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So, MDP started telling her story about her travels. As it grew longer and longer, Ronin’s grin grew larger and larger, while Miko’s expression of genuine concern grew more and more worried. After MDP finished, Ronin just laughed.

‘Sounds like you’ve been having a great time!’ Ronin laughed and smiled widely.

‘I have… so many questions, but I don’t think I want all their answers…’ Miko said, knowing fully well what kind of world Mayra’s home actually was. ‘Who is “Flower Wower”...?’ … was just one out of a whole bunch of them.

Of course, MDP wasn’t actually there to answer them, because she’d already jumped off to marvel at Lily and the animals. Ronin just chuckled some more.

‘I think whatever happened, she probably wasn’t actually in any danger!’ Ronin said, confidently.

‘Sigh…’ Miko mumbled to herself before looking about. ‘Is it time, yet?’ .


It would seem that Mariette had solved the riddle. She looked on blankly as the Pea Princess felt her bed and then seemed to call it all off, so intent on brushing it all off and falling into a deep sleep…

‘Not so fast,’ Mariette declared, and a tentacle promptly wrapped around the princess to pull her up, extended directly from Mariette’s shadow. If she couldn’t sleep due to a single pea, then this should do more than rock her sleep.

‘The dawn of the conflict approaches. I cannot have my ally sleep it away quite yet. Your request, while crudely delivered, is sensible. It is time my allies learn where they stand, and who stands with them. Let us wash away any doubts about our allegiances, and establish the order which shall embrace our future,’ she told, her glare transfixed on the Pea Princess. A portal opened behind her.

‘Come, Pea Princess. A meeting awaits,’ Mariette told. She would not take no for an answer.


In the park, Mariette eventually stepped out of a portal before Penny and the others. The portal closed, and the eyepatched girl in a blue dress holding a stuffed bunny turned to look at the queen directly.

‘I apologize for the delay. I have assembled my allies on the other side. We’re ready to move,’ she explained courtly, turning her eyes slightly to nod at Lily, then looking back to Penny.

Gothita stared up at him quietly, and then tilted her head at the statement of confirmation.

Then Basil responded to her question. She once again didn’t really move, tilting her head a little in the other direction as she gazed up at him with wide, oval eyes. Then, though, Basil asked his next question. She looked down into the ground, not moving for a couple seconds as she was considering…

‘Gothita,’ she eventually said, grabbing the drawing tools to sketch out a drawing. Eventually, the result was presented back to Basil.

How he might best interpret the drawing was up to him.

After that, it was Gothita’s turn to draw a question. She stared blankly at the new page she’d turned…

‘Ita!’ she finally realized something, and then excitedly drew something pretty fast. When she was done, she showed it to Basil and poked at her drawing over and over, looking up at him with wide eyes.

‘Gothita! Ita!’ she energetically asked.

What does Basil think?

‘Alright,’ Miko simply responded to Lily informing them about the plan, and nodded. She had her doubts about how well they’d be able to pull this off, but hey, everything had worked out so far, hadn’t it? Ronin spent the time looking around at the various characters that had decided to join them…

And then the both of them were glomped by a certain explosively energetic dream princess.

‘Of,’ ‘Ah! … Hahahaha!’ Ronin laughed as MDP kept jumping next to them while holding onto them. Miko looked mostly startled, she wasn’t entirely the kind to keep up with that level of energy. Ronin, however…

‘Yeah! I wanna know! What crazy shenanigans have you been up to lately?’ Ronin asked, grinning happily at their glomper.


