Red Blade
Red Blade was waiting in Salazo, City of Magic for Julia. Julian had paid her in full in order to hire her for, as he called it her most dangerous job yet. She had to admit she didn't quite believe at first but as he explained what she had to do she found herself enjoying this job more and more. Normally she was hired to do quick jobs that barely took effort on her part but this change of pace would definitely be fun for her. It was definitely going to be her longest ever job. There was no quick way of doing this no matter how she looked at it. It was going to take a lot of time and effort and she enjoyed that. While she waited Red Blade was sat in the tavern listening closely to the word around while she leaned at the counter.

She swirled her drink, blending in as much as she could when she heard something quite interesting.
"Did you hear, the Apocalypse Worm took another victim. It's getting more active every day. Sooner or later it'll destroy the desert village and once it goes that far the Lalafell City can say goodbye." Red Blade heard about these attacks all the time and normally she wouldn't care but now it was actively her job to protect Julia among other things. She knew that Julia was going to have to travel through the desert sooner or later. She sighed and placed her drink down. She slammed down her Xeon Coins before leaving. Just as she was leaving Red Blade sensed the Dark Enforcers not too far away in the direction of the forest. Even if she wasn't on a job for Julia, she couldn't afford the dragon or the forest to be destroyed. She turned towards the Forest of Life before walking to the side of the tavern and into the shadows. She gave a quiet sharp whistle and moments later Beast jumped out of the shadows.
"It seems there's trouble at the Forest of Life. Let's go Beast." She clicked her fingers and the saddle appeared on his back then she jumped on him. Beast looked to her and snarled viciously.
"Those Dark Enforcers, I want to rip them apart so badly. One of these days, I will taste their blood." He ran out of the shadows and jumped into the air. With one flap of his wings he immediately took flight. He flew out of Salazo, through the Field of Magic and into Jeul. He flew past the desert village and began to fly over the desert. As he flew over he kept an eye on the ground. He could tell the Apocalypse Worm was hunting, seeing the vibrations and earthquakes of the ground. He took a large breath and as he did the Apocalypse Worm shot up, bursting from the ground.

Beast shout out a magna beam from his mouth just as he swerved out of the way shooting the Apocalypse Worm thick armour. The beam was so powerful it instantly cut through like butter and cut into the skin of the worm. It quickly dug back underground to heal, while it did Beast continued to fly through the desert. It didn't take long for him to reach Salazo and quickly fly past it. As they did Red Blade stood on the saddle and held out her hand summoning her signature duel wield red blade. As Beast flew through the forest and came up towards the Tree of Life Red Blade leapt of Beast and landed just in front of Julia while Beast ascended down landing beside Red Blade just in time to see the Law Enforcers leave. She sighed and looked towards Julia.
"I traveled all the way here just to have them leave?" She swung her blade before throwing it in the air then it disappeared without a warning. She looked to Helga and just as Beast was about to attack she held out her hand.
"No need Beast, Julia wouldn't summon her unless she trusted her. Besides, neither Julia or the dragon is concerned." Beast looked to Helga and snarled at her.
"Fine, just as long as she removes the blood from the forest." Red Blade laughed and in a subtle threat, spoke.
"oh, she will. Don't worry." She stared at Helga, waiting for her to remove the blood.
Helga watched as Mordred left the forest taking the other far enforcers with them as then a small squirrel landed on Helga's head using its magic to help calm Helga down just enough for her to regain her composure Helga could feel the magic of the forest of life had already mixed with her blood Helga smiled as she had an opportunity to put her anger to use Helga used her magic to extract all her blood from the forest healing it as she did as the blood was pulled out of every tree and the plant it formed a large pool of blood at Helga's feet Helga channeled her excess rage into the pool of blood and with her magic formed the blood into a body then turned to the demonic spirit that she had previously summoned with a smile
“A fresh new body for you call your own overflowing with magic power from the forest of life blood magic and even my own rage you couldn’t ask for a better vessel”
The sprint smiled and flew into the body as it did Helga pulled out a peace of paper and with her blood magic wrote drew some runes on it creating a paper seal this would help the sprint suppress rages she has poured into the body as well as the sprit's own maleficent aura as a way to help suppress it’s darker impulses

“There my blood has been completely removed from the forest although I couldn’t remove the power of the forest that had soaked into my blood so instead of letting all that power go to waste I decided to put it to use”
Red Blade looked to Beast who continue to stare at Helga before turning to the spirit's new vessel.
