Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


"Now you know who the chosen five are, who I decided to summon, who I chose to hopefully save the world. Normally it is forbidden for any outsider to enter this world, for this world is connected to each and every world's future. If this world, even this universe dies, then they all die but they will all learn that in time. First, I must tell you how I became to know of these five soon to be heroes.

Julia was in the library with Red and Julian. She needed to find a way to stop these cracks. Luckily none had appeared in this world yet but if left for too long they could easily start to. As she looked through one of the books she sighed and put it down slowly. There was no information anywhere. She had no other choice. Slowly she stood up and went to the Universal Data part of the library. She had only one option left. Once there she sat herself down. The cracks could be being made by anything and this world was dangerous as it was. Whatever was making these cracks were extremely dangerous. She needed people who were willing to fight to survive.

"Bring me a list of everyone willing to fight for their or someone else's life."

Suddenly a list appeared in front of her, but the list was way too long. She sighed and thought for a moment then spoke again.

"Cut out anyone who does not have the power to do so in this world."

The list was suddenly shortened massively. Now it only showed a few hundred. She gave a sigh and nodded.

"Bring me each and every fire according to the names listed."

Suddenly hundreds of files appeared in front of her. She would read each one until she found the perfect team who could survive in this world and were willing to do whatever it took. Hours went by, the clock ticked away and one by one Julia got through the files. After an entire day had gone by, she had done it. She had her team, four people each from a different universe. Each one experienced in combat of some kind, each one having the power to survive in this world. They were her best shot.

"Come on Red, we have visitors to meet."

Red jumped on her head and slowly Julia walked out of the library. She walked to a large yard outside of the Library of Knowledge. She quickly made a portal and began to travel to different universes, different worlds. It took her weeks of preparation but, eventually she gathered the needed ingredients. When the time was right, she began the summoning ritual, telling Julian in advanced who had helped her by going around and gaining powerful allies for the mission. She placed her hand on the grass and a huge summoning circle appeared. By name she called them out.

"Bahamut, Ming, Grace, Jack, Miarikia, Kuro, Blue I summon you all to the world of Azroh!"

With that, the summoning circle glowed brightly, and soon enough a huge flash of light appeared, so bright that Julia and even Red had to close and cover their eyes.

The courtyard where they were all summoned.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Jolene woke up and stretched herself out before getting out of bed. She got herself showered, dressed, got some breakfast and then said hello to her mum. After doing all of that Jolene got into her Ultra VR Gaming Chair, put on her Ultra VR Gaming Helmet and emerged herself within Final Fantasy: YGGDRASIL. Once inside of the game Jolene or Bahamut, in this case, went to the newly released DLC areas. It would have to take a teleport to access the new areas of the game and she was looking forward to it. The creators of the game gave clear instructions on how to access the new areas. So Bahamut spoke to the DLC NPC. After going through all of the dialogue Bahamut entered a cutscene. He stepped up on the teleport pad that would take him to this new DLC area. Just as the pad activated Bahamut disappeared as expected. He arrived in a courtyard of sorts, far different from where he originally was but then again he had just been transported. None of the DLC areas had been leaked before so all of this was new to him. The area itself was extremely detailed and the graphics were amazing. He could tell that a lot of money had been put into the DLC but that was no surprise it was a popular game after all.


Now Bahamut was in the DLC area, he made sure to take in more of his surroundings. His eyes first stopped on a lalafell in front of him with what seemed to be a red panda on her head, it wasn't surprising considering this was a Final Fantasy game. Beside her was another Lalafell who also had a red panda on his head, obviously they were siblings. After taking note of those two, Bahamut looked to his sides to find seven others had also been brought here, NPCs more likely. most of them seemed more or less human while one was an Inumimi and one was a neko. In fact, inspecting them closer he could recognise who they were. The Inumimi was Ming whom he knew from popular comic books and the Neko was Kuro. "Oh wow I didn't know Final Fantasy: YGGDRASIL was doing massive crossovers like this. This DLC already looks pretty amazing." He looked to the female Lalafell who seemed to be the main NPC for this DLC pack, or this area at least and nodded to her. "Hello there. Tell me where I am located and what my objective is." Bahamut looked at the other NPCs and took note of them. He was looking forward to interacting with the Ming NPC and was excited to see what she was going to do in this DLC. He was hoping to fight with her knowing just how powerful she was.

Prince Kuro

Kuro was on the battlefield against Ming, as she cut down the Nekos making her way over to him he used his magic to heal them, he then sent a large fireblast towards her when the white flash came and teleported him and Yoruichi. Kuro felt the magic around him and immediately felt the difference in the area he was in. He slowly lowered his hands and looked around. Yoruichi also looked confused. She looked to Ming for a moment before looking to Julia then Yoruichi spoke up. "Kuro, it seems we have been summoned, but why?" Kuro looked to Yoruichi with a quick nod and answered back. "I don't know, but I'm sure we're about to find out." He looked back to Ming for a moment before looking towards Julia again and awaited her answers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Jhon was on his computer looking over his map of YGGDRASIL cross referencing his information with the information he received from his friends looking for the best realm or dungeon to grind for new crafting materials he eventually decided to check out a new area that was rumoured to have rare monsters and minerals once he had picked his destination he walked over to his bed and put on his full dive headgear and logged into the game within seconds he or rather she was standing in helheim and summoned her bicorn and set out on her quest to find new crafting materials after awhile she came up to the gates of the bifrost the portal between the 9 realms Grace dismounted her steed and walked thoughthe gates there was a flash of blinding light and after she opened her eyes she was standing in an open filed with a number of other NPCs and player characters after a brief look around she spotted Kuro and Ming and heard another player talking about DLC Grace turned to the dragonborn admiring his gear for a second especially his staff the world item with the all seeing eye of horus

"the new DLC is already out i thought it was due to be released next week guess i got my dates mixed up again anyway my names Grace nice to meet youand if you don't mind me asking how did you get sweet gear you've got there"


Helga just finishing up her morning training routine and was about to head out hunting for her next meal in the great forest of Jura after building up a healthy appetite she soon came across some monster tracks and after following them for a short while she came across a king spider Helga licked her lips and readied her axe as she snuck around to its side as she span her chain axe and throw it at the spiders head when suddenly there was a flash of light and she appeared in the middle of an open field while a little shocked and confused Helga reacted quickly and pulled back on the chain stopping the axe inches from a young lalafells face as the axe flew back to Helga she easily caught it and put her weapon away while looking around

“Ya better have a good explanation for summoning me here like this I haven’t eaten all day and I was just about to catch myself a king spider for dinner those things are seriously delicious damn it and because if you it got away”


Julian was waiting patiently waiting for his sister to finished her research so they could begin the summoning ritual to begin after a while he heard the library’s doors open Julian stoped what he was doing and put his weapon away as he walked over his sisters side as she finished her preparations soon enough his sister had summoned a number of people from difficult worlds when suddenly an axe flew right at his face Julian just stood there not flinching or reacting at all knowing the axe wasn’t a threat to him all of the people summoned seemed a little confused or annoyed as a few started asking questions of Julia however 2 of them began talking about games and DLC Julian watched them carefully as he stood there quietly figuring it would be better to let his sister handle all the questions
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Jack was taking a break and decided to explore. There were many places he hadn't visited yet and he knew that there would probably be too many places to explore in one lifetime so he had to make use of it while he could. The ancients created this world which is what fascinated him the most. While he was exploring, Jack was suddenly teleported and take somewhere entirely different. He looked around quickly. This didn't seem like anywhere he was just and he didn't use the ancient warp devices to transport him. He looked around and listened to what the others said and became confused. He didn't understand what they were talking about at all.

"So where am I, how did I get here and what is everyone talking about? I don't understand anything that is happening right now."

He looked at the two in front of him before turning to look at the others.


Blue was standing still, watching his enemies carefully. Once again as always, the High Elf scum thought they would take down and kill a Dark Elf just because they could. He watched as they sent out deadly fireblasts and used soul sucking breaths. Blue simply and swiftly dodged the fireblast and used his own power to manipulate it. He quickly turned the fire black then sent it back far faster than it had come for him then he looked to the High Elf and released his own soul, allowing it to be swallowed whole but the moment it was the soul burned so hot that the High Elf's inside became lava and the fool quickly spat his black soul back out. He opened his mouth to speak and in that instant he was teleported.

"You high elves never learn."

He stopped quickly and looked around as he saw that he had been teleported before looking to Julia. He didn't bother asking where he was or what was going on as he was sure that was going to be explained. So, he looked to her with an expectant look waiting for the answers that was sure to come.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Ming was currently on the battlefield. She slashed one of the Nekos and spun around, throwing her shield to attack and slash a few other nekos. She grabbed her shield again and went to block a fireball coming for her when suddenly she disappeared in the middle of the fight. She looked around now seeing she was in a courtyard with a few others. She listened to what they had to say and for now observed, trying to understand what was going on. She then looked to Kuro, seeing that he was here too. She grabbed the hilt of her blade but slowly looked back to Julia.

"Yes, please explain exactly what is going on. I was in the middle of a battle before you summoned me."

She once again turned to Kuro and Yoruichi, staring at them intensely before once again turning to Julia and waiting her answer.


Miarikia was stood over her cauldron singing a song while she worked.

"Double double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Double double, toil and trouble. Something wicked this way comes. Eye of newt and toe of frog. Flesh of bat and tongue of dog. Adder's fork and blind worm's sting. Lizard's leg and dragon's wing. Double double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Double double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Double double, toil and trouble. Something wicked this way comes. Double double, toil and trouble. Fire burn and cauldron bubble."

As she sang she threw in the ingredients. Flash sighed as he laid down with his eyes shut, not paying her any attention as she did her work. The sounds of the cauldron came natural to him now like the sounds of the witch's song. Once Miarikia was done she stepped off and walked over to her library of books.

"Well, that should take an hour to finish, so we've got time to spare."

She placed the book away and just as she did she and Flash were teleported. Miarikia looked around for a moment, confused while Flash quickly opened his eyes and slowly stood himself up as he heard others talking.

"Am I dreaming? Did I finally drift off to sleep?"

When Miarikia slowly turned to him and shook her head Flash gave a heavy sigh.

"Great. What mess have we found ourselves in now then?"

Miarikia looked to Julia, and instead of asking where she was or what was happening she instead spoke of another question.

"So, it seems we have all been summoned, right? In that case I must ask. What is the time difference between here and my world? I have just put on a potion to brew. I don't want to over cook it."

Flash rolled his eyes, but at the same time he understood. She had used some powerful ingredients for that potion. It would be a shame if it was wasted.


Julia slowly stepped forward once everyone had been summoned. She didn't understand everything that was going on but she did understand that for some reason, two of the chosen she had brought thought they were in some sort of game. She had read enough in the Library Of Knowledge to know what games were and to understand them enough, plus she had played her own fair share of games in Azroh.

