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Errant drums her fingers on table while she waits for her chance to say more than two words. She's still not entirely used to the sensation of, y'know, actual touch with each little tap, as opposed to the complex web of simulations and guesses the little computers used to try feeding into her brain. Granted they're still doing that, but now she can tell for herself what that means and whether it's wrong. Are they still going? God, they're still going.

To her credit, she hasn't messed with her hair once yet during this entire Buddy/Bargain session. And she still hasn't quite gotten used to it being so long, especially not when she's wearing it untied like she is today, so it's actually a minor miracle that she's been so controlled. Actually, she'd just been coming out of a meeting with Production when she'd been ambushed. They'd wanted concessions for her new look. If she wasn't going to present herself the way people expected her to, that side went, it was going to be impossible to sell her anymore. And that was already getting too hard with all the extra @SARAHPHIM...s going around, so if she insisted on keeping the 'princess hair' she had to agree to stay in uniform, with no concessions for formal or casual events, for at least the next two months. And it's not like she minded having it on or anything, but it was a bit rich telling her she couldn't wear her running gear when she was working out when regulations clearly indicated she was required to--

Oh, they're looking at her like they're expecting something now. Errant frowns.

"We're just calling her the chairwoman now? You guys aren't, like, at all concerned about the conflict of interests she represents? And we're a hundred percent sure her acquisition is legal?"

She's been asking these questions a lot since she got back. How the fuck could Victoria god damn Messermitt get the investment capital to buy out AEGIS? And then why the fuck would she? And why the fuck was everybody so calm about it, anyway? There were already little tweaks and policy adjustments getting called out every half day by Perseus, and pretty much all of them sounded to her like AEGIS was shifting from a public safety and security corps to more of a BlackSun style CorpSec goon squad. But the closest she got to acknowledgment was a crack by one of the newbies saying she was mad she'd have to cram a new set of rules up her ass. Which, hey, come on. Rude. And Sasha wasn't even taking her calls anymore, which either meant she was undercover somewhere, or their friendship was good and dead.

"In any case like I keep telling you, Victor couldn't have 'betrayed' us. In the first place he's not an employee, he's not on payroll, and citizens doing volunteer service work aren't subject to company loyalty regulations. It's Section 12, Paragraph C. Come on, guys. And... and even if he was, he's not... you know, a murderer. This whole case is opening backwards. We're better than this."

She frowns again, and picks up her coffee. Her eyes glance at the open door. Speaking of regulations, it was highly unusual for an informal interrogation to take place down here to begin with. Even with the door open, bringing her down to the underground levels was a clear indicator they thought of her as a hostile witness. Which just didn't make any sense, no matter how much she thought about it. This was her home, these people were her family. Did they really think that she, that Errant would want to handle things any way but by the book? God damn it, Victor, what did you do? And why did you have to go an do it while she was away? Why couldn't you have said anything?

She takes a sip of the coffee. It'd be rude not to.

Blech. Ugh. Three sugars, she'd said! He'd even asked! Three sugars! Three! Not... none sugars! Three!

...Nobody trusts her anymore. It sucks. Errant frowns again, and probably not for the last time today.

Thump, thump, thump, thump. Mommy's softer than any pillow. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Her heartbeat is sweeter than any song. Thump, thump, thump, thump. Alina squeezes her eyes shut and snuggles closer. Thump, thump, she feels the beat drumming through her body. Through her eyelids, her world is orange and pink. Mmmm, the gentle sleepy moan escapes her lips to mingle with the sounds of soft breathing. Her head rises with her Mommy's chest, then they sink again in time. Up, and down, and up again, with fingers massaging through her floofy purple hair. Her world is blankets so heavy they feel like a hug from some wonderfully downy animal. Her world is a tangle of sisters pinning her in place. Her world is the softest of kisses from Mommy and her words that make her trust herself enough to open her eyes again because this is real, this is real, this is real.

Her world is a room too small and too simple to be so perfect. But that's exactly what it is. Down by her feet, Jessamine snores as she rolls and flops onto her belly across the bed and all its occupants. Typical Jess, how'd she even get out from under all the blankets? Like this, her pastel pink camisole and matching shorts feel even more like a brazen defiance of the cold still lingering over the kingdom than they did when she insisted on putting them on last night. She never gives an inch, silly Jess. She reaches behind her to scratch her thigh and then immediately drops back into a deep sleep. Like this, it's easier to see the lean, sharp muscles cut across every inch of Jessamine's slinky body. All that training, all that effort, bearing fruit. She's so beautiful, thinks Alina, the most beautiful thing in the world.