To say Mariette was startled by the Pea Princess’s outburst was putting it lightly. Still, even with the princess raging, she was busy trying to find if what she’d said actually had confirmed if she wasn’t a liar by exclusion or not. Struggling with something is not the same as not doing something. Bribing not working doesn’t matter if you’re already willingly giving information. So far, the princess hadn’t actually said anything that disproved that she might be plotting something… but it was a bit difficult to get a word in while recoiling at the princess’s rage and foul language…

When Mariette noticed the tiny object in the middle of the stacked beds that slightly disturbed the mattresses. It felt like it was too tiny to cause any form of discomfort, but since the Pea Princess was complaining about the discomfort…

Mariette stuck a hand inside a portal and, with a fast snatch, gripped the small circular object and retrieved it, removing it from the stacks and then presenting it to the Pea Princess. Mariette’s not-eyepatched eye looked up at her slightly wide as she looked for a reaction.

‘This… was in your mattresses?’ she asked, unsure if that fixed anything.

Her eyepatch eye looked through a portal to her phone-screen to see the message Penny sent to her. Unfortunately, Mariette isn’t skilled enough in sending text-messages to do that and look at the Pea Princess at the same time, so she can’t answer quite yet. Not to mention, what she types back entirely depends on the Pea Princess’s reaction.

The Gothita stared at him blankly as he posed his question. After a pause, she reached for the pencil and pad that Basil had offered her, and then dropped the pad onto the ground. She gripped the pencil with both hands, before placing it down onto the pad. She wasn't the most skilled of artists, but she did her best. In fact, it did seem like she was using some psychic power to keep the pen steady.

What she drew…

A black form in the middle, a triangle in under and a circle above, with three lines extending on each side. Giant rectangles to its left and right, and a line across above them. Then, two more forms. An uneven ball with a happy face and black round spots drawn around it, and a dark form with a vaguely recognizable shape. She poked at the drawing.

‘Gothita,’ she declared, looking up at Basil. This was her answer.

Then she promptly flipped the page and started drawing anew. She drew a couple rectangles, then the roof above those, and what looked like a building. Then a stick-figure and a small ball of a creature on legs.

‘Gothi,’ the Pokémon gestured at the stickman and ball, then to Basil and then herself. She pointed at the rectangles and houses, then made a gesture at a nearby house and some trees.

‘Goth…’ She then started drawing a line, extending from the new drawing to the edge of the paper. She then flipped the page back to the first picture.

‘... ita?’ she asked, as she finished the line on the new page by drawing the line to the first form she drew and looked up at Basil questioningly.

What would Basil interpret this?

The officer was a little bit confused by Basil first saying that there was no need to search for the Gothita, but then went ahead and described the group searching for Gothita potentially dangerous and was leaving his information on them. She blinked a little and stared at him when he mentioned he was, indeed, from that Rivens family, but never said anything else about it.

‘Alright. I’ll give my coworkers a heads-up. Thank you for coming,’ she said, looking down on the notes she wrote down while Basil was talking with a frown. She wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this, but she got it.

With that, Basil went outside and found a spot to have a private enough conversation with Gothita. He found something eventually, there’s trees to hide behind all around, after all. He pulled out the Pokéball and the little Gothita came out.

‘Gothi…?’ she asked, immediately looking around at this new area, before turning to look up at Basil as he started explaining. She tilted her head at the statement about being Gothitelle’s kid from Worldedge. He explained the rules of the gane, and…

‘Gothita,’ she answered, nodding and turning to him, looking like she accepted the deal. So, now was just a question of how he was going to ask the questions that this Level 72 Gothita would be able to answer for him. The Pokémon in front of him that the Pokédex clearly told him was level 72.

What would Basil do?


@Joshua Tamashii

Amelia switched to Pumpkaboo! Pumpkaboo tried to avoid the Lick, but turns out even when floating away from it, the decently well-trained frog was too fast. Pumpkaboo tried to avoid and float away, but Froakie nimbly dashed under him and leapt, extending his frog-tongue and hitting!

This is a moment when Amelia might realize, with the Super Effective damage Pumpkaboo just took and with Froakie’s fast movements. Anise’s Pokémon were, Riolu excepted, several levels above hers. Level 11 VS 15, roughly.

That said, Lick is a weak move and Pumpkaboo avoided being paralyzed. He survived with more than half his health. In return, a Trick-or-Treat was shot back, hitting Froakie, the frog blinking and looking confused.