"Welcome all of you to Azroh, this is the courtyard outside of the Library of Knowledge. My name is Julia, this is Red and this is my brother Julian and his companion, Pan. You have all been chosen. You have been summoned here because we need your help. I am sure you have noticed by now cracks have been appearing everywhere. Not just in your world, but in all dimensions, all through space and time. These are cracks in reality. By going through them you could end up in a whole new world, dimension, universe, literally anywhere. That is if you survived. by going through the crack, before you reach the other side, you enter a place of nothingness. In between realities and by going there it rips you apart and instantly kills you. By dying like that everyone who once knew you will forget about you like you never existed. That is why I called you because we believe you can do it, we believe you can save the world before all of time and space is ripped apart. There is some bad news though, I'm afraid you will be unable to leave until you complete your mission, I will warn you, by summoning you here I and all of you are criminals. It is forbidden for any outsiders to enter this world. We will be hunted, our mission will be dangerous. Let me introduce everyone. Bahamut, Grace, Ming, Jack, Kuro, Blue, Miarikia, Flash and Helga. I am sorry for pulling you out of your worlds, but I had no choice, oh and one more thing. I don't know why you think this is a game, Grace and Bahamut but I am afraid that this is the reality. I wish it weren't real myself. None of us are NPCs, we are all real. If you die, there is no returning back to the world you came from. Things are quickly worsening and we cannot linger for too long. If you have any questions please ask. I will answer any questions given before we begin. As for Miarikia's question, you don't need to worry about your potion. After you complete your mission you will be sent back to the exact moment you left."

As she called out the names she pointed to the person it belonged to. With that she gave a small smile, she knew there were going to be some disagreements but she had no choice. She hoped that these people would, in fact, be the ones she needed. She then turned to Julian.

"Julian, were you able to convince everyone to help us? I hope the payment was enough for Miss Black, Red Blade and Lady Red specifically."

She looked back at everyone else and waited to see what they had to say as well as waiting to see what Julian said. While she waited she looked to Helga who complained that she missed her meal.

"Oh, well I suppose we can't wait until we return for your meal. Here, take this. It should satisfy you until we get to the Lalafell City."

She summoned a huge steamed dragon steak and levitated it towards Helga. She gave a small smile once again then waited for everyone else to finish asking questions.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Bahamut took notice of one of the humans and quickly realised it was not a NPC. She wasn't talking like any normal NPC would do. He was about to reply to her comment when the other Npcs started to ask questions. It was when Grace asked him a question that he started to pay attention again. "I am Bahamut, a Dragonborn Arcane Warrior, nice to meet you. The DLC came out today, there was a huge announcement in game the day before so I'm surprised you didn't know. The Spear of Sazei is a special item I got for completing the Event Quest, it lasted for a good while so there was plenty of time to get it if you were good enough." It is then that Julia spoke. Julia gave the name of the world they were in and explained that they had been chosen. What was strange, however, was that Julia mentioned strange cracks that were appearing everywhere in all universes and realities. He remembered very clearly that he had seen several while spending time outside as well as on the news. They were too much for the government to cover up. Then Julia said that this was not a game and it was all real. Even saying she wasn't an NPC. That was very aware for an NPC and they weren't talking how a normal NPC should. Some things weren't adding up. Bahamut took notice of the fact that he couldn't leave until the mission was done. He went to his setting to check his log out capability, and as expected there wasn't one. This wasn't normal either.

It was at that moment that Julia's name came on his screen. She immediately saw him as a good and trusted friend and ally. The fame and influence bar was almost maxed already. Julia had summoned them and completely trusted them. She had no doubt that they could help. "Some things aren't adding up here. I do have some questions. Why were we chosen specifically? What made us so special? How did you know we were the perfect team? Do we know what are causing these cracks to appear yet? If not could we use the Library of Knowledge?" He asked a few simple questions to try and gain more information. If this was a game then it was going to be needed for the quest and if not, well then it was still needed either way. It would just mean it was much more serious. Either way, they needed to know these things.

Prince Kuro

Kuro listened to everyone quietly as he waited to understand the situation at hand. He noticed Ming had also been summoned and he hoped that their battle would cease for the time being. He listened to Miarikia then looked to Julia as she spoke and gave a few nods. "I see....the only thing I'm concerned about as of right now is that you summoned us without warning, making us criminals but given the dire situation, I suppose you didn't have much of a choice. If we are to return at the exact moment we left that could endanger one of us if say, we were in a dangerous situation." After he had finished speaking, Yoruichi spoke up. "Yes and was there no way you could of warned us beforehand before turning all of us into criminals?" After Yoruichi had finished speaking the two of them stayed quiet once more, waiting for Julia's answers.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Grace Listened to Bahamut Julia and the others and found a few things didn’t seem quite right but for now a lot of the potential questions where getting asked either this was a game trying to be hyper realistic or it’s real and they have found themselves in an SOA style incident where the stakes are real Grace decided to try and log out but as Julia said she was unable to leave Grace let out a frustrated sigh this was a problem they would have to sort out sooner or later but for now it’s just a matter of getting to know everyone and their abilities Grace turned back to Bahamut

“Well it seams like we may be stuck in an SOA type incident or at the very least be in a hyper realistic full dive game either way that event never happened in my game and I didn’t see any announcement yesterday but I guess that’s not to surprising didn’t games would handle this kind of crossover differently I guess the devs of my game just wanted it to be more of a surprise but to address the question of why we would make a good team that’s pretty simple your a Dragonborn Arcane Warrior I’m basically a battle mage/ tank hybrid class we have over their we have Ming who is battle a highly skilled magical samurai Kuro is a master of magic healing and support magic in particular Miarikia an extremely power demon witch and potion master what appears to be a half elf ogre hybrid that will likely have high magical and physical prowess Julia a lalafell that has enough magic power to preform this large scale summoning spell meaning she must be a powerful mage Blue who is a dark elf who’s an expert in demonic arts Julian a lalafell with a battle axe and since lalafell can’t be effective warriors he is almost surly some kind of battle mage and whoever that guy is” Grace paused for a moment to point at Jack “I’m not exactly sure who he is or what he can do but all together we have the makings of a highly effective raid party with a few healers dark mages front line warriors and tanks with a little teamwork and communication we could be an extremely powerful team and considering our inability to log out and the fact we may actually die of our avatars are killed I’m glade we have such powerful NPCs on our side”


Helga listened to Julia and the other for a minute before getting a little distracted by the large steak Helga immediately grabs the steak of the place and began devouring it like a savage animal when she was done she waited for the others to finish asking their questions so she could get a word in edgewise Helga looked to Yoruichi and spoke up as she drew her knife to begin picking the meat from her teeth

“Of course she could have warned us beforehand this is an extremely advanced summoning spell and since we will return to the exact time and place we where summoned from it’s logical to assume that this spell pulls you though time and space and even across dimensions so I’m pretty damn sure there where simpler options that at the very least would allow you to send a letter or something across dimensions the real question you should be asking isn’t if she could of contacted us but what happens if this mission ends up taking years to complete or if one of us losses a limb that magic is unable to heal do we return to the extent time and place we where before being summoned years older and missing an arm”

Helga paused for a moment putting her knife away before addressing Julia

“The main issue for me is that you summoned a bunch of strangers in what is basically a magical kidnapping then asked them to risk life and limb for you when you’ve already admitted that you’ve just turned us into criminals with no mention of a reward or any compensation of any kind for that matter when by your own admission you already have allies in this world you have paid to support you meaning not only are you expecting us to work for free but you plan on giving us a more dangerous, more difficult or basically the least desirable task then any of your other allies like we are all expendable or something I get that your also risking your life and all but that’s your choice a choice you didn’t offer the rest of us so why exactly should we trust you or follow your lead?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Julia listened to everyone carefully but only sighed when Grace and Bahamut spoke again. She had a feeling that this would be a long day. Ignoring them for the time being, she decided to address Helga and Kuro's question.

"Sadly what happens to you here will affect you when you go back. So if you were to lose an arm, when you go back you'd return with one less arm, but if we manage to succeed in this mission then I will personally make sure you return safe despite any danger you were in before you came."

Julia listened to Helga's other concern and she gave another nod. She understood what she was saying and understood why others may not be pleased with what she did but she did what she had to do/

"I know I'm asking a lot out of all of you. I took you from your worlds, turned you all into criminals. I could of sent a message to each and one of you, but I did not. With the dire situation worsening I took to the Library of Knowledge for answers but there weren't any answers to be found. So it only led me one option. I asked the Library of Knowledge for anyone that was willing to lend me their aid and had the power to survive in this world and that's where I found all of you. If you want a reward of any kind, I will grant it to you."

She studied Helga for a moment before holding out her hands and summoning a large case. She opened it up and used her magic to float it towards her showing her two magically imbued arm braces.

"These will increase your strength, since your a Elven Orge you are naturally weaker than a pureblood. These arm braces will fix that, and give you the full strength of a pureblood."

With that Julia took a deep sigh and looked around at everyone before speaking one last time.

"The allies I had Julian gather are strong. They have agreed to aid us. Some directly while others indirectly. Since I knew we'd all be criminals I used what resources I had to buy safe passage through certain cities that we would normally have trouble in otherwise. Most people understand that with our mission being so critical, we have to succeed no matter what but I'm asking everyone who aids us in any way to risk their lives which is why I had to use our resources but you eight specially will be targeted to keep this world secret and safe. There will be times where you'll need to fight for your lives. Still, if we can save this world and stop everything from being destroyed then it will be worthwhile, no matter the consequences in the end, so I'm sorry for not warning you before hand and I'm sorry for pulling you out of your worlds but given the circumstances I'm sure you can understand."

With that Julia looked to Julian. It was then that Red spoke up.

"Julia, we should get moving. We don't want to waste too much time."

She gave a nod before looking to everyone.

"Yes, Red is right. We must get going. We need to make use of all the time we have left. Now the first thing we should do is travel through the Forest of Life. Past there is Ishaena, the Lalafell City. We will have to be quick but we can get a few supplies from there and move on. Our goal is to reach Salazo, the City of Magic. There, my good friend, Kat has agreed to meet us and join us on our journey in order to aid us. She was one of the people who helped me gather a lot of the ingredients with her vast experience and knowledge of magic. Kiyu will also join us, he's an Inumimi like Ming. Now then let's go."

With that she turned and walked into the forest, turning back to make sure everyone was following, then turned back to the forest. The forest was a huge place, and it was lucky that she knew exactly where to go. She continued on walking quickly through the forest although she quickly realised something about the forest was different but she couldn't put her finger on it. She slowed down and looked around some more. Something was very off here in this forest. The once so peaceful forest made her feel on edge like something was watching her. It was then that she stopped completely and held out her hand, creating a purple force field to stop the eight from going on any further. "Change of plans. We're going to visit the Guardian of the Forest, Rethynth. Stay on guard, there's something about this forest I cannot put my finger on. We could be headed for a fight. If something happens and we end up fighting, protect the forest with you're lives! I will warn you now, the forest is connected to everything. If the Forest Guardian dies, the Tree of Life dies, if the Tree of life Dies, the Guardian of Life Dies, need I go on?"

Her voice spoke with concern and urgency and with that the purple barrier disappeared. She wanted to make sure everyone understood clear as day. She took a sharp left turn to go deeper into the forest. After a few minutes walk, she came to a large tree that shot up for miles until it reached far into the clouds. This was the Tree of Life! Protecting it was a large green dragon.

Julia signaled everyone to stay back, even putting up a purple barrier once more.

"He knows me. Our bond is far stronger than any Lalafell in the city. There is something wrong with him, something that is disturbing him. I can feel it, he's not himself. I will go first, be very careful."

Slowly she walked to the dragon and spoke to him.

