Name: Gotoh Yuzu
Age: 16
Gender: Female

She stands at around 5’2 with a thin body all around. She is often scowling or frowning. Yuzu usually just wears her uniform around, if not she prefers casual baggier clothing.
Personality: Yuzu is someone with a fairly bad personality. She is a child prodigy, though its mainly seen in her interest in science there isn’t a single subject she doesn’t excel at. This fact seems to have gone right to her head. Yuzu looks down on others and will gladly let them know it. She always has to have the last word in both argument and conversation and especially loves when shes being praised by others. Despite her generally rude and over confident behavior, she can be something of a push over. She has more people she can call admirers than friends and even then Yuzu builds ire far more easily than appreciation.
Yuzu hates being seen as anything less than amazing in the eyes of others, something that gives her genuine anxiety to think about. Alongside that, failure is never an option for her. She doesn't enjoy getting close to people, but if she ever did, she would likely do a lot to keep that person around.
Language: Yuzu is fluent in English and Spanish.
Genius: Academically, Yuzu is peerless, she could easily be teaching most classes she sits through. If her attitude was better, at least.
Musical Ability: Yuzu's aunt had her learn some instruments while she lived with her, though much of that isn't relevant anymore.
Equipment: A pocket knife
Name: Muramasa
Abilities: Muramasa, despite taking the form of the sword, is able to float in mid air and move on its own, though it seems to only defend its user if left to act. Being a sword, its mainly used for physical combat. It enhances it’s users physical abilities more compared to other Echos but at the price of having it’s user fight more on the front line comparatively.
The sword is always at least dripping with dark red blood which can be harnessed to poison those who are cut by Muramasa, if its possible to poison them. The sword can also produce a large amount of blood, slashing it away to create water cutters.
Brief Backstory: Yuzu’s parents died in a car accident when she was only 6, but she doesn’t remember this.
Yuzu’s memories start to begin when she moves to her Aunt’s home. Its there that her caregivers first catch onto Yuzu’s apparent genius. Immediately, finds herself moving around again and again. Meeting doctors, meetings with teachers, meetings with college professors, meetings with her other relatives.
She was special, so everyone wanted her. Her Aunt and her husband had her focus exclusively on academics from a young age, drilling it into her head that she had to do so in order to be successful in life. It started with her having lessons after school and ended with school being completely at home. Her caregivers looked at Yuzu as if she were a money ticket, and Yuzu picked up on this in a sense. She sensed that her value was pinned solely on if she could become successful for her family, and she hated it.
Eventually Yuzu had to move again. Her grandparents managed to find out that her Aunt had pulled her out of school and had been withholding meals from her in favor of more lessons. In Yuzu's eyes, her grandparents weren't much better once she went to live with them. She saw their actions as taking a nicer approach to their meal ticket, though it was enough to keep her living with them.
Yuzu was powerless, and she knew it. She resented it. So she tried her very best to own it. The moment she entered high school she became a new person. Someone who was absolutely proud of her accomplishments! Yuzu was better than everyone and had all the time and chances to prove it to everyone. Yuzu had figured out there could be a way to enjoy how much she resented the people around her, and it was by aiming it at everyone else. Still, there was this nagging feeling, something that told her it just wasn't enough. But for now, it just had to do.