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Only here when people tell me to join their rp or make an rp here lmfao

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@banjoanjo - Tyty for the changes. The lad looks good to bip into the character tab! Can't wait to boss the son around uh, I mean, uh, see Aron in action. :D
@banjoanjo - The meaty lad! Also lmfao the names of the spells, I'm deceased. I know the sheet is WIP but I'll bip up a few bobbles for the spells ahead of time.

Scale 2 - Written should be able to handle both increase and decrease of force! While I'd like to ask for some sort of vague upper limits to help my potato grade memory be consistent for any future judgement calls, I am also like 200% incapable of thinking of a way to quantify that in a meaningful way. /nervous sweating

Frameshell - For the written version, I can give the okay on having it copy-paste verbal spells a-la "made the target recite and recast the spell in the four second timeframe", but as written spells would have their inscriptions eaten up on activation, those particular effects wouldn't be reactivated/refreshed outside of circumstances like "the target had multiple prepared copies of the spell on hand" or "the target had a very simple written spell that could be written and reactivated within the timeframe".

Keyframe - While I know you probably won't use Keyframe to like, snap someone's head around 180 degrees like some morbid horror puppet in the five second span, I'm obligated to request a vague upper limit and to give a heads up that a in some situations there may be resistance to the manipulation. ( o u o) /


There was something decidedly wrong about someone who liked mornings as much as Sigrun. The blonde might as well have been chirping her greetings to the reapers making their way into the office in the morning with her clipboard in hand, her nails painted with cotton candy pinks and blues in stark contrast to her otherwise professional attire.

That one could practically conjure her exact image, down to the absentminded fiddling of her glitter-filled phone charm, was probably only partially due to her uncanny mastery over magic meant for communication. The rest was entirely because of her far-too-cheerful voice and the animated sounds of her own fidgeting coming through the spell far too clearly.

“Ahem, this is Siggy! Testing, testing… Gooood morning, reapers–or maybe it’s, like, gonna way past morning where you guys are going?” Her voice chimed brightly from the spell meticulously inscribed in sparkling, turquoise gel pen ink on laminated stickers of equally pastel shades carefully cut in the shape of rounded stars. Sigrun had been assertive in affixing said stickers to each reaper even before they’d received the news of their latest jobs. Her vice grip on the reluctant and unwilling had been surprising, as always. “Anyways, you guys are way, way, way in luck! Miss Death said these jobs are probably gonna be a snoozefest for you guys, and like, I totally believe her. And you have me as your totes super-duper operator for communicating to base today!”

Humming blocked the silence for a moment alongside a rustling of papers.

“Let me see… M, V, O, A… Yeah, Team Vamos! Okay, okay, we have an extra note for you on top of the information for the wisp hunt, and that iiiiis… ‘Miss Dupont, your pay will be docked for excessive collateral damage!’ Pfffff, hashtag warning, right? You should be over at Centenary Park Campground, but like, not directly at any of the sites. It’s defs the best place to not scare any mountain climbers off a cliff or end up right in front of the Wisp on accident.

And then–oh, wowee, we have real hotties working here now, huh? Anyways, Team Hot Stuff, Decibitus Hall hasn’t been able to get an image of the little lost guy yet, but once they do, I’ll zap the image right into your head! Bzzzt, just like that! Miss Death wrote a note on one’a the film crew guys too–apparently he’s been a pain in the butt recently in some Japan jobs ‘cause he can like, to-tal-ly see you guys even when no one else can. But, like, maybe he also saw the lost dude? Dudette? Whatevs. You should turn up in Genjiyama Park. Lotta nature there and like, no surprise shrines to accidentally trip a ward or something since you’re still kinda ghosties too. Mooooost likely the lost person is gonna be around one of those shrines though, so I guess just try not to cause too much fuss and make it a whole thing when you get to them.”

Sigrun flipped through whatever report was before her again, the pages rustling once more.

“Woooooow, and last but not least we have Team Oldie. Pluto, aren’t you like, retirement age yet? Like, take a break already, geeze. Anyways, I’m seeing that you guys might have to try and find out more about Dakotah, but like, they were pretty popular in that teeny town. Maybe if you guys finish early, you can like, chill out at the beach? Catch some sun? God, now I’m jealous. You guys should turn up at Milo’s Point, since that’s pretty close to where Dakotah probably went. They might have worked at this, uhhh, Walter Anderson Museum of Art place, so maybe check that out first.” Despite the words, it didn’t really sound like missing out on a beach town escapade really bothered Sigrun very much. “Anyways, if you have anything to report or need backup or to ask for anything, my spell’s gonna be up, so like, don’t lose it, okay? I like, laminated them and everything. Just call my name when you needa connect to someone, okay? Ciao!”

And, as suddenly as the storm had come, it too had passed, leaving the reapers in Sigrun’s care to figure out the remainder their duties themselves.

@canaryrose - Oh, I totally forgot to ask for the written vs spoken classifications for each spell. Just for record keeping on my end! Just slap those onto the spells and go ahead and pop the good sister into the character tab! ( o u o )b
@canaryrose - The nun has arrived.

The only things I have to request are (for my own sanity and reference) defining written/spoken for the spells and some tweaking to the upper time limits to be shorter. For Risus, lowering it to 60-90 seconds, for Sisto, five minutes, and Saltare having it at 10 minutes would be easier for me to work with.

Of course I have to give fair warning that in some cases, brute physical strength may make up for a lack of will in some cases (e.g. someone may still try to take some swings while laughing or brute force movement through magic restraints), though this isn't expected to be the norm!

Once you get back to me on those, Sister Catherine should be good to go into the character tab!
Once again double posting because I have to be "professional" and "consistent" smh

The job board has been updated with the current jobs. While we intend to have rotations and will later fully populate the job board for players to choose between postings, for this first one, we wanted all types of jobs to have had a first go around at the same time. Additionally, for convenience, we assigned teams for the first round of jobs, but this is not likely to always be how groups are formed. Please check out the job board here.

In addition to the above, I have set up the Solbit tracker in the same post as the job board. This will be updated after every mod prod. A consolidated version will be available in the discord with updates closer to real-time.

As a reminder, Uchi's stash will not be stocked until after the first round of jobs is completed. After this, GMs will populate the shop with a few perks that can be purchased while the shop is open.
@King Cosmos - Sorry for the super late response! Surprise Thanksgiving things robbed me of all my time and sanity yesterday OTL

Ogawa looks good to put into the character tab!
<Snipped quote by PapiTan>

On the first bit, yes. My main idea was that if it was inconsequential (like doing a bit in more casual moments) I'd just do the gag. If the spell is actually important like in combat, it's all GM fiat since his spells can do practically anything.

On the second bit, you're implying that Lucian has the brain cells to cast more than one spell per post.

Look, maybe his spell will give him a second brain cell once in a while to tell him to try again.

Or it will jiggle a leaf in an eccentric manner and Lucian will spend the next three posts trying to figure out what prophecy has been revealed.
Double posting, but I don't care because I need to actually announce this in the ooc!

As I mentioned in the discord, we are aiming for an opening date of either Friday (11/25/22) or Sunday (11/27/22). The job board should be populated tonight or tomorrow night, but Uchi's stash will not be stocked until after that first round. I'll be working to set up the solbit tracker both here and in the discord as well, so that should be good to go before the first mod prod takes place.

Sorry Erode, you signed up for this hell.
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