"Rethynth I need to speak to you. Are you able to talk? Are you safe? Is the Forest of Life safe?"

The dragon's eyes shot open and at that moment Julia fell back in fear. It was clear as day now. The eyes of the dragon were filled with hate and bloodlust. Something was affecting the guardian. Suddenly he roared out loudly and his warriors rose to the ground. Once she was back on her feet she spoke again.

"Remember! Do not kill Rethynth, whatever you do! He is connected to the Tree of Life, if he dies, the entire forest dies and our mission fails! Only attack the forest maidens!"

Now she shouted, this was an urgent matter that could not be dealt with a heavy hand and intent to kill. This was a very serious and delicate situation.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Helga listened to Julia’s explanation and happily took the magic items Julia gave her to compensate her for accepting this mission and placed them on her wrists Helga started to follow Julia towards the forest of life when suddenly Helga sense danger in the air and soon after Julia spoke up warning them something wasn’t quite right in the forest Helga followed her into the forest where they came across a sleeping dragon Helga listener to Julia’s explanation of why she should be the one to approach it and put up a magic barrier to prevent anyone following her Helga clenched her fist so tightly she drew blood as she began to bleed her blood warped around her fist leaving blood marking over her hand that began to glow and with one punch Helga shattered the barrier and followed Julia making sure to stay a few steps behind her to not spoke the dragon when Julia fell back and forest guardians began to surround them Helga ran towards Julia catching her with her right hand and throwing her back towards the others as she used her blood magic to open the wound on her hand even more as more blood began to flow from her fist the blood markings began to cover her entire body magically increasing all her physical abilities as she did this she began to use her rage manipulation mating herself angry so angry in fact her blood literally began to boil as crimson steam began flowing from her body it gathered in the air and formed blood red clouds “blood rain” with that blood rained down like a monsoon as her blood infected all the plant and trees of the forest she used her magic while incorporating the forest own magic into her own spell so she could create a a powerful sleeping pollen that would only effect the creatures of the forest soon every plant and tree would begin releasing this pollen into the air and as any of the forest guardians where defeated they to would release more of the pollen Helga then used the pool of blood that was forming at her feat to summon a powerful demonic sprit

“Protect the forest protect the dragon and kill anything that stands in your way simple enough”

With that the demon sprit summoned 5 other spirits that began attacking the guardians flying into them and realising a large burst of sprit energy to destroy them the spirits then reformed the broken remains of the guardians to from bodies for themselves they then began use the guardians own powers against them having vines shot out of the ground infused with their spirit energy to rip them apart while the main demonic sprit use her bandages to lash out at the guardians creating swords drills and other weapons to cut down or destroy the guardians meanwhile Helga took advantage of the fact her blood magic had infected the forest to create blood spikes that would shoot out of the ground Impaling the guardians and ripping them apart


Julian watched as his sister answered everyone’s questions and looked to her as she asked him if he had succeeded in getting all the potential allies she had asked him to approach and recruit

“It burned though most of our savings and left us a little low on funds but in the end they all agreed to land is their aid”

After another minute or so of answering questions Julia began to lead everyone towards the forest of life when suddenly Julia sense a disturbance in the forest and lead everyone deeper into the forest to see the dragon Julia put up a barrier to stop everyone from following her although this didn’t stop Helga who easily broke though Julia’s barrier before Julian could stop her and almost immediately after the barrier broke Julia began to fall back Helga caught Julia and threw her back Julian caught his sister as he watched Helga begin destroying the guardians with the help of a demon she had summoned Julian drew his weapon and jumped into the battle Julian stabbed his axe into the ground and as he did blades shot up from beneath the guardians cutting them in half
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Bahamut and Grace

Bahamut listened to Grace and only got more confused. What she was saying was making no logical sense. "What are you talking about? You're from a different game? That shouldn't be possible neither should an SAO situation. They fixed that problem over hundreds of years ago and it hasn't ever occurred since. What game ARE you from exactly?" Bahamut turned to Julia and she began speaking again, answering a few questions and saying that they couldn't wait forever. It seems the plot was starting to move along. They were given three locations. The Forest of Life, Ishaena, Lalafell City and Salazo which was the City of Magic and their current goal. While they were headed towards the forest Bahamut looked to Grace, waiting for her answer.

Grace listened to Bahamut although now she only more confused then she was before

"what are you talking about hundreds of years ago the SAO happened 113 years ago and I know they fixed the problem years ago but the SAO incident wasn't an accident and if another socialpathic mad scientist could recreate it if they wanted to and as for the gamei I'm playing its YGGDRASIL ya know one of the games you mentioned when you talking about DLC and crossover"

Bahamut listened to her and quickly shook her head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. "No, that is literally impossible. YGGDRASIL completely shut down, you can't play it anymore. Final Fantasy: YGGDRASIL was a cross over game that the two companies created together, and if the SAO incident happened 113 years ago then that would put you in.....2136 if my calculations are correct. That makes no logical sense, it's the year 3050. So doing anything like SAO is impossible. The technology has changed and advanced too much for it to happen again in any sort of way." Bahamut laughed a little shaking his head. There was just no way this was possible. He stopped for a moment when Julia put up a purple barrier and explained something was wrong. Apparently they were going to visit the Dragon of Life. He listened to her as she explained that the Tree of Life, Forest of Life and Dragon of Life was all connected to each other. As she finished he slowly began to follow.


Grace listened to Bahamut Grace was no longer confused rather she was now in a state of shock as she walked face first into the magic barrier snaping her out of her shock

"This is crazy your not messaging with me are you? If not then as crazy as it sounds what if this is actually real that would mean the worlds we read about in manga actually exist and we have been pulled into a fantasy world where magic is real and now we are on a mission to save all our worlds with some of the most popular manga characters that's insane right? I mean that's literally crazy right? There are people in nut houses with more believable stories then this surely this can't be real"


Bahamut watched as as she walked into the barrier and listened to what she was saying. As she finished he started to think back on everything that had been said. "No, I'm being serious and based on your reaction I can tell you are too. If this is really real, then this is really bad. Julia said we were brought here because we were chosen to help stop the cracks. The cracks have started appearing in my time and it is unusual for a game to mention such an unknown phenomenon. Then the fact that these 'NPCs' aren't acting like any normal NPC would act. They are far more intelligent and aware than any NPC has ever been in any game. Then Helga said that we were pulled through time, space and dimensions. The Library gave Julia anyone who could survive in this world and anyone who was willing to help. So if this is all real and the Library chose Bahamut as a possible candidate that would mean Julia took us out of our games and into this world. If Bahamut and Grace were real people, would they be able to survive in a world where you'd have to fight for your lives?....and everyone else, with everything they can do it's understandable why they would be chosen as well. So....all of this could be completely real." After Bahamut had finished talking to mostly himself and Grace he saw Julia place up another barrier. Once again she explained the situation. He watched her closely and before he knew it a battle was happening. He was still in a state of shock but as the fighting begun Bahamut shook his head. "If all of this is real... then that means this situation right now is extremely bad for all of us." He pulled out his staff and took a deep breath. He swung his spear around quickly creating several runes then thrusted his hand forward. He had created five runes and from each rune, an angelic wolf shot out of them.

Each angelic wolf would use celestial light to destroy the maidens. He then rose his staff in the air which made the staff glow bright and turned himself into a Pegasus. This form naturally made all enemies calmer towards him. It would also grant protection to his allies from status effects and boost their morale.

Now as a pegasus he flew up into the air and celestial light began to shine through the trees brightly causing a calming effect. The clouds shifted and the sun went down, causing the moon to rise. The stars and moon shined a celestial light. Once he landed he forged celestial light into his hooves and kicked the maidens whenever they came close to him or allies.


Listened to Bahamut and after seeing his reaction she become convinced that he was also being serious then when Julia put up a second barrier Grace watched and waited to se what world happen with the dragon under normal circumstances this world be your typical pre boss battle cutscene but with the likely hood of this all being real surely that wont be the case right? Grace let out a frustrated sigh when a battle did in fact break out Grace watched as the others jumped into action Grace quickly got ready for battle and summoned a dream eater to help force the dragon back to sleep

The dream eater summoned a few minions of its own and together they statred to cast a powerful sleeping curse as they fead on all the negative energy and emotions in the air as well as in the hearts of all living things in the area.

Prince Kuro

Kuro listened to Julia and Helga, he understood what was going on. Julia informed everyone that they couldn't waste time and they had to leave for the City of Magic. He followed along with Yoruichi staying quiet as they walked through the forest. As they walked through he could sense something was off. He stopped the moment Julia created a purple barrier. He turned to Yoruichi and nodded to her. "Yoruichi, be on guard." She nodded to him and the two continued through the forest. He looked around cautiously ignoring the conversation between Grace and Bahamut. When they came to the Dragon of Life Kuro and Yoruichi stood back even after the barrier had been destroyed but Kuro prepared himself for anything. It was when the dragon lost control that everyone started to use their abilities and skills to defend the forest and themselves. Kuro placed his hands together and called out. "Nightmares begone, healing begun. Trade Wrath and Hate for Peace and Love!" He sent out a large pink energy wave calming down the dragon, dispelling it's hate and wrath instead giving it love and peace of mind and body while Yoruichi created runes on the forest casting shields around the forest itself to protect it from being damaged or destroyed in any way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Blue listened to everyone while he stayed quiet. He turned to Grace as she mentioned him and stared at her with an uncaring eye. Clearly she knew who he was but he knew he had never met her before and he didn't care enough to ask how or why she knew him and his skills. He turned back as Julia spoke again answering some of the questions and explaining the situation more. Once she was done they headed to the forest. He followed slowly not saying a word. While walking through the forest he could sense that something was off. This forest wasn't how it should be. That was when Julia stopped everyone and changed direction. Blue followed but cautiously until once again Julia created another barrier. Blue watched as Helga destroyed the barrier and as she did he looked towards the dragon. Slowly he stepped forward himself, standing beside Helga. When the dragon awoke and Julia fell back Blue quickly slammed his hands on the floor just as Helga grabbed Julia then as she threw Julia back he began to chant.

"Laeh siht nogard, laeh siht luos. Dir ti fo etah, raelc ti's dnim."

As he had chanted dark magic poured through the ground. Moments later black vines reached up to the dragon and gently wrapped around it's head and began to cast away all negative emotion. Instead they traveled down the vines and flowed into his hand. His eyes turned pure black and he continued to chant the dark spell.


Jack listened to Julia's explanation of everything that was going on. It made a lot more sense now. They were chosen because they were hand selected through intense research. They were the best for the job even if two of them seemed a little off. They walked into the forest and it seemed that something was wrong, enough for Julia to completely change direction to check on the Tree of Life and it's guardian. Once there he stayed far back as Julia said but it turned out that things were going to go wrong anyway.