‘What did that do!?’ asked an equally confused Anise on the other side, clearly having no idea what that move did. ‘Er, hold on. That’s… that’s a Grass-type, isn’t it?’ she asked, frowning a little. After a moment of consideration…

‘Froakie, return!’ Anise returned her Pokémon to his Pokéball, and then grabbed another… ‘Meditite, go!’

A new Pokémon appeared!

Pokédex Entry #307 – Meditite, the Meditate Pokémon. It is found deep in mountains, meditating for hours on end and surviving on a berry a day. It trains its spirit, and by heightening its inner strength it somehow achieved levitation. It also enjoys daily yoga workouts.

… And the floating meditating Pokémon immediately got hit by Confuse Ray! The light made the Pokémon flinch, starting to tilt where she floated in mid-air, her eyes spinning!

‘Okay. Fight through it, Meditite! Use Confusion!’ Anise commanded! That was for her next turn!

What would Amelia do?

Mariette was a bit taken aback by the Pea Princess’ attitude, and her choice of words. It was unlike any of the previous princesses of this land, and not in a good way. Mariette felt a bit like she shouldn’t listen too closely to the words this princess was spouting… Still, the bed was quite a sight. Looked dangerous, actually. In any case. Despite her manners, the Pea Princess made a good point. She couldn’t risk her life if there was no chance of victory. Still, Mariette had to ensure she was not compromised.

‘I understand. Your request makes sense. I do want to ask, however,’ Mariette said, mentally pondering how to phrase this question so the target could not weasel her way out of it in case she was guilty. Mariette would know if she lied, after all. ‘this isn’t a ploy or a trick, correct?’ Yes or no question. It is more difficult to avoid lying to those.


‘Alright! We’re ready to get started!’ Ronin and Miko arrived at the scene, the indicated gathering coordinates. Ronin was determined to do what she could to help defend Penrose. Miko was not as sure she was attached to Penrose, but she would certainly help defend Ronin and her friends.

‘Alright,’ Miko repeated the word Ronin had said. ‘So we’re attacking, right? How are we doing this?’ she asked, a bit nervous and desired a clarification of the current plan of action.

‘No, there hasn’t,’ the officer answered automatically. ‘I’d have remembered if someone came here looking for a Gothita. That said, let me go check if there are any missing Gothitas issued by other stations,’ she continued, walking over to a computer that was behind a counter. She sat down, clicked a couple times, wrote some things down…

‘None that match your request,’ she stated simply. ‘There’s only a single request for a missing Gothita, and it’s in Worldedge City, where a prominent wild Gothitelle has apparently not been seen with her Gothita lately. However, that’s a wild Pokémon so a trainer might just have caught her, and since she was wild she wouldn’t be particularly strong.’

‘Should I open a new request for around Lakewatch Town and Stillwood Village? We can look for it, but it does sound like this wouldn’t be for you, but for the others that you found searching for her. Do you have any additional information about them?’ she asked, looking up to Basil.

How will Basil respond?

‘Oh, hey, thanks! Good luck, you too!’ Colin said, before moving off the stage.

‘Erika has decided to go again! But, she needs a new opponent! Her foe will be selected among the ones that won an earlier round!’ Makirisu called. With that, and after a little delay during which most certainly someone was retrieving a person, an opponent was appearing on the other side of the arena.

‘We’ve got John, the Chefmaster! He’s a chef, but he’s also a Pokémon Trainer! He’s so dedicated to his job, he’s LITERALLY STILL COOKING!’ Makirisu called, and indeed, there was a chef… somehow with some food being cooked in a frying pan!

‘Hello! I am John, and I’m a chef! But, I also like Pokémon battling! Let’s make this quick, I’m keeping this order warm in the meantime!’ he said, while very jolly.

