Helga listened to Julia’s explanation and happily took the magic items Julia gave her to compensate her for accepting this mission and placed them on her wrists Helga started to follow Julia towards the forest of life when suddenly Helga sense danger in the air and soon after Julia spoke up warning them something wasn’t quite right in the forest Helga followed her into the forest where they came across a sleeping dragon Helga listener to Julia’s explanation of why she should be the one to approach it and put up a magic barrier to prevent anyone following her Helga clenched her fist so tightly she drew blood as she began to bleed her blood warped around her fist leaving blood marking over her hand that began to glow and with one punch Helga shattered the barrier and followed Julia making sure to stay a few steps behind her to not spoke the dragon when Julia fell back and forest guardians began to surround them Helga ran towards Julia catching her with her right hand and throwing her back towards the others as she used her blood magic to open the wound on her hand even more as more blood began to flow from her fist the blood markings began to cover her entire body magically increasing all her physical abilities as she did this she began to use her rage manipulation mating herself angry so angry in fact her blood literally began to boil as crimson steam began flowing from her body it gathered in the air and formed blood red clouds “blood rain” with that blood rained down like a monsoon as her blood infected all the plant and trees of the forest she used her magic while incorporating the forest own magic into her own spell so she could create a a powerful sleeping pollen that would only effect the creatures of the forest soon every plant and tree would begin releasing this pollen into the air and as any of the forest guardians where defeated they to would release more of the pollen Helga then used the pool of blood that was forming at her feat to summon a powerful demonic sprit

“Protect the forest protect the dragon and kill anything that stands in your way simple enough”
With that the demon sprit summoned 5 other spirits that began attacking the guardians flying into them and realising a large burst of sprit energy to destroy them the spirits then reformed the broken remains of the guardians to from bodies for themselves they then began use the guardians own powers against them having vines shot out of the ground infused with their spirit energy to rip them apart while the main demonic sprit use her bandages to lash out at the guardians creating swords drills and other weapons to cut down or destroy the guardians meanwhile Helga took advantage of the fact her blood magic had infected the forest to create blood spikes that would shoot out of the ground Impaling the guardians and ripping them apart
Julian watched as his sister answered everyone’s questions and looked to her as she asked him if he had succeeded in getting all the potential allies she had asked him to approach and recruit
“It burned though most of our savings and left us a little low on funds but in the end they all agreed to land is their aid”
After another minute or so of answering questions Julia began to lead everyone towards the forest of life when suddenly Julia sense a disturbance in the forest and lead everyone deeper into the forest to see the dragon Julia put up a barrier to stop everyone from following her although this didn’t stop Helga who easily broke though Julia’s barrier before Julian could stop her and almost immediately after the barrier broke Julia began to fall back Helga caught Julia and threw her back Julian caught his sister as he watched Helga begin destroying the guardians with the help of a demon she had summoned Julian drew his weapon and jumped into the battle Julian stabbed his axe into the ground and as he did blades shot up from beneath the guardians cutting them in half