He quickly cloaked himself in shadow then used lightning from both hands to kill the Maidens as fast as possible, making sure to avoid the dragon. He didn't have to do too much, everyone else seemed to have the maidens and dragon under control. All they had to do was keep themselves alive for now while making sure no damage came to the tree or it's guardian.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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Ming listened to Julia and smiled. All of this made a lot of sense to her. Of course she was chosen in that case. She was one of the best samurai she knew. She found it stupid how they were criminals for just entering this world, especially when it wasn't their conscious choice and who in the right mind would try to stop someone who was trying to save the world? Either way, it didn't matter to her. She only paid half attention to Grace and Bahamut, she didn't know how they knew her but she didn't care. She followed everyone else into the forest and kept herself aware of her surroundings. She noticed something was wrong almost as fast as Julia did. She could feel it in the air. Everything wasn't quite right. They took a detour to the Tree of Life and waited for Julia's signal as she tried to speak to the Guardian. That did not work, however. Maidens were summoned to attack and defend. Everyone else was quickly on cue and there wasn't much she needed to do. She knew she didn't need any special techniques for these maidens.

She threw her shield one end and used her sword to slash the maidens on the other end. The shield cut through the maidens easily and whenever it returned to Ming she would just throw it out again. She kept checking the dragon to see if it was safe whenever she could. She didn't want anything to happen and have her existence just erased. It would not be good for her health. Besides, after this, she had a war to go back and finish.


Miarikia listened to Julia and Helga and gave a small nod. She then looked to Flash.

"Well that's good and all, but I can't very well wait forever can I? Who knows how long we'll be here for?"

She looked to Julia again before stepping away. As she stepped away from them she missed what Grace and Bahamut said as she began to chant loudly.

"Cauldron, Cauldron, witch's brew. Cauldron, Cauldron, a witch needs you!"

Purple magic swirled around the entire around and Miarikia gave a sinister laugh. Suddenly there was a explosion and a burst of purple smoke. When the smoke cleared away Miarikia's cauldron sat at the edge of the field. She gave it a small stir as she looked inside then walked back to the others to hear Julia speaking once more. When she was finished the group left for the forest. Now that her cauldron was here, her potion would be able to boil and she could easily return when she needed to. As they walked through the forest Flash turned to Miarikia.

"Miarikia, do you feel that? Something evil and dark is here."

She gave a small look around the forest and gave a nod.

"Yes, I feel it Flash. Let's be careful."

Once they stopped Miarikia and Flash looked to each other. It was clear something wasn't right. Everyone was able to feel it in the air. They continued on, approaching the Tree of Life. When Julia went ahead Miarikia and Flash stayed back but on guard. It was when the dragon went out of control that Miarikia acted. She held out her hand and called out again.

"Potion potion, come to me."

Suddenly a potion appeared in her hand and she threw it to the ground smashing the vial. The green fumes shot up rapidly and let out a soothing gas. It was then that she jumped back and chanted.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!!!"

With the chant darkness shot out of her hands and into the ground corrupting the forest with her magic. Miarikia closed her eyes and let out a short shallow breath. As she did her vision expanded, allowing her to see everything the forest touched. It is then that Miarikia began to sing, imbuing her magic into the forest and the Tree of Life itself.

As she sang she felt Rethynth growing tired and sleepy. All his rage and all of his hatred was disappearing with the help of the others. She continued to sing to the forest not releasing her dark magic from her magic until the Rethynth roared one final time and laid himself down. She finished her song and Miarikia opened her eyes and retracted her magic from the forest all the while Flash was running around destroying the Maidens. She let out a soft sigh and gave a small smile.


Julia watched as everyone got into action right away in trying to fight off the Maidens and calm down Rethynth, it was starting to work. She could feel the effect of the Pegasus, it's calming and soothing skills make the whole situation better. The sleeping pollen also helped greatly. She watched as a powerful sleeping curse was placed on him while Kuro used a spell to exchange the dragon's hate and wrath for peace and love. Blue used his power to drain Rethynth of his negative emotion while Miarikia used a calming potion and then used a powerful healing chant. All of it helped calm him down. She turned to Rethynth who was calming down and quickly falling back to sleep with all the effects they had used on him. The maidens disappeared, sinking back into the ground and Julia slowly walked up to the dragon and placed her hand on his forehead.

"Rest Rethynth, my dear friend. We will speak soon, I promise."

She used her magic to undo all of the sleeping spells that was used on him so he wasn't asleep for too long and only got the sleep he needed. She then turned to everyone else and spoke.

"He needs his rest while his soul is healed. I believe the cracks in reality are causing him to lose himself. He would be able to feel their darkness through the cracks, even if nothing comes through them. He is able to do this because he is connected to all life on this planet which means he is connected to all worlds and universes. So it could also be the fact that he can feel other worlds, and the panic and fear of others is driving him to attack. Whatever it is, we must continue on to Ishaena, City of the Lalafell. I will speak to him once he has rested for a little while."

Just as she was about to get going, it was then that a group of others appeared in front of them. Julia's eyes widened quickly and she stood back. Please, no, not now! Why did they have to come now?! It was Mordred, a lalafell wizard who stood forward and looked around the forest before looking towards Julia. After a quick analysis he spoke up.

"Julia, I assume you summoned these eight foreigners, correct?"

Julia sighed before giving a soft nod.

"It was either that or let the world be destroyed. I told you Mordred that as the Librarian of the Library of Knowledge I would do everything in my power to save this world and all worlds, no matter what it took."

Mordred gave a disappointed sigh then shook his head slowly before speaking up again.

"Julia, Julia, Julia. You are under arrest for bringing forigners into Azroh. This is punishable by death. All forigners summoned, you will be arrested for entering the world of Azroh. Punishable by death. You have infected and corrupted the forest, Tree of Life and Rethynth, Dragon of Life. This is punishable by death on two accounts. You have manipulated and used your own influence on Rethynth, The forest of Life and Tree of Life. This is punishable by death. You used Witchcraft and Dark Arts, This is punishable by death on two accounts. You summoned demonic spirits to this world. This is punishable by death. As outsiders, you entered the Forest of Life, this is also punishable by death. Furthermore, one of you is a Witch. This is punishable by death. One of you is a monster, and a freak of nature, this is punishable by death. Your execution date is today, surrender now and your death will come swift and painless."

Julia waited as they listed each crime one by one. As they went on and on she slowly turned to everyone and shrugged. When they were eventually done Cheif Yoal stepped forward.

"I knew you were serious on your study on these cracks but I never thought you'd be willing to become a criminal for it. I won't fight you, I know you did what you did for the right reasons. Rethynth is safe and asleep but I cannot stop the Law Enforcers taking action. I just wish you good luck."

Julia let out a soft sigh and stepped forward.

"These people are extremely talented individuals. I did my research, they can help us stop the cracks. I trust them all. They calmed down and helped Rethynth without any help from me at all. They know what they are doing. If you kill us the world will die anyway. Let us do our job and stop this before it worsens any more than it already has."

Mordred laughed out loud before shaking his head.

"I'm afraid I don't care for your petty excuses Julia. A crime is still a crime no matter how you word it. So I ask you all now. Do any of you scum have any final words before we begin your execution?"

Mordred watched carefully as the rest of the Enforcers readied themselves.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Valina was currently in the city of magic investigating the multiple sightings of strange people dressed in dark robes and mask to hid their identities while also investigating the mysterious animal behaviour but as she was investigating she could sense Rethynth was in some kind of distress Valina knew Julia would take care of it as she was close by in the library of knowledge finishing her preparations for the summoning ritual however Valina suddenly dropped what she was doing when she sensed the dark enforcers in the forest of life Valina immediately teleported to the forest just in time to hear the chief and Mordred address Julia

“Mordred you fool how dare you attempt to arrest them in the forest of life you know full well the vast majority of criminals you pursue either try to escape or fight back only a few have ever surrendered and yet you couldn’t even wait 5 minutes for them to leave the forest peacefully so you could ambush them you have finally gone to far Mordred your rash action have put this forest in danger violating one of our most sacred laws I can ignore a lot of your crimes Mordred but I can not ignore that I can no longer stand idly by continue down this path of death destruction and violence vomiting one sin after another breaking law after law leaving behind literal wastelands after you’ve carried out your sentence casing more death and destruction then any criminal you have ever captured from this day forward I vow to do everything in my power to stop your rain of terror and protest this world from the likes of you”


Crow stayed quiet while Mordred did the talking. It was when Valina appeared and spoke that Crow had to hold back a small smile. The moment she finished speaking Crow held out his sword, the gears quickly shifting. He sprinted out like a bullet and went to slash at her throat knowing she would have just enough time to block. The moment he did his mechanical eye shifted instantly then sent a extremely paper thin laser through her glasses and into her eye transmitting his thoughts to her.

'Don't react to this message. In one of the Dark Enforcer Embassies my binding contract is hidden and sealed away. They are located in the Red City and in the Black City. Now attempt to strike me back.'

The moment the laser hit her eye Crow teleported away from her and back to Mordred. He readied his weapon again as if he were about to strike once more not saying a word.


Helga watched as the dragon drifted off into a deep sleep and listened to Julia while she stopped the blood rain dispelled the blood cloud above their heads but before she could remove her blood magic from the forest a new group of lalafell showed up Helga immediately sensed hostile intent coming from them Helga readied herself for battle but as Mordred listed off their crimes Helga began to get increasingly angry but the last straw was when they called her a monster and a freak of nature just then another Lalafell showed up and gave Mordred a lecture Helga watched as one of the enforcers attempt to kill the lalafell who lectured Mordred Helga stepped forward gritting her teeth

“You seriously have the nerve to stand there and list of our crimes like your some damn saint when you’ve committed numerous crimes yourself some of which you just accused us of committing being demons or witches punishable by death practicing dark arts and witchcraft punishable by death you brought demons and witches to the forest punishable by death you started a fight inside the forest of life endangering the forest of life and Rethynth punishable by death you are attempting to stop us from helping Julia save this god forsaken world all worlds for that matter endearing all life in existence punishable by death and since this world will end if we fail our mission I’ll happily carry out both of our sentences right now for the sake of convenience by destroying the forest of life killing us all although if you beg for mercy and leave the forest now I’ll consider postponing your execution”

As Helga finished talking she used the blood that had soaked into the forest and turned it into a powerful but slow acting toxin that would begin killing the plants and trees of the forest

“Better decide fast before I decide to speed up the destruction of the forest I’m sure ya know how temperamental monsters can be after all”


Valina saw Crow run at her and slash at her throat Valina easily blocked with her staff once she received his telepathic message Valina released a burst of magic creating a shockwave that would tear Crow to pieces if he didn’t evade it in time then readied herself for battle when Helga threatened the forest Valina could tell she was lying but decided to play along

“Mordred you foolish stubborn bastards this is exactly what I was afraid of you show up to the forest of life and tell a bunch of strangers that your going to kill them no matter what they do forcing them into a position where they have nothing left to lose and expect them to simply surrender and not to fight back try to escape or even threaten the forest of life leave here at once before you doom us all”

Mistress Black

Mistress Black was teleported to the forest with Mordred and stood by his side ready for battle when an arrogant lalafell dared to lecture Mordred and a foolish monster attempted to pass juggernaut on Mordred and the other dark enforcers and threatened to destroy the forest of life Mistress Black eyes flashed a bright red in her anger as she used her magic to cast a curse on everyone who was looking at her Moogi or Mordred would be affected and their minds and memories would slowly be altered as Mistress Black bent them to her will the eyes of anyone and everyone who is effected would also flash red for a split second
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Mordred watched and listened to Valina when she began to speak and he let out another sigh, shaking his head in disappointment. It was then that Crow went for the kill but the moment he appeared beside him and readied himself for a second time Mordred held out his hand telling him to halt as Helga began to speak. He listened to her. Mordred stared at her as he felt the forest slow begin to die. He gave a cold laugh before shaking his head.

