Serenity smirked slightly School? Well she does look like she is telling the truth. This had her thinking were they little children out there with gifts and if so are they trapped down here somewhere just like the rest of them. She did not want to think about that awful thought so she decided to answer Aeris question. “How about we play Kings Corners?” Serenity tip her head to the side looking at the new guard who walked in. Fuck is that Gerald? She made herself small in the chair she was sitting on. Serenity did not have many eyes on her like most. She wanted to keep it that way if one wanted to ever get out of here less eyes on you the better. So she kept her head down and never drew attention to herself.
Looking back at Aeris, Serenity finished answering the question. “Oh me I was just shopping for my dinner.” She said it with a slight sarcastic tone. Serenity was just about to ask Aeris if she was going to deal the cards when a group of prisoners walked in. She knew Josh and Cyrus and she always kept away. One was never invisible around two men like them. The rest she had no idea about. Just my luck Gerald, Josh, and Cyrus all in one room. Serenity wanted to leave the rec room. However leaving now might draw attention. So Serenity waited until she could find a way out without too much trouble.
“So you ready to play cards?” Serenity hoped Aeris was someone who kept their head down and was not like Josh and Cyrus. She really did not need Gerald’s eyes on her.