‘With that, it’s time for a new battle to begin! First, we must decide on the rules!’ Makirisu called, and her Pachirisu excitedly jumped upon the wheel and spun it. There were a lot of options, and the wheel was positioned pretty high so it was sort of difficult to read the options, they were so many. But, eventually, it stopped on…

‘KING OF THE HILL!’ Makirisu called, and the audience cheered. Suddenly, the stage shifted. Mechanics working underneath raised the middle platform, and the rest became an incline leading up to it. The Pokéball shape usually found in the middle of the Pokémon arenas remained flat, and started to shine.

‘The rules are simple! The team that spends the longest amount of time on top of the hill wins! No Pokémon can be knocked out, but they sure can be knocked DOWN!’ she explained. ‘There are two more factors that need to be decided! Team-size and how long the battle will be!’ As she explained so, two more, smaller wheels appeared next to the bigger wheel. They eventually came to a stop, and…

‘Three Pokémon each, the game will only last two minutes! For your team to earn points, there must be NO opposing Pokémon on the top! It only counts when you rule the top alone!’ Makirisu called. So went the rules.

John nodded, and used some serving pincers to fish up three Pokéballs, and then sent them out. A large, dinosaur-like Pokémon with large green leaves as wings, a flying ice-cream and a fire monkey.

Pokédex Entry #357 – Tropius, the Fruit Pokémon. This Pokémon continuously seeks out and eats fruit, growing more nourishing fruit itself the more it eats. It flies by flapping its giant leaves, somehow. It’s normally found in jungles, but Isson doesn’t have jungles, so instead they inhabit the rainy Northern Silent Forest and its Southern counterpart occasionally.

Pokédex Entry #582 – Vanillite, the Fresh Snow Pokémon. Born from icicles bathed in morning sunlight, they can use their cold breath to create snow crystals and make it lightly snow around them. They’re pleasantly cool to be around, so they’re commonly kept around indoors when it’s hot to keep it cool.

Pokédex Entry #513 – Pansear, the High Temp Pokémon. It lives in caves in volcanos. It has been noted to be very intelligent, using the tuft on its head to cook food for people and Pokémon. It generally likes to help people. Its temperature increases when angered, the tuft on its head can reach 600 degrees fahrenheit.

‘Okay, here we go…’ John turned to his team. ‘Pansear, try to put your enemies to sleep with Yawn, and use Fury Swipes to get them off the top otherwise. Incinerate works well, too. Tropius, use Razor Leaf to dissuade the opponents from coming to the top as you fly up, and then drop down on the top with a Stomp! Vanillite, blow them down with Icy Wind! All of you, charge for the top, and blow them away!’

John’s strategy might change depending on what he faces.

Erika was to send out her chosen three and possibly talk strategy with them… and eventually.

‘The time has come! Everyone ready!?’ Makirisu asked excitedly.

‘3…! 2…! 1………….!’



@Joshua Tamashii @Remram

‘Oh,’ Anise made a noise as Amelia switched Pokémon. ‘Oh, no. A flying ghost,’ she lamented, and she considered her options. However, Amelia did not take her time, so Anise had to make a call. ‘Riolu, dodge! Hide behind a tree!’

Except, the distance to the nearest tree was too far. Riolu leapt, but was caught mid-jump by the Gust, blowing him away with Super-Effective damage! Riolu fainted!

Since this is training, additional experience will be provided.

Yamask grew to level 9! Yamask learned Haze!
Drifloon grew to level 13! Drifloon learned Focus Energy!

‘… Alright. I do have one trick up my sleeve, I suppose…’ Anise commented, and she threw another Pokéball… ‘Go, Froakie!’

Pokédex Entry #656 – Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokémon. It secretes flexible and delicate bubbles from its chest and back which absorb damage that would otherwise damage it. While it is known for a happy-go-lucky attitude, it has astute awareness of its surroundings.

The blue frog manifested, ready to battle.

