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    1. Pleek 8 yrs ago


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@Blackstripe - Gotcha, glad you like it.

Edit: (Doing this via edit in to avoid doubleposting, generally folks tend to not like it) So I've been perusing the in character portions to get a general feel of the situations going on before introducing my character into the scene. With that said, @clanjos I got around to seeing one of your posts. You seem to have something up involving puroresu and an interesting prize going? Do you mind if I could chat with you about something with that?
After hanging around the back alley for a few minutes, while staying the course there when the sounds of gunfire went off albeit with a bit of cowering, she heard that things were settling themselves down. Take a few steps away from the dumpster, she turned her head to both sides to confirm the situation. Mysva saw some smoke that was still present and that something that went through it away from where she was. Kortis walked back behind the dumpster to collect her bat when a thought occurred to her.

She stretched out her arm that held the phone and selected the camera feature. Once that was done she flipped the focus so it would be focused on herself instead of at a graffiti covered wall. Brushing some hair aside Missy tilted her head, leaned her free hand on her baseball bat an smiled. With a click the photograph was taken.

"Weeell this should be an okay memento." Mysva Kortis said to herself as she reached into her backpocket to check for another name and address. Confirming the information she returned the sheet of paper back and lifted up her baseball bat. She proceeded to leave the alleyway and, well that's when Missy came to a realization.

She didn't know her way through smoke. But she knew at least one way around. She pinched her lips close together and tried to close her nostrils as left her bat aside and placed both of her hands down on the asphalt below. "Eeeew, eeeew, gross, like I'm gonna have to if I want to get to the rest of the clients aren't I..." grumbled out Missy as she began to shape the ground below to opening up enough to provide her access to the sewers.

It wasn't going to be pretty but it'd at least be a route of transportation without having to risk getting sidetracked from smoke.
Right then; take two action

@Blackstripe Well I wouldn't know the motivations behind that, perhaps Zero Hex likes the character concept.

As for thematic consistency, you actually don't seem to have one. Like you say you want it to have a theme, which if I were to wager a guess, would be something lowered powered? But like one of the things, is you are playing a waaaay stronger Captain Marvel, plus also the fact we have some Marvel such as the Captain Antman look alike, magic based characters and speed force characters in something like that which you said something around video game Arkham-ish level? But I'll digress from that point and move to another.

I'd view a theme as say, "DC Universe but everyone's roles are swapped.", like with Earth 3. If you wanted a theme, based on the intro blurb, you'd want something like "DC Universe but everyone's powers are based on magic." That's a viable theme and would be something that would net you a coherent and consistent thing.

Personally, I also don't see any problem with Zero Hex sharing his thoughts. It brings out new perspective and getting a feel from multiple perspectives is a good thing.

But now then, comic books are way out there; that's what makes comic books fun. Hell even in really down to earth things like in a Dick Tracy comic book you get really weird gadgets like the watch phone, weird looking crooks and tons of firefights.

Now on the subject of being an active wrestler who can do such feats and still participate in events; Bane could find those activities more fun than just say smashing up a city block, and of course being bound to the ideals of lucha libre. If it's a, well good, shoot he'd be fighting against other powered freaks. Bret Hart or Kurt Angle could've legitimately beat any wrestler they've wanted since both are technical wrestling gods but they went along with promoters because it was an activity they loved and they were professional. It very well could be that simple of a motivation.

As for the example of a plane; that is what an ordinary man could do; this isn't taking super comic drugs into account. It's easy to imagine comic drugs doing such a thing. Again I present comics That was Bane from the New 52 series, who just got on some Venom, casually lifting a boulder singlehandedly. It seems to be a pretty big boulder and they, especially ones that look around the size of this one, are very heavy. And as I noted above in other depictions even without drugs Bane can rip off a man's, who is in a metal battle armor, clean off.

I don't have any qualms with going against stronger heroes, though narratively it makes more sense for a villain to be stronger against the hero for stakes and what not but that's really here nor there at this point. But yeah really no problem against going against a higher class of heroes.

I also feel that this is not really about the feats alongside it happening from the drugs. As I've mentioned these drugs would be a rather hard to get thing since getting that perfect blend would be notoriously difficult to create and assemble and because of that would also serve as a really reliable narrative hook, (hint, hint) for Bane to follow whenever he is low on the stuff. Personally what I'm thinking is this is more or less an issue with the name, because it doesn't fit your mold of what you've assumed Bane to do. Course that's just my guess at the situation.
Mysva Kortis listened to the excuses that the goon tried to tell himself to justify the act of killing another individual; while Missy was a goon for hire, she had not crossed that line. After all why would you ever want a dead customer as opposed to a indebted living one? It never made much sense to Missy and fortunately, well at least for now, the collection of loansharks and bookies she worked for agreed in that particular stance of philosophy.