On the other side of the bed, Freesia is so deeply asleep that Alina wonders whether she'd even move if fireworks went off in the room. Her lanky, maybe not so awkward as Alina remembers it after all, body is half curled into a ball, and her face is buried in a combination of Mommy's side and a tangled mess of her own hair, which has gone every which way during the night and apparently decided it was going to stay that way. Somehow, her prim and prissy nightgown is absolutely immaculate. It's a good look for her, like a ballgown that's been optimized for sleep and snuggles, but poor thing, however long she's had it she's never found the time to treat the silks like you're supposed to. The star burst patterns that run all up and down the material are just exploding with too-sharp colors in every shade an Illuminan princess could possibly imagine. Freesia... Sunless no longer. The colors she'd sworn off of wearing until this moment seem overeager to make up for missed time. And she's so beautiful, thinks Alina, the most beautiful thing in the world.

Alina stretches, but just a bit. She has to be careful not to disturb Mommy. Not that she's asleep, but since she... got better, she's been flinching at any sort of too big or too fast motion. So she has to content herself with just sitting up a teeny little bit to roll her shoulders back while she wills her legs to stretch themselves while still trapped under Jessamine. And she's sure to settle right back down where she was, so that Mommy won't think she's trying to leave. She couldn't, right now, even if she wanted to. Even though she'll have to. Soon. But not yet. She suppresses a yawn. No more sleeping, no more wasting this precious time. She sneaks one sea green sleeve out from under the blankets and lifts it up to her face to rub the sleep from her eyes. And then stops when she feels the crystal there. Oh, right. She makes a show of doing it anyway, then wraps her arm around Mommy.

"Good morning, Mom."

Her voice feels too quiet, but it's a morning just for the pair of them right now. Eventually her sisters will wake and then there will be an absolutely perfect moment full of life and love and light... but then that moment will end and Alina will have to leave again. Not yet. Not yet. Right now is just the two of them, because that will last longer. Her eyes drink in her mother, who despite so many years still looks to Alina like a bigger and more perfect her. If only she could be that beautiful. If only she could move like...

She tilts her head up to watch a little more. She's careful to keep a smile on her face, keep a light in her eyes, but... but Queen Halcyon doesn't move with grace this morning. The fingers keep stroking her hair, it never stops feeling wonderful, but underneath it is a current of energy that Alina is too familiar with. There's a, a, a coldness to all her little motions, like her beautiful, perfect mother is fighting with every part of herself not to shiver in the blankets of this soft, warm bed. The happy little fire in the fireplace won't help her. The girls around her will help more, but still.

Alina knows what fear looks like. Alina knows what having ice inside you feels like.

"Does it still hurt too much? Would you like me to do another treatment before I... I mean, today?"
I went ahead and added the immediate context for my opening scene as a spoiler at the top of my post. If you forgot what was happening just before everything exploded and we started drifting across space, time, and the internet, there you go. Does feel good to be writing for this game again
"Momma... oh, Momma! I missed you so much! Why did you? Where did you? Oh, it doesn't matter, there's so much I want to tell you! I'm so glad I found y--"

Alina clings to her Momma and holds her tight, like she's afraid that if she lets go she'll lose her all over again. There's so many things to say, so many questions to ask, so much hugging that needs catching up on. Years and years and years of it! But that chiming is so loud and so awful that it rattles her soul and cuts off her words even with Gold softening the impact of the bells.

She wants to cry. Why is it always like this? Why is it always like this? Don't they understand how hard this has been? With Jessamine she barely got a moment before everything tried to crumble on her and she had to fight and claw just to stop from losing her twice in the same day, and then the hurt ran so deep it got them both kidnapped. Freesia had been so cold to her at first, and then there had been so much stuff that needed doing that they never got to sit together and just try being sisters by themselves again. She barely got a day with Mommy after they'd worked so hard to save her! There was always something, something, something, some emergency or desperate mission Hyperborea never asked for or deserved and she knows it's for her and she knows she needs to fix it and she'd never leave her friends to fend for themselves with Oberon still looming over everything but couldn't she just once, just once, just once could she please find someone special and then be given the kind of time she needs to have a proper reunion?

