Camilla sat ramrod straight upon the command throne, as the ceremonial power sword and the orb were placed in her hands. The sword, a wondrous thing with a hilt of woven gold wire set with a constellation of gemstones, symbolized her right as Shipmistress to the service of all aboard her ship and the right to punish them, even unto death, if they failed to render it. The orb, worked with an antique view of the stars as seen from the surface of Holy Terra, symbolized her right to chart the stars, as well as to petition the Navis Nobilitae for their services. Both items dated back to pre unification Terra and were only removed from their suspensor fields and void shields for the once every few generation spectacle of the elevation of a new captain.
For all their splendor they were but symbols. They were certainly precious beyond imagining, but the next item that was presented was literally priceless. The Warrant of Trade was carried forth in a casket six feet tall and four feet wide. Intricate cherubs, Imperial saints and fantastic void beasts decorated the vast majority of it, but in the center, a piece of parchment the size of a man’s chest was kept behind a void shield so fine that it barely shimmered. The document was festooned with seals and ribbons, brilliantly illuminated with gold leaf and vibrant pigments. Dragons and knights battled fancifully in the marginalia and the capital letters were wrought into beautifully cunning designs. The writing was perfectly rendered in calligraphic High Gothic but the signature and seal at the bottom of the page, a simple flourish of ink, burned into Camilla’s mind. This was the mark of the Emperor of Mankind Himself, the text touched by His hand and studied by His eye. Camilla was not a particularly devoted attendant of chapel, but the sanctity of it was palpable. How many cardinals in their continent spanning Cathedrals ever dreamed of beholding something that the Emperor of Mankind had touched, much less something that had been issued to one of their ancestors, no matter how distant in time. The Warrant exuded something else. A concentrated freedom which could be found nowhere else in the Imperium. That elegant ancient text exempted Camilla from the strictures of a system that gripped every facet of human life across the entire galaxy. Armed with it she could voyage beyond the bounds of the Imperium, she could trade with Xenos, or handle technology that would see her executed otherwise. She could go places and see things no other human, beyond a tiny community of Rogue Traders, could ever hope to experience. Even the Holy Inquisition would tread carefully around her, though it was no shield from open heresy or Chaos Taint. To be presented with such a thing was almost overwhelming.
The box containing the Warrant was set before Camilla to the soaring strains of De Mulsher’s Terra Triumphant throbbing with the latent psy of the astropaths. Camilla stood regally and approached it. She made a show of reading it over, though in truth she had memorized every word years ago. She allowed her hand to rest on the wood, feeling the grain beneath her finger tips. On queue the music faded as she stepped before the warrant, sweeping her cloak back. Tech priests stepped to her, splashing her with holy unquents and crackling in binaric as they invoked the Omnissiah’s blessing on her and her circuitry. Great brass gongs began to sound, shimmering the air and silencing even the breath of the hundreds of people present. Camilla cleared her throat.
“I Camilla Seraphina Lucretzia Fiamenta Belladona de Trantio, on this the three hundred day of M41.998 as recorded in the ships log of the lawfully authorized and consecrated Rogue Trader Navarre, do solemnly accept the charge laid upon myself and my ancestors by the Emperor of Mankind himself. In keeping with this charge I shall voyage without fear into the stars which are the rightful inheritance of Man. I shall travel beyond the light of His Imperium into the dark, carrying with me that spark which heralds His coming. I shall conduct commerce such that His Glory be made manifest and such that His Imperium shall be made stronger. I will carry out the charge of my ancestors to explore without censure or limit, the very edge of the galaxy and to do my part in making manifest that grand design in which we are all engaged!”
A profound silence settled across the bridge as overhead servo-skulls and servitor cherubim rained rose petals down upon them in a soft rain. The room was so silent that the patter of them landing sounded like distant snow.
“Master of Records!” Camellia boomed, her trained voice carrying well but amplified by vox pickups so that the entire bridge could hear. “You may enter it in the log!” The ancient robbed figure of the master of records dutifully scratched the entry into the Navarre’s daybook, a massive leather bound volume that hung open on a lectern, then applied a seal and pray ribbon that had been prepared by a priest, making her command of the Navarre official in the only record that mattered.
There was only one thing left to do. Camilla drew the sword from its scabbard and ignited it. The ancient blade hissed to life, rose petals curling away burning as they touched its glowing edge.
