Avatar of Phase


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3 mos ago
Current Last night, I dreamed about a hedge maze from roleplayerguild.com/topics/…. At the center, there was a lost city.
1 like
3 mos ago
And, just as suddenly, my post:day ratio is now 2.
4 mos ago
And before I knew it, my post to day ratio had become larger than 1.
4 mos ago
Last night in my dream, I tried to summon a cupcake, but only the bottom part appeared. In the same dream, I caused two gods to fight making a house blow up.
4 mos ago
Tried to use AI to create an image of my character wearing my profile image as a mask. It didn’t go well.


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<Snipped quote by Phase>

It was the closest dimension to us. I’m not cut out for long-distance travel across the multiverse. Not on my own.

Are we going to go exploring?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Isn’t that a violation of physics?
*Pauses, thinking it over in the middle of the air*
You know, never mind.

So why did we come here?
<Snipped quote by Phase>

Huh. Did you steal that?

No… I created it. Like out of thin air. But they always come out messed up in some way, and the taste is wierd.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

How? Visiting a tropical rainforest or something?

Let me show you
*holds out my hand and focuses extremely hard. After a minute, I begin to feel a tingling sensation slowly creep into my hand. Suddenly, the feeling is cut off as something appears into my hand. It’s some kind of breaddy item. On closer inspection, you realize it’s the bottom part of a cupcake or muffin, slightly crumbled.*
<Snipped quote by Phase>

How do you find food? I can’t imagine you have a job.

*levitates back downwards to you*

I found out pretty quickly that something that was cheap in one dimension was expensive in another. That’s always let my buy food, but I have ways to survive without money if needed.

*Laughs wickedly*
<Snipped quote by Phase>

*Accelerates upward like riding an elevator to speak face-to-face*
Is it built on top of any specific skill?

I don’t know. At some point, I was just suddenly able to do this. It might have to do with how reality is warped around me and it might not. I’m not sure.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

How are you doing that?

*calls down from about 25 feet above you*
I don’t know how, I can just… do these things.
<Snipped quote by Phase>

*Lets go, and we fall to the ground*
Can you do the same thing?

Yeah, I can. Well, Somewhat different.
*Focuses for a minute, jumps up into the air and then continues going upwards at a steady pace.*
<Snipped quote by Phase>

I’m rusty.
*Taps you on the shoulder, and we both start floating*

Hey, nice!
It’s a bit different than how I do it too.

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