Name: Kishimoto Haru
Age: 16; Second year highschool
Appearance: Haru exudes an unfriendly aura, with her eyes usually in a glare when someone looks over to her. However, this is just her case of a resting bitch face. Nevertheless, she doesn't mind that it seems to repel people from nosing into her business. She often dyes the tips of her hair various colors, currently it is dyed blonde. It wouldn't be a rare instance to find Haru with fresh wounds and bandages. She usually has a bandage over the tattoo under her eye which most brush off. She has many faded scars littered all over her body.
History: Haru did not grow up in a good place. With her father being a gambling addict and her mother barely having enough energy to keep up two jobs and taking care of her useless husband and Haru, she ended up being neglected. She had to grow up fast. However unfortunate it was, Haru had turned to destructive hobbies. She had begun staying out when she was starting out middle school, getting into fights at a very young age. Her mother was always worried whenever she came back from a fight but Haru never listened to her. Maybe she should have. Maybe her life wouldn't be like what it was if she did.
The streets taught her many things about life. If you weren't strong enough, fast enough, skilled enough, you weren't going to survive. The rebellious young girl would go against school rules until she just became a problem student who most teachers just didn't want to deal with. It was a miracle she wasn't kicked out of the school yet, and maybe it's because she got decent grades and the academy just gave up on trying to reign her in. The sooner she graduated, the sooner she would be out of their hair.
Five years ago, her mother died. That year she got a tattoo under the bottom of her eye for her mother. And yet, Haru simply became more detached to the world. Her mother's sister came and took her away from her father, who was now wasting his life away even more. Haru heard later that her father had owed the local yakuza a big sum which was why her mother was overworking herself. She never wanted to see the waste of space she calls a father ever again. Rurika was taking care of her now and she seems to have instilled a sense of calmness into Haru. She's mellowed down from seeking constant fights but she's still seen as one of the delinquents of the academy. Arguably infamous in it, even.
Personality: Haru comes off as detached from the world, most of the time. She doesn't want to bother with most people and is just waiting to graduate and somehow find a job. She's generally seen as unfriendly by most of the populace, and has been described as "scary" and "should be avoided". She avoids physical fights nowadays but is still uninterested in school or following authority. After all, they haven't really done any favors for her or her family, have they?
To those who approach her in a cordial manner, Haru does try to prevent herself from snapping at them but she retains her blunt attitude. She tries to not be unnecessarily rude but she still tends to come off as this due to the lack of proper interaction with other people who aren't jabbering at her to in anger or reprimanding her for doing something. Haru does have a penchant for helping others in her own way, usually preventing other delinquents from bullying others. Was it repentance? Perhaps.
After the Symbion'ts fusion, Haru would find herself to be impatient and uncaring to the world, even more than she originally was. She becomes more goal oriented instead of pushed by sympathy. Haru would try to be as efficient as possible, doing things quickly instead of elongating a process, even at the risk of a break in morality. Intimidation and veiled threats become more commonplace instead of outright aggressiveness.
Ta'ge SymbiontNatural weapons:
- Claws: The Blademaster has long, sharp claws that are capable of slicing through flesh easily. These can also be used for climbing onto vertical spaces.
- Tail: The Blademaster grows a prehensile tail that acts like a third hand. It can be used to pick up objects to throw or to simply be used as a whip. It has a razor-sharp tip.
- Blades: The Blademaster has blades portruding out of its arms which can be taken off to be used as proper swords in a fight.
- Throwing Knives: She is equipped with eight sharp, feather-like substances that she can throw like knives. These knives regrow in under a second. These are three inches long each.
Limit Weapon: Demon's Run: Once she activates this weapon, she is practically gliding off the ground as her speed is nearly indiscernible by even the supernatural sight of her enemies and allies. This allows her to make multiple attacks in quick succession within a fraction of a second.
Other supernatural Abilities: Blademasters boast speeds that exceed that of other tagers and a faster reaction to match up with this. While they are as strong as the other tagers, they rely more on hit and run tactics. Due to their speed, they can create harmless afterimages to confuse their opponents. They have a sharper sense of hearing which makes it easy for them to navigate through echolocation alone. They emit this clicking sound from their throats to use for echolocation.
Personality traits: Blademasters are subtle and they wish for things to end quickly, no matter the resolution. They have a manipulative streak but isn't opposed to taking things into their own hands.
Hybrid Form: Haru's eyes turn into a solid midnight blue. She gains the power of the claws and the supernatural hearing.