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4 mos ago
Current Luckily history suggests an infinite ability for people to be shit heads ;)
1 like
1 yr ago
Achmed the Snake
1 like
2 yrs ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
2 yrs ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
2 yrs ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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<Snipped quote by Penny>

actions look good, but your attributes should be insight and resolve 1, prowess 3

If I have 2 points in helm, 1 in skulk and 1 in scramble shouldnt it be 4?
"You have not only lost your mind, but have committed heretech against the Ommnisah so blasphemous that I have not choice to deliver you to the Egreaseiastical courts for judgment and, furthermore, to render my strongly worded Inquisitorial recommendation that you be converted to the lowest functioning servitor possible an assigned to mining operations as far from the stars as can be contrived. I also believe you will serve as a useful lesson for future Interrogator's on the point that the fact that something is suicidal dangerous and monumental stupid is no defense at all against the incalculable power of human stupidity," ... Is what I would have said if the implications of these words had registered with me. In my defense, and that of future Interrogators who will read my paper on the subject, it was so insane that I might be forgiven for missing it. Afterall, no one who could draw breath and walk around would possibly be stupid enough traverse the Warp with some kind of jury rigged drive and thus imperil his mortal soul, not to mention squishy flesh and other assets, to its denizens. Starships were immense masterworks which took decades or centuries of construction by the most learned and pious of techno-magi. My only defense was that my mind translated only that this was a shuttle, rather an impressive one, which was conveying us to orbit. Further more what kind of a criffing idiot names his Rogue Trader (if such a term can be applied) Rogue?

Temporarily defeated by the aforementioned criffin idiots limitless powers, I lifted to orbit, secure in the notion that at any moment a more substantial vessel would swell to fill the viewport. Even when Neil began making comments about translation, I assumed it was some kind of pre-docking ritual. Afterall, we were far to close to the planet to translate even if it were possible in a tub like this. You hardly had to be Gniles Boring (1) to know that translation anywhere withing a light day of a planet large enough to support life is impossible and suicidal to even attempt. This comforting, slightly bemused, and entirely misplaced confidence lasted until about a second before the view shields closed and I felt the sickening translation into the hellish Immaterium.

"Alot of people faint when they translate," Neil was saying as I came to, finding myself laying on the deck, my stomach churning. I knew we must be in the Warp but we hadn't immediately been eaten by daemons so I had to assume that whatever tech heresy had been done here was at least effective. I opened my mouth to tear Edwards a wide and completely justified new fecal excretion center but my instincts took over in time. I was afterall a trained Inquisitor and the role I was playing would not be nearly savvy enough to be terrified.

"I suppose so," I managed, "but since I'm awake now and this appears to be your ship, perhaps a tour is in order, along with some idea of where we are going and what we are doing."

(1) Gniles Boring - An allegedly brilliant Tech-Priest who wrote 'A Simplified Guide to Warp Transit' a two hundred and seventy volume account of the physics of Immaterial travel that, to my knowledge, no one has ever managed to finish due to is incredible soporific effect.
In Penny's Pencils 20 days ago Forum: The Gallery
In Penny's Pencils 21 days ago Forum: The Gallery

@ctrlsaltdel points adjusted!
@rush99999 Thanks but id literally rather die than fuck with these character sheets any more.

[hider=Molly Neptune]

Molly Neptune, The Pilot

Name: Molly Neptune
Alias: Spoons
Look: Leather jacket over a flight suit and combat boots.

A heart stopping young woman who has clearly benifited from aristo-gene therapy. Of medium height and with shocking purple hair she seems to bounce on the balls of her feet, perpetually in motion.

Heritage: Imperial
Background: Military
Vice: Pleasure

Class XP Trigger: Address challenges with speed or flair.

Starting Ability: Ace Pilot - You have potency on all speed-related rolls. When you roll to resist the consequences of piloting, gain +1d.

Special Abilities:
[list][*][b] Hedonist - When you indulge your vice, you may adjust the dice outcome by +/-2. An ally who joins you may do the same.[/*][/list]

Insight [2]
Rig >

Prowess [3]
Scramble >

Resolve [1]
Sway >

Trauma: 0/4
- N/A

Sorley Oxenbec - [Friend] - Deep Space Salvager - He has what you need, but best not ask too many questions.
Commodore Babbington Carlisle IX - [Rival] - Hagemony Commander - left at the altar.
Carlos - Gangster - Former Hagemony Marine turned crimelord
Delia Murdock - The Hanging Judge- Law woman without a heart
Persephone Pulsar - Fading Starlet- Washed up holoactress
Brother Bashar - Doomsayer- REPENT THE END IS NIGH

Bio: A daughter of the core world aristocracy Molly (or Marguerite as she was formally named) was meant to lead a life of staid privilege. Naturally rebellious and adventurous, not to mention spoiled and conceited, she fled an arranged marriage and went on a bender of truly legendary proportions. When the smoke cleared Molly found herself on an enlistment barge, apparently having signed up for the Hegemony Navy in a drunken, drug fueled, haze. Far from the first person to EWI (enlist while intoxicated) Molly was saved from grunt work in some god forsaken warzone by her IAT (initial aptitude tests). With her genetics and reflexes she was accepted for APT (advanced pilot training) at which she excelled.

Molly spent three years flying interceptors for the Hegemony, running down enemy fighters and shooting down incoming missiles. Seat of the pants flying that was hell on the nerves and burned out pilots by the droves. Hard drinking and drugs were just one of the coping mechanisms used by the men and women who plied the deadly craft. Bad attitudes were another and the combination of things meant Molly spent almost as many nights in the brig as tearing up the pubs and clubs of whatever planet or space station was handy.

It also meant that when a billionaire’s yacht was stolen and deliberately set on a high speed collision with another yacht, suspicion naturally fell to Molly. With the popularity of yacht billiards far from proven, Molly decided it might be a good time to take leg bail from the Hegemony and strike out on her own.


@meri I love Krita, I just hate that is is hard to find tutuorials for compared with that PS adobe forces you to subscribe to
@meri You use Kirta too?! Squeeeeee
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