"Beg to you? If that's what you want then you better destroy the forest now. Next time we meet, things will be different."

With that the Law Enforcers left without another word.


Julia watched as Valine appeared and began to rant to Mordred, seconds later Crow attacked her then things only got worse as Helga threatened the entire forest and very slowly began to kill it. She turned to the dragon who was still sleeping and nodded. He could sense that Helga wasn't being serious, at least not completely. She made sure that Mordred couldn't see him. It was at that moment that her eyes flashed red for a brief moment. She blinked a few times before watching the Law Enforcers leave. She looked around at everyone and then gave a small smile.

"Well, that could of gone better but everyone is safe. Now, we should get going. We've wasted too much time already. Valina, thank you for showing up. If you wish you can come with us, since you're now wanted yourself."

With that, she began to walk further through the forest, making sure everyone was following her for about five minutes. After walking through the forest for some time they reached the gate to the city. She held out her hands and the gate slowly opened she then stared in through the gate for a moment before slowly turning to the others.

"Welcome to Ishaena, the city of the Lalafell. Please, try to do your best to watch where you step, and do your best to not draw any more attention to yourselves."

She walked in a few feet and smiled brightly. There had never been any outsiders entering the city before. In the middle of it all, was a large glowing tree surrounded by magical flowers of all kinds. Julia looked around before noticing Chief Yoal approach her.

He looked to the chosen eight slowly then he turned his gaze to Julia with a questioning look. He spoke in a soft deep tone in his voice.

"Julia, as I said I wouldn't fight you. I couldn't outright say it there but I understand why you've done what you have done. Just be careful Julia. How is Rethynth, is he safe?"

Julia looked to the eight for a moment in silence before looking back to the man. She let out a soft sigh before speaking to him.

"I will, we will get through this. We have to. As for Rethynth, he will be fine for now but if something isn't done soon things will get a lot worse, for him and all of us."

Yoal looked to the eight again then looked at Julian before shaking his head with a sigh. It was then that he looked around seeing many Lalafell had gathered now. They looked fearful of Julia, no Lalafell had ever committed a crime so serious before. He looked back to her and gave a soft nod.

"We won't tell anyone about this but sooner or later people are going to find out and the Law Enforcers will continue to come for you. Don't worry about the Forest of Life, we'll take care of that while you're on your mission. You just do whatever you need to do and quickly too. There isn't much time Julia."

She gave a small bow and watched him leave. She knew she could trust her own kind. After a small sigh, she turned to her eight friends.

"We can rest here for now until you're all ready to leave but we can't stay too long. Do what you need to do as quickly as you can. Once we get outside the city things will get much more complicated and difficult. Considering your size though you won't be able to do much. If you need supplies I can summon things for you or if you want to buy anything let me know. You won't have any Xeon Cash so I'll have to give you some of the funds we have left."

She gave a cheery smile then gave everyone a large bag of Xeon Cash before walking off. She quickly blended in with all the other lalafell considering her size. The only thing that made her stand out was Red that was sitting on her head.

Liv Moore

Liv was in the forest when she saw Julia slowly passing through with her allies. To anyone else she would seem like an ordinary squirrel that liked to wear a fancy collar. Although as Liv watched she saw that Julia changed her path, going towards the Tree of Life. Liv looked up towards where the tree was and honestly she wasn't surprised. She could sense something was wrong herself. Liv jumped from tree to tree and once she reached the dragon she stayed in the topmost part of the trees watching from above. She was going to jump down to help out but she could already see she wasn't needed. Even Julia didn't have to do anything. That was when the Law Enforcers came. She watched them from above, slowly hoping down from branch to branch. When Valina appeared Liv stopped to listen and with her watching from the side she saw Crow's eye shift and shoot a laser in Valina's eye. She didn't understand what had happened but she knew something had definitely happened between the two.

She watched as Helga threatened the forest but she could see that Julia and the dragon itself wasn't afraid. That was when she noticed that Julia's eyes as well as several others' eyes flashed red. She hopped down her tree and slowly squinted. What just happened? The Law Enforcers soon left and Julia got everyone ready to leave. As Liv promised, she would join Julia and her allies when she left the forest. So she jumped up her tree again and looked towards Helga. She could sense her anger from where she was and she knew that sort of anger was dangerous. The first thing she would have to do was calm her down. She jumped off her tree just as her eyes and tail began to glow a luminescent blue and landed on Helga's head and grabbed her horns like handles.

"Hey now. You gotta calm down."

Using her power she poured her magic through the horns and into Helga's mind sending calming magic into her before jumping off and onto Valine's shoulder. As they walked through the forest she spoke in a cheerful voice.

"Heya everyone. I'm Liv Moore, one of the allies Julia recruited. Nice to meet you."

She looked around at the chosen few before looking towards the Lalafell City. She waited until they were in the Lalafell City to speak again, knowing it would be safe here.

"Hey Valine. I saw what happened between you and Crow. What did he do? What did he tell you?"

She looked up towards Julia as she spoke to Yoal then gave everyone some cash before walking off. Liv looked back down and gave her a smile.


Ming watched as Rethynth slowly settled down. She looked to Julia and watched as she spoke to the dragon like a old friend would. She smiled at that, appreciating the bond and friendship between two companions. It was then that the Law Enforcers came. Ming instantly placed her hand on her sword ready to fight if she had to. She listened to the charges and gave a loud laugh. She quickly drew out her sword and shield just as another Lalafell appeared and spoke. It was then that Helga spoke and threatened the forest.

"I guess you should add Threatening the Forest of Life and....let's see....oh yeah. Threatening the Law Enforcers. I'm going to take a wild guess and say their both punishable by death, right?"

Ming readied her sword as she watched them intently. Then all of a sudden her eyes flashed red for a split second. She watched as the Law Enforcers slowly left and Ming placed away her sword and shield. With that they headed towards the Lalafell City. Once there Julia spoke with the Chief once again. He seemed friendly enough and was willing to let them go quietly. Once Julia gave her a bag of Xeon Cash Ming watched her leave before letting out a small sigh. She walked around the city a little while, taking in the sights and seeing if there was anything she wanted to buy. She stopped at a notice board and quickly began to read over it.

"Increased sighting of Apocalypse Worms, that doesn't sound good. Crime rate has gone up by 70%, watch out for thieves and any suspicious figures. Warning about Singing Mountains, missing person count has reached 780. Do not enter."

Ming took a deep sigh and then gave a small nod. With that she walked away. She saw a map seller selling maps of Azroh. She pulled out her Xeon Cash and quickly bought one of the maps there. Looking around though, there wasn't much she needed here. So She headed back and decided to wait for Julia.


Miarikia watched as the Dragon went to rest. She too smiled at the bound Julia and Rethynth had. It reminded her of Flash and herself. Just before they left Law Enforcers showed up. Miarikia turned to Flash and sighed.

"This won't be good."

He nodded silently before turning to face the Law Enforcers. She listened to the charges but rolled her eyes at the mention of being a Witch was punishable by death. That was when a Lalafell showed up and began to rant to Mordred. She listened and watched quietly as Helga then spoke up, threatening the forest before finally Ming spoke. Miarikia said nothing for the time being, knowing that there was no point. Just then Flash's and Miarikia's eyes flashed red. It was then that the Law Enforcers left. With them gone, the group left for the Lalafell city. Once there Chief Yoal spoke to Julia once again. After their conversation was over Julia gave everyone some Xeon Cash and went off by herself.

"Flash, isn't this city beautiful?"

She smiled and Flash nodded.

"Oh yeah. It's great. I can't wait to see what else this world has to offer."

Miarikia looked to her bag of cash before throwing it to Flash.

"Here, take this. Grab a map if you can find one and maybe gather some ingredients for me. I'm going to take a look around then I'll travel back to check on the Cauldron."

Flash used his magic to grab the bag then zoomed off. With that Miarikia began to walk around the city. She stopped at a notice board that she saw Ming had just left from and took a look at it herself. After a quick read she gave a small nod. It was useful information. She walked away and continued to walk around the city before she took in a deep breath.

"I can't see anything else here at the moment. I best get going back."

With that Miarikia closed her eyes and focused on her cauldron and with that she teleported back to the summoning grounds. She walked up to her cauldron and gave it a stir.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Red Blade

Red Blade was waiting in Salazo, City of Magic for Julia. Julian had paid her in full in order to hire her for, as he called it her most dangerous job yet. She had to admit she didn't quite believe at first but as he explained what she had to do she found herself enjoying this job more and more. Normally she was hired to do quick jobs that barely took effort on her part but this change of pace would definitely be fun for her. It was definitely going to be her longest ever job. There was no quick way of doing this no matter how she looked at it. It was going to take a lot of time and effort and she enjoyed that. While she waited Red Blade was sat in the tavern listening closely to the word around while she leaned at the counter.

She swirled her drink, blending in as much as she could when she heard something quite interesting. "Did you hear, the Apocalypse Worm took another victim. It's getting more active every day. Sooner or later it'll destroy the desert village and once it goes that far the Lalafell City can say goodbye." Red Blade heard about these attacks all the time and normally she wouldn't care but now it was actively her job to protect Julia among other things. She knew that Julia was going to have to travel through the desert sooner or later. She sighed and placed her drink down. She slammed down her Xeon Coins before leaving. Just as she was leaving Red Blade sensed the Dark Enforcers not too far away in the direction of the forest. Even if she wasn't on a job for Julia, she couldn't afford the dragon or the forest to be destroyed. She turned towards the Forest of Life before walking to the side of the tavern and into the shadows. She gave a quiet sharp whistle and moments later Beast jumped out of the shadows.

"It seems there's trouble at the Forest of Life. Let's go Beast." She clicked her fingers and the saddle appeared on his back then she jumped on him. Beast looked to her and snarled viciously. "Those Dark Enforcers, I want to rip them apart so badly. One of these days, I will taste their blood." He ran out of the shadows and jumped into the air. With one flap of his wings he immediately took flight. He flew out of Salazo, through the Field of Magic and into Jeul. He flew past the desert village and began to fly over the desert. As he flew over he kept an eye on the ground. He could tell the Apocalypse Worm was hunting, seeing the vibrations and earthquakes of the ground. He took a large breath and as he did the Apocalypse Worm shot up, bursting from the ground.

Beast shout out a magna beam from his mouth just as he swerved out of the way shooting the Apocalypse Worm thick armour. The beam was so powerful it instantly cut through like butter and cut into the skin of the worm. It quickly dug back underground to heal, while it did Beast continued to fly through the desert. It didn't take long for him to reach Salazo and quickly fly past it. As they did Red Blade stood on the saddle and held out her hand summoning her signature duel wield red blade. As Beast flew through the forest and came up towards the Tree of Life Red Blade leapt of Beast and landed just in front of Julia while Beast ascended down landing beside Red Blade just in time to see the Law Enforcers leave. She sighed and looked towards Julia. "I traveled all the way here just to have them leave?" She swung her blade before throwing it in the air then it disappeared without a warning. She looked to Helga and just as Beast was about to attack she held out her hand. "No need Beast, Julia wouldn't summon her unless she trusted her. Besides, neither Julia or the dragon is concerned." Beast looked to Helga and snarled at her. "Fine, just as long as she removes the blood from the forest." Red Blade laughed and in a subtle threat, spoke. "oh, she will. Don't worry." She stared at Helga, waiting for her to remove the blood.