"Look whatever you say to justify your immoral actions and hate to break it to you, never killed. Never popped that cherry." Missy said as she glanced at the corpse for a moment, then focused her attention back to her bat. She tapped it against the ground as she once again began to calculate her end of that potential solution to this particular problem.

And that's when she noticed out of the corner of her eye; a kunai was flying towards the armed goon. Maybe he crossed a Triad or something? Well between that, and the earlier statement that guy which chances are he'd break now, Missy decided to just fold them. With that she let go her grasp of the corpse and scampered away.

"You, also probably that friend, crossed some actual gangsters sugar! Try not to die and think of it as Karma!" snarked Mysva Kortis as she blew a kiss at the probably-very-dead-quite-soon-goon. Running with her stubby legs, an unfortunate aspect of being a dwarf, she ran to an unlit back alley and hid behind a dumpster.

Pulling out her phone she saw that there was a text message from Kolom's Smoked Hogs. Without taking the time to read it Missy wrote down the message 'Other customer recalled. Sorreh :(' and promptly sent it. She looked from side to side before slumping back against the dumpster and heaving a bit. Placing her hand the gripped the phone against her face Missy grumbled, "That took far longer than it should have... And I still have others to visit. Great, just what I needed."

@Spriggs27 @Warborn123
@Blackstripe Allow me to help you then with any concerns you might have.

First I see that you aren't familiar with a particular Bane I enjoy, from the DC Animated Universe. Here is Bane doing some cool stuff. In the DC Animated Alternate Universe Bane has literally ripped through bank vaults, which are of course notoriously thick and are made of very strong and weighty metals.

Another thing to note is that people in our society have been able to move aircraft with their own strength Now discounting that feat of strength, is there any reason you think that this Venom has to be easily acceptable? What we are talking about here is a specialized mixture of that is balanced with a number of growth hormones, a cocktail of non-steroid performance enhancement drugs (which can include amphetamines, painkillers and any number of physical and mental stimulants) and "super steroids" all cooked up into one formula.

This would make the drug a rare thing which would explain why not everyone has it; not to mention you have a maniac infused with the drugs seeking out every available avenue to obtain more as to keep the lucha filled rampage going.

Quick edit: Meant Alternate Universe not Animated.

Quick edit No. 2: I present you with this regarding the feats of Bane. This is Bane from Secret Six, without the use of any drugs. He ripped off a man's arm, who was in a specialized metal battlesuit's, clean off. Without having any drugs in his system. Oh. He also did this to him. With a single punch he broke in the face of a very specialized battle-suit.
So I've been looking at this and I can dig it. However there is a certain element that I feel is missing from this; and I shall rectify this.

Pretty sure the power level thing would be at 'High Low Tier'
"Look hun..." began to explain with an irritated tone of voice. She glanced back down at the corpse which that goon was currently keeping her from properly utilizing. She glanced at the revolver for a moment as she tapped her bat against the ground. She idly stared at the distance from the gun, noting that his finger was on the trigger. In her head she began to make some calculations on whether or not she'd be able to simply just quickly disarm the bloke with a good swing of the bat. Of course this had to be taken into account alongside whether or not she'd take the corpse with her and how fast this goon would recover from it. With these variables taken into account Mysva continued to idly tap her bat against the ground.

"Scumbag's a new one, usually it's just some version of gutterslut." Missy glanced up at the helmet of the individual before continuing on, "Good to see you actually used a proper insult though before, granted I gave that to you but. Look I could've killed this twit but I didn't. I have basic empathy. I didn't just shoot him dead in cold blood. Nor did I batter him senseless and let him bleed to death. I allowed him to live. Maybe he would've turned over a new leaf after this experience. Unfortunately for my line of work, some actually do learn their lesson after I visit and they turn away from gambling. Most don't, but they at least learn to pay on time."

Missy shrugged, "That answer your question?"

Lucia R. Braun stood and extended out her arms ready to bask in the limelight and all the cheering that was sure to happen. However after a few moments it was obvious that no one was cheering for her performance. Brushing a bit of her hair to the side she peered around the room to make absolutely certain that, no one was paying attention to her.

That was indeed the case.

And to make matters worse, students such as Luna were leaving the area. There was only one way to respond to this situation. Lucia R. Braun had to handle this in a very careful matter.

"ACK!" shrieked out Lucia R. Braun as she began jumping up and down and stomping her heels hard on the ground. "Sie will payen zee attention to me! Sie will payen zee attention to me! Sie will payen zee attention to me!" Of course jumping around and fuming angrily like this in heels wasn't necessarily the best idea. And this would reveal itself to be the case as Braun slipped and slammed down onto the ground.

@TheUnknowable @Hammerman
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