Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
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It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
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2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
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Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry followed the group, growing more anxious to get off this stupid rock. If she had known winning the fight would send her here, she'd have lost on purpose.

Who was she kidding? No she wouldn't!

Eventually they passed a doorway and heard footsteps. Perry prepared herself to fight back, only to see Mr. Douchebag himself again. She stayed ready though. "Thank you! That's what I've been saying!" she said in response to Flynn. The dude needed to be face punched.

They didn't seem any closer to finding a way off this asteroid though. "Yeah, ran into some people who were not happy to see us. Seems like a lot of people here aren't happy to see us and I can safely say the feeling's mutual, so how about instead of standing there like a grade-A, voted most likely to be eaten when we eat the rich, face-punchable chad and send us in the right direction or provide transport. Honestly, if this ends up being some ploy to get everyone together only to start in on some grand masterplan, I will blow this entire rock the fuck up."
Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation, Acting

Sabine had just about enough of this.

For those that knew Sabine, she came across as aloof, a bitch, stand-offish, unless you really knew her and were in her inner circle. The truth of the matter was she paid those she didn't know little mind. You either were good in her book or not.

Though there were few that dared to delve into the other realm. The one where Sabine held anger towards. Those people were few and far between, sure, bu there were some. Sabine had special plans for them. In due time. Dorian was VERY close to going there. Percy also, though she forgave him a bit since she knew it was Dorian's fault. Still, sitting there with vomit on her drove her to the end.

Sabine clenched her fist. It would not serve her well to get angry at Percy. She needed to do something to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. She looked to where Nemo was. He was far away, but maybe.....she hadn't tried this before. No time like the present.

She sent her essence over to Nemo in an attempt to get into his memories. At first, she was having difficulty. More than likely due to the distance. Eventually, she got in, but only a little. She saw a memory of Nemo getting married to a really handsome man. Though she wanted to look at the cuteness some more, she had a job to do. She pushed herself and, finally, got into Nemo's memory.

She implanted a memory of Sabine and Percy crossing the finish line, winning the obstacle course. She left his mind and stood up. "Hope you are a good actor. Follow my lead." She called over to Nemo and put on her best performance. "What did you link Nemo? Despite some hiccups there, I think we did rather well! I'm sure the others did too, but they just couldn't beat us."

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

As suddenly as the symptoms appear, they were readily welcomed in her body as she felt something unlike anything she felt before. Soon her vision turned and she was in a red room. Or a red space. Before her stood her Lord. She, at first, felt relief. Her connection to him had been strained, but here he was.

However, the feeling was changing. Shifting. As if the dynamics between the two of them were altering before her eyes and within herself. "My Lord, it is good to see you at last." She began to bow before she stopped herself. A quick assess of herself showed that her Lord, as powerful as he was, was not here on his own volition. After all, she remembered the scratch from before as he tried to come here.

She brought him here.

She had the power.

Which means she had control.

A grin spread across her face. "My Lord, it seems a tide is turning. I know not of where I am or who I am here with. Sorcerer Supreme was mentioned. Does that moniker appear familiar to you?" Gaining information was vital at this stage. Information was power. Power swayed people. Power made kings.

Or Queens.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

LOCATION: Recreation Room

It all became a blur. At one point she was standing there as some jamoke prattled on about his facility and how they were here to learn or grow or some bullshit when the fight broke out. Brooklyn had been looking forward to it. Cracking skulls and asserting dominance.

However, as quickly as it started, it was finished. Injured people, both security and inmates alike (because as pretty a place and name you want to put on your brochure is, this was still a prison). Brooklyn became even more agitated. In fairness, her first chip was the damn otter that joined them that NO ONE was talking about still. The second was the warden or whoever. She wanted to punch his face. He had a very punchable face and, in her experience, people with punchable faces often held views or did things that warranted face punches.

