Errant drums her fingers on table while she waits for her chance to say more than two words. She's still not entirely used to the sensation of, y'know, actual touch with each little tap, as opposed to the complex web of simulations and guesses the little computers used to try feeding into her brain. Granted they're still doing that, but now she can tell for herself what that means and whether it's wrong. Are they still going? God, they're still going.
To her credit, she hasn't messed with her hair once yet during this entire Buddy/Bargain session. And she still hasn't quite gotten used to it being so long, especially not when she's wearing it untied like she is today, so it's actually a minor miracle that she's been so controlled. Actually, she'd just been coming out of a meeting with Production when she'd been ambushed. They'd wanted concessions for her new look. If she wasn't going to present herself the way people expected her to, that side went, it was going to be impossible to sell her anymore. And that was already getting too hard with all the extra @SARAHPHIM...s going around, so if she insisted on keeping the 'princess hair' she had to agree to stay in uniform, with no concessions for formal or casual events, for at least the next two months. And it's not like she minded having it on or anything, but it was a bit rich telling her she couldn't wear her running gear when she was working out when regulations clearly indicated she was required to--
Oh, they're looking at her like they're expecting something now. Errant frowns.
"We're just calling her the chairwoman now? You guys aren't, like, at all concerned about the conflict of interests she represents? And we're a hundred percent sure her acquisition is legal?"
She's been asking these questions a lot since she got back. How the fuck could Victoria god damn Messermitt get the investment capital to buy out AEGIS? And then why the fuck would she? And why the fuck was everybody so calm about it, anyway? There were already little tweaks and policy adjustments getting called out every half day by Perseus, and pretty much all of them sounded to her like AEGIS was shifting from a public safety and security corps to more of a BlackSun style CorpSec goon squad. But the closest she got to acknowledgment was a crack by one of the newbies saying she was mad she'd have to cram a new set of rules up her ass. Which, hey, come on. Rude. And Sasha wasn't even taking her calls anymore, which either meant she was undercover somewhere, or their friendship was good and dead.
"In any case like I keep telling you, Victor couldn't have 'betrayed' us. In the first place he's not an employee, he's not on payroll, and citizens doing volunteer service work aren't subject to company loyalty regulations. It's Section 12, Paragraph C. Come on, guys. And... and even if he was, he's not... you know, a murderer. This whole case is opening backwards. We're better than this."
She frowns again, and picks up her coffee. Her eyes glance at the open door. Speaking of regulations, it was highly unusual for an informal interrogation to take place down here to begin with. Even with the door open, bringing her down to the underground levels was a clear indicator they thought of her as a hostile witness. Which just didn't make any sense, no matter how much she thought about it. This was her home, these people were her family. Did they really think that she, that Errant would want to handle things any way but by the book? God damn it, Victor, what did you do? And why did you have to go an do it while she was away? Why couldn't you have said anything?
She takes a sip of the coffee. It'd be rude not to.
Blech. Ugh. Three sugars, she'd said! He'd even asked! Three sugars! Three! Not... none sugars! Three!
...Nobody trusts her anymore. It sucks. Errant frowns again, and probably not for the last time today.
To her credit, she hasn't messed with her hair once yet during this entire Buddy/Bargain session. And she still hasn't quite gotten used to it being so long, especially not when she's wearing it untied like she is today, so it's actually a minor miracle that she's been so controlled. Actually, she'd just been coming out of a meeting with Production when she'd been ambushed. They'd wanted concessions for her new look. If she wasn't going to present herself the way people expected her to, that side went, it was going to be impossible to sell her anymore. And that was already getting too hard with all the extra @SARAHPHIM...s going around, so if she insisted on keeping the 'princess hair' she had to agree to stay in uniform, with no concessions for formal or casual events, for at least the next two months. And it's not like she minded having it on or anything, but it was a bit rich telling her she couldn't wear her running gear when she was working out when regulations clearly indicated she was required to--
Oh, they're looking at her like they're expecting something now. Errant frowns.
"We're just calling her the chairwoman now? You guys aren't, like, at all concerned about the conflict of interests she represents? And we're a hundred percent sure her acquisition is legal?"
She's been asking these questions a lot since she got back. How the fuck could Victoria god damn Messermitt get the investment capital to buy out AEGIS? And then why the fuck would she? And why the fuck was everybody so calm about it, anyway? There were already little tweaks and policy adjustments getting called out every half day by Perseus, and pretty much all of them sounded to her like AEGIS was shifting from a public safety and security corps to more of a BlackSun style CorpSec goon squad. But the closest she got to acknowledgment was a crack by one of the newbies saying she was mad she'd have to cram a new set of rules up her ass. Which, hey, come on. Rude. And Sasha wasn't even taking her calls anymore, which either meant she was undercover somewhere, or their friendship was good and dead.
"In any case like I keep telling you, Victor couldn't have 'betrayed' us. In the first place he's not an employee, he's not on payroll, and citizens doing volunteer service work aren't subject to company loyalty regulations. It's Section 12, Paragraph C. Come on, guys. And... and even if he was, he's not... you know, a murderer. This whole case is opening backwards. We're better than this."
She frowns again, and picks up her coffee. Her eyes glance at the open door. Speaking of regulations, it was highly unusual for an informal interrogation to take place down here to begin with. Even with the door open, bringing her down to the underground levels was a clear indicator they thought of her as a hostile witness. Which just didn't make any sense, no matter how much she thought about it. This was her home, these people were her family. Did they really think that she, that Errant would want to handle things any way but by the book? God damn it, Victor, what did you do? And why did you have to go an do it while she was away? Why couldn't you have said anything?
She takes a sip of the coffee. It'd be rude not to.
Blech. Ugh. Three sugars, she'd said! He'd even asked! Three sugars! Three! Not... none sugars! Three!
...Nobody trusts her anymore. It sucks. Errant frowns again, and probably not for the last time today.