‘Froakie! Dodge forward, avoid any gusts or other things it throws your way… Then LICK!’ she commanded, and Froakie nodded and skipped forward, frog-jumping while trying to keep his eyes on his opponent while he looked for an opportunity to jump close with its tongue with this Ghost-type move it learns at a low level for some reason!

What would Amelia do?



Anise was way too focused on the battle to give Basil more than a glance and a tiny nod before refocusing on the battle.

This was perhaps the worst place in Isson to find a police station, as this village wasn’t the most organized with people just living out in nature because they wanted to and such. There was a reason why it is the only settlement called “Village”, after all. Nonetheless, after asking some locals he did find out there WAS in fact a station nearby, as was customary in Isson. He found the location, and presumably entered.

It was quite small, and followed the same architecture as the rest of Stillwood Village. Inside sat a single young lady in a police outfit, watching TV. She had a very large, purple dog next to her with protruding teeth. Upon Basil entering she immediately stood up to walk over to him.

‘Can I help you?’ she asked. She’d left the dog in front of the TV.

How will Basil respond?

‘On this side, we’ve got Erika, the “out-of-box thinker”! Well, not actually, but she sure hopes to learn how to! It’s her first time in PokéMania, so give her your support!’ Makirisu called when it was time to present Erika. Just like Colin, he got a little cheer from the people above that immediately started betting on who would win.

And with that, they were going to prepare for battle!

Gibs VS Lombre. It started with Lombre blasting over with a Fake Out, causing Gibs to flinch and also placing Lombre right up in his face. Gibs blasted out a Sandstorm, while Lombre started draining with Absorb. Grass was normal effective normally against Gibs, and it remained so now. Colin then commanded Lombre to Fury Swipe, doing a fair amount of damage… but not as much as Gibs did with a sudden Dragon Rage flame to Lombre’s face.

When the time came that Erika lifted a Pokéball to attempt to snag the opponent, so too did Colin, but it was clear Lombre had taken more damage. That said, with a Snagem Battle, it was really the luck of the draw that called it! First two Pokéballs, each at the other’s Pokémon. The balls shook once… and then CRASH! Both balls broke open at the same time, Gibs and Lombre both breaking out of the Pokéballs!

Next round, both trainers threw their Pokéballs again…

Colin’s Lombre broke out of the Pokéball again! However, unfortunately, Gibs did not! Colin beat the difference of capture-rate by sheer luck! Unfortunately, it looked like Erika was down one in this fight.

‘Colin takes the first battle! Will Erika be able to recover!?’ Makirisu asked, and the crowd was going wild. The ball quickly opened, and Gibs was returned to Erika, but he was officially out of the match.

Now, normally, Erika would just send out the next Pokémon against Lombre, but now we’ve written out all the strategies already, so we’ll do all of them like one-on-ones.

Kay VS Beautifly! Colin commanded Beautifly to fly in for a Bug Bite… which did practically no damage to Kay!

‘Oh, my! What would normally be a super SUPER effective move turned into a complete blank! Did you forget it was an Inverse battle, Colin!?’ Makirisu asked excitedly, and the blank look on Colin’s face confirmed, yes, yes he did. It slipped his mind.

Kay used Swagger, confusing Beautifly while also raising the butterfly’s attack twice. In retaliation, and to use the power-boost, Colin commanded Beautifly to Tackle! … And it worked out fine, powering through the confusion to deliver a painful tackle onto Kay! It took around half her health! Kay took the moment to Topsy-Turvy, changing that boosted attack into reduced attack!

This is where Colin tried to use one Air Cutter to bring Kay’s health even lower… and it did not work! Beautifly hit itself in confusion, for meager damage on account of lowered attack! Kay shot a Psywave, which did towards the lower end of the damage it could do! Erika commanded another Psywave… but Colin decided to try his luck throwing a ball! It hit Kay, and she had to try to break out…

And she succeeded! She broke out the ball, and launched another Psywave, this one doing towards the higher end of damage to the disturbed Beautifly! Now, once again, both trainers were readying Pokéballs, and threw them at the same time! And… both broke out! Next round!