Momma still has those same long arms that are even better for hugging than Mommy's are. She still feels so firm and solid, like she doesn't need a magic like Gold to be your shield at night, like you could always cling to her in a storm and everything would turn out ok. She still smells... warm, and safe, like a willow tree on a sunny day. And the way that she's holding Alina is life itself. But the bells are shaking them apart. This is just another moment Alina doesn't get to have. She turns her head and looks to the sky. She doesn't let go.

Be brave, Alina. This is the job Ourania gave you. But when she opens her mouth to speak, she can't keep her voice from shaking:

"W-will you... stay with me?"
I'll mark it when I can... y'know, mark stuff, but for posterity's sake I'll be burning Alina's Flash spell as the price for activating Golden Warrior, which I forgot to do when I wrote all that stuff. Sure would be nice to have my character sheet, but I don't trust myself to recreate it from memory

"You saw it?"

Euna's face is strained. Her lips are pressed thin, and those typically soft honey-brown eyes have an unusual glint in them that's got nothing to do with crappy warehouse lighting. Her dress glitters, her hair makes little chiming sounds with every little motion in her neck from the chains worked into the ponytail. That's how you can tell how much she's shaking. She licks her lip in a quick darting motion, but the inside of her mouth is as dry as they are. She doesn't speak.

It's agony, waiting. It's agony, not having the words for this. It's agony, the feeling in her heart that says to fix this pulling her in half with the feeling telling her to get out, get out, get out now before it happens again. It's agony, this staring contest.

Euna closes her eyes, and the spell breaks. She has to bend down to fish something out of her mission bag, because all of her usual pockets are sitting in there uselessly. There's an odd look on her face when her fingers touch the canvas, and again when she pulls out the last of her spare tablets. Tap tap, tappa tap. She hands it over to Sara without a word.

AEGIS Official Form 776-D: Requisition of Civilian Resources For Benefit Of AEGIS Personnel (Non-Military Application)
Beneficiary - Agent Errant
Resources Requested - The services of one Sara Jiminez, alias @SARAHPHIM
To Enter Into Effect As Of - 0700 Hours
Reason - Help unpacking personal effects


___________________ Euna Kim


Athena Macrotechnology is proud to present the following segment with limited commercial interruption thanks to our partners at SynthFox Pictures.

"The power of love was enough to overcome the machinations of the evil Lady Rapier, but the ancient curse still hangs heavy on the shoulders of Eternal Maiden Elvia. The Vampire-Dryad blood coursing through her veins now burns with the pain of acid whenever she tries to leave the confines of the Forest of the Ultra Darkness, cutting her off from her well won rewards and the life she hoped to live with Princess Diana.

Now she faces her most difficult challenge yet, and she'll have to face it alone. Can Elvia triumph without the power of love to see her through the deepest darkness? Will she be able to discover source of the mysterious power binding her to the forest and defeat it for good, or is she doomed to live the rest of her immortal life sweeping the empty halls of the Wode Hall and snacking on overbrave squirrels? Will Princess Diana really forget about her best friend?? Only the enchanted sword Lilyblossom knows for sure!

From the studio that brought you Duelist in the Mirror Castle and Duelist in the Rose Garden comes the hotly anticipated finale of the Elvia Trilogy: A Duel Must End At Dawn. Available for public screening on 14/2 and for streaming in all supported browsers on 28/2. Don't miss it!"

And now, the return of...


It's the first (and possibly the last) official appearance of Princess Errant I of AEGIS. The room is hardly any different from its usual self; a hanging punching bag in the middle of the room has replaced the usual chair. Otherwise it's as bright and sterile as ever. And for a moment, that's all that's there. It's troubling, just half a breath long enough to make you wonder if she's no-showing again, if the studio was so irresponsible to schedule the time slot without securing the host's promise first. But then, a fluttering of silks! Errant walks into the fame and stands next to the punching bag in all of her Hyperborean Makeover splendor.

Or, almost all of it. She's still wearing her full gown with its huge, trailing half sleeves, multilayered skirts, and all her assorted glass jewelry. Her hair's still more than twice as long as it was at the time of her last known appearance, and her silver dye still blends into the natural black where it was inexplicably (magically) grown out. But she's got it pulled into a much tighter, simpler ponytail than Princess Alina had shown her, and she's done away with the elaborate jewel-centric makeup for a very bare, basic studio look. I mean, she's here to work out, she can't completely throw away concessions to practicality. But she'd be damned if she was gonna waste an opportunity like this. When she waves, it's regal. When she smiles, it's radiant.

"Hey guys, what's up! Welcome back to the fitness corner, sorry it's been so long! Last time I promised you some cardio tips and then some... mission stuff made me have to cancel. I'm really sorry about that! But as you can see I'm back, we're back, and you've been waiting more than long enough so let's just get this show on the road!"

Errant bounces up and down from foot to foot and grins broadly. She's so excited to be back, you guys!

"So anyway I've been thinking about this pretty hard and I mean, honestly, you don't need me to tell you that if you wanna get your heart in good condition then you ought to be running. But that's not really practical advice, right? We don't all live in buildings with good, long staircases, and for those of us who don't qualify for the personal rain shield, heading out can be... uh, dangerous. There's equipment to mitigate some of that, but space or cost can still kind of hold some people back from that. And I don't wanna be that person telling you to do stuff that's out of your reach, no matter what. So! What can we do to fix that?"

Her grin is actually sparkling as much as her jewelry now. Errant gestures at the punching bag!

"Kickboxing! Martial arts to the rescue! You might already know this, but ten minutes of mid-to-high intensity combat exercises can burn off more than one hundred calories, and it spikes your heart rate like nothing else. You don't even need the bag, just enough room to move around a little bit. Now, the most important part of this is that you can't just flail around like a dork, haha" snort "You need to have control. Full follow through on every hit, controlled combos. Anything less and you're not going to engage your body if you're using any sort of cybernetic limb. It'll just wind up taking the strain, which is kinda pointless. Your servos don't care how much you work them, so get your muscles involved! Ok here, let me give you some fun combinations to get you started! When you've mastered these, feel free to make your own! Remember: follow through, full combo!"

With a tiny wave, Errant hops back into a basic boxing stance, which only looks a tiny bit out of place with her all princess-ed up the way she is. She moves around the bag like quicksilver, but her skirt is obscuring the finery of her footwork. Then she strikes, and calls every hit out loud to make it easier to follow. Jab, jab, cross! Jab, cross, hook! Hook, hook, uppercut! Jab jab cross, jab jab hook! Jab, cross, jab jab hook, uppercut cross, backspin, backfist, knee! Jab, cross, knee! Jab, cross, knee, knee! Knee, knee, jump, kick! And, lift! Roll hip, side-kick! High kick, mid kick, low kick, step forward, stomp!

She pauses to look at the camera with a mischievous smirk. Big, red text scrolls across the bottom of the screen: DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! And she starts showing off a little bit. She jumps from floor to ceiling, making her skirts flutter dramatically when she plunges back down with a diving kick that drops into a low rolling crouch transitioning perfectly into a full backflip snap kick. Her combos get faster and faster, showier and showier, and then with one final haymaker she hits the punching bag so hard that, rather than flying off its chain it just splits in half and dumps sand all over the floor. She's slow to pull her arm back. Then she stands up straight. Turns to face the camera. Folds her hands placidly in front of her waist, and sparkles. Slowly, the smile slides off of her face.

"So, uh... you're probably wondering why the..." she waves her hand up and down her body, "all this. Right? Well, it's, uh... how do I wanna put this? I think a lot of people have a very specific impression of me. I'm a Corporate Champion, I'm an AEGIS officer, I'm always pounding this fitness angle pretty hard, so a lot of people think I'm some sort of tomboy. That's, uh, not really true. I like this sort of thing, too. I like it a lot, actually. And my point is... you don't... you're not just one thing, you know? You can be an athlete and a... a fashion designer at the same time, I guess, or...

Man. I'm sorry, I wrote a whole speech that's supposed to go here but I'm not following it at all. What I'm really trying to say is, you're beautiful. Whoever you are. Whatever you are. No matter how far down life's pushed you, no matter how much of you is augmented or how much of it is what you were born with, you're beautiful. And you deserve to feel like a princess or a prince or... whatever's special to you. Live healthy. Get the most out of life. Your body is wonderful. You deserve to love it. And... that's, you know, how I feel. See you."

The camera catches the wet shimmer in her eyes as she flashes her stupid dork "idol" v-hand sign. She quickly turns and walks away, looking every bit the princess that Alina and all of her new friends thought she was.
They were probably going to blame this on her, too. Alina Cascade, come back to Jedad in full war gear, and then all of a sudden a weird sandstorm kicks up and a bunch of even weirder mechanical bug-newts start filling the streets with bolts or darts or whatever they are? Yeah, they're probably already saying this has her written all over it.

Not that she particularly cares right now. She'd have a whole lifetime of chances to make up for the troubles she's caused (well, the ones she didn't mean to, at least). She'd have plenty of time later to catch up with Adila and help her get her head on straight again, or to deal with the fact that she'd just sort of left her friends standing there without having said so much as a word. They would understand. She only had this one chance to save her Momma, and she had to take it.

Warm golden light spreads across her entire body as she dives into the streets with Rita no more than half a step behind her. It's like being wrapped in a blanket that smells just like her mother. It's like getting a hug from all of her sisters and Rita and Kazelia and Adila all at once. It's like... being Ourania. And just like any of those things, it promises Alina that she'll be safe, no matter what. Nothing bad can happen with Gold here to help her.

In the sand and wind it's almost impossible to see more than a couple feet in front of her, but it's plenty enough to go by. She runs full out with her leaping deer gait, and not so much as a grain of sand touches a single hair on her head. Bolts come raining down on her from rooftops and stalls only to splash off of her like water rolling down feathers. When she twists or leaps or flips across the winding alleyways of the Bazaar, it's not for her own safety but so that she can keep Rita's path every bit as clear. Together they cut through Eska's defenses as if they weren't there.

Alina's own Orange snaps to her wrist and latches onto a nearby rooftop as she grabs Rita by the waist. Silver flickers sparkle by her legs and when she leaps, it's with the strength of a dragon. Together, invincible kiss buddies go sailing high into the air. They could hardly do better if they had wings of their own. There's just enough time to savor the look of surprise on Eska's face before they reach the crest of the swing and start falling toward the Clocktower. Alina curves backwards like a bow. For a moment, she seems frozen in time. Then she snaps back while Rita leaps out of her arm, and she unleashes an enormous burst of light in all five colors on her crown that she truly feels are hers. There's an audible crack in the air as the light hurtles at Eska like a spiraling lance...

That crashes against the side of the tower maybe four or five feet to the right of where the clever sniper is standing. Eska's face twists into a sneer, despite the sweat beading on her forehead.

The boot goes down onto the knife. The knife cuts through the rope. Isolde, Momma, falls.

It's at this moment that a couple of things happen almost all at once. Firstly, Alina pulls into a swan dive and dips back down into the swirling sands after Isolde with her golden halo still wrapped around her. Secondly, Adila of the Watch comes flying up to the tower, projecting her thought-warnings and being the best friend-dragon any princess could ask for. She's so lucky, that Eska.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, all parties concerned will now notice that Alina did not, in fact, miss those few moments earlier. Rather, what she'd done is make a rainbow light-bridge, which is now anchored solidly to the ledge of the Clocktower's roof and is carrying the lovely Princess Rita von Catabas toward them with all of the grace and agility you could ask for from the princess of Askaia.

When she leaps, it's joyful. When she spins through the air, it's like watching an Illuminan ballet. When she whips her foot straight into Eska's chest, it's with the extremest of prejudices and near abouts heedless of the fact that Adila is right there watching it happen. This is the part that Lina would've messed up, by the way. Her head's not on quite straight just now. But Rita?

Well, she bounces from foot to foot with glee and flashes Adila a sharp toothed and shameless little grin the way that only a cat (or a cat/girl, one supposes) can.

"Hey Adila!" she chirps, "Don't worry about this, Lina and I are expert counter-hypnotists."

[Alina uses the power of the Golden Warrior and rolls to Finish Eska with Grace: 7. Paying her Bridge spell as the price for acting against a Threat, and damaging Courage as the cost of rolling while armored by Gold]
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