Avatar of Pete
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 34 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Pete 10 yrs ago


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RIengo said
Just made my first post! Definitely not my best writing, but hopefully I managed to strike a good balance between making it quality and making it in a fair amount of time. Been a while since I've had to write like this, and it's nice to slowly get back into the swing of things.

Looks great to me, man! Encompassed your character's actions and thoughts, and caught you up to par with the current post quite nicely, in my opinion. Looking forward to this things progression.
RPCWhite said Do we all have to be on echo squad or can we divide up if we want to?

From my understanding, the GM wants us all in echo for the sake of IC proximity.

Proser said Looks like there'll be nine people if all three of those get in. I can try to get a profile up soon too if things aren't closing up.

Go for it, man. I don't think anyone will have an issue with more people hopping on.
As the steel doors of the warehouse crept open, Carrie suddenly realized the scope of what she was walking into. The poorly manned defenses and the unimproved landing pad paled in comparison to the massive cargo elevator, or more importantly, whatever facility laid beneath it. There's a lot of money here, too much for it to be some two-bit waste of funding. It was clear that something big was happening, and there were people, likely in the assumedly expansive UNXIPU headquarters beneath her feet, who knew much more than she did. The minor annoyances of the others, particularly the other Americans, were washed away at the sight of the semi-trucks weighted down with cargo waiting to descend. The only thing she cared about at this point was getting inside and figuring out what exactly was going on. Sure, she'd heard the rumors of UFO sightings, but there was always some local-yocal crackpot screaming at anyone who'd listen about lights in the sky. Apparently, the U.N. was listening, and time with ears that big wasn't earned without warrant.

She hurriedly made her way to the closest of the two security checkpoints, where her paperwork and orders of reassignment were scrutinized with unreasonable detail by a large, bald man bearing the flag of the Russian Federation. Tensions had been running high between the countries since Russia's invasion of the Ukraine was met by what had turned out to be nothing but empty threats by the United States. The world had feared a second cold war, but instead of an arms race, the extent of the hostilities was some bald douchebag busting her balls at every turn. After answering what seemed like was an endless list of unnecessary questions about her papers, the man snorted, satisfied, and issued her a I.D. and a stamped document assigning her to 'Echo Squad'. She brushed past the guard, waiting on the other side of the security point for the rest of the group.

"I am", she spoke confidently to Dean without looking at him, much more interested in the room's focal point, where the trucks' diesel engines chattered, almost as impatient as her.
Good to see that people are still coming aboard on this. Your profile looked good to me, and once it's accepted I don't think the gm will have any problems with us bumping into you downstairs and saying that you showed up with a previous group. I'll be posting tonight, hopefully some of you other guys can squeeze something in tonight as well.
That'll probably be my last post until I get back on Wednesday. I'll have a phone though, so I'll do my best to monitor the RP, maybe even try to write something short. Later bros.
The cigarette couldn't last long enough. She desperately puffed on it as if it contained the last oxygen on the planet.

The looks of disdain from many of the foreigners were evident, and though she did her best to match it with her own, it couldn't be said that it wasn't deserved. She truly believed that, though the United States had undeniably been in a decline in the recent years, it still remained one of, it not the, world's greatest military forces, if not for the sheer heart of its fighters. The two other uniformed Americans were talking to her now, and she half-listened to either.

She forced a small curl of a smile at the Airman's joke, not necessarily because it was funny, but because he had felt the need to make it to her. In truth, beyond the typical accusations of weakness, and routine shit-talking, she had no true malice in her heart for any of the other branches. They were all on the same side, after all, and not everyone was cut out to be a Marine. She didn't respond to his joke beyond the smirk and a nod, before the soldier began speaking too. As soon as he opened his mouth, she knew she should have said something to him back on the helicopter, because by the way he spoke it was clear he was no one who could hammer her for telling him to fuck off.

She continued following the drafted Police Officer, passing between two guard towers and approaching what appeared to be the compound's main door. Her cigarette hadn't lasted long enough, and before she knew it was she down to the filter. Flicking the butt onto the ground, she hoped that neither would speak directly to her and force her to respond. The last thing she wanted to do was to talk to anyone, and as she felt herself growing more and more agitated, she was anxious to be assigned a bunk and be alone for a time.
Due to real life career obligations, I will be unable to post from tomorrow, until Wednesday at the latest. Just a heads up.
Carrie removed her earbuds, cutting off the opening lines of James McMurty's "Choctaw Bingo" before scoffing at Sergeant Korus' passing remark.

"Thanks, soldier. I'll make sure to "dust 'em off" as soon as you shave and put on a fucking top", she muttered under her breath and the droning of the helicopter. She'd been hemmed up before for saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, and without the knowledge of David's rank, she figured it'd be best to pretend she hadn't heard him. The cuts to the defense budget were hurting her bank account enough, she didn't need half-pay from a NJP to top it off. Patiently waiting for the few passengers closer to the ramp to exit, she stood at her turn and made her way off of the chopper, donning her eight pointed utility cover.

Darkness had fallen across the desert, and the impromptu LZ was lit only by the Chinook's landing beacons, and a few sporadically placed industrial lights. The warehouse stood before her, though past the lights she couldn't tell if it was brand new, or some shanty repossessed for this effort. The few sentries posted on the perimeter were lackadaisical, leaning against sandbags and joking with each other rather than truly standing guard. And for good reason, they were in the middle of nowhere, and, to her knowledge, far from any combat zones. Of course, of all the places to get sent, she ended up in a hole like this. Her back was pelted with sand and pebbles as the helicopter took off, rotor-wash sweeping over her and the rest of the group. The bird's rotors quickly quieting from a roar, to a steady thumping, to silence, her jitters and uneasiness reminded her that she didn't even know how long it'd been since she had a cigarette.

Fishing a soft pack of Camels and a white Bic lighter from one of her cammies' many cargo pockets, she wasted no time sparking up and savoring that first drag before anyone had a chance to tell her she was standing in a no-smoking area. She took a moment to reassess the other members of the group as the policeman approached and began to speak, and though she recognized the insignia of a few elite units, others remained a mystery, and she remained unimpressed with the assembly. Having made several trips from San Diego to Los Angeles, she quickly recognized the guard's uniform and exhaled through her nostrils in response to his jaded attempts at humor. Cigarette protruding from her face, she stuck to the back of the crowd as they filed through the chain-link fence towards what she assumed was to be their new home.

"I'll be damned if I have to wear that stupid fucking hat", a grumbling Campbell quietly protested, harshly inhaling through her cigarette.
I was wondering the same thing. I was gonna wait for some of the other guys to post, but I'm hammering out mine now.
Stefan0620 said
Are we going to do a set post order, or no?

I was wondering this, too.
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