She was a bit beefed the stocky guy who made the first comment towards the warden hadn't said a peep since. He was one of the few here she felt any semblance of a connection to. Annoying, actually.

But she bit her tongue (a rare feat). As much as she wanted to start shit again, she didn't wish to get those injured or those unable to handle themselves caught in the crossfire. She counted, on one hand, those that fell in that purview, but she was the poster child of 'not judging a book by its cover'.

She followed along with the group inside. She took special care in noting weaknesses in the facility; guards not being alert, walls that looked like they could be plowed through, makeshift weapons if it came to that. Soon they were in the rec room and were introduced to the others within the facility. Their makeshift tour guide droned on, but Brooklyn couldn't be bothered to care all that much. Instead, she glanced at the others, sizing them up. As her head turned, she felt a shadow over her. She turned back to see a mountain of a man standing there, staring at her. He was cute in a "golden retriever" type of way, though she got the sense there was nothing behind those eyes. And her thoughts were confirmed when he just. continued. to. stare!

"Keep starin' at me and I'll rip your arms off and play jump rope with 'em." The nerve of this dude! "Anyone going to claim their lost lamb here?" Perhaps he was lost from a tour group and got separated from his mommy. Either way, she had little time to be hand-holding anyone here. "What happened to hello? How are you? My name is? What just cuz you're locked up you get to be rude? I'm not the broad to try that with."

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Truly it was wild to think that the lot of them have done and been through so many things. Velociraptors on the moon? Granted, they were running on an asteroid. Still, when she had decided to join the X-men, she didn't figure she would be going on wild adventures like this. She didn't regret it though. This was helping her grow.

She wondered how Detective Ed and Barry were feeling. She hadn't checked in on them in a while, but it was still awkward having conversations with people only she and a few others saw. Though it was probably not the weirdest thing this group has seen if their stories were any indication.

She hoped Mary could connect with Guin and the others soon. If they had any hope of getting through this, they needed to all be together.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation

They had it.

They were so close. Percy had diffused the bomb and they were scott-free. However, the timer ticking down was another thing altogether. And given she knew it was C4, it would be immense. Percy called for them to run, but Sabine took a minute. Didn't the dude have teleportation powers?

Before she could call him out on that, Percy came to his senses and teleported them. She was used to it by now but when they blinked back to existence they were right back to the thorn wall. Sabine couldn't believe it. The fucking freshman ruined their chances of winning now, surely. And now he was sick.

Sabine glanced over to him after he complained. Sick? Dude teleported around all the time. The first time she did she was sick, he should be used to it.

Taking her hunch, she used her powers to get inside Percy's head. Something wasn't right. And then she noticed. She remembered who she was dealing with.

"Dorian, get out of him and get back to your team or so help me I will rip you out myself and shove you so far up your own ass even your ghost powers won't get you free!"

Sabine attempted to boot Dorian out herself, but he was latched on to Percy's soul, not his mind. She couldn't do much.

Well, she could, but Percy wouldn't like it.

"Fine, if you won't come out, I'll do it myself."

She glanced at Percy, hoping the kid was in there somewhere still, and shrugged. "Wanted to do this the first time we met but at least I have a plausible reason this time. Sorry kid." And with as much might as she could muster...cold-clocked Percy, sending the freshman to the floor, not moving, out cold.

She waited a beat, before she ran over, attempting to wake him up. Hopefully Dorian would get kicked out. "Percy, wake up now. We need you to teleport us to the end. We saw it. We were there! Preferably before or after the bomb explodes."

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

It had occurred to her that she was being quite silly.

It wasn't as if she considered the two people she was with as friends. And they were speaking nonsense. Sorceress Supreme? There was only one supreme sorceress and it was her.

So in she glided, further towards the cup that neither of her tentative associates bothered to touch. She picked it up, letting it hold and fit into her palm before she swallowed the liquid whole. As she did, the Shadow vanished. The liquid went down like hot blood, almost boiling. Once it was done, she set the cup down, wiping a little bit off her lip. "Someone had to do it."