Both trainers threw the Pokéballs again, and now it was just the luck of the draw, something the audience seemed to be loving. Kay and Beautifly both were absorbed into the Pokéballs, as allowed by this particular set of rules. Both balls rolled once, then twice, then thrice…

Then Kay victoriously broke free of the Pokéball, and Beautifly did not! Erika won this one!

Kay grew to level 18! Kay learned Hypnosis!

‘The score is evened! Who will pull out on top!?’ Makirisu commented, and the crowd was looking pretty excited.

Eep VS Sneasel. Colin actively pointed at the creature he was facing and just went ‘What in tarnation is that!?’, apparently not recognizing the ancient Pokémon.

‘Oh, no! It seems Colin doesn’t know what he’s facing! How will he handle the type match-up!?’ Makirisu asked with all her energy up where she was commentating.

‘I mean, I can see it’s a plant, but…’ Colin defended himself.

In lack of any other strategies, Colin started with Quick Attack! Which slammed into Eep and… did a surprising amount of damage! It’s Super Effective! Eep’s Rock-type was working against him! Colin did take note of this! Eep ingrained, healing some health, but not quite as much as the damage he’d just taken! Now, because it was Tackle and Eep has good defense, it wasn’t even half his health, but it did make Colin consider…

So he used Fury Swipes! Super Effective! Sneasel cut with its claws over and over… and over… a bit too many times! ‘Wait, Sneasel, stop!’ Colin called, but in vain! Sneasel cut the full five times and laughed eagerly… a bit too eagerly. Eep fainted! … Eep was healed to full right in front of a confused Sneasel, who hadn’t realized the point of the match was in fact NOT to faint the opponent!

In return, Sneasel got a blast of Acid in its face! Critical Hit! Sneasel stumbled back, looking quite annoyed! Sneasel’s Special Defense fell!

It became another turn of Eep shooting Acid at Sneasel, and Sneasel striking back with Fury Swipes, only three of them this time! Still Super-Effective, but Eep’s defenses held fast! Unfortunately, Acid is quite a low-powered move against a foe with surprisingly robust special defense, so it wasn’t doing a lot of damage! The critical hit and the lowered special defense helped, but only so much! Eventually, however, it once again came to the time where both trainers prepared their Pokéballs.

Eep was absorbed into the ball, but broke out quickly! That ball stood no chance against Eep! Meanwhile, Sneasel, got in the ball, and it shook once, shook twice, shook thrice…

And then it stopped shaking. Sneasel was snagged and out! That’s 2 for 1 on Erika, and we’ll rule it Erika’s victory!

Eep grew to level 19!
Erika was victorious! Erika gained 400P for winning!

‘The new blood wins! It’s Erika of Cooldome City!’ Makirisu called, and the crowd cheered.

‘Aw, man…’ Colin made a general expression of being disappointed in how the battle went.

‘Now, would you like to go again, or will that be all? If you keep going and you win, the rewards will be greater~!’ so she told Erika. Her Pokémon would be healed, too.

What would Erika do?
@Joshua Tamashii @Remram

‘Wait, huh?’ Anise looked a bit taken aback at being given a lecturing by Amelia. She didn’t seem to have expected that. She frowned a bit more as she replied. ‘What… Fighting-type Pokémon love challenges! Being in losing situations allows them to prove themselves against their foe! Returning him now would just prove I don’t believe in him!’

‘Besides, I was tricking you!’ Anise finished what she was saying, looking just as Yamask let out a cry in Riolu’s face. Astonish is a physical move, therefore…

‘Riolu, Counter!’

… So she yelled, but unfortunately for her Riolu was currently in the process of staggering away with a scared expression from Yamask’s Astonish. Riolu flinched!

And because Steadfast had been replaced by Mummy, no speed boost from the ability!

‘Oh, gloves,’ Anise muttered, her mere words having given away her plan to Amelia.

Does this change Amelia’s strategy?
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