“ Per te vel alios no fallitur. Tuos bonos fines respice inquit! She yelled, invoking the house words of the ancient spacefaring house of Belchite of which she could claim at least to be a bastard member, then she sat back on the throne. This time it was different. The chair crackled with energy as it was activated and the ancient systems began to sync with her circuitry. The experience was incredible. She had worked various stations before and linked with the ship in a limited way, directing guns or controling shields, but this was the first time she had used the captains link. She felt the warship come alive around her, she could feel its vast engines in her nerve engines, the destructive power of her batteries at her fingertips, even the shimmer of void shields waiting to be lit. It all came to her at once and she gritted her teeth to keep from gasping as electricity arced and prickled over her arms as they gripped the command throne. She could feel it all, the entirety of the ship, her ship, deep in her soul. Her mouth opened wide to laugh with wonder when suddenly she sensed something else. It came from deep in the ship, an ancient and crumbling data annex long neglected by the tech priests and their code purges. It swam up towards her red and pulsing with malice. She tried to pull away from it but she was too deep into the authorization sequences which were still running to bond her to her new command. It crashed into her like a blow to the sternum and she would have screamed if it left her any breath to do so. Red light arced over her implants and pain flared from her brain to her fingertips as the malicious code geas burned into her. Yvraine stepped closer to her and activated something on her ceremonial and a void shield flared into existence sealing the throne and the warrant within its milky translucence.
“Yv…Yvvv,” Camilla tried to say, her muscles twitching under the strain of the virus. Yvraine held up her hand as though to ask for silence. Camilla tried to speak again, to ask her friend to help her but before she could form the words the world beyond the shield exploded. A series of detonations ran across the assembly, bursting in clouds of smoke shot through with yellow and red. The void shield sizzled as blood and body parts impacted it, traceries of smoke coiling away from the points of impact. Camilla screamed and tried desperately to pull herself free but her entire body was immobilized by the code geas. She didn’t know what was happening but it was clear that her ship and her home were under attack. Her people were dying for thrones sake and she was just sitting here. Rage and hate built in her, she imagined how the Old Man would react if he were here and his contempt if she allowed mere cogitator code to stop her from helping.
“Yvraine!” she screamed, every fibre of her being howling in agony with the effort. The Seneschal turned to look at her, surprise on her face. Camilla’s confusion deepened, Yvraine should be furious, desperate, afraid, anything but surprised that she had managed to speak. Tumblers fell home in Camilla’s mind and Yvraine grinned, reading comprehension in the younger woman’s eyes.
“You figured it out… not quick enough but good for you!” the Seneshal said with a laugh. Men were appearing on the balcony above, men armored in the livery of the ships infantry. The began to fire into the churning confusion of the survivors, scything them down without mercy. Camilla saw helmsmen Mckenna take two rounds to the chest and one to the head with a pair of heartbeats.
“Whhhhyyy,” Camilla ground out, her eyes bulging with the effort of resisting the code flowing through her implants. She managed to raise the tip of her right finger with an incredible effort.
“Why?!” Yvraine rounded on her, the woman’s face a mask of anger and hurt. “Why?! It was supposed to be me you stupid chit! I was supposed to take the chair after Orthelleo. Yvraine one day all of this will be yours he would say,” Yvraine screamed, her eyes mad with pain and hatred. Las bolts pattered of the shield like hail on a frozen pond, reflecting away at crazy angles. Above them one of the banners was burning as it fluttered down towards the deck.
“Then you came and ruined everything, just waltzed in and took over. You think you are all that, that he liked you because your some natural criffing talent?” Yvraine snarled.
“Let me tell you, the only reason he even picked you up from your fucking nunnery is because he found out that he squirted you into your mother’s cunt!” Yvraine howled raving with the injustice of it all. Camilla flinched from the words. Orthelleo was her uncle which meant…
“That is right princess, your blood is so royal you got it from both sides apparently,” Yvraine snarled. She thrust her finger into Camilla’s chest and recoiled as a spark of static leaped between them, sending Yvraine stumbling back. Camilla’s arm came free and she brought it round to slam the orb into Yvraine’s face there was a crunch of cartilage and the seneschal stumbled back, clutching her bloodied nose. Yvraine pulled a las pistol from her holster and pointed it at Camilla, for a moment her eyes were so filled with rage that Camilla was sure she was going to shoot, but as Yvraine saw that Camilla still couldn’t rise from the throne she lowered the weapon.
“No, I’m going to need you alive so they can cut those pretty implants out of you…”