"Too bad, I was looking forward to fighting you." Red Blade looked to the dragon before slowly walking up to it. She knelt down in front of him before giving a small chuckle.
"I've never been so close to him before. He never really liked my presence. I bet he'd never guess I'd be one of the people to save this world." She placed her hand on his head before sighing and getting back up. She looked to Beast before clicking her fingers, removing the saddle off him.
"We'll walk from here Beast. Let's go." She followed Julia slowly with Beast at her side. When they entered the Lalafell City she turned to Beast and shook her head.
"Best not come through here. You'd cause a mass panic. Wait on the other side, I'll see you there." Beast nodded and took flight over the city. She turned to Julia to see her talking to Chief Yoal. She leaned against the wall of the city while she waited.
Kiyu had just arrived in Ishaena and hadn't been there long. He knew that Julia would be arriving soon. It had been weeks of preparation for the summon. She wouldn't give any information to him at all as to who she was summoning either. The only thing that he had heard from her since was that she was close to getting everything she needed for the summon. It is what made him decide to travel to Ishaena in order to meet her and her new companions whenever they arrived. The moment he came into the city he sensed there was something wrong with the Tree of Life and Rethynth. He wasn't too close with Rethynth and their bond hadn't properly formed but he could sense that the dragon was troubled but just as fast as he had sensed it it went away and was quickly handled. He looked around and decided to wait for Julia to arrive. It was good that the city was so close to the Tree of Life. The lalafell here could sense anything that was going on. He had to try and get his bond up with Rethynth at some point, he wanted to feel what they felt when they were in the city. He wanted to experience that sacred bond between Rethynth and Lalafell. As he walked around he spotted Chief Yoal teleport in the city. He walked over and gave him a smile.
"Do you know where Julia is? She should be here by now?" Chief Yoal gave him a small nod.
"She had a small problem. She should be arriving shortly." Kiyu gave a nod and waited quietly.
It took another five or so minutes for her to show up and come into the city. He let Chief Yoal speak to Julia first and when they were done talking he walked over to Julia before she could get too far away from her companions.
"Greeting Julia. I came from Salazo. Since you told me you were close to performing the summon I decided to come here and meet you all." He looked at them one by one. His eyes widened when he saw Ming, a pure inumimi and quickly ran up to her.
"Oh wow! A pure Inumimi! It is a great pleasure to meet one of my own. I look forward to learning from you. My name is Kiyu." Kiyu smiled brightly before turning to the rest of the group and waited for everyone to be ready.
Prince Kuro
Kuro watched as the dragon finally calmed itself and went to rest. He watched as Julio spoke to the dragon and it reminded him of Yoruichi and himself. Just before he left the Law Enforcers came. Kuro and Yoruichi stayed quiet and listened to everyone as they spoke in turn. It was the charges that Yoruichi decided to speak up.
"Despite being Lalafell you aren't very peaceful. Even less severe crimes are punishable by death." Kuro shook his head and sighed.
"A true ruler, whether it be a ruler of the law or a King must show compassion and restraint when it comes to punishment. If you are to sentence every crime with death how is anyone to learn?" The two stayed quiet once again then out of nowhere, Kuro's and Yoruichi's eyes flashed red. It was then that the Law Enforcers left. Kuro looked to the Squirrel who helped calm down Helga before looking to the two new arrivals. After Helga released her blood from the forest they set off for the city. He noticed that two of them didn't introduce themselves but the squirrel called herself Liv Moore. Kuro replied respectfully.
"Greetings, I am Kuro. It is a pleasure to meet you." Just as he had finished Yoruichi spoke up.
"I am Yoruichi, Kuro's royal advisor and friend. It is a pleasure to meet you too." The two of them walked into the Lalafell City and watched as Julia spoke to the chief then took the Xeon Cash she gave everyone. He looked at the large bag before giving Yoruichi a nod. The two of them walked away and took a look around. One of the things Kuro bought first was a map of Azroh. After buying the map he looked around and eventually found himself at the notice board. He read it quickly and nodded. After the two were done he walked back to see a Lalafell Inumimi talking to Ming and heard him speak his name in time. Kuro gave him a bow and smiled.
"Greetings Kiyu, I'm Kuro and this is Yoruichi" "Greetings" The two smiled at him as they waited for everyone else.