She felt this sensation before. It was the time her Lord had come to see her. The first time she got a taste of the power. The feeling is unlike anything else. This was something new. It was the starting point. And she felt strong. She felt her teeth with her tongue and they felt sharp. Was she changing? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Either way, this was power. The other two were surely fools for letting it slip from their grasp.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Memory Manipulation, Psychometry

Percy's words might have said he didn't care as long as they won, but she got the sense there was more to the story. It was part of the reason she had the teams set up like she did. Dorian and Danni needed to get along better with Zelda (who in turn needed to be ready to use her abilities for the team) and Percy needed to be away from them all to work on his own shit.

Sabine was already perfect so no need to change anything.

After Percy confirmed her door choice and explained why, she felt enthused. This was going a lot better than she thought. "I think it's a power connected to my main one. Objects have memories attached to them and since I can manipulate memories, I can gauge memories from objects. I don't question it since it has come in handy, as you saw."

Soon, inside the next room, they were faced with a bomb. Surely it wasn't going to actually explode, right?

Who was she kidding. She knew where she was. Of course it would explode!

"No, no bomb diffusal experience, but I have an idea. Hold on." Sabine walked up to the bomb and put her hand on it. She used her psychometry power to see if she can determine how the bomb got made. She doubted she'd see how to diffuse it, but it wouldn't be turned down. At first, she saw the bomb the weapons room on campus. No information. She strained harder, seeing the label on the bomb. C4. So it was DEFINITELY a real bomb. She also saw Nemo grab it so that confirmed it more.

Finally, she delved deeper and got info on the bomb's innings. How it was made and all that. She got out and turned to Percy. "Ok here's my idea. I just saw how the bomb was made. If we know how it's made, we know how to unmake it. So, with your permission, I want to alter your memories. I can't implant memories into someone that I am unaware of, so I can't make people rocket scientists or extreme sports people, but I saw how to make the bomb. I can use that info to manipulate your memory to make you a bomb-diffusing expert. It shouldn't last long but it should be enough to fix this. Do I have your permission?"

After her explanation, Percy nodded in response, so Sabine got inside his head (literally) and used her knowledge of the bomb-making to make Percy the best bomb diffuser ever. Once the memory was implanted, she got out. "Okay, that should do it. You're up." Sabine was confident. This would work.

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: N/A

Prudence listened as the old woman recalled her meeting with the man. It was indeed an uninteresting tale. But it provided Prudence some much-needed insight into her unwilling allies. "Thank you for sharing. Tis most fascinating," she lied. Prudence had yet to meet a man who did not want something he felt entitled to. Be it flesh or more.

The shadow did not seem to stir as they conversed around the goblet. Prudence herself saw the vision of her drinking from it, feeling the liquid down her throat, warm and fulfilling. She resolved herself though. If she were home, it would be a different matter. Her Lord promised her more power. Here, she was certain it was a warning.

"I suggest we leave as well. Though, if that vision and that shadow are any indication, we should steel ourselves. I doubt all here are friends." Prudence glanced quickly at Edus. She would prefer him to lead the charge, in case the shadow attacked—the perfect bait.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry gave Flynn some bombastic side-eye. "A literal space rock filled with people who want us dead and competing in some weird contest isn't the weirdest thing you've experienced? We need to sit down and swap stories man because that's wild to me. When we aren't running for our lives, of course." Perry ran along with the others, leaving the attackers to slip in the ice Detective Ed set down.

She still felt bad about shocking Mary, but the girl seemed okay. She kept an eye on her just in case. It occurred to her that they were still on this rock with no way of knowing where to go. Even Ed had it figured out. "Yeah, where are we going? As much as I enjoy getting my steps in, I doubt those jokers will be subdued for long. Though, you gotta admit, invisible ice is a nice touch. Up top!' She held her hand up to no one in particular to give her a high five.
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