Helga watched as Mordred left the forest taking the other far enforcers with them as then a small squirrel landed on Helga's head using its magic to help calm Helga down just enough for her to regain her composure Helga could feel the magic of the forest of life had already mixed with her blood Helga smiled as she had an opportunity to put her anger to use Helga used her magic to extract all her blood from the forest healing it as she did as the blood was pulled out of every tree and the plant it formed a large pool of blood at Helga's feet Helga channeled her excess rage into the pool of blood and with her magic formed the blood into a body then turned to the demonic spirit that she had previously summoned with a smile

“A fresh new body for you call your own overflowing with magic power from the forest of life blood magic and even my own rage you couldn’t ask for a better vessel”

The sprint smiled and flew into the body as it did Helga pulled out a peace of paper and with her blood magic wrote drew some runes on it creating a paper seal this would help the sprint suppress rages she has poured into the body as well as the sprit's own maleficent aura as a way to help suppress it’s darker impulses

“There my blood has been completely removed from the forest although I couldn’t remove the power of the forest that had soaked into my blood so instead of letting all that power go to waste I decided to put it to use”

Red Blade looked to Beast who continue to stare at Helga before turning to the spirit's new vessel. "Too bad, I was looking forward to fighting you." Red Blade looked to the dragon before slowly walking up to it. She knelt down in front of him before giving a small chuckle. "I've never been so close to him before. He never really liked my presence. I bet he'd never guess I'd be one of the people to save this world." She placed her hand on his head before sighing and getting back up. She looked to Beast before clicking her fingers, removing the saddle off him. "We'll walk from here Beast. Let's go." She followed Julia slowly with Beast at her side. When they entered the Lalafell City she turned to Beast and shook her head. "Best not come through here. You'd cause a mass panic. Wait on the other side, I'll see you there." Beast nodded and took flight over the city. She turned to Julia to see her talking to Chief Yoal. She leaned against the wall of the city while she waited.


Kiyu had just arrived in Ishaena and hadn't been there long. He knew that Julia would be arriving soon. It had been weeks of preparation for the summon. She wouldn't give any information to him at all as to who she was summoning either. The only thing that he had heard from her since was that she was close to getting everything she needed for the summon. It is what made him decide to travel to Ishaena in order to meet her and her new companions whenever they arrived. The moment he came into the city he sensed there was something wrong with the Tree of Life and Rethynth. He wasn't too close with Rethynth and their bond hadn't properly formed but he could sense that the dragon was troubled but just as fast as he had sensed it it went away and was quickly handled. He looked around and decided to wait for Julia to arrive. It was good that the city was so close to the Tree of Life. The lalafell here could sense anything that was going on. He had to try and get his bond up with Rethynth at some point, he wanted to feel what they felt when they were in the city. He wanted to experience that sacred bond between Rethynth and Lalafell. As he walked around he spotted Chief Yoal teleport in the city. He walked over and gave him a smile. "Do you know where Julia is? She should be here by now?" Chief Yoal gave him a small nod. "She had a small problem. She should be arriving shortly." Kiyu gave a nod and waited quietly.

It took another five or so minutes for her to show up and come into the city. He let Chief Yoal speak to Julia first and when they were done talking he walked over to Julia before she could get too far away from her companions. "Greeting Julia. I came from Salazo. Since you told me you were close to performing the summon I decided to come here and meet you all." He looked at them one by one. His eyes widened when he saw Ming, a pure inumimi and quickly ran up to her. "Oh wow! A pure Inumimi! It is a great pleasure to meet one of my own. I look forward to learning from you. My name is Kiyu." Kiyu smiled brightly before turning to the rest of the group and waited for everyone to be ready.

Prince Kuro

Kuro watched as the dragon finally calmed itself and went to rest. He watched as Julio spoke to the dragon and it reminded him of Yoruichi and himself. Just before he left the Law Enforcers came. Kuro and Yoruichi stayed quiet and listened to everyone as they spoke in turn. It was the charges that Yoruichi decided to speak up. "Despite being Lalafell you aren't very peaceful. Even less severe crimes are punishable by death." Kuro shook his head and sighed. "A true ruler, whether it be a ruler of the law or a King must show compassion and restraint when it comes to punishment. If you are to sentence every crime with death how is anyone to learn?" The two stayed quiet once again then out of nowhere, Kuro's and Yoruichi's eyes flashed red. It was then that the Law Enforcers left. Kuro looked to the Squirrel who helped calm down Helga before looking to the two new arrivals. After Helga released her blood from the forest they set off for the city. He noticed that two of them didn't introduce themselves but the squirrel called herself Liv Moore. Kuro replied respectfully. "Greetings, I am Kuro. It is a pleasure to meet you." Just as he had finished Yoruichi spoke up. "I am Yoruichi, Kuro's royal advisor and friend. It is a pleasure to meet you too." The two of them walked into the Lalafell City and watched as Julia spoke to the chief then took the Xeon Cash she gave everyone. He looked at the large bag before giving Yoruichi a nod. The two of them walked away and took a look around. One of the things Kuro bought first was a map of Azroh. After buying the map he looked around and eventually found himself at the notice board. He read it quickly and nodded. After the two were done he walked back to see a Lalafell Inumimi talking to Ming and heard him speak his name in time. Kuro gave him a bow and smiled. "Greetings Kiyu, I'm Kuro and this is Yoruichi" "Greetings" The two smiled at him as they waited for everyone else.


Bahamut watched as the dragon slowly calmed down and rested. He gave a small smile before looking to Julia, seeing her speak to the dragon. Once she was done and she explained what had happened Bahamut took a step forward to follow Julia when a new group of people appeared. Something told him that this wasn't going to end well. He listened to Julia and Mordred talk and then listened to the charges. As Mordred went on and on he realised just how stupid some of these were and it seemed everyone else did too. He watched as another Lalafell appeared giving a rant to Mordred before looking to Helga who threatened the entire forest, telling the Law Enforcers to leave. It was Ming to speak next and after that he noticed something in the corner of his eye and looked towards the top of the tree to see a squirrel watching them but he could see that it wasn't any ordinary squirrel. It had some sort of necklace on her. That was when he noticed that the Law Enforcers had left. He listened to what Julia said and after that they were off or would of been had it not been for another person dropping from the sky. The thing that she had been riding on was some sort of Beast. He recognised it but he didn't know what it was called but he knew he had seen it somewhere. Once Helga had removed her Blood from the forest they set off for the city.

As they walked he looked to the three new allies to join their cause and spoke. "Greetings, I am Bahamut. It's nice to meet you. There are so many different kinds of people and creatures here, it's amazing." He walked in the Lalafell City and watched as Julia spoke to the Chief before grabbing the bag of Xeon Cash. Since they had time to spare he decided to look around the city. First he turned to Grace and spoke to her. "Grace, let's see what we can find. Julian said we were low on funds. Do you think they would have a adventure's guild here?" He slowly began to walk expecting Grace to follow. He looked over to the notice board and began to read over it. "Hmm, increased monster activity, crime activity and missing person count. That can't be good." He looked to Grace before looking back to the board.


Grace watched as the dragon calmed down and went to sleep and just as Julia finished putting dragon down for its nap another group of people showed up and began listening of their so called crimes but when Helga began threatening the forest they quickly left but not before the eyes of one of them flashed red right before vanishing Grace followed the others to the lalafell village and Grace listened to Bahamut and thought for a moment

“It couldn’t hurt to have a look if they do have one it could a quick and easy way to earn some extra cash”

Grace took a look around and saw a store selling maps Grace bought one and opened it up looking for any sign of an adventurers guild after a moment she turned back to Bahamut

“There is an adventurers in not far from here that’s worth checking out follow me”

As Grace stated walking towards the adventurers in she saw a notice bored warning of an increased crime rate multiple news of missing people and reports multiple monster attacks grace looked back at the map as she pulled out a pen about to mark the locations when the map suddenly glowed for a second and suddenly all the locations she wanted to mark off where added to the map

“Huh a magic map that’s pretty convenient and will definitely come in handy”

Bahamut and Kupo

Bahamut turned Grace and nodded to her. Seeing that she got a map he wondered he should get one too, but then again she had got one now and they'd be sticking together most of the time and even if they didn't he was sure that Julia would have a map or something. He then saw how her map updated magically and looked at it over her shoulder. "Oh wow, that's pretty cool but don't they have a world map?" Just as he said that the map magically changed perception and showed the world of Azroh. "Oh, it can do both? That's impressive." He looked towards the Adventure's inn and began to walk towards it. "Let's go then." Just as he got there he saw a Moogle from Final Fantasy. He stopped for a moment and watch it.

Kupo flew around for a moment clearly waiting for something. Then just as Bahamut walked up he gave a small smile and quickly flew up to him. "Hello, my name is Kupo. I got mail for you from....." He pulled out the letter and magic whistle then spoke again. "Yourself." Bahamut looked to Grace completely confused and took the letter. He opened it out and read out loud. "This is a test of this moogle's skill and ability. Can it really deliver messages across time and space?" Bahamut looked to the flute and grabbed it. "Use this to summon me whenever you like to use my service. Now that will be five million Xeon Cash for the service however because, only because you are new to this world and you used my service to as a test I'll reduce the price to five thousand. If you do not pay the price I will no longer provide you service until the funds are paid in full." Bahamut looked to his bag of Xeon Cash and gave it to the Moogle. "How much is in there?" Kupo took the bag of Xeon Cash and used magic to pull all of it out. He gave a happy smile and nodded. "Five thousand exactly. Thank you." He then turned to Grace and spoke up. "So, as you can see I can deliver messages any time to anywhere. Would you be interested in using my services?" He held out a golden whistle with a small moogle figure on top of it towards Grace waiting to see if she would take it.


Grace continued to walk towards the adventurers inn when Bahamut received a letter from Kupo that was sent by himself?

“Couldn’t you have just asked Julia if he could really deliver messages across time and space? Especially if he is that expensive”

Grace then thought for a moment and pulled out a blank peace of paper and wrote directions to her guild volt in YGGDRASIL

“Do you think you could make it past the traps me and my guild mates set up to retrieve my weapons and other items from my volt in YGGDRASIL"

Bahamut and Kupo

Kupo looked to Grace then grabbed the note of the directions. He could certainly get there no problem but the traps would be a different story. He would have to see for himself. "Funny enough, you said the same thing before he did it but he wanted to see and experience it himself and I wasn't going to refuse a job. As for this, I'll have to see if I can get past the traps. Just give me a moment." He hovered there not saying a word. Bahamut looked to Grace before looking to Kupo. "So....are you going to go?" Kupo held up his finger, refusing to answer. After an entire minute he shook his head. "Nope, sorry. I can't get past the traps." Bahamut slowly turned to Grace before looking to Kupo. "But you didn't go anywhere? You didn't move an inch." He looked back to Grace to see if she was satisfied, wondering what she would say.


Listened to kupo and waited patiently for his answer when he finally spoke up and told her he couldn’t get past her traps Grace gave an understanding nod then gave a confused look to Bahamut

“He delivers messages... across time he wouldn’t need to actually move to go to my guilds base he could go there at anytime"

Grace then turned back to Kupo

"Do you have any other services that may be helpful to us?"

