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I studied Bio in high school once.

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Chres eyed the candle. Reaching out hesitantly, he stopped himself suddenly and withdrew his hand.

"No." he said. "You keep it. I lost my last one... and if any of us should survive whatever happens next, it should be someone who cares enough about this world to want to do some good."

Sil seemed to frown at his response. She patted him on the shoulder.

"You care." She said. "You care more than you think you do."

Chres frowned. He turned to look at her, surprised by her response. She met his gaze. A rare moment of clarity seeming to seep out from those eyes of hers before suddenly it was gone.

"Big Little Sister Akai has pockets!" she blurted out with a giggle.

Chres arched an eyebrow.

"Yes..." He said hesitantly. "Yes, she does..."


"Equipped?" Chres repeated. "It seems Sil unfortunately lost our crystal jade during their fake-out. If I'm not mistaken, Lynx, Octavio, you've lost yours as well, correct? It also seems that crystal jade is rare amongst our soldier friends. I personally worry we aren't equipped enough. How about you Karina? Do you still have yours?"

Quiet were the tunnels under Shimmertown. Quiet and empty.

Chres, the rest, along with unit of soldier at Karina's command, followed the two guides cautiously as they traverse the cavernous labyrinth. They had planned for this the night prior. Planned for another trip through the tunnels in the event that it became necessary to sneak in close to the Cult's base of operations, A ritzy inn near the center of town, in order to attack the Seed.

Greeting them at the entrance of the tunnels were two females wearing clothes native to these lands. However, judging from their accent and the broken way the spoke the language, it was clear that these two women were one of the Kharu-Natjer's people rather than being native to this country.

Chres eyed them curiously as the guided the group through the tunnels. The Hue of their skin did not have that Orange-tan hue to it, unlike the rest of the Kharu-Natjer's people, nor was their hair silvery either.

Ferris and Octavio had mentioned that during an earlier excursion to buy salt from a trader, one of the Kharu-Natjer's people had used some type of magic to change their appearance so that they could fit in. Chres idly wondered if that was what they were doing now. Hiding their appearance. Perhaps less so for Chres, Jen, Karina and Octavio, but more so to hide their differing appearance from the soldier who towed behind them.

"Something's different here..." Sil whispered, cowering a top his shoulder. "It feels... scarier..."

Chres drew his mouth in a line. As curious as their guides appearance was, it was not the only thing curious. Sil was right the tunnels did seem different. The only echoes throughout the caverns came from their own footsteps and voices. And the numerous crystal jade candles that use to litter much of the tunnels seemed absent. Here and there, they passed a jade candle, but for the most part there were none. It was almost as if the Kharu-Natjer cleaned house.

"Where are your friends?" Chres asked one of the women leading the way.

"They be." Was all the woman answered.

"They be where?" He asked more persistently.

"Not they be this tunnel." The other woman said.

Chres narrowed his eyes but took it that he likely wouldn't get much more from them. Instead he turned his attention to his comrades.

The army of touch had graciously tended to their wounds, providing the few touch healers that they had to spare. Still though, He had little doubt in his mind that, they like him, were tired from today's earlier battle. It was a fortunate thing that the army spared them soldiers for this last battle. The question was, would it be enough?

"Its been a long day." Chres said wearily to the others. "How are you all holding up?"
-Collab Between Pezz570, 13Org-

Viktor Frost
Karina Frost
Malkev O'Kal

Plot Point

-Collab Between Pezz570, Jerkchicken-

Jen Gibre
Sightless Syella

-Collab Between Pezz570, Fetzen and HokumPocus-


-Collab Between Pezz570, Jerkchicken-

Jen Gibre
Sightless Syella

-Collab Between Pezz570, 13org-


-Collab Between Pezz570, 13org-


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