The glib remark stunned me for a moment. The Emerald Sky divinations pulsed in my memory like a toothake and I was suddenly sure that this was the being to which they refered. I had sensed no taint of Chaos on him, but I supposed our conversation had been brief enough that I might have missed it. The ballroom was degenerating into pandemonium. At least three sets of guards were shouting and firing at each other. To make matters worse several of the nobles had returned fire with digital weapons or other augmetic concealments. A plump countess in an inadvisabley tight white body glove burst like a melon as she stopped what I took to be a minaturized plasma bolt, flying into a pillar and dropping onto the entree table that she had loved so much in life. I saw a panicky courtier slapping ineffectually at one of the arbites as though he were a pet cat, an act that was comic up until the point the arbite fired his shotgun into the man at point blank range and sprayed half his torso across dancefloor. The smell of cordite, urine, and burst entrails filled the room, somewhat degrading the sophisticated atmopshere of the affair.
The large sapphire inlaid doors at the side of the room flew open and a giant of a man, easily seven feet, with an armspan like a great bird of prey stormed in. He was cadaverously slender and dressed in an immaculately tailored suit of fine Lakian spider silk. A cloud of cigar smoke followed him and I could make out other figures in a private drawing room beyond. Even from here I could tell that this was my cult leader.
"What is the meaning of this?!" he bellowed and his voice had enough latent psy in it that it froze everyone in the room. One of the statuettes exploded into dust which rained down onto a waiter who sneezed violently in the near silence. Every eye was focused on the tall man, even a household guard who had previously been busy trying to staunch the blood pouring from a wound to his throat. He watched with rapt attention for a few seconds then slumped to the floor. The figure's eyes swept the room and fell on shattered case and the missing gemstone.
"Find the intruder and bring him to me. Alive," the man commanded and, as though on queue alarms began to whoop. The sound seemed to break the spell and armed men, guards and arbites alike, were spreading out. A man in a maroon doublet was pointing in the direction that this 'Edwards' had departed, guesiculating wildly. I stood indecisive for a moment, the heretic I was looking for wasn't thirty feet away, already turning and closing the door to his drawing room and yet... The heretic had seemed uninterested in the gem, he was interested in the thief. Why? The question bounced around at the back of my mind for a moment. If there is one thing that an Inquisitor cant resist, other than a leather storm coat, it is a mystery.
"Frak it," I said and started picking my way across the floor towards the door that Edwards had escaped through. Men were already streaming after him, to my surprise this included a number of the nobles and some of the servants, none of whom seemed to have any bussiness doing so. As I reached the door an arbite with a leg wound stepped into my way, grabbing me by the arm.
"Stay here ma'am, for your saftey," he commanded. He staggered back as I punched him in the throat, feeling the crunch of soft cartilage beneath my fist. I caught the auto pistol that he dropped as he staggered back cluthing a throat no longer capable of drawing breath.
"Don't touch me, for yours," I told him, then hiked up my skirts and ran down towards the first floor, trying to find this thief that everyone was so interested in.
The large sapphire inlaid doors at the side of the room flew open and a giant of a man, easily seven feet, with an armspan like a great bird of prey stormed in. He was cadaverously slender and dressed in an immaculately tailored suit of fine Lakian spider silk. A cloud of cigar smoke followed him and I could make out other figures in a private drawing room beyond. Even from here I could tell that this was my cult leader.
"What is the meaning of this?!" he bellowed and his voice had enough latent psy in it that it froze everyone in the room. One of the statuettes exploded into dust which rained down onto a waiter who sneezed violently in the near silence. Every eye was focused on the tall man, even a household guard who had previously been busy trying to staunch the blood pouring from a wound to his throat. He watched with rapt attention for a few seconds then slumped to the floor. The figure's eyes swept the room and fell on shattered case and the missing gemstone.
"Find the intruder and bring him to me. Alive," the man commanded and, as though on queue alarms began to whoop. The sound seemed to break the spell and armed men, guards and arbites alike, were spreading out. A man in a maroon doublet was pointing in the direction that this 'Edwards' had departed, guesiculating wildly. I stood indecisive for a moment, the heretic I was looking for wasn't thirty feet away, already turning and closing the door to his drawing room and yet... The heretic had seemed uninterested in the gem, he was interested in the thief. Why? The question bounced around at the back of my mind for a moment. If there is one thing that an Inquisitor cant resist, other than a leather storm coat, it is a mystery.
"Frak it," I said and started picking my way across the floor towards the door that Edwards had escaped through. Men were already streaming after him, to my surprise this included a number of the nobles and some of the servants, none of whom seemed to have any bussiness doing so. As I reached the door an arbite with a leg wound stepped into my way, grabbing me by the arm.
"Stay here ma'am, for your saftey," he commanded. He staggered back as I punched him in the throat, feeling the crunch of soft cartilage beneath my fist. I caught the auto pistol that he dropped as he staggered back cluthing a throat no longer capable of drawing breath.
"Don't touch me, for yours," I told him, then hiked up my skirts and ran down towards the first floor, trying to find this thief that everyone was so interested in.