use the assistance if you aren't going to save any of the people."

There was no way to tell Supermans power until he actually fought him, and even then Cloud had a feeling he would do just fine. Just keep blocking until there's an opening and then strike, no way this man would be immune to the Buster Sword while it was full of Materia. That thing could hit even the beefiest of bosses, why would this guy be any different? Superman his ass, this guy was about to become Super fucking Dead if he didn't stop.

Lucifer Morningstar

From the looks of things Lucifer didn't really need to help any civilians, the others had that covered just fine. Now was the moment to actually find Superman and kick his ass. Two flying, super powered beasts of man. Except Lucifer was immune to pretty much everything that wasn't holy or demonic in nature. If anything it'll be like a normal hit to a normal person, no worries about being beat to a pulp- at least so far. Lucifer could hold his own, if he's lucky someone will come help him. Though for now he has one mission and he had to do it quick.

The angel climbed higher in the air, trying to see as much as possible as he scanned the area. Where ever the Superdouche may be hiding, the glint off the devil's bright white feathers was sure to catch someone's eye. Even if it meant taking a hit from Superman, all Lucifer needed was a location so he could attack. He's probably one of the few that could actually fly, and also one of the few with strength that might match their foes. But if he could have done it all himself, they would have called for just him. They didn't, so he had to use the others for help. Whatever help they could be...

"Okay you supermoron, come on out and let's dance. You know how rude it is to keep the devil waiting? Your manners have gone right out the window along with your sanity!"

Insults weren't going to really work, but Lucifer had to anyways. Sure no one was around to hear his funny remarks, but what mattered to him is that he made them and he liked them. Any moment now the superfuck would show himself, maybe with lasers? A punch to his back? Maybe from under or above him? So many angles to cover and he was only one Angel, but he'd be fine.. right..?
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