Bahamut and Kupo

Bahamut gave a quick nod. "Ah, yes. Of course." He shook his head and gave a small chuckle. As he did Kupo looked to Grace and listened to her question. "Well, I offer a few services. I can watch and observe certain events or situations for you then using my magic bulb I can show you exactly what I've seen and heard. I am also in charge of chocobo rearing. I can store any and all non living belongings in my bag for when you need them later and you don't have to carry everything yourself. It is my most popular service and considering you have come to the adventurer's inn I'm sure it will be the most useful for you. All my services are five million each, the storage service is a one time payment for all your storage needs." Bahamut gave a small nod. "Wow. I'm going to have to save up my money. Say, could you deliver things that I store to myself, Jolene? Since this is just an avatar." Kupo placed his hand on his chin as he stared at Bahamut. "I see....I understand what you are saying but no. I cannot take magical items to a non magical world. Trust me, my team have done it once and it did not end well." He shivered and Bahamut gave a small nod.


Listened to the other services Kupo offers and took the whistle from him

“Well I’ll start saving up my money and call you when I when I need you or more accurately when I can afford you anyway we should probably get going we are short on time and low on funds so there’s a lot to do”

With that Grace walked in to the adventurers inn and looked around before walking over to the counter

“Hi me and my friend would like to join the adventurers guild how do we go about doing that”

Bahamut and Kupo

Kupo gave a small nod as she finally took his whistle. "Very well. I look forward to working with you." With that he flew away. Bahamut walked in to the inn with Grace and waited at the counter. The Lalafell at the desk gave a quick nod and placed two papers in front of them. "Just fill in these forms in then take them to the Adventurer's Guild once you reach Salazo. Once you fill them in you can go find the Record Keeper. She'll have all the information on the missions and favors. She's usually at the Library of Knowledge. That's out the city, through the Forest of Life and you'll see the Library Courtyard there." Once Bahamut and Grace had filled everything in the lalafell checked through everything and gave it a small red stamp. After that was done Bahamut looked to Grace. "Record Keeper, usually at Library of Knowledge.....well that can only be one person." He walked out with Grace and over to Julia. "Hey Julia, we signed ourselves up at the Adventurer's Inn and we were told you were the Record Keeper for missions and favors. Are you able to give us anything for those?" He gave her a smile as he waited.


Julia turned to Bahamut and then quickly summoned two magic journals.

"These are magical journals. They keep record of all missions and favors depending on where you are located. It works alongside with the map of Azroh. You should both take one, just don't do anything that's directly out of the way where we're going. We can't waste too much time."

She held out a map for the two of them and gave them a polite smile.


Grace finished the paperwork and followed Bahamut to Julia Grace looked to Julia

“You had multiple spare maps guess I didn’t need to buy one from the map store that was kind of a wast of 500 xeon cash but at least I didn’t wast all my money sending myself a message from the future”

Grace jokingly nudged Bahamut before taking the lists of quests and favours from Julia and began looking though them I stopping for a moment when she heard Red Blade mentioned an apocalypse worm Grace flicked back though the list of quests knowing she saw that name in the list somewhere then her eye went wide as she saw the kill request and the bounty it offered
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Helga stoped in her tracks for a moment as Red Blade warned her of the dangers and offered up her companion as... bait? now seeing Beast up close when she wasn’t distracted Helga noticed something strange about beast and crouched down next to him to take a closer look

“Oh wow your a Shedu aren’t you? The oldest and most powerful of all mythical cats that all other mythical cats evolved from how are you even still alive you are literally ancient primal beast”


Beast looked to Helga and stared at her for a moment before looking up towards the sky. "Shedu. I haven't heard that name in eons. I am the King of Beasts, I fought tooth and claw to survive. I became the savage and vicious beast that I am to survive the harsh world that evolved over the eons I lived. Legends were spoken of me many times over about how I slaughtered children and ate them whole. I was feared, despised and misunderstood. It is why my very existence could cause a mass panic if anyone discovered what I truly was. You are the first in eons to speak that name. How did you come to know that name?" Beast looked to her again and stared at her intently waiting for her answer.


Julian watched as everyone worked together to clam down the dragon and watched as the law enforcers showed up his eyes flashed red for a second when Mistress Black used a strange spell Julen followed Julia as they headed towards the Lalafell city once their Julian watched as everyone took their cash and walked off to explore the city after awhile they returned one by one Julian listened to grace and facepalmed in frustration but before he spoke up to address her wasting money he heard her say that Bahamut wasted all of his money

“You seriously spent all your money already and wasted it to see if Kupo could deliver messages across time even after hearing him warn you his prices are expensive even knowing Julia is the keeper of the library if knowledge and could of easily answered that question for you and even after hearing us say are resources are limited and we are low on funds what the hell where you thinking seriously not only do I think we shouldn’t trust you with any of our money anymore but I expect you to reimburse us for the money you wasted”

Helen and Ode

Helen and Ode where waiting outside to give a report to Miarikia when Helen sense Miarikia disappear Helen went into investigate what happened when she saw Miarikias cauldron left unattended then the cauldron suddenly disappeared Helen used her magic to reopen the rift left behind to follow it to cauldron to Miarikia when she walked though the portal Helen and Ode came out into an open filed and to find her cauldron left undaunted yet again but moments later Miarikia appeared to check on her potion

“Miarikia what is this place what’s going”

Valina and Raven

Valina watched as the dark enforcers leave the forest and listened to Liv and Julia Valina used her magic to form a mind link with Liv to let her know what Crow did and what information he sheared with her letter Liv know she would need some help to carry out her plan before addressing Julia

“I appreciate the offer however I have made it my mission to stop Mordred and while I agree with what your doing and our goals are similar I have my own mission to carry out”

As Raven Opened her eyes for the first time she looked around as she felt the sun on her skin for the first time in centuries with the air blowing though her hair feeling truly alive even if she was technically undead Valina then walked over to Raven and talked we quietly enough so that only she and Liv could hear

“I need your help to attack the dark enforcers based and deal a major blow to Mordred and his allies weakening them and making it harder for them to intervene with Julia’s plans

Raven thought about what Valina said and gave a small nod in agreement Valina then sensed a powerful person appear by the library of knowledge so teleported herself and Raven to the courtyard with meet them but when she arrived she saw her speaking to Miarikia Valina so stood back and waited for them to finish their conversation

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Jack watched as the dragon went to sleep. He then listened to Julia and just before they left Law Enforcers showed up. He stayed silent as he watched and listened, more and more people came, they all seemed to be allies, each taking turns to speak to the Enforces. Just before they left though his eyes flashed red. It was then that they headed off, going towards the Lalafell City. He looked to the squirrel that had introduced itself and gave it a smile.

"My name is Jack, nice to meet you Liv."

Once at the Lalafell City, he listened to Julia talk to the chief and grabbed the Xeon Cash she handed him. Jack walked around the city for some time, seeing if there was anything he would need. After a few minutes had passed he stopped by the map seller and bought a map then stored it away safely. After he was done Jack went back to the group to wait for the others.


Blue idly watched as the dragon succumbed to it's weariness. He released his spell and just as he was about to release the negative emotions the Law Enforcers showed up. He stared at them coldly, his eyes glowing red with all of the negativity he had absorbed. When the charges were stated Blue stepped forward. The negativity began to form a cloud around him as hes stared at the enforcers but as quickly as they came they left. Blue, unlike most of his allies wasn't affected by the dark magic of the witches. His own magic had protected him. Now that they had left Blue held out his hand and created a pure black vial with a skull on it. He opened it up and released every ounce of negativity that he had absorbed into the vial then teleported it away. He followed Julia to the Lalafell City and not bothering to introduce himself to the squirrel. Once they had arrived at the City he listened to Julia talk to the chief before taking the bag of cash.

Blue held the Xeon Cash bag in his hand as he watched everyone go one by one, looking around the city and eventually buying a map to the world. He looked to Julian before looking at his bag of cash once again. Slowly he threw it in the air and grabbed it before looking to Julian one final time. As he did he could already see a few people like Ming and Kuro had gathered and were waiting. He then saw Grace and Bahamut approaching Julia. He listened to what they said before turning to Julian as he spoke. Finally, Blue threw the bag to Julian and quickly spoke to him.

"I don't need the Xeon Cash. Take mine. We are low on funds and I won't waste resources."

With that he looked back to where Grace and Bahamut came from and closed his eyes.

"Dnim Noitcejorp"

Suddenly his mind traveled through the City. He stopped at the notice board and watched as Ming spoke what she saw. He watched as Miarikia, Kuro, Bahamut and Grace went to the same notice board but what interested him most was the map. He watched as Grace used the map to mark the location and Bahamut changed it's perception. The two of them traveled to the Adventurer's Inn and spoke to Kupo. That was when he learned what Bahamut had done. The two of them took a whistle and went inside. There they filled out a form that would allow them to join the guild. He inspected the form closely then using his extended reach a projection of him appeared just as Grace and Bahamut left. He filled in the form himself and had it stamped. After that his mind rushed back and he came back to the real world where no time had passed at all. He held out his hand and summoned the form to him before teleporting it away where he had easy access to it. He walked up to Julia and spoke.

"I'll also take one of those journals."

Once Julia had given him one he looked around, waiting for everyone to be ready.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Miarikia continued to stir her cauldron when she heard Helen's voice. She turned around and gave her a small smile.

"Oh, Helen. I didn't see you there. It's..... it's a long and complicated story. Here..."

Miarikia clicked her fingers and summoned a vial. She took a deep breath and then breathed out into the vial. Quickly she used her magic to enchant the breath, turning it into a purple liquid. She handed it over to Helen then looked to Valina and Liv who was sat on her shoulder knowing that Helen would know what to do with the vial.

"You were in the forest weren't you? Does Julia need me to head back now?"

She looked to her cauldron again and walked over to it. It just needed a to wait just a little longer.

Liv Moore

Liv blinked a few times when she received the mind link and instantly all of the information. She took a moment to take it in and as she did Valina had teleported to the courtyard. After a moment Liv looked to Valina and spoke.

"Hmm... That's rather interesting but if you need help Valina then sure. I'll help you. Julia will be fine without my help for a short while, she has chosen some good allies."

She then looked to Miarikia and the newcomer.

Valina, Helen and Ode

Valina smiled at Liv as they waited for the two witches to finish their conversation

“Thank you for the agreeing to lend me your aid my plan may sound a little crazy but it’s the only way to make sure we find what we are looking for and I can’t do it alone although more help would be preferable which is why we are here”

While Valina was talking to Liv Helen took the vial and poured a half into her ear and half into Odes ear and in an instant the two knew everything that had happened. Ode turned to Miarikia and spoke.

“So those Dark Enforcers want to kill you just for entering this world and for being a witch well if they try to lay a hand on Helen I’ll rip them to pieces”

Helen let out a frustrated sigh

“So the fate of the world is hanging in the balance yet again and once again the evil witches that everyone seams to fear and hate need to help save it. What is it Tuesday already? Well I guess we better get to work then hadn’t we.”