Bahamut watched as the dragon slowly calmed down and rested. He gave a small smile before looking to Julia, seeing her speak to the dragon. Once she was done and she explained what had happened Bahamut took a step forward to follow Julia when a new group of people appeared. Something told him that this wasn't going to end well. He listened to Julia and Mordred talk and then listened to the charges. As Mordred went on and on he realised just how stupid some of these were and it seemed everyone else did too. He watched as another Lalafell appeared giving a rant to Mordred before looking to Helga who threatened the entire forest, telling the Law Enforcers to leave. It was Ming to speak next and after that he noticed something in the corner of his eye and looked towards the top of the tree to see a squirrel watching them but he could see that it wasn't any ordinary squirrel. It had some sort of necklace on her. That was when he noticed that the Law Enforcers had left. He listened to what Julia said and after that they were off or would of been had it not been for another person dropping from the sky. The thing that she had been riding on was some sort of Beast. He recognised it but he didn't know what it was called but he knew he had seen it somewhere. Once Helga had removed her Blood from the forest they set off for the city.
As they walked he looked to the three new allies to join their cause and spoke.
"Greetings, I am Bahamut. It's nice to meet you. There are so many different kinds of people and creatures here, it's amazing." He walked in the Lalafell City and watched as Julia spoke to the Chief before grabbing the bag of Xeon Cash. Since they had time to spare he decided to look around the city. First he turned to Grace and spoke to her.
"Grace, let's see what we can find. Julian said we were low on funds. Do you think they would have a adventure's guild here?" He slowly began to walk expecting Grace to follow. He looked over to the notice board and began to read over it.
"Hmm, increased monster activity, crime activity and missing person count. That can't be good." He looked to Grace before looking back to the board.
Grace watched as the dragon calmed down and went to sleep and just as Julia finished putting dragon down for its nap another group of people showed up and began listening of their so called crimes but when Helga began threatening the forest they quickly left but not before the eyes of one of them flashed red right before vanishing Grace followed the others to the lalafell village and Grace listened to Bahamut and thought for a moment
“It couldn’t hurt to have a look if they do have one it could a quick and easy way to earn some extra cash”
Grace took a look around and saw a store selling maps Grace bought one and opened it up looking for any sign of an adventurers guild after a moment she turned back to Bahamut
“There is an adventurers in not far from here that’s worth checking out follow me”
As Grace stated walking towards the adventurers in she saw a notice bored warning of an increased crime rate multiple news of missing people and reports multiple monster attacks grace looked back at the map as she pulled out a pen about to mark the locations when the map suddenly glowed for a second and suddenly all the locations she wanted to mark off where added to the map
“Huh a magic map that’s pretty convenient and will definitely come in handy”
Bahamut and Kupo
Bahamut turned Grace and nodded to her. Seeing that she got a map he wondered he should get one too, but then again she had got one now and they'd be sticking together most of the time and even if they didn't he was sure that Julia would have a map or something. He then saw how her map updated magically and looked at it over her shoulder.
"Oh wow, that's pretty cool but don't they have a world map?" Just as he said that the map magically changed perception and showed the world of Azroh.
"Oh, it can do both? That's impressive." He looked towards the Adventure's inn and began to walk towards it.
"Let's go then." Just as he got there he saw a Moogle from Final Fantasy. He stopped for a moment and watch it.
Kupo flew around for a moment clearly waiting for something. Then just as Bahamut walked up he gave a small smile and quickly flew up to him.
"Hello, my name is Kupo. I got mail for you from....." He pulled out the letter and magic whistle then spoke again.
"Yourself." Bahamut looked to Grace completely confused and took the letter. He opened it out and read out loud.
"This is a test of this moogle's skill and ability. Can it really deliver messages across time and space?" Bahamut looked to the flute and grabbed it.
"Use this to summon me whenever you like to use my service. Now that will be five million Xeon Cash for the service however because, only because you are new to this world and you used my service to as a test I'll reduce the price to five thousand. If you do not pay the price I will no longer provide you service until the funds are paid in full." Bahamut looked to his bag of Xeon Cash and gave it to the Moogle.
"How much is in there?" Kupo took the bag of Xeon Cash and used magic to pull all of it out. He gave a happy smile and nodded.
"Five thousand exactly. Thank you." He then turned to Grace and spoke up.
"So, as you can see I can deliver messages any time to anywhere. Would you be interested in using my services?" He held out a golden whistle with a small moogle figure on top of it towards Grace waiting to see if she would take it.
Grace continued to walk towards the adventurers inn when Bahamut received a letter from Kupo that was sent by himself?
