Avatar of Pepperm1nts
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2248 (0.56 / day)
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    1. Pepperm1nts 11 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Remember to disrupt any and all instances of peeing and pooing by members of the exploiter class. #resist
3 yrs ago
Do not allow the bourgeoisie to pee or poo in peace.


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Alright, I think I'm dropping Boston. @The Wyrm has already expressed interest in taking over it, so Boston is his now. I've made a new app for an organization. I can do a little more with it but first I'd need @flowersrgr8 to okay some of what I've written here.

<Snipped quote by Pepperm1nts>

Fuck dude, you're taking the best part of the entire map.

Were you thinking of joining as that part of the map?
Jersey Shore is a stereotypical take on the Italian identity in Jersey, but yeah, I would say Italians and Hispanics have at this point probably had the most impact on the culture. The rest is just an "American white" mix, as you said. I lived there for a little while when I was a kid.
Maybe something like this. Or maybe I'll cut Worcester out or something.
But.. I was told confronting racists on the streets would only embolden them... how could this be? Shouldn't there be millions of nazis marching in the streets right now? I cannot believe putting nazis down actually worked, no.. this is impossible.
How long until you delete or edit that post like you do every other time you insult someone here or at the Discord to avoid bans? You have the courage to call someone a shit-flinging monkey and insult their intelligence, but it fades away within minutes and you take it all back because you're afraid of the consequences. Notice how I didn't insult you once, just pointed out an inconsistency and the humor I found in it and in the sources you provided, but I guess being called out really gets to you, huh? Mr. NOBODY-WANTS-TO-BE-CIVIL-IN-THE-POLITICS-THREAD-REEE is suddenly a-okay with insulting people.
I absolutely love how you unironically linked to conservapedia and newcriterion. Then you complain when people call out your sources as being extremely biased and/or opinion pieces by conservative writers. I mean, really dude, you're setting yourself up and destroying your own credibility when you do this shit, it's funny. It's also very telling that the conservapedia page is like 70% devoted to controversies, lmao. Totes a legit source. And didn't you criticize me when I linked to a wikipedia article defining social democracy? H I L A R I O U S. Wikipedia = bad and easily manipulated, conservapedia = totes legit and trustworthy. Get real.

I am such a fact-based, unfeeling person that the sight of a burning piece of cloth sends me into a frenzy.
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