Just as Helen and Ode had finished talking Valina walked To the two witches

“I don’t know if Julia needs you at the moment I didn’t go with her to the Lalafell city i came here to speak to Helen about helping me on an important mission separate from Julia’s mission although if I am successful it will help Julia achieve her goal of saving this world”

Helen thought for a moment before turning to fave Valina

“Miarikia is not only my friend but my leader that I have swore to protect I can’t leave her when she is in the middle of such an important and dangerous mission”


Miarikia listened to Valina before looking to Helen and how she explained she couldn't leave. Miarikia gave a small laugh before placing her hand on Helen's shoulder.

"Don't worry about me Helen. I have Flash on my side and a hand selected team to work with and complement my skills. Go, help Valina. Once you're done you can come find me."

She turned to Valina once more and gave her a confident nod.

"Good look on your mission, whatever it is. With Hellen and Ode, I know you'll be successful."

Miarikia turned to her cauldron one final time, stirred it then gave a nod. She created several vials and emptied the cauldron, putting the contents into several vials before teleporting them away. All except three. She looked to Valina before speaking.

"Here, this might come in useful. It's a power imbuing potion. All of your power and abilities will temporarily be enhanced when you drink it."

She threw one to her then looked to Liv.

"And one for you."

She threw Liv one then turned to Helen.

"I know you've got plenty of these, but take it anyway. You can't have too many."

After that she threw it to her. After she had given the three potions away Miarikia turned to Ode. She bent down and gave him a smile.

"And for you, take this."

She summoned a necklace then summoned one more vial. She opened it up and placed the necklace inside. Using her magic, she infused the potion into the necklace before pulling it out again then placed it around his neck.

"I'm sure it'll be useful to you. Now, all of you, be safe. I'll head back to Julia, we can't waste too much time."

She looked to her cauldron and clicked her fingers, making it disappear before giving everyone a smile and with that she teleported back to the Lalafell City.

Liv Moore

Liv gave a nod to Valina then looked to Helen as she spoke. She turned to Miarikia to ask her but she spoke up first. She gave a smile, glad that they could get some extra support. That was when Miarikia finished her potion she was brewing and started to hand it out to everyone. As Miarikia threw hers Liv's tail, forehead and eyes glowed brightly and the vial stopped in mid air before disappearing.

"Good job I have magic otherwise that would of gone splat."

She looked to Helen and spoke again.

"So, looks like you'll be joining us. In that case, when do we leave?"

Liv looked to Valina again waiting for her answer.


Julia listened to Grace and looked at the map she bought but just before she said anything she heard Grace speak again and looked to Bahamut with a shocked expression. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She listened to Julian before taking a deep breath. When Blue asked for a Magic Journey she sighed and gave him one before turning to Bahamut.

"How could you waste so much Xeon Cash?"

She shook her head and spoke again.

"It's fine, it's fine. What did everyone else buy?"

She looked around as one by one, she saw Ming, Kuro and Jack had all bought a map, then Flash zoomed past, going to Miarikia.

"Hey Miarikia, I bought us a map and a few supplies like you asked."

Julia quickly facepalmed before letting out a heavy sigh.

"You ALL bought maps? I could of given you a map each!"

Julia shook her head before looking to Julian.


Julian listened to Julia and watched as she asked what everyone had bought maps Julian let out a frustrated sigh as he facepalmed and he grabbed the all the maps and Miarikias potion supplies before turning to Julia before storming off

“Hand them all maps and confiscate their Xeon cash before they waste even more money and before you trust them with money again give them a damn list of everything you can get them for FREE! so we don’t have a repeat of this in the future”

With that Julian set out on his mission to get a full refund on all the crap they had bought before returning to Julia

Julia, Julian and Red Blade

Once Julian had stormed off Julia slowly turned to everyone not sure what to say. She clicked her fingers and teleported the Xeon to her before placing it away. Once she had done that she clicked her fingers and summoned enough maps for everyone then quickly spoke up.

"It's fine, everyone makes mistakes. I should have given you all maps from the start. When Julian gets back, we'll leave for Salazo."

She waited until Julian was back and put the Xeon Cash he got away. She then lead them out of the city and there they were in a large wasteland.

She looked around and saw Beast and Helga. Then Red Blade stepped up.

"So, we're leaving? Be careful, an Apocalypse Worm attacked us when we were flying through. It'll probably still be out hunting. I think, with how many we have moving through, including Beast who is like catnip for them, we should teleport across."

Julia gave a sigh and nodded. Everything was dead. No plants, grass or trees were growing here. Julia took a small step forward before talking.

"Right, thank you Red Blade. Before we move through though I must explain something. This place was a warzone. Of course, the Lalafell were forced to get involved considering it was right outside the city. Many died, and all because of a damn Law Enforcer. Do the slightest thing wrong and they'll take you in. Even if it's just littering. All crimes are taken extremely seriously here. Before the battle, this place was beautiful. Flowers blooming, trees, grass as far as the eye could see. An entire forest. Anyway, from here we'll teleport to Juel then continue forward until we reach the city."

Just before she teleported though she, and everyone else would hear a softer whisper in their mind which made Julia look around in confusion.

'Be careful, you're in great danger. Not everything is what you think it is. I'll see you when you leave Juel.'

Julia looked around but could see nothing. She blinked a few times and spoke slowly.

"Did anyone else hear that?"

She looked around once more but still saw nothing. Those who could see spirits would be able to see a dark spirit fox watching them but Julia wasn't able to see it.

Julia gave one last look around before speaking.

"Right then, let's go."

She placed her hand on the floor and created a huge glyph.

"Everyone, make sure you're in the glyph."

Julia looked around, waiting for everyone to get ready to teleport while the strange fox watched them.


Ming waited as everyone got ready, not really saying anything to Kuro or Yoruichi as they waited nearby. That was when Grace and Bahamut spoke to Julia and things started going south. It turns out Julia could of given everyone maps and almost everyone had bought a map which only infuriated Julian. Ming scratched her head slowly before speaking.

"I......I apologise."

Once their Xeon Cash was taken and Julian returned they left the city and entered the desert. She looked at the map that Julia had given to her as Red Blade explained that it was extremely dangerous and they should teleport through the desert. She listened to Julia's story on what had happened before looking around slowly.

"Those Law Enforcers are the real monsters. They'll get what's coming to them eventually. Trust me."

That was when she heard something whisper inside of her head. Ming slowly put her map away and looked around just as confused as Julia. She placed her hand on the hilt of her sword before speaking up.

"Who or what are you? Was that a threat?"

Ming saw no signs of anything that could of done that. She continued looking around, even drawing her blade ready to fight. When Julia told everyone to stand in the Glyph she looked down and stood forward before continuing to watch out with her sword drawn.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DarkShadowWolf
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Bahamut listened to Julia then looked to Julian before he took off. The Xeon Cash was taken from them and Julia gave everyone maps. When Julian came back they left the city officially. They were about to go into the desert when Red Blade warned them of the Apocalypse Worm. Just before Julia teleported them though he heard a voice in his head and apparently everyone else did too. He looked around before looking over to Ming. "No, that wasn't a threat, I think that was a warning." He thought about it for a moment before pulling out his staff. Eye of Horace, Activate!" The eye glowed bright red then a moment later it sent out a powerful red shockwave. The moment the shockwave passed through the dark fox it became revealed to all to glare at. Bahamut held his staff with both hands and pointed it towards the fox and the eye glowed more. "It's some sort of dark fox...but it isn't evil. It wants to help us." He placed his staff away before stepping into the glyph. As he did the fox spoke in everyone's head again. 'I mean no harm. I am no threat. Danger lurks ahead, far worse than any worm. Beware the City of Magic.' Bahamut watched it closely as it sat watching them.


Kiyu watched Julia and Julian with a quiet laughed. He actually found it a little amusing honestly. He walked out with Julia and the rest when they were ready and looked out at the desert. When Red Blade spoke he looked around at everyone and nodded his head in agreement. "Red Blade is right. We would definitely attract too much attention if we tried to cross like this." He watched as Julia got ready to teleport everyone but before she did he heard a voice in his head. He looked around confused himself until Bahamut used his staff to reveal what had done it. A pure black fox. He stepped closer to it and bent down, looking the creature straight in the eyes. "Are you sure Bahamut? It's radiating a terrifyingly dark aura. Something about this fox is....wrong." He stood back in the glyph then the fox spoke again. "Beware the City of Magic? Salazo is a perfectly safe city. There is nothing that happens there without Kat knowing about it. Why would we need to beware?" Kiyu was even more confused now but he stayed quiet for now.

Prince Kuro

Kuro and Yoruichi watched Julia and Julian, staying quiet. When Julian arrived back and his Xeon Cash gone, Kuro spoke up. "I apologise for wasting the Xeon Cash." Yoruichi nodded gently. "He did not mean to waste the funds. It will not happen again." When they got out into the desert He listened to Red Blade then listened to what Julia had to say about this area. He gave a small nod and sighed. "It's hard believe this used to be a forest." Just before Yoruichi could say anything though they all heard a voice in their head. Kuro and Yoruichi looked around trying to figure out what had spoke to them when Bahamut revealed it's identity. Kuro looked to it cautiously as Kiyu inspected it. As he finished talking Yoruichi spoke up. "That fox is nothing like I have ever seen before but I think we should stay cautious just in case." Kuro nodded and spoke up after. "I agree. Even if you say the Magic City is safe, there are always ways to go unnoticed. I think we should heed the foxes words but be cautious of it too." With that said, Kuro and Yoruichi stood in the summoning circle.

Red Blade

Red Blade listened to Julia, hearing her agree to teleporting. She walked over to Beat and summoned the saddle once more and sat on him as she heard the voice in her head. She kept on watching closely, seeing Bahamut reveal what was talking then listening to everyone's opinion before speaking herself. "I don't know what that fox is but something is definitely wrong with it. Anyway, I won't be going with you. It'll draw too much attention to me if I go near the village. Instead I'll fly to Salazo and meet you all there. If anything happens and you need me, then I'll be there." Just as she finished speaking Beast spoke up. "I will say however, is that Fox is nothing what I have seen despite my eons of living. Even kitsune and nogitsune are nothing like this creature of darkness. So beware of it instead." Just as he finished he took off and began to flew over the desert and towards the City of Magic.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Julian Grace Helga

Helga was a little annoyed that her hunting trip was cut short and that they would be avoiding a fight in favour of teleportating to the desert city but she reluctantly agreed that it was the better option it was then that they all heard the fox’s voice and watched as Bahamut reviled the creature to everyone like the others Julian had no idea what it was while Grace had an idea but that was quickly dismissed by beast it was Helga that spoke up to offer a possible explanation of the creature

“That does have a few similarities to a kitsune and a few with a nogitsune but it clearly isn’t either my guess would be a corrupted kitsune if my guess is right then that would mean that someone has stolen its kitsune orb and used it to corrupt and controlling it that being said if it’s mind and will power is strong enough it may retain some of its free will its possible that whoever is controlling it is attempting to spy on us and it’s trying to warn us that whoever it is is a threat to us and our mission or they may be forcing it to give us this cage warning as a part of some elaborate trap it’s impossible to say without knowing more”

Julian and Grace listened to Helga explanation and agreed that it made some sense as the three of them stood in the circle the Fox spoke up again this time it was Julian who spoke up

“Whatever it is we can’t simply ignore this warning but we can’t believe it either we must stay in our guard even in the city of magic and prepare ourselves as much as possible for any potential threat”
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