“Couldn’t you have just asked Julia if he could really deliver messages across time and space? Especially if he is that expensive”
Grace then thought for a moment and pulled out a blank peace of paper and wrote directions to her guild volt in YGGDRASIL
“Do you think you could make it past the traps me and my guild mates set up to retrieve my weapons and other items from my volt in YGGDRASIL"
Bahamut and Kupo
Kupo looked to Grace then grabbed the note of the directions. He could certainly get there no problem but the traps would be a different story. He would have to see for himself.
"Funny enough, you said the same thing before he did it but he wanted to see and experience it himself and I wasn't going to refuse a job. As for this, I'll have to see if I can get past the traps. Just give me a moment." He hovered there not saying a word. Bahamut looked to Grace before looking to Kupo.
"So....are you going to go?" Kupo held up his finger, refusing to answer. After an entire minute he shook his head.
"Nope, sorry. I can't get past the traps." Bahamut slowly turned to Grace before looking to Kupo.
"But you didn't go anywhere? You didn't move an inch." He looked back to Grace to see if she was satisfied, wondering what she would say.
Listened to kupo and waited patiently for his answer when he finally spoke up and told her he couldn’t get past her traps Grace gave an understanding nod then gave a confused look to Bahamut
“He delivers messages... across time he wouldn’t need to actually move to go to my guilds base he could go there at anytime"
Grace then turned back to Kupo
"Do you have any other services that may be helpful to us?"
Bahamut and Kupo
Bahamut gave a quick nod.
"Ah, yes. Of course." He shook his head and gave a small chuckle. As he did Kupo looked to Grace and listened to her question.
"Well, I offer a few services. I can watch and observe certain events or situations for you then using my magic bulb I can show you exactly what I've seen and heard. I am also in charge of chocobo rearing. I can store any and all non living belongings in my bag for when you need them later and you don't have to carry everything yourself. It is my most popular service and considering you have come to the adventurer's inn I'm sure it will be the most useful for you. All my services are five million each, the storage service is a one time payment for all your storage needs." Bahamut gave a small nod.
"Wow. I'm going to have to save up my money. Say, could you deliver things that I store to myself, Jolene? Since this is just an avatar." Kupo placed his hand on his chin as he stared at Bahamut.
"I see....I understand what you are saying but no. I cannot take magical items to a non magical world. Trust me, my team have done it once and it did not end well." He shivered and Bahamut gave a small nod.
Listened to the other services Kupo offers and took the whistle from him
“Well I’ll start saving up my money and call you when I when I need you or more accurately when I can afford you anyway we should probably get going we are short on time and low on funds so there’s a lot to do”
With that Grace walked in to the adventurers inn and looked around before walking over to the counter
“Hi me and my friend would like to join the adventurers guild how do we go about doing that”
Bahamut and Kupo
Kupo gave a small nod as she finally took his whistle.
"Very well. I look forward to working with you." With that he flew away. Bahamut walked in to the inn with Grace and waited at the counter. The Lalafell at the desk gave a quick nod and placed two papers in front of them.
"Just fill in these forms in then take them to the Adventurer's Guild once you reach Salazo. Once you fill them in you can go find the Record Keeper. She'll have all the information on the missions and favors. She's usually at the Library of Knowledge. That's out the city, through the Forest of Life and you'll see the Library Courtyard there." Once Bahamut and Grace had filled everything in the lalafell checked through everything and gave it a small red stamp. After that was done Bahamut looked to Grace.
"Record Keeper, usually at Library of Knowledge.....well that can only be one person." He walked out with Grace and over to Julia.
"Hey Julia, we signed ourselves up at the Adventurer's Inn and we were told you were the Record Keeper for missions and favors. Are you able to give us anything for those?" He gave her a smile as he waited.
JuliaJulia turned to Bahamut and then quickly summoned two magic journals.
"These are magical journals. They keep record of all missions and favors depending on where you are located. It works alongside with the map of Azroh. You should both take one, just don't do anything that's directly out of the way where we're going. We can't waste too much time."
She held out a map for the two of them and gave them a polite smile.
Grace finished the paperwork and followed Bahamut to Julia Grace looked to Julia
“You had multiple spare maps guess I didn’t need to buy one from the map store that was kind of a wast of 500 xeon cash but at least I didn’t wast all my money sending myself a message from the future”
Grace jokingly nudged Bahamut before taking the lists of quests and favours from Julia and began looking though them I stopping for a moment when she heard Red Blade mentioned an apocalypse worm Grace flicked back though the list of quests knowing she saw that name in the list somewhere then her eye went wide as she saw the kill request and the bounty it offered