Gender: Female
Age: 24
Role: CEF Corporal
Callsign: Bard /A.I.(Idol name)
Origin: Side 3 Colonist
Personality: Professional, driven, bright, thoughtful, emotional
Known Features: Stands 5'8,She generally has waist long hair is in a bun or a ponytail while on duty, while off duty she keeps her hair down and behind her ears. She wears a metallic red musical note clamp earing on her left ear.
Attire: When not in her uniform she wears modified colonist clothes that make her look different from the others, having more bright a vibrant colors like a light blue or bright red. She also has other cloth from salvage operations
History: She was born in side 3 to a pair of pod people from the Universal Century, her father was Tekada Izumi a Ship's bridge officer in the Earth Federation during the One Year War while her mother Alice Steele was an AUEG Mobile Suit Pilot during the Gryps Conflict. They were retrieved around the same time and after they were released stuck together and had a child, Ayame.
Growing up her life was similar to many in the colonies, growing up her life was all about the continuation of the colony and when she was old enough would join her parents from time to time to help whether it would be Mobile Suit maintenance or learning military terms and tactics from her parents. Her mother would tutor her on mobile suits and from time to time gave her rides in a mobile suit when her mother was free from her teachings in the military academy while her father was part of the salvage operations ship crews.
From time to time her father came back from salvage operations with music from times past, whether it be music discs or storage devices with large amounts of music stored in them, and live performances which she adored and her dream to become some sort of musician. Sadly musicians were not something the colonies could have as life in them couldn't support such lifestyles of careers and all people must work for the survival of the colony. But she had her music, and later an salvaged and repaired eclectic piano she would play when she could, even coming up with her own songs to play or tried to recreated her songs on her Piano. She also would also practice on her vocals which she found were very good and at time could sound better then the music she would listen too.
When she was old enough she joined Side 3's Military academy with her mother recommendation. Her time there was the most grueling time as she learned how to be a soldier, she hated it, hated it because it was either this or joining her father in the hydrogen fleet which had left years prior. To her her time in the academy felt like its own lifetime as she hated doing this rather then her dream of being a musician, but she persevered and when she graduated she took up mobile suit piloting in the CEF and assigned to PORT-1.
Her first expedition got her her current MS a special GM with sub arms arms and two shields rather then one, and a year late what would set her down the path of her double life, a computer with all the software she needed to help create songs, she was ecstatic and would from time to time find equipment to help in her endeavor and had created a mini music studio on the go. When she would have time she would recreate and remix songs and when she would sing it should would make sure her room was sound proof before singing because she highly doubted this was an acceptable use of free time.
She has used her connections through her mother and other sources through her work to get her music to get circulated, all she asked for was secrecy, so they came to a name A.I. and from there A.I. had become an underground Idol within a year. From there she was asked by her contacts for more music. She obliged but only able to get an album out once per year because of her current job in the CEF.
Skills: Musical Aptitude, primarily Vocals and Pianos. She is no slouch in a mobile suit, she has a heightened spatial awareness, bi-lingual (English and Japanese).
- CEF Pilot Suit
- RGM-79 GM (Thunderbolt Ver.)
- Tickets C-0 G-0 S-0
- Salvaged music studio equipment
- Salvaged Electric Piano
